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'Shinawatra Factor' And Lies Played A Role In Pheu Thai Win: Korbsak


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Even Abhisit's supporters acknowledge his softly softly approach to last year's protest was perhaps too gentle in the face of continued aggression

Surely the key to Abhisit being elected was not in the views of his supporters, but in the views of those who weren't, and do you not think that a big percentage of those people, especially those affiliated to the reds, felt the complete opposite of what you state above?

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Even Abhisit's supporters acknowledge his softly softly approach to last year's protest was perhaps too gentle in the face of continued aggression

Surely the key to Abhisit being elected was not in the views of his supporters, but in the views of those who weren't, and do you not think that a big percentage of those people, especially those affiliated to the reds, felt the complete opposite of what you state above?

Fair points :) But I was trying to give the two extremes and I think the vast majority of the country does not fall within either of these two extremes.

But the essence of my point was that it is essentially wrong to be a Thaksin supporter or an Abhisit supporter (or anyone else for that matter). Follow a vision, not a person. People's individual actions and mannerisms change day by day, depending on their mood, their greed, their sensitivity, their paranoia...

Having said that, I support Abhisit!

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The man ran a very poor campaign. The PTP could have been beaten on a few issues, yet the Democrats were unable to focus. Nor were they able to explain why they should remain in power. Of course, having the record the Democrats had did not help. The gentleman's comments illustrate why a large number of voters felt the need to support PTP: The Democrats did not provide a reason to vote for them. Former PM Abhisit looked dazed and confused when campaigning. Maybe he was tired, or maybe he was fed up with all the pettiness, or maybe he just couldn't understand why so many people disliked him. In any case, the PTP ran a better campaign and that is one of the reasons they won. If the Democrats discover humility and put together a good campaign, they might win next time.

Agree with all of this, though i would say in terms of the Dems not providing a reason for people to vote for them that perhaps they felt confident that people would agree that though the protests of last year that ended in 90+ deaths was a tragedy, it was handled as well as anybody could have handled it, and had the country been on the knife's edge in a similar fashion with any of the most recent PMs at the helm, be it Thaksin, Samak, Somchai, or any of the prospective future PMs from the red side, such as Yingluck, Chalerm or Jattuporn, the scale of the disaster would most likely have been ten-fold what it was.

With the country still extremely divided it's not beyond the realms of possibility, especially should Thaksin return as promised, that we could in the near future be facing another Songkran 2009 / 2010, and if that situation does arise, my guess is we'll get a true appreciation of just what a good job Abhisit did. Just think we he might have been able to achieve were those talents able to be focused on doing something positive.

Anyway, i accept it's all academic now, because however strong a case is made for the job Abhisit did, not enough Thais out there acknowledge it -or perhaps they do, they just place greater priority on other things, such as who will put most money in their back pocket. I don't knock them for that - many are right on the edge of poverty and the slightest improvement can make a massive difference - I only hope that money, if it ever materialises, is worth what may come with it.

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Dems. should have been playing the video of the red shirts screaming for the burning of bangkok day and night. You fight fire with fire and that is aii the PTP understand. The Dems didn't run to win just not to lose and in the end they lost.

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PTP owe their electoral success to the BIG lies, but not the ones made during the election campaign. Their media and supporters repeat them time after time until, for them, they become reality, and if forced to admit the truth, do so only grudgingly. In the North it makes any other party almost unelectable.

LIE #1 - Abhisit came to power because of a coup, and stole power from a TRT/PPP/PTP government. Forget about the election, 2 PPP PMs with only one agenda, forget that they were caught buying votes and quite rightly disbanded. Don't mention that they were that distasteful that their coalition partners abandoned them, because that was the army's doing. And absolutely deny that the Democrat coalition came to power under a quite normal democratic process.

LIE #2 - Abhisit is responsible for the death of 93 people, he is a murderer with blood on his hands, and obviously worse than Thaksin who is only a thief. The army slaughtered peaceful unarmed protesters. The red shirts did nothing wrong, they never had any weapons, they never burnt down any buildings, fired any grenades or RPGs - those were FAKE reds. The videos of hate speeches are taken "out of context" and the red -shirt leaders are upstanding citizens worthy of becoming MPs.

