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Baby Nebulizer Treatments At Home


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This is a question that is starting to annoy me, because I've visited 4 different hospitals in the Bangkok area on 4 different occasions over the past 14 months with one or the other of my twins. In each case, the baby having the problem was given a chest X-ray and diagnosed with a bronchial infection. And in every case at every hospital, when asked if I could perform the nebulizer treatments at home, I was told no. Even if I could have a unit shipped from the US, not a single hospital would allow me to do this. They all demanded that we be admitted and do inpatient services.

Since my children only have the state universal care program for insurance, and in these instances I was going to private hospitals, in every case I was forced to pay out of pocket. Forgive me for being cynical, but this seems like a policy used throughout Thailand to separate innocent parents from their money. And given that both children become terrified by this treatment to the point where the screams coming from the treatment room make it seem like a medieval torture chamber, and the fact that children in general hate nebulizers, I doubt that letting the nurse do the treatments is better or less stressful for the baby than letting me do it myself.

My question is, is there a hospital in Bangkok that takes a more modern view of this problem and will simply give me the drugs and allow these treatments to be done by me at home?

I understand I will have to purchase a decent quality nebulizer, but that would be cheap compared to a stay in the hospital. And while the babies wouldn't necessarily like me doing it any more than they like the nurse, it would certainly alleviate the stress of both the baby and my wife having to stay in the hospital. It just seems like the existing system is terribly inefficient and I can't see any reason for it other than greed. I can understand a doctor not offering the solution, but when a parent specifically requests it why, other than financial reasons, would they be unwilling to allow it?

Has anyone else ever researched this problem, and what conclusions did you come to?

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thailand doesnt have mother/child clinics that can give u perscription for ventolin (assuming the nubulizer is for bricalin or ventolin), and a family doctor give u the ok? is there nothing between hospital and private doctors? like a family clinic or something? , and maybe u can go to a lung specialist that can give u more specific instructions and allow self medicating? what do asthmatics do? i saw kids in small villages with nebulizers in use so there must be a way; maybe the age of the children? ...

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