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Wife Has Just Told Me " I Die Soon Sure " Wtf !


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Mrs. Rakers suffers from migraines and at times it is agonizing for her.

Tip: Strong coffee. Not only is it very effective, but it also works very quickly.

first make sure you both have wills here and wherever else you have assets. Here their is no trust law but in a thai will you can appoint someone to look after your childs assets and that can be a forang. If you have a house make sure your wifes will leaves house to your child (minors can own property here). Our 2 children have several properties in their names but problem is you cant sell without a court order until child reaches 20. Make sure your wills say who you want to be guardian of your child should you both go. You can make each other executer of each others wills but put someone else or better more than 1 executer in wills. We made wills 15 years ago here and in Singapore USA and UK. assets abroad normally can be put into a trust. But most important thing is to make the wills or if your wife goes her assets will go to her family and your daughter but not equally. If you go without a will its just really messy.

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Mrs. Rakers suffers from migraines and at times it is agonizing for her.

Tip: Strong coffee. Not only is it very effective, but it also works very quickly.

Normally if you have full scale migraine, you can't eat anything.

If your wifes migraines fade with stronge coffee, either:

a) it isn't migraines

B) it is a very mild one

c) she can catch it on the beginning

if I have migraine and you hold a cup of coffee under my noise I vomit at it, and only don't shoot you because loud noise would hurt that bad that shooting myself is preferable....

I have tablets which work. Don't know if that is English or German, if it is German Google may help:

20 mg Mecloxamindihydrogencitrat

25 mg Camylofindihydrochlorid

80 mg Coffein

125 Propyphenazon

Just after you eat it, you feel drunk and tired...

I am sorry, but your information is simply incorrect. Coffee (or its main active ingredient, caffeine) is a well recognized treatment for migrane which is effective in some (but not all cases). Cafergot, probably the most common migrane treatment is a formulation of ergotamine and caffeine. Indeed I note with some amusement that your tablets include "coffein", which unless I miss my guess is indeed caffeine.

More to the point here is the assumption that the headaches are migranes. Migranes are a normally a very distinctive type of headache, and even a cursory couple of questions by the doc would have found that the headaches were/were not headaches.

However, there are a really large number of different headache types (and indeed a fairly large number of migrane types) and if they continue, get worse or change their presentation OP should really get his wife to follow up on it with a visit to another doctor, best of all one specializing in headaches. As noted, there are a large number of different types of headaches, with different treatments, which often can be quite effective.

Edited by FWIW
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The girlfriend`s cousin began complaining about severe headaches and said more or less the same words; I die soon.

We all laughed and never took her seriously at first, but she was gone within 2 weeks.

Also married to a farang, a German called Hans, who later lost most of his land and property in Thailand to her family because he could not prove the land was bought with his wife`s money and was not legally entitled to own it.

My advice is, get your wife to a hospital for a brain scan because obviously something is not right there, and get your Thailand affairs in order quickly in case the worst should happen.

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Don't rule out a type of headache called " Clusters " they are rare even rarer in women but they are the most painful headaches of all by far. If the duration is about an hour of intence pain and can be 3-4 or more times a day then she really will think she will die. If this sounds similar then she has big problem and Oxygen is the only relief. It took them 10 years to diagnose me right.

Good luck with everything.

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Joint bank accounts are only for those that absolutely trust their partner.

... and one should not marry someone you don't absolutely trust. You're in a pretty dismal situation if you have to take steps to protect yourself from your wife.

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My family and I suffer from Migraine on a regular schedule. Sometimes shut me down for the day. My Dad is a retired Doctor, he used to bring home all kind of new med for Migraine when I was a child. Most of them are a combination of Codeine and Caffeine. They never worked. Until I found Excedrin Migraine, came out about 8 years ago. It's the only thing that works for me. You have take them right when it started and lay down (You must lay down). Most of time, it from food. Especially, Thai food and condiments like sauces, marinated stuff. For me I can count on MSG and cheap wine to tricker it. I couldn't fine any Excedrin Migraine in BKK when I was there so I suffered this incredible pain for several days many times. If you have a source that you can ask to send you some for her to try, I think that will help. The kind of pain that she has, I know it really well. Tell her she isn't go to die from it just a blindly pain to the head.

Most important, ask her to take notes of everything that she has the day before the Migraine (Usually woke up with it). A few times, she should get some idea of what not to eat or drink. It's going to be a little hard to tell a Thai person what not to eat but at least try. Good luck.

Edited by blunotes
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My sister has very bad migraines. She uses some injection, I don't recall the name of it. It might even be off patent now. Ask Sheryl...in the medical forum.

That was the only thing other than Vicodin that worked for her and the V only put her to sleep, really did nothing for the issue.


For you - an atty?


Here, I think this is it! IMITREX

First get her to a GP for allergy tests and maybe an scan. Ask Sheryl! My hunch - not even a migraine. Not something more serious. Just really bad headaches brought about by whatever. Migraines are actually not that common although everyone thinks they are. It is a special condition.

BTW - People have all sorts of headaches. I for one suffered massive headaches brought about by a combination of sinus problems and stress. Don't assume it's a "migraine". In the end for me, initially allergy tabs and lower stress (laid off from that job). I was cured. Some time later, I no longer needed the allergy tabs. Think it was dust in the streets and pillows. Who knows. I am still prone to headaches - strong sun, but never better.

Edited by bangkokburning
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Going back to one poster....stating can't eat anything...a migraine sufferer can't do anything.

My sister would be laid out for days. Totally incapacitated. Laid on the bed or sofa in agony for days. THAT is the sign of a migraine. She would have black-outs. Merely speaking or thinking hurt her tremendously.

One shot of that IMITREX- bam, nearly normal. Amazing!

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Going back to one poster....stating can't eat anything...a migraine sufferer can't do anything.

My sister would be laid out for days. Totally incapacitated. Laid on the bed or sofa in agony for days. THAT is the sign of a migraine. She would have black-outs. Merely speaking or thinking hurt her tremendously.

One shot of that IMITREX- bam, nearly normal. Amazing!

At the risk of belabouring the obvious, migranes can present very differently. "Normal" migranes present as a single episode for a few hours or days. Cluster migranes might last for less than half an hour, but recur every few hours for weeks or months at a time.

What works for one person, does not work for another. Some people find no relief, despite trying everything under the sun.

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