Millions of Thais in Isaan believe those lies to be gospel truth, for whatever reason that you wish to choose.

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The bigger the lie, the more some wish to believe it.

Propaganda is telling the BIG lie over and over again

until it eventually becomes truth for enough people

that it DOES become a reality. Reality based on a facade,

but that no longer matters to a percentage of voters.

In this case PTP ties fresh lies to the old Propaganda Legend of Thaksin, and people bought the new with the old.

Wishful thinking and no looking back at history as it REALLY was.

Ahh yes the "good old days", "the bigger the lie the more it is believed" Joseph Goebbels!.
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PTP owe their electoral success to the BIG lies, but not the ones made during the election campaign. Their media and supporters repeat them time after time until, for them, they become reality, and if forced to admit the truth, do so only grudgingly. In the North it makes any other party almost unelectable.

LIE #1 - Abhisit came to power because of a coup, and stole power from a TRT/PPP/PTP government. Forget about the election, 2 PPP PMs with only one agenda, forget that they were caught buying votes and quite rightly disbanded. Don't mention that they were that distasteful that their coalition partners abandoned them, because that was the army's doing. And absolutely deny that the Democrat coalition came to power under a quite normal democratic process.

LIE #2 - Abhisit is responsible for the death of 93 people, he is a murderer with blood on his hands, and obviously worse than Thaksin who is only a thief. The army slaughtered peaceful unarmed protesters. The red shirts did nothing wrong, they never had any weapons, they never burnt down any buildings, fired any grenades or RPGs - those were FAKE reds. The videos of hate speeches are taken "out of context" and the red -shirt leaders are upstanding citizens worthy of becoming MPs.

Millions of Thais in Isaan believe those lies to be gospel truth, for whatever reason that you wish to choose.

Indeed and these lies can even be found in Western media, if implied rather that stated directly. This shows the sheer power of Thaksin's PR machine.

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Democrats weren't aggressive enough and didn't do good enough getting out the vote. There were 6 million fewer voters than in 2007, but all the PTP party voters showed up, allowing their percent of the vote to increase. They allowed red shirts to go for an entire year unchallenged about what happened during the riots. Let Thaksin's propaganda machine run unchecked. The PAD campaign against them was extremely damaging to them, not really sure what they could have done differently to stop it

It will never happen, but strategically there might not be any sense in even running a Dem candidate in some districts. All it does is hand the district to PTP due to vote split. PTP could not have gotten near a majority of seats without vote split, there are tons of districts where they "won" with way under half the vote. If you can't get a majority, might be best to ensure your opponent cannot either

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The bigger the lie, the more some wish to believe it.

Propaganda is telling the BIG lie over and over again

until it eventually becomes truth for enough people

that it DOES become a reality. Reality based on a facade,

but that no longer matters to a percentage of voters.

In this case PTP ties fresh lies to the old Propaganda Legend of Thaksin, and people bought the new with the old.

Wishful thinking and no looking back at history as it REALLY was.

Ahh yes the "good old days", "the bigger the lie the more it is believed" Joseph Goebbels!.

Loathsome as he was, he did know his business.

As did Edward Bernays.


" In Propaganda (1928), Bernays argued that the manipulation of public opinion was a necessary part of democracy:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind. "

Believe what you see, or see what you believe,

who induces you do to either or neither?

Your choice, or are you led there?


These are of course popular fiction, but the seeds of reality in any great fiction are strong or it doesn't hold up. These two show classic examples of the public in 2 different scales being manipulated to serve an agenda of a small group or individual.

Thailands present social psychosis would lie somewhere between the two.

All politicians use this type of manipulation to one extent or another, but some take it to extremers because there is not moral compunctions not to shoot the moon.

The best way to sell a myth to the many

is to make the myth MYTHICAL in proportions.

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The bigger the lie, the more some wish to believe it.

Propaganda is telling the BIG lie over and over again

until it eventually becomes truth for enough people

that it DOES become a reality. Reality based on a facade,

but that no longer matters to a percentage of voters.

