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Foreigners As Undercover Police Informers


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the problem in pattaya is that criminal activity is tolerated by some officials including police as long as they are getting their cut, anyone tries to operate outside the box = monkey house or worse, I know of several falangs thought they where on a good thing here but are now either dead - locked up - or where lucky enough to do a runner - bannished from the LOS for ever, they just didn't get it.

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There is no comparison to pointing at the scum of the earth serving up meth or walking into a bar and "bar fining" a member of staff then ringing the police to go get the owner (one of your own) that is just plain and simply wrong and almost on the same level as the scum bag drug dealer, it is despicable.

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It seems there are 2 different things to consider in this thread.

1. I would have no problem alerting police to a murderer/pedo etc.

2. If I am arrested for something I have done I would definitely NOT become an informant (dog) to get a lesser sentence. I made my bed and I will lie in it.

Informants are held in contempt as the lowest of low by both prisoners and police alike.

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I suggest that those that would rat on drug dealers go up to the soi 9 cells and tell the police that sell the inmates yaba your views. I dont see it happening

Edited by rafval
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I suggest that those that would rat on drug dealers go up to the soi 9 cells and tell the police that sell the inmates yaba your views. I dont see it happening

Maybe someone could grass THEM up to the Tourist police volunteers in Soi 9, and watch them squirm in fear at having to so something about it.Or not.

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most of you guys talk the biggest load of crap I have ever read on a thai forum, the issue is not about falangs helping police - good on them for trying to help keep control of criminals here of which there are a fair share of falangs, it;s not about good people shopping criminals, it's about criminals getting caught and shopping other criminals, good people that abide by the law will always shop a criminal where safe to do so, I would go out of my way to do it, if you choose to live a criminal life the chances of getting caught are high - small fish will rat on big fish period, do your history - many of the most notable criminals of the last 100 years where caught and convicted by fellow criminals ratting them out - the more the better

and just to be clear about it, criminal types I would gladly turn in are - thieves - money exstorters - paedo's - drunk drivers (because they put me at risk) drug dealers - murderers, might be a few more but thats what springs to mind

I totally agree....but with the crappy legal system here and corrupt cops you might get in some dire trouble for shopping murdering drug pushers...?

I personally know of one young very stupid Englishman who was involved with drug pushing here, got caught and was turned into an "informer" and it got so hot for him he did a runner over the Malaysian border and managed to get a one way ticket home to Blighty....but can never come back to LoS for a thousand years.....sadly he left a Thai wife and small child behind....

and as for my opinion of the ex-pats who join up with this volunteer nonsense........I would be banned from Thai Visa for a thousand years if I typed what I really thought....is there any other country in the world that has such an organisation ? especially one that does not do proper background checks...???

Yeah. The idea of Volunteer helpers is fine. Many expats that live overseas can be helpful in many ways. But calling them police, giving them a uniform (almost always leads to a bad group mindset) is a bad idea. I chuckle and also snicker at some of them when I mosey on down walking street. They actually think they are somebody special now. Some are clearly looking for a situation or a fight, etc. I won't even go into the bad things some of them are involved in. As for the expats going undercover/informing? Well, neglecting the character issue, if you like taking risks, go for it. Go ahead and try to bust an illegal place. Go ahead and try and handle the goon that comes out of the unseen door with a knife to "protect" his establishment or boss. Go ahead and take the risk of the police not showing up. Go ahead and take the risk of not being set up by the police themselves that might be using you for whatever reason: Pad their crime suppression statistics, etc.

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we are seeing more and more posts in the forums now related to this subject and in the broader terms.

it is sad to see here in thailand how farangs turn on each other with such venomous intentions,you dont reallu see anywhere else in the world. What do you think are the things that attarct this type of person to this country. Whatever it is Im sure it is everywhere but here just happens to have a higher concerntation of these types pf perple. Back in the UK we'd relate some of these actions and behaviour to the full moon.LoL.

The case mentioned in many posts and the talk in many bars is that episode up in bangkok when batman defroked that scumbag bully amongst other titles. This person as its come to light now has put his share of people behind bars and ruined lifes with his self serving ways. This stroy reaches to hong kong and other countries where his lack of talents have been unearthed now. In hong kong its been told that he passes himself off as a royal marine cammodo,but nobody believes him anyway anymore. Its sad tale or story of how far people can let themselves slip down the slippry slope and loose there moral and ethical compasses. Thank god or kama.:rolleyes:

I guess you have to be a special kind of person to RAT on some one.

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do everthing right and you cannot get ratted on or be put in the position of rat or get longer prison sentence.

in an ideal world and one where the law prevails that is true, but theres the odd case of people being set up and accused of stuff they didn't do and having the pay some kind of price for it.

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Funnily enough I heard a disturbing story from a couple of years ago, last night, about a Pattaya "household name" using his connections with the TPV and local police to get someone's business raided after a business-related falling out with them.

Whilst not directly on my own topic, it is an indication of the abuse that can happen when people want to bring others down and can exploit their local relationships with the powers that be to do so.

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Funnily enough I heard a disturbing story from a couple of years ago, last night, about a Pattaya "household name" using his connections with the TPV and local police to get someone's business raided after a business-related falling out with them.

Whilst not directly on my own topic, it is an indication of the abuse that can happen when people want to bring others down and can exploit their local relationships with the powers that be to do so.

would that be the fella who resembles 'Montgomery Burns' from the Simpsons?


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I wonder the purpose of the farang riding down soi boukow yesterday in full police uniform and helmet, surely not translation? as I have previously noted I have had these so called gentlemen using their police IDs to gain entry to my room uninvited on personal(lady related) business before, so I have a rather cynical view of them

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do everthing right and you cannot get ratted on or be put in the position of rat or get longer prison sentence.

Oh, yeah? Then do the right thing and try breaking up with the wrong Thai wife and attempt to keep at least some of your assets, let us know how that goes :) Just turn on tv and you'll see how many dudes get screwed by doing the right things in this country

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Funnily enough I heard a disturbing story from a couple of years ago, last night, about a Pattaya "household name" using his connections with the TPV and local police to get someone's business raided after a business-related falling out with them.

Whilst not directly on my own topic, it is an indication of the abuse that can happen when people want to bring others down and can exploit their local relationships with the powers that be to do so.

would that be the fella who resembles 'Montgomery Burns' from the Simpsons?


Heh Heh. Separated at birth i would say!

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But in cases where people have been arrested for, say, no work permit, or visa overstay or similar offence, and the police say "we will put you away for 5 or 10 years unless you become an undercover informant/agent to be used however we wish, and whenever we wish", how many posters would agree to that deal I wonder?

For the above, the answer will naturally be no on my part.

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snitching is one of the worse crimes against human nature

Well, I learn something new every day. There was me thinking genocide, mass murder, terrorism, slavery, paedophilia and sati, were some of the worst crimes against human nature (to name only a few), now I learn that "snitching" is right up there.

Personally, "snitching" implies some sort of "payoff" - often one petty criminal seeking to lessen a potential punishment in return for bringing down other petty criminals. Frankly, they can all go hang, individually or collectively.

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Too many rats running around in Pattaya. Got to be careful.


Reminds me of the "neighbor" who tried to make FALSE ACCUSATIONS and RAT to the police.

"Worst of all, a .............neighbor has instructed his girlfriend to lie to the police, and tell them i asked her to get me......."


How low can people go? What a RAT!

Take care.

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