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Wife Has Just Told Me " I Die Soon Sure " Wtf !


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my wife has said to me an hour ago " i die soon sure " she suffers terrible migraines or some kind of bad pain in her head, ive taken her to docs before about it but he was useless and gave her headache pills ibrufen, maybe she has migraines i dont know. anyway maybe this is just the way thai people think in general ( superstitious ) she really meant it when she said it too !! i had to ask her again . it wasnt said jokingly in that kind of way. we have a baby daughter so it worries me that she says something like this sad.gif also we have a lot of property in thailand ( yes in wifes name ) 2 houses and a car totalling around 4.5 mill baht. now i said to my wife what if you do die who gets the houses and car ? " oh you only worry about money " blah blah blah . of course its a big concern , only the other month i asked her who gets my money in my thai bank if i were to die as i have liver damage/ problems, she told me the bank would get it.

i think we both need a trip back out to thailand in the next six months to get all our affairs in order. this just shook me today when she came out with that statement and made me realise that we should have at least had both names on bank accounts and houses and car etc .

what is the best way to go about doing this when we get back over. at least to have something for our daughter . ( no smart ar**d replies either. ) if you cannot post a positive reply then do not reply at all .

thanks in advance

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Continual headaches are a nightmare for the sufferer. She can have a scan, but usually its something like 1 in 10,000 long-lasting (those lasting for weeks or months) headaches that are caused by a tumour. If an area of the head hurts to the touch that is an indication that it might be something serious. Good luck. My guess is she is suffering from depression or an anxiety disorder. Excessive alcohol, sugary drinks (such as coke) can also cause terrible headaches when withdrawing. Check the diet. Lifestyle. And problems that are casuing worry. tension, anxiety. But, yes, get her to a hospital that knows what they are doing. Where are you based?

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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Since the only thing that is sure in live is that you will day soemday, it might be in order to think about making a will.

Here is some infor about making a will in Thailand: http://thailawonline.com/en/family/inheritance-and-wills.html

As to your wife, sorry to hear about her problems. Severe headache is no fun and can drive you nuts. A blood test and a scan can't hurt.

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Most important i thought would be to get her to have a scan and see if you can get to the bottom of why she is having the headaches,get her to the hospital.

Absolutely, get her over here ASAP - Scans are a bargain and it sounds as if this should be your first priority. If she is having headaches AND her thought processes are a little strange, a visit to a neurologist + scan takes precedence over money.

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If they are migraines. Get her to keep a diary. What she eats, and describing the symptoms. eg Cocoa/drinking chocolate is one of my triggers. Google migraine medication. There is some good info on the wiki that shows up in the search.

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No good way now for you to have any protection on your assets, if she doesnt want to sign you on to anything she doesnt have to plain and simple. I know its hard to think about but maybe relationship problems are the cause of her headaches, your post kinda shows what part of this problem you are really worried about.

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Mrs. Rakers suffers from migraines and at times it is agonizing for her.

Tip: Strong coffee. Not only is it very effective, but it also works very quickly.

Tip from me, Strong Coffee is guaranteed to bring on a migraine in me, careful what you advise.

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Mrs. Rakers suffers from migraines and at times it is agonizing for her.

Tip: Strong coffee. Not only is it very effective, but it also works very quickly.

Tip from me, Strong Coffee is guaranteed to bring on a migraine in me, careful what you advise.

With my wife it works and was advised by a doctor to try. :)

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Mrs. Rakers suffers from migraines and at times it is agonizing for her.

Tip: Strong coffee. Not only is it very effective, but it also works very quickly.

Tip from me, Strong Coffee is guaranteed to bring on a migraine in me, careful what you advise.

Are you talking about a migraine, or just a headache. And if the migraine is there already, then there is no need to worry about bringing a migraine on.

Caffeine works, it works very well (usually)

OP. You can find out yourself, google has the answers.

Edited by Moonrakers
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Mrs. Rakers suffers from migraines and at times it is agonizing for her.

Tip: Strong coffee. Not only is it very effective, but it also works very quickly.

Tip from me, Strong Coffee is guaranteed to bring on a migraine in me, careful what you advise.

Are you talking about a migraine, or just a headache. And if the migraine is there already, then there is no need to worry about bringing a migraine on.

Caffeine works, it works very well (usually)

OP. You can find out yourself, google has the answers.

Or you can seek expert medical advice rather than saving a few baht by googling medical advice.

Armchair experts on visa forums can be dangerous, armchair experts on medical matters can be lethal. Go see a professional.

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No good way now for you to have any protection on your assets, if she doesnt want to sign you on to anything she doesnt have to plain and simple. I know its hard to think about but maybe relationship problems are the cause of her headaches, your post kinda shows what part of this problem you are really worried about.

If she doesn't want to sign him on anything, I think it will be him that will start having the headaches!

Tell her you'd like a 'usufruct' for life and joint wills........you'll soon know where you stand.

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So you've been to the doctor, but he gave you headache medicine, but now you think it may be migraine ? Ordinary headache tablets will often not work for a migraine.

Just go to a good pharmacy and speak to the pharmacist him / herself. Watsons or Boots pharmacies often have people who speak some English. Ask specifically for migraine tablets.