In this case PTP ties fresh lies to the old Propaganda Legend of Thaksin, and people bought the new with the old.

Wishful thinking and no looking back at history as it REALLY was.

Ahh yes the "good old days", "the bigger the lie the more it is believed" Joseph Goebbels!.

Loathsome as he was, he did know his business.

As did Edward Bernays.


" In Propaganda (1928), Bernays argued that the manipulation of public opinion was a necessary part of democracy:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind. "

Believe what you see, or see what you believe,

who induces you do to either or neither?

Your choice, or are you led there?


All politicians use this type of manipulation to one extent or another, but some take it to extremers because there is not moral compunctions not to shoot the moon.

The best way to sell a myth to the many

is to make the myth MYTHICAL in proportions.

Animatic, I did here a strong rumour that Thaksin's chief adviser was a Joseph Goebbels clone, could shed any light on it for me??
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No, Deception on a national scale but hey not surprised Isaan fell for it

Issan didn't fall for anything. They know how corrupt Taksin is. They just vote for his party because they know they'll be given priority over the rest of the country once his party is back in power. It's very selfish really, they only care about themselves rather then the country as a whole.

Yes of course its selfish to consider their own problems and not loyally follow the selfish need of Bangkok middle class.

Other then that, what a bombshell. A democrat criticizing the poll winners...

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No, Deception on a national scale but hey not surprised Isaan fell for it

Issan didn't fall for anything. They know how corrupt Taksin is. They just vote for his party because they know they'll be given priority over the rest of the country once his party is back in power. It's very selfish really, they only care about themselves rather then the country as a whole.

Yes of course its selfish to consider their own problems and not loyally follow the selfish need of Bangkok middle class.

Other then that, what a bombshell. A democrat criticizing the poll winners...

Let's just say, the lessons on manipulating the public were not lost on some of those who have since come to the aid of the party.

Oh, woe is those to be victimized by all those jr damned hamsters, tread-milling away to, troll about for more data mined content, to twist up as their clients demand.

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Shame us farang can't get into politics here. I'd suggest the following policies...

1, free Mercedes for every rice worker.

2, 1 bottle of Black Label whisky for every Thai male over the age of 18, once a week, to be distributed at local 'kareoke' bars.

3, multi billion baht investment in the Thai soaps, more air time!

4, 1 million baht cash for each household in the country, to be spent on gambling, and more whisky.

That should do the trick, oh, I almost forgot, no time for debates or explanations, we're just too bust at the moment. You'll just have to trust us :jap: :D

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I don't see Abhisit as being that much of an impediment. Overall, he is quite electable from a western perspective. However, with him being part of the Democrat party with Kasit and Suthep around him, he becomes irrelevant. I think he would do well to consider setting up his own party and give it a try, because he is never ever going to be able to deliver the type of government he would want with the aging enforcers of the Dems around him. They haven't won an election on their own in their entire history, and their history has been to cobble together weak coalitions. This has changed, and I don't see that the Dems can ever change their current outlook of Bangkok and the South being their strongholds and hang the rest of the country. Sheer voting numbers show they cannot ever win with a strategy like that. Or maybe a one child policy for Isaan might help.

The whole campaign was a mess, but throughout it, I got the distinct feeling that it wasn't Abhsit's campaign at all. Of course there aren't presidential campaigns in Thailand, but when you are going up against the Shinawatra personality, you need an equally strong one to counter it. He gave me the appearance of not enjoying it at all, but then again, with some of the scaly people in his party, he looks most of the time as though he would prefer to be somewhere else. Unless the Dems can rejuvenate their image and strategy, they will continue to be less and less relavant, unless of course, the army need to install someone they like in power.

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Issan didn't fall for anything. They know how corrupt Taksin is. They just vote for his party because they know they'll be given priority over the rest of the country once his party is back in power. It's very selfish really, they only care about themselves rather then the country as a whole.

Yes of course its selfish to consider their own problems and not loyally follow the selfish need of Bangkok middle class.

How do you take "rest of the country" and "country as a whole" to mean Bangkok middle class?

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The bigger the lie, the more some wish to believe it.

