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Thai Red Shirts Warn Election Commission Of Backlash


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I'm also having trouble understanding the angst towards the reds since they have elected the PM and are not going to stand by while she is trashed over these childish & trivial charges. Get a grip guys she/they won the election they aren't the ones trying to overturn the results with rubbish claims and complaints.. If that goes away so does all the other issues including the threats and reds themselves...

Firstly, nobody has elected a PM yet. MPs have been elected. These MPs will elect the next PM.

Secondly, nobody is talking about or suggesting an overturn, besides red fanaticals with twisted knickers. The worst possible outcome, PTP being dissolved, will be no obstacle for Yingluck. So calm down.

Thirdly, how are you in a position to say that all the claims and complaints are rubbish? Are you privy to them all? Have you studied all the evidence compiled?

Sorry, I thought it was clear that the ones being listed are obviously rubbish to a thinking person just based on their content..

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I'm also having trouble understanding the angst towards the reds since they have elected the PM and are not going to stand by while she is trashed over these childish & trivial charges. Get a grip guys she/they won the election they aren't the ones trying to overturn the results with rubbish claims and complaints.. If that goes away so does all the other issues including the threats and reds themselves...

Firstly, nobody has elected a PM yet. MPs have been elected. These MPs will elect the next PM.

Secondly, nobody is talking about or suggesting an overturn, besides red fanaticals with twisted knickers. The worst possible outcome, PTP being dissolved, will be no obstacle for Yingluck. So calm down.

Thirdly, how are you in a position to say that all the claims and complaints are rubbish? Are you privy to them all? Have you studied all the evidence compiled?

Thaksin's involvement with PTP at a decision making/policy level is well documented. Nothing trivial in nature about it, nor is it a "rubbish claim." The PTP motto/slogan "Thaksin thinks, PTP does" is more than enough evidence against them. I am still hoping that instead of disbanding the party, that they just add more charges against Thaksin in criminal court, but tbh the rule of law would be better served the other way.

How? Is her last name not Thaksin??

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I'm also having trouble understanding the angst towards the reds since they have elected the PM and are not going to stand by while she is trashed over these childish & trivial charges. Get a grip guys she/they won the election they aren't the ones trying to overturn the results with rubbish claims and complaints.. If that goes away so does all the other issues including the threats and reds themselves...

Firstly, nobody has elected a PM yet. MPs have been elected. These MPs will elect the next PM.

Secondly, nobody is talking about or suggesting an overturn, besides red fanaticals with twisted knickers. The worst possible outcome, PTP being dissolved, will be no obstacle for Yingluck. So calm down.

Thirdly, how are you in a position to say that all the claims and complaints are rubbish? Are you privy to them all? Have you studied all the evidence compiled?

No problem for Yingluck? Sure it is, that's it's entire purpose is to get the results nullified by reason of association which brings down the entire election results including the next PM's nomination eligibility..

JFYI I'm not riled though many of you are and really couldn't give a toss one way or the other, I'm not Thai either and few of you are as well so I'm just trying to bring some sensibility and balance to the silly accusations being made but realize that may be a futile effort in which case I'll withdraw and let you children carry on with your sand box tirade..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Firstly, nobody has elected a PM yet. MPs have been elected. These MPs will elect the next PM.

Secondly, nobody is talking about or suggesting an overturn, besides red fanaticals with twisted knickers. The worst possible outcome, PTP being dissolved, will be no obstacle for Yingluck. So calm down.

Thirdly, how are you in a position to say that all the claims and complaints are rubbish? Are you privy to them all? Have you studied all the evidence compiled?

No problem for Yingluck? Sure it is, that's it's entire purpose is to get the results nullified by reason of association which brings down the entire election results including the next PM's nomination eligibility..

A problem with Ms. Yingluck ... results nullified ... brings down the entire election result ... including a MP's eligibility to be nominated PM?

One of the complaints to the EC might get Pheu Thai dissolved, some executives banned for five years. Ms. Yingluck is not an executive in PT. All Pheu Thai MP's who are endorsed would move to another party already setup. Again only under the assumption the EC will rule to dissolve. So what's the problem here ?

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No problem for Yingluck? Sure it is, that's it's entire purpose is to get the results nullified by reason of association which brings down the entire election results including the next PM's nomination eligibility..

It won't nullify the results.

The party would be disbanded and the party executives would be banned.

All the non-executive MPs (which means all but maybe 10 ... someone even suggested 1) would move to a new party.

Nothing would change ... except a new party would be in government.

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If you don't give me what I want I'll stamp my feet and scweam and scweam and scweam!

That's directed towards the Dems yes??