My wife takes Cafergot. It is an ergotamine derivative.......similar to LSD, believe it or not ! But without the strange effects. Don't let that put you off....... It works. Maybe get some other type also, to try if Cafergot does not.

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If usufructs and joint names are a prickly subject then all I can suggest is that she write out a will putting EVERYTHING in trusteeship for when your child reaches the age of majority (20).

You should also sort out your own will asap.

Have it all done with a reputable lawyer too.

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Since the only thing that is sure in live is that you will day soemday, it might be in order to think about making a will.

Here is some infor about making a will in Thailand: http://thailawonline...-and-wills.html

As to your wife, sorry to hear about her problems. Severe headache is no fun and can drive you nuts. A blood test and a scan can't hurt.

"Yes, honey, I know you are sure you are goning to die, and I will miss you, but, please sign this little bit of paper first...'

Not the most tactful advice Mario.

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i take " CAFERGOT" when i have migraine. u can get it at Boots or any drug stores, just tell the pharmacist. but pregnant women shouldnt take it. :jap:

Cafergot should be used with extreme caution!!

Especially if there's a chance of pregnancy or getting pregnant as said above.

Cafergot is in the FDA pregnancy category X, which means it can cause harm to an unborn baby, it can induce uterine contractions, which could result in abortion and it can restrict blood flow to the fetus.

Do not play around with this medication!

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Since the only thing that is sure in live is that you will day soemday, it might be in order to think about making a will.

Here is some infor about making a will in Thailand: http://thailawonline...-and-wills.html

As to your wife, sorry to hear about her problems. Severe headache is no fun and can drive you nuts. A blood test and a scan can't hurt.

"Yes, honey, I know you are sure you are goning to die, and I will miss you, but, please sign this little bit of paper first...'

Not the most tactful advice Mario.

I believe the OP was asking about this kind of information.

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I'm sorry for your wifes condition, and hope she will recover.

But you wrote: ive taken her to docs before about it but he was useless and gave her headache pills

And then you ask all the armchair doctors on this forum for advise.

Take her to a real hospital.

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If they are migraines. Get her to keep a diary. What she eats, and describing the symptoms. eg Cocoa/drinking chocolate is one of my triggers. Google migraine medication. There is some good info on the wiki that shows up in the search.

Yep. I suggested this before and it was ignored. Of course the headaches continue.


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I'm sorry for your wifes condition, and hope she will recover.

But you wrote: ive taken her to docs before about it but he was useless and gave her headache pills

And then you ask all the armchair doctors on this forum for advise.

Take her to a real hospital.

Lol...I went to a real hospital about constant headaches.....I got told to take panadol.....this from a neurosurgeon

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On the physical side...don't ignore the obvious. Get her to a doctor and have a checkup done. High blood pressure...I have it...is called the "silent killer", because it is seldom noticed as there is no pain involved but it's bad effects can be dramatic and cumulative. A person may not notice it until it's too late, especially as they age. Recurring headaches with no apparent reason can be one of the symptoms. I've been there.

But I'm NOT a docor, I just had to learn about high blood pressure and how to recognise and treat it. So first thing, get a complete physical checkup for her. You can treat high blood pressure with diet and a proscribed drug treatment. So first the medical checkup to see if anything is wrong physically.

Then the financial side. Do you have a will? You need one. Or more correctly your FAMILY needs one that will spell out who gets the assets if either one or both of you pass away leaving the daughter. Your wife may be resistant to the idea...but pitch it from the angle of your DAUGHTER's future. Women are usually more receptive to that angle. What you really want is to provide for your infant daughter if EITHER of you should have an unfortunate accident. That point is easier to sell to your partner, usually.

If you have a bank account in Thailand in your name you should consider making it a joint account with your wife. with your marriage liscense that should be no problem with most banks. If you pass away, it makes it so much easier for her to get the money. It also makes the process easier if she passes away and you need the funds for your daughter.

And if you have assets in your country...look into the process you can start to make them available to her if you pass away first. Remember, you want to provide for your FAMILY.


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Since the only thing that is sure in live is that you will day soemday, it might be in order to think about making a will.

Here is some infor about making a will in Thailand: http://thailawonline...-and-wills.html

As to your wife, sorry to hear about her problems. Severe headache is no fun and can drive you nuts. A blood test and a scan can't hurt.

thanks mario, will get on the ball with her when we do go back to thailand in 6 months time hopefully. PS !! wifey is just after telling me that she had a dream last nite about her dead mama and that she seen and was with her dead mamma . so her fears are probably based on superstition and a mixture of headache, anxiety, stress etc . have docs appointment for her in 4 days time.

THANKS wink.gif BTW, can anyone tell me how much it would cost us to make a will ? based on 2 houses and car , total value of around 4.5 mill thb .

Edited by scorpio
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The guy asked for advice and he is being given advice and if you read the OP, he has already seen a doctor.

There's always one.

Yeah, but, usually it's you :P envy maybe?? :D ..

Though I agree coffee is a pretty benign potential remedy however if as some are saying chocolate is a trigger then it is possible that it's the caffeine in the chocolate causing it..

On his other issues putting the Thai land in his daughters name may be the only way to protect it as he can't own land but if his daughter is Thai she can.. The rest can be handled in a will or with co-ownership where applicable...

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