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I am planning to take my cats to Thailand.

Do you know, which airline allows to take them onboard, rather than send a cargo (a difficult and costly procedure).


This is a wind up isn't it?

Passenger cabins are for people, cargo for freight and livestock.

I know of some African airlines that allow livestock and people to mix but no EU or FAA certified airline that allows that

No shortage of cats in Thailand. I've got four you can have.


lufthansa and air berlin (for what I know so far) do allow pets up to 8kg in the cabin. Might be possible to take more than 1 at the same time.

unfortunately, they can take pets out of the country (including in hold, as an excess), but to the UK only as cargo, which is complicated and costly.

I am going to take my cats back to London, and they are neutered and spayed, so the local cat population won't suffer. Thank you for your offer, but not interested, if you have too many pets, do give them to the temple.


your vet should have one, because he suppose to fill it up.

otherwise see an attachment (specimen) for the uk.

what country are you flying from?

As I know, thai don't take into cabin in europe, but do on the other continents.


your vet should have one, because he suppose to fill it up.

otherwise see an attachment (specimen) for the uk.

what country are you flying from?

As I know, thai don't take into cabin in europe, but do on the other continents.

I have personally brought cats with me in the cabin on THAI on two different occasions. Also once on Finnair, though that may be of less interest to the OP.

/ Priceless


I have personally brought cats with me in the cabin on THAI on two different occasions. Also once on Finnair, though that may be of less interest to the OP.

was it from europe and were they allowed to fly cabin back to europe?

ps trying to attach pdf, but it's only for the UK and in english. Your vet must have the country form to fill up

Thailand dog & cat 2917EHC.pdf


Curious, serious question, how does your cat handle the long trip with bathroom needs? How do you handle it for that matter? Do you have a litter box in their crate? Do they use it? My cats are very fussy like that and while liking clean litter don't like it when it's moved to an unfamiliar location, not to mention on the move.

I should think it not fair to the passengers around you to have to deal with the smell or inconvenience of the crate or noise either and even allergies..

I want to take my cats back to the US in the coming future and it's a looooooong flight, I'd like for them to be with us in the cabin and comfortable if at all possible but I don't want to be a nuisance to others nor myself I'll already have my hands full with 2 young boys..


never travelled with my cats, but from 1st january 2012 I will be able to take them back to London without quarantine (that if any airline will change their policy and allow cats in the cabin on the way back - so far they want them in cargo and charge £££).

if you are worrying about them pooing and weeing, than simply don't give them any food and some mild laxative the day before flying. Cats can fast for a few days, they can hold poo for a few days and weeing for at least a day - at least my can do, and it's very natural for all cats in the wild. You can train yours. There are no regulations to it, you do what you think is the best. Thousands of people travel with pets in the cabin, with no apparent problems. Put some newspapapers and throw them away in the bathroom, if dirty. You can take some strong desinfectant as well as perfum, just in case.

to the usa you will probably travel indirectly, with a layover in japan, korea, taiwan, so you will have a chance to take crate to the bathroom and clean.

if you have $$$ than just put them in the cargo and problem solved.


I have personally brought cats with me in the cabin on THAI on two different occasions. Also once on Finnair, though that may be of less interest to the OP.

was it from europe and were they allowed to fly cabin back to europe?

ps trying to attach pdf, but it's only for the UK and in english. Your vet must have the country form to fill up

The trips were from Europe to Thailand. Since I live here there has not been occasion to fly in the other direction. I have no reason to believe that the airline's policy would be any different flying westward than eastward...

There are however great differences in import regulations into various European countries, compared to Thailand. Importing a cat into e.g. UK from Thailand can be a MAJOR headache! The EU is in the process of changing its animal import regulations, so some diligent research would be in order.

/ Priceless


apparently no any airline takes pets to the cabin on flights to the uk, different story is with the other european countries.

from 1.1.2012 it would be only a chip, rabies and test (done by eu approved laboratory) for it 3 months before entering the uk and health certificate from thailand within 48h before flight.

because of the change of regulations, some airlines might also liberate their policies (as for now all pets from the risky countries, like thailand, have to have 6m quarantine, so there is no point allowing them into cabin - some passengers would try to smuggle them through the customs rather than pay £4k)


after one week of wating, a have a reply from http://www.thaiairways.co.uk/

"From London to Bangkok it is permitted as long as the weight of the cat and the container is less than 10kgs and the dimesions are less than 55x37x30cms. From Bangkok to London it is not permitted.

We need the cats microchip number plus the health certificate number and you flight details.

We are currently unaware of any new quarantine regulations coming into affect in 2012."

I have informed them of the change of regulations from 2012 and they might act on it, but judging by their speed of reply and by the knowledge of law, it will be a long wait.

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