Title of this thread "Thai Red Shirts Warn Election Commission Of Backlash"

Gawd... isn't it obvious enough? :blink:

No it isn't "obvious" it is not them making the attempt to block the election results with a temper tantrum of childish and irrelevant charges being filed.. :blink:

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No problem for Yingluck? Sure it is, that's it's entire purpose is to get the results nullified by reason of association which brings down the entire election results including the next PM's nomination eligibility..

JFYI I'm not riled though many of you are and really couldn't give a toss one way or the other, I'm not Thai either and few of you are as well so I'm just trying to bring some sensibility and balance to the silly accusations being made but realize that may be a futile effort in which case I'll withdraw and let you children carry on with your sand box tirade..

Nullification isn't a goal unless the goal is to not have a democracy in Thailand (there are a few people around wearing either red or yellow that would want that .. but only a few.)

If the elections were nullified outright I would expect an even better showing for the reds in the next election. The goal to get PTP dissolved, and thus taking down their party execs and having a fresh ban on Thaksin for 5 years is the goal of many. The thing is, that doesn't eliminate Yingluck or the vast majority of PTP MP's and they'll still control parliament when it is convened.

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How? Is her last name not Thaksin??

No. It's Shinawatra.

Yes it is, my oversight, still silly by any definition and my head is spinning with the silliness so have at it you bored and powerless masses I'm off for some important work and issues that relate to my life like getting out of here and not bickering about things that I have naught control over...

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If I recall correctly Mr. Natthawut is Currently out on Bail.

Is it permissible to Publicly Threaten the Election Commissioners (or anyone else) under the present bail conditions?...

Is it permissible to Publicly Threaten the Election Commissioners (or anyone else) under ANY CONDITIONS?

Oh wait,

he is using his own double standards to complain about double standards, so that makes it ok? ... NOT!

The people have spoken, woe to the crooks who try to prevent this historic election victory by PT.

I would not blame them if they ransacked the whole establishment.

We all know but can't say who is behind this EC move.

Another attempt to keep themselves in power at any cost.

Go PT!!!!

What's the going rate for a PTP propaganda flak these days? Do you get a visa with that?

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If you don't give me what I want I'll stamp my feet and scweam and scweam and scweam!

That's directed towards the Dems yes??

Title of this thread "Thai Red Shirts Warn Election Commission Of Backlash"

Gawd... isn't it obvious enough? :blink:

No it isn't "obvious" it is not them making the attempt to block the election results with a temper tantrum of childish and irrelevant charges being filed.. :blink:

Is it not various persons and organisations including political parties who file and keep filing petitions to the EC to 'look into', 'check' or simply 'please dissolve this party'? This very day Pheu Thai filed a petition to have the Dem's and BJT dissolved. Do we see non-red-shirt protest, issue warnings, or guarantee problems ?

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There is nothing wrong in buying votes, nothing wrong with that at all. The British (All parties) have been doing it for decades and so have the Americans and Australians and all the rest.

We are going to cut taxes (Buying Votes) We are going to increase pensions (Buying votes) We are going to give you health care (Buying votes)

Get real will you no one anywhere would vote for anyone if they where not going to get something more or better for themselves. You add this repetitive statement almost daily

Ridiculous. In America if you were going through towns handing out $100 bills to people to vote the next day for a particular candidate you would most certainly not get very far. When you tell someone you are going to lower taxes, of course you have to get approval from proper checks and balances, you are not bribing anybody.

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How? Is her last name not Thaksin??

No. It's Shinawatra.

Yes it is, my oversight, still silly by any definition and my head is spinning with the silliness so have at it you bored and powerless masses I'm off for some important work and issues that relate to my life like getting out of here and not bickering about things that I have naught control over...

Nor knowledge of, IMHO

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Is it not various persons and organisations including political parties who file and keep filing petitions to the EC to 'look into', 'check' or simply 'please dissolve this party'? This very day Pheu Thai filed a petition to have the Dem's and BJT dissolved. Do we see non-red-shirt protest, issue warnings, or guarantee problems ?

Oh <deleted>, no, they just do it covertly I seem to have a very vivid memory that you obviously lack that included several people being murdered and them taking over the only 2 major airports in Thailand and bring the country to an embarrassing International halt then it being swept under the carpet and that DID effect me personally and directly and we're still trying to dig out of it financially....

Edited by WarpSpeed
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How? Is her last name not Thaksin??

No. It's Shinawatra.

Yes it is, my oversight, still silly by any definition and my head is spinning with the silliness so have at it you bored and powerless masses I'm off for some important work and issues that relate to my life like getting out of here and not bickering about things that I have naught control over...

Nor knowledge of, IMHO

True, I don't bother with trivial rubbish and minor politics that effects me naught I have real issues in my life to deal with..Go on though you seem to have nothing so important to deal with so have at it..

