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URGENT -- Gunman kills 'at least' 80 at youth camp near Oslo


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Of course he wasn't Muslim, you can tell that from the photos. He was a Mason. You don't see Muslim Freemasons to often.

Normally I would feel like rubbing it the faces of the usual suspects. You know who you are; the far right bigoted trash that love to bash anything that doesn't conform to the Faux news conservative,christian,white, anti-Muslim line of following (I refuse to call it "thinking").

But as I read more about it I feel more sorrow than anger. I just feel for the Norsemen, I always wanted to visit there. The Norwegen folks I have met have always been super cool. Their culture is one that I admire, and I love the stories from their native faith, the elder Gods & Goddesses of legend. I also feel as though its a stark warning for us all. First the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords (liberal congress woman in Arizona, US) now another heinous act of terrorism from the far right.

And while thats nothing new. I would hate for this kind of BS to continue to divide the world and kill everyone in the middle.


F&*% R. Murdoch

Interesting how the people you are talking about, who are usually first to condemn anything terrorism related, are conspicuously absent from this thread. Come on you guys, you know who you are.

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This is a serious topic and flippant comments are not wanted here. Posts have been removed and any more will also be removed without further comment. Jeez, use some sensitivity people.

Sorry for the pattaya comment, I was just replying to another comment I thought was stupid.

I'm a Norwegian myself so believe me this is a very sensitive issue for me

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I am asuming that these acts will be claimed by an Islamic group.

Actually, my understanding so far is that this was the work of a single Norway citizen/resident which just goes to show that EVERY society has those that live within the laws and values and those that don't.

If the number of kids that were killed even approaches the 80 quoted in the topic, this is indeed a horror.

The story in Adelaide so far ...


Al Qauda is known to be recruiting Caucasians to carry out acts of terror in Europe

The guy is a neo-Nazi christian fundamentalist and also a mason

Hardly someone al qaeda would be able to recruit

But it does not alter the fact that Al Qauda actually is known to be recruiting Caucasian to carry out acts of terror in Europe. And this, given that it is a right-winged action, it is a reaction to the Islamic infiltration of Norwegian society.

I am here, and hear murmurings and serious concerns about threats to this society, including mobbing of Norwegian kids by Muslims in school grounds (one highlighted example recently where a Norwegian child eating his lunch, was set upon by Muslim kids telling him he was not allowed to eat salami.) Fears have been that if the government does not take hold of the reigns, radicals will. Unfortunately the current prime minister is the archetypal softly softly, wimp who will do nothing. He certainly does not have the balls to stand up and make a statement as Kevin Rudd did in Australia, which was echoed by his predecessor John Howard.

It is also a fact that Al-Qaeda have issued threats because of Norway's involvement in Afghanistan, and have F16s in Libya, and there are cases of Islamic radicals having asylum in Norway, and are the subject of hot legal debate, which is also barbed with threats of reprisals.. business that I expect you know little about. I have lived in Norway for 18 years and know what's going on. There is serious discontentment in this pretty little oil-rich land. The Trojan Horse of "political correctness" has been let in, and emptied it's guts. No one, least of all the softly softly government have the balls to do anything. This leaves it open to the right-winged radicals, if that is indeed what we have in this horrific action.

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"Witnesses described the gunman as tall, blonde and say he was dressed as a policeman."

"No group has claimed responsibility for the attack but the suspect is reported by local media to have had links with right-wing extremists." - BBC News I don't think this is your demographic anyway. This would point to this being the actions of the exact opposite given the location, local racial groups, etc.

Further reports coming in through Sky News and Press Association are starting to show this as a single man acting alone! It will certainly be embarrassing for everybody who immediately blamed Al Qaeda. This is where our Western governments want us, agreeing with ANY territorial gains in the Middle East as a "purge" against "terrorism". Makes me sick.