Propaganda is telling the BIG lie over and over again

until it eventually becomes truth for enough people

that it DOES become a reality. Reality based on a facade,

but that no longer matters to a percentage of voters.

In this case PTP ties fresh lies to the old Propaganda Legend of Thaksin, and people bought the new with the old.

Wishful thinking and no looking back at history as it REALLY was.

Sums it up pretty well. Unfortunately those particular people are the gullible ones that tend to believe what they want to hear and not the facts or truth!!! They are just starting to realise this but the horse is well away now.

There is sure to be unrest at either the unfulfilled promises or from the ensuing unemployment and 1,000,000 extra immigrant workers attracted by higher wages should Yingluck and PT foolishly attempt to implement the foolhardy and unaffordable policies they said they would!!!

Just give it time and everything PT will unravel and disintegrate - I pray and hope for!!!!!

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quote name='rixalex' timestamp='1311227489' post='4573367']

Indeed and these lies can even be found in Western media, if implied rather that stated directly. This shows the sheer power of Thaksin's PR machine.

Thaksin's PR machine has consisted of high-profile international lobbyists. You can be sure that they have a deep understanding of psychological manipulation on both individual and mass levels.

Thaksin has been using quite a team of lobbyists to create and spread propaganda in order to try to achieve his own goals. Can we expect the expendable pawns to understand what's really going on?

Barbour Griffith & Rogers Lobbying Report (2011-01-20)

Provide strategic counsel on U.S. government policy and assist with advancing the individual's desire to promote democracy in Southeast Asia.

Amsterdam & Peroff LLP Lobbying Report (2010-10-20)

Counsel and guidance with respect to Mr. Thaksin's interests in Washington, DC and abroad

Kobre & Kim LLP Lobbying Report (2010-07-19)

Baker Botts L.L.P. Lobbying Report (2007-08-14)

Develop and implement a strategic approach to the various international legal and political issues that confront Dr. Thaksin due to the coup of September 19. The firm will monitor the evolution of US polices towards the interim government in Thailand or the Administration's position regarding attempts by Dr. Thaksin's return to Thailand and may subsequently undertake contacts as necessary to ensure that such policies remain consistent with those currently in place.

Daniel J. Edelman (2007-01-25)

Source: Corporate-funded "People's" Movement

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Maybe the Dems should complain about foreign lobbyists being employed, on the basis that their Thai one's aren't ready to compete against them yet.

If it works in business.

Foreign lobbyists had no bearing on election results, but they do demonstrate the efficiency of the job Thaksin did covering all possible segments in terms of getting his message across.

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to be fair PTP could have put an ape in every constituency and still won the election. the dems lost because they deserved to lose, based on how they performed.

I think what he means is dems kept their Thai dollar high when the rest of the world collapsed

Your logic is not the same as mine

I think the dems did a fantastic job

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Too many of you who dislike Thaksin and the PT are missing the real point.

Now, just to be clear I am NOT a Thaksin or PT party supporter.

My Thai wife however, is.

She is 63 years old, and she has said that the ONLY time that anyone, of whatever political party ever gave her anything, was when Thaksin supporters came around to her grand daughter's school and passed out envelopes to the schoolchilren with 2000 Baht in them for the children to use to buy "school supplies" for their education.

Now I know this was a straight forward bribe, and so does my Thai wife. She also says the money was probably stolen somwhere or was a bribe paid by someone for a "favor" from Thaksin and company while he was in power.

My Thai wife isn't stupid and after 63 years she knows very well how the Thai guvernment and electoral system works.

But, I repeat, in 63 years that money from Thaksin and crew was the ONLY money she ever got from ANY Thai governemnt in power that actually was of benefit to her.

And for a poor Thai family that kind of thing means a lot when it comes to who you vote for.

I know Thaksin and family are self-serving crooks, she knows Thaksin and family are self-serving crooks...but she says that ALL Thai politicians are crooks...and that 2000 Baht...which she really used for her grand daughter... is more important in her mind than all the politicians promises she has heard since she started voting.

Just so you understand the reality of the situation in the minds of an average Thai.

All Thai politicians are crooks,but the few who distribute to the voters a small part of what they steal are slightly better than those who keep all they steal for themselves.