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No it isn't "obvious" it is not them making the attempt to block the election results with a temper tantrum of childish and irrelevant charges being filed.. :blink:

Isn't it Nattawut that is warning of a red shirt temper tantrum?

The Dems (and others, including PTP) are just lodging a complaint with the EC for them to investigate. I'd hardly call that a temper tantrum.

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How? Is her last name not Thaksin??

No. It's Shinawatra.

Yes it is, my oversight, still silly by any definition and my head is spinning with the silliness so have at it you bored and powerless masses I'm off for some important work and issues that relate to my life like getting out of here and not bickering about things that I have naught control over...

Nor knowledge of, IMHO

Hence the reason most don't have enough balls to admit openly when they're incorrect or mistaken as others have no grace to accept it for face value..

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While I myself have no incline towards the reds (or any other color for that matter), I wonder what would happen in the western world of democracies if a party was legitimately elected 4 times (under international observation the last time - so no one can argue) and for the fourth time the democratically elected government and/or its elected candidates was removed by means of a so called impartial court ruling or a military coupe'. I think that in those countries too there would be very, very big trouble indeed.

Exactly, what is wrong with buying a few votes?

There is nothing wrong in buying votes, nothing wrong with that at all. The British (All parties) have been doing it for decades and so have the Americans and Australians and all the rest.

We are going to cut taxes (Buying Votes) We are going to increase pensions (Buying votes) We are going to give you health care (Buying votes)

Get real will you no one anywhere would vote for anyone if they where not going to get something more or better for themselves. You add this repetitive statement almost daily

No one ever gave me a few quid prior to voting in any UK election

Well I suppose it is true you can never explain the color green to a blind man that has never seen, if you don’t have the tools then you can’t use them.

Buying votes is buying votes whether you pay up front or on credit, promising is just buying votes on credit, at least when they say I will give you 500 Bhat and place it in your hand, they have kept their promise,

We will cut taxes sorry we cant World economic recession, put up pension’s health care etc, sorry we cant Now they really are the con artist, they bought on credit and never paid up

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No it isn't "obvious" it is not them making the attempt to block the election results with a temper tantrum of childish and irrelevant charges being filed.. :blink:

Isn't it Nattawut that is warning of a red shirt temper tantrum?

The Dems (and others, including PTP) are just lodging a complaint with the EC for them to investigate. I'd hardly call that a temper tantrum.

Is it not various persons and organisations including political parties who file and keep filing petitions to the EC to 'look into', 'check' or simply 'please dissolve this party'? This very day Pheu Thai filed a petition to have the Dem's and BJT dissolved. Do we see non-red-shirt protest, issue warnings, or guarantee problems ?

Oh <deleted>, no, they just do it covertly I seem to have a very vivid memory that you obviously lack that included several people being murdered and them taking over the only 2 major airports in Thailand and bring the country to an embarrassing International halt then it being swept under the carpet and that DID effect me personally and directly and we're still trying to dig out of it financially....

By your skewed perspective, yes..

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Is it not various persons and organisations including political parties who file and keep filing petitions to the EC to 'look into', 'check' or simply 'please dissolve this party'? This very day Pheu Thai filed a petition to have the Dem's and BJT dissolved. Do we see non-red-shirt protest, issue warnings, or guarantee problems ?

Oh <deleted>, no, they just do it covertly I seem to have a very vivid memory that you obviously lack that included several people being murdered and them taking over the only 2 major airports in Thailand and bring the country to an embarrassing International halt then it being swept under the carpet and that DID effect me personally and directly and we're still trying to dig out of it financially....

Not swept under the carpet ... Currently going through the courts. All be it, very slowly, as with most Thai court cases. No double standards where that's involved.

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Exactly, what is wrong with buying a few votes?

There is nothing wrong in buying votes, nothing wrong with that at all. The British (All parties) have been doing it for decades and so have the Americans and Australians and all the rest.

We are going to cut taxes (Buying Votes) We are going to increase pensions (Buying votes) We are going to give you health care (Buying votes)

Get real will you no one anywhere would vote for anyone if they where not going to get something more or better for themselves. You add this repetitive statement almost daily

No one ever gave me a few quid prior to voting in any UK election

Well I suppose it is true you can never explain the color green to a blind man that has never seen, if you don’t have the tools then you can’t use them.

Buying votes is buying votes whether you pay up front or on credit, promising is just buying votes on credit, at least when they say I will give you 500 Bhat and place it in your hand, they have kept their promise,

We will cut taxes sorry we cant World economic recession, put up pension’s health care etc, sorry we cant Now they really are the con artist, they bought on credit and never paid up

Well stated...

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Is it not various persons and organisations including political parties who file and keep filing petitions to the EC to 'look into', 'check' or simply 'please dissolve this party'? This very day Pheu Thai filed a petition to have the Dem's and BJT dissolved. Do we see non-red-shirt protest, issue warnings, or guarantee problems ?