Well it's terrorism by any definition. But what a <deleted> coward shooting innocent, unarmed children camping on an island, they should cut this guys nads off and force feed them to him so he chokes :annoyed: ..

Edit: On second thought his nads are obviously too small for him to choke on anyways..

Up to you to be this upset, but I don't want people thinking that I would condone your suggested punishment. I am only upset to have such unrelated (bar the hijacked word "terrorism") vitriol including a quote from my post.

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My wife and I are in Norway attending my sons wedding. We were in that area the day before touring the city. We were actually scheduled to go on Friday the day of the attack but changed to Thursday because of the weather. Norway is Awesome!

May all rest in peace. It is just tragic and pointless deaths. Because of one deranged young man that created so much death and sadness just shows that it isn't always the muslims terrorist that are crazy nut jobs.

May they all rest in peace

Edited by MILT
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I am asuming that these acts will be claimed by an Islamic group.

Actually, my understanding so far is that this was the work of a single Norway citizen/resident which just goes to show that EVERY society has those that live within the laws and values and those that don't.

If the number of kids that were killed even approaches the 80 quoted in the topic, this is indeed a horror.

The story in Adelaide so far ...


"Actually, my understanding so far is that this was the work of a single Norway citizen/resident"

Al Qaeda is known to be recruiting caucasions to carry out acts of terror in Europe. This is too big and requiring organised resources to be the work of one blue-eyed boy with a grudge.

Really? Al Qaeda is known to be recruiting Caucasians ( by which, I presume you mean Europeans). Tell me where they are likely to find recruits who will carry out acts of terrorism for Islamic Jihad amongst the holders of a white supremacist belief. Your paranoia is blinding you to the history and mythology of the USA's Ku Klux Klan

The guy is a neo-Nazi christian fundamentalist and also a mason

Hardly someone al qaeda would be able to recruit

I agree with you - there is a minority of right-wing white supremacists out there in many western democracies who do not acept that all humans are equal. Occasionally there is one who will go beyond the absurdity of his creed and take the logical (to him) action of attacking the establishment that has reduced the purity of the race and allowed inferior beings to be in the genetic mix. It is perhaps no coincidence that the bomb exploded near the PM's office and that the shootings were at a Labour Party holiday camp. The linkage is patently obvious

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I am asuming that these acts will be claimed by an Islamic group.

Actually, my understanding so far is that this was the work of a single Norway citizen/resident which just goes to show that EVERY society has those that live within the laws and values and those that don't.

If the number of kids that were killed even approaches the 80 quoted in the topic, this is indeed a horror.

The story in Adelaide so far ...


"Actually, my understanding so far is that this was the work of a single Norway citizen/resident"

Al Qaeda is known to be recruiting caucasions to carry out acts of terror in Europe. This is too big and requiring organised resources to be the work of one blue-eyed boy with a grudge.

Not sure I agree with you. A small truck load of nitro fertilizer soaked in diesel, a small explosive device like a couple of meters of "cordite" and a detonator from some local rock quarry site with a simple timer, maybe watches it go off, then a quick change of clothes and a drive to the Island with a couple of guns and go totally "berserk". The materials wouldn't be that hard to get there, although I don't know about how easy it is to get guns. Wasn't it there where they had "Bike Gangs" using RPG launchers a few years ago? Or was that Denmark? What he did in any case, wouldn't have taken much organization. There is no excuse whatever though, for such horrendous acts like this to be committed anywhere against anyone, whether it be for religious, fascist, political or any other such motivation. It's times like this, that I wonder if my opposition to the "death penalty" is truly justified in all cases. My deepest sympathy goes out to all those affected by these atrocities.

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I am asuming that these acts will be claimed by an Islamic group.

Actually, my understanding so far is that this was the work of a single Norway citizen/resident which just goes to show that EVERY society has those that live within the laws and values and those that don't.

If the number of kids that were killed even approaches the 80 quoted in the topic, this is indeed a horror.

The story in Adelaide so far ...


"Actually, my understanding so far is that this was the work of a single Norway citizen/resident"

Al Qaeda is known to be recruiting caucasions to carry out acts of terror in Europe. This is too big and requiring organised resources to be the work of one blue-eyed boy with a grudge.

Pathetic. The man in custody was a far right neo nazi, of whom unfortunately there are many in Norway. This atrocity clearly had nothing to do with Al Qaida or Muslims, however much you wish it was. If you bothered to check before posting you would know that he hated Muslims. Probably almost as much as you seem to! People with your views are partly responsible for these kind of attacks. Time for you to take a long hard look in the mirror.

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What ceases to amaze me in this day and age is that one lone man could create so much carnage.

One man managed to obtain such ingredients to make a most powerful of bombs, without questions being raised.

It stuns my belief!

However, my blessings go to all of those families who have lost so many children, with unspent youth thus far.

May they rest in peace, and may their families find strength at this horrific time.


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The guy is a neo-Nazi christian fundamentalist and also a mason

Hardly someone al qaeda would be able to recruit

But it does not alter the fact that Al Qauda actually is known to be recruiting Caucasian to carry out acts of terror in Europe. And this, given that it is a right-winged action, it is a reaction to the Islamic infiltration of Norwegian society.

I am here, and hear murmurings and serious concerns about threats to this society, including mobbing of Norwegian kids by Muslims in school grounds (one highlighted example recently where a Norwegian child eating his lunch, was set upon by Muslim kids telling him he was not allowed to eat salami.) Fears have been that if the government does not take hold of the reigns, radicals will. Unfortunately the current prime minister is the archetypal softly softly, wimp who will do nothing. He certainly does not have the balls to stand up and make a statement as Kevin Rudd did in Australia, which was echoed by his predecessor John Howard.

It is also a fact that Al-Qaeda have issued threats because of Norway's involvement in Afghanistan, and have F16s in Libya, and there are cases of Islamic radicals having asylum in Norway, and are the subject of hot legal debate, which is also barbed with threats of reprisals.. business that I expect you know little about. I have lived in Norway for 18 years and know what's going on. There is serious discontentment in this pretty little oil-rich land. The Trojan Horse of "political correctness" has been let in, and emptied it's guts. No one, least of all the softly softly government have the balls to do anything. This leaves it open to the right-winged radicals, if that is indeed what we have in this horrific action.

I know very well about all these issues as I'm a Norwegian my self.

However it is ridiculous to blame Muslims for making a christian fuc_kwhit to go mad and kill his own people.

*(Foreign language edited out--English only is allowed)*

Edited by Scott
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I am asuming that these acts will be claimed by an Islamic group.

Actually, my understanding so far is that this was the work of a single Norway citizen/resident which just goes to show that EVERY society has those that live within the laws and values and those that don't.

If the number of kids that were killed even approaches the 80 quoted in the topic, this is indeed a horror.

The story in Adelaide so far ...


"Actually, my understanding so far is that this was the work of a single Norway citizen/resident"

Al Qaeda is known to be recruiting caucasions to carry out acts of terror in Europe. This is too big and requiring organised resources to be the work of one blue-eyed boy with a grudge.

Pathetic. The man in custody was a far right neo nazi, of whom unfortunately there are many in Norway. This atrocity clearly had nothing to do with Al Qaida or Muslims, however much you wish it was. If you bothered to check before posting you would know that he hated Muslims. Probably almost as much as you seem to! People with your views are partly responsible for these kind of attacks. Time for you to take a long hard look in the mirror.

My first thought was Islam.

After reading some of the posts I realized it was not Islam just another kook group who have stepped up their action to match the Islam level of Terrorism.

Let us hope it stops with just this one set of Kooks.

As has been said earlier there are quite a few sects with superiority complexes.

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"Witnesses described the gunman as tall, blonde and say he was dressed as a policeman."