At least that's how many Thais feel, and it has a lot to do with the last election results.


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When i ask the North Eastern Thais who grew up in Bangkok\

what is it you have against Abhisit and the Dems...?

The fury and hate they say is something that goes back 20 years,

its not just based on the last few years or recent elections

... there are a lot of underlying currents which have been going on for a long time, i think we miss a lot of these...

The Isarn population all believe the Dems represent a corrupt government that is controlled by the old Military generals,

and they lie and cheat their way and only feed the rich and the Bangokian Elites

And that Thailand and all its problems have been caused by them over the last 20 years... since they have never even won an election...

So yes... Any monkey with any amount of lies and money and good PR is going to wipe the floor with them...especially if they fly the isarn flag and nurture the selfish needs which they know how to...

How can fire fight fire?

Are the Dems really less corrupt than the PTP? perhaps they were this time around, but history may disagree...

I personally would have preferred the DEMS to win... but they really are awful at so many thing...

Its like picking fruit from a barrel..

Do i choose the rotten tomato? or the rotten apple?

Its a shame Thailand doesn't have more education... because that is the cancer that is affecting everything here...

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Maybe the Dems should complain about foreign lobbyists being employed, on the basis that their Thai one's aren't ready to compete against them yet.

If it works in business.

Foreign lobbyists had no bearing on election results, but they do demonstrate the efficiency of the job Thaksin did covering all possible segments in terms of getting his message across.

You mean in Yingluck getting her lies across!!!!

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Too many of you who dislike Thaksin and the PT are missing the real point.

Now, just to be clear I am NOT a Thaksin or PT party supporter.

My Thai wife however, is.

She is 63 years old, and she has said that the ONLY time that anyone, of whatever political party ever gave her anything, was when Thaksin supporters came around to her grand daughter's school and passed out envelopes to the schoolchilren with 2000 Baht in them for the children to use to buy "school supplies" for their education.

Now I know this was a straight forward bribe, and so does my Thai wife. She also says the money was probably stolen somwhere or was a bribe paid by someone for a "favor" from Thaksin and company while he was in power.

My Thai wife isn't stupid and after 63 years she knows very well how the Thai guvernment and electoral system works.

But, I repeat, in 63 years that money from Thaksin and crew was the ONLY money she ever got from ANY Thai governemnt in power that actually was of benefit to her.

And for a poor Thai family that kind of thing means a lot when it comes to who you vote for.

I know Thaksin and family are self-serving crooks, she knows Thaksin and family are self-serving crooks...but she says that ALL Thai politicians are crooks...and that 2000 Baht...which she really used for her grand daughter... is more important in her mind than all the politicians promises she has heard since she started voting.

Just so you understand the reality of the situation in the minds of an average Thai.

All Thai politicians are crooks,but the few who distribute to the voters a small part of what they steal are slightly better than those who keep all they steal for themselves.

At least that's how many Thais feel, and it has a lot to do with the last election results.


Puzzled, but not particularly surprised by the logic contained in this!!!!

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Certainly the slickness and professional PR campaign run by the PTP had a bearing on some voters, but geographical results show that in the end, the problem was that the North and North east factions stuck with Thaksin and the BJT was unable to convince many of those factions to move over the BJT as was anticipated late last year.

The campaign promises and policies are nothing more camouflage for the reality of geographical factionalism and patron-client nature of Thai politics.


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When i ask the North Eastern Thais who grew up in Bangkok\

what is it you have against Abhisit and the Dems...?

The fury and hate they say is something that goes back 20 years,

its not just based on the last few years or recent elections

... there are a lot of underlying currents which have been going on for a long time, i think we miss a lot of these...

The Isarn population all believe the Dems represent a corrupt government that is controlled by the old Military generals,

and they lie and cheat their way and only feed the rich and the Bangokian Elites

And that Thailand and all its problems have been caused by them over the last 20 years... since they have never even won an election...

So yes... Any monkey with any amount of lies and money and good PR is going to wipe the floor with them...especially if they fly the isarn flag and nurture the selfish needs which they know how to...

How can fire fight fire?