Oh <deleted>, no, they just do it covertly I seem to have a very vivid memory that you obviously lack that included several people being murdered and them taking over the only 2 major airports in Thailand and bring the country to an embarrassing International halt then it being swept under the carpet and that DID effect me personally and directly and we're still trying to dig out of it financially....

Not swept under the carpet ... Currently going through the courts. All be it, very slowly, as with most Thai court cases. No double standards where that's involved.

:cheesy: :cheesy: darn! Where's that blinders icon when you really need it??? :ph34r:

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True, I don't bother with trivial rubbish and minor politics that effects me naught I have real issues in my life to deal with..Go on though you seem to have nothing so important to deal with so have at it..

I guess following your reasoning, that's why BOTH of us are still here <_<

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No problem for Yingluck? Sure it is, that's it's entire purpose is to get the results nullified by reason of association which brings down the entire election results including the next PM's nomination eligibility..

JFYI I'm not riled though many of you are and really couldn't give a toss one way or the other, I'm not Thai either and few of you are as well so I'm just trying to bring some sensibility and balance to the silly accusations being made but realize that may be a futile effort in which case I'll withdraw and let you children carry on with your sand box tirade..

The entire purpose is not to nullify results, it's to have PTP dissolved, and in the unlikely event of the EC being brave enough to make this decision, with the red threats already being made, Yingluck will still be in a very strong position.

Anyway, withdrawing from the debate might be wise if your earlier belief that her name is Yingluck Thaksin is any reflection of your understanding.

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Is it not various persons and organisations including political parties who file and keep filing petitions to the EC to 'look into', 'check' or simply 'please dissolve this party'? This very day Pheu Thai filed a petition to have the Dem's and BJT dissolved. Do we see non-red-shirt protest, issue warnings, or guarantee problems ?

Oh &lt;deleted&gt;, no, they just do it covertly I seem to have a very vivid memory that you obviously lack that included several people being murdered and them taking over the only 2 major airports in Thailand and bring the country to an embarrassing International halt then it being swept under the carpet and that DID effect me personally and directly and we're still trying to dig out of it financially....

Whatever your vivid memory of (probably) 2008, the OP, the things we discuss here reflect Thai red-shirts warning the EC. More specific some comments were

1. If you don't give me what I want I'll stamp my feet and scweam and scweam and scweam!

2. That's directed towards the Dems yes??

3. Title of this thread "Thai Red Shirts Warn Election Commission Of Backlash"

Gawd... isn't it obvious enough?

4. No it isn't "obvious" it is not them making the attempt to block the election results with a temper tantrum of childish and irrelevant charges being filed..

That's when I wrote my "Is it not various ... guarantee problems ?" And you follow up with some conspiracy stuff and your personal involvement three years ago.

Stay on topic man, or stop replying here :ermm:

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Only one question:

What you all going to do if civil war breaks out not just riots in Bankok, but civil war throughout the whole Kingdom, What are you all going to do as there seems to be a lot of posters that don't take this scenario serious. look around use your eyes use you ears, it is possible very possible. do you have a alternative arrangements already? How many are going to Volunteer for the front line?

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JFYI I'm not riled though many of you are and really couldn't give a toss one way or the other,

Are you sure about that? For someone who isn't riled and who doesn't give a toss, you do a good impression of someone who is and someone who does.

Oh &lt;deleted&gt;, no, they just do it covertly I seem to have a very vivid memory that you obviously lack that included several people being murdered and them taking over the only 2 major airports in Thailand and bring the country to an embarrassing International halt then it being swept under the carpet and that DID effect me personally and directly and we're still trying to dig out of it financially....

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Only one question:

What you all going to do if civil war breaks out not just riots in Bankok, but civil war throughout the whole Kingdom, What are you all going to do as there seems to be a lot of posters that don't take this scenario serious. look around use your eyes use you ears, it is possible very possible. do you have a alternative arrangements already? How many are going to Volunteer for the front line?

Most posters here who are in Thailand will be prohibited from interfering in internal matters. Capital offence, I'm afraid. Those posters who are not in Thailand will be prohibited by their government to interfere.

Personally at 55 I'm a bit too old to join the Foreign Legion ;)

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Not swept under the carpet ... Currently going through the courts. All be it, very slowly, as with most Thai court cases. No double standards where that's involved.

:cheesy: :cheesy: darn! Where's that blinders icon when you really need it??? :ph34r:

Well, there are still cases for red shirts still ongoing from from 2006 and 2007, and a particular person is still out of jail on appeal for a case in 2008. We can't have the courts rush the yellow shirt cases, with still outstanding red shirts cases, can we? That WOULD be double standards.

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