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I fancy seeing the last Harry Potter which is currently showing at the Avenue in 3D for 220B. The last time I went to a cinema was about 25 years ago! I usually just wait for the home digital version but hey, why not go mad and sample 3D for 220B?

Just wondering if it is showing anywhere better/cheaper than the Avenue, and whether there are ever any showings that have the original soundtrack and no Thai subtitles?

I also noticed that the Avenue does cheap seats on Wednesdays (80B) but not for the digital screens. Also cheap seats every day for the over-60s (again not for digital screens). This seems quite reasonable.



> Just wondering if it [Harry Potter] is showing anywhere better/cheaper than the

> Avenue,


> and whether there are ever any showings that have the

> original soundtrack and no Thai subtitles?



That's 4 "no"s then! :lol:

Think I'll wait for the BluRay. Should have my 60in screen by then.

That will be significantly more expensive.

Meanwhile I've already seen it in 3D at Central.


That depends where you get the BluRay. The 60in screen will be more than 220B, certainly.

Is Central better or worse than the Avenue, as a cinema?

It's the Thai subtitles that really put me off though.

I miss Manila where all the cinemas showed the original soundtrack with no subtitles. Huge air-conditioned monster cinemas in the old style, continuous performances starting late morning, seating for thousands, hardly a soul in them on week-days, and I seem to remember that a ticket cost about 7B (eqv.).


saw harry potter in 3D last night at central

220 baht for deluxe seats

250 for premier

i went for deluxe as i liked the position in the cinema better, as it had more leg room on a horizontal aisle

however within 30 minutes i wished i had gone for premier seats even though they were further back and not on an aisle

had there have been room in the theatre i would have moved

came out with numb bum and a still achy back this morning

betrween wriggling around in my seat, i thought the movie was good though and brought all the previous ones together in a nice tidy ending

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