Are the Dems really less corrupt than the PTP? perhaps they were this time around, but history may disagree...

I personally would have preferred the DEMS to win... but they really are awful at so many thing...

Its like picking fruit from a barrel..

Do i choose the rotten tomato? or the rotten apple?

Its a shame Thailand doesn't have more education... because that is the cancer that is affecting everything here...

"And that Thailand and all its problems have been caused by them over the last 20 years... since they have never even won an election..."

So they are the cause of the problems even though PT (in it's varying Thaksin forms) has been in power for 18 of those years - where's the sense in that!!! Oh!!! I momentarily forgot - this is Thailand after all. It must be a bit desparate for a party if it is blamed for everything that goes wrong even when it in opposition.

One other thing - the stewardship of the country and economy over the past two years of Abhisit's short tenure has probably been better than the 18 previous years added together - fat reward gained for that though in being kicked out by some incompetent (liars of the first degree) - it is clearly apparent to me in this instance that honesty never wins :huh:

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Maybe the Dems should complain about foreign lobbyists being employed, on the basis that their Thai one's aren't ready to compete against them yet.

If it works in business.

Foreign lobbyists had no bearing on election results, but they do demonstrate the efficiency of the job Thaksin did covering all possible segments in terms of getting his message across.

Do you think Amsterdam had no bearing on election results?

His APPLICATION TO INVESTIGATE THE SITUATION OF THE KINGDOM OF THAILAND WITH REGARD TO THE COMMISSION OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY to the International Criminal Court was completely translated into Thai and was printed and posted on the wall on the floor of the UDD office in Bic C Lat Phrao. I saw it there. I think it would have convinced or strengthened the view amongst many Thais that the government was bad and should not be allowed to govern for another term.

Amsterdam's propaganda web site is also available in Thai.

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Too many of you who dislike Thaksin and the PT are missing the real point.

Now, just to be clear I am NOT a Thaksin or PT party supporter.

My Thai wife however, is.

She is 63 years old, and she has said that the ONLY time that anyone, of whatever political party ever gave her anything, was when Thaksin supporters came around to her grand daughter's school and passed out envelopes to the schoolchilren with 2000 Baht in them for the children to use to buy "school supplies" for their education.

Now I know this was a straight forward bribe, and so does my Thai wife. She also says the money was probably stolen somwhere or was a bribe paid by someone for a "favor" from Thaksin and company while he was in power.

My Thai wife isn't stupid and after 63 years she knows very well how the Thai guvernment and electoral system works.

But, I repeat, in 63 years that money from Thaksin and crew was the ONLY money she ever got from ANY Thai governemnt in power that actually was of benefit to her.

And for a poor Thai family that kind of thing means a lot when it comes to who you vote for.

I know Thaksin and family are self-serving crooks, she knows Thaksin and family are self-serving crooks...but she says that ALL Thai politicians are crooks...and that 2000 Baht...which she really used for her grand daughter... is more important in her mind than all the politicians promises she has heard since she started voting.

Just so you understand the reality of the situation in the minds of an average Thai.

All Thai politicians are crooks,but the few who distribute to the voters a small part of what they steal are slightly better than those who keep all they steal for themselves.

At least that's how many Thais feel, and it has a lot to do with the last election results.


Seems to me that using the justification for voting for a crook as being well they all are, was disproven by Abhisit. For all the flaws his critics might level at him, few would argue him to be a crook. Would you? OK the Democrat party might be as corrupt as any of the other parties, in fact i'm quite sure it is, but doesn't having a law-abiding leader mean anything? Isn't it a start? Doesn't it set an example for the rest of the nation to try and follow?

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I think Thaksin with his team of strategists and lobbyists had been engineering this election win ever since his ouster 5 years ago.

They successfully built up over the years a cult following via propaganda over radio, satellite television, print publications, the internet, live concerts, street parties and even propaganda "schools" around the country. They must have felt ready by April 2010 as that is when they felt the strongest, but the government managed to outmanouvre them, so they had an extra year to regain strength for the next attempt to ouster the government and have finally succeeded. The Democrats had little chance within a mere 6 weeks to break what the UDD had built up over 5 years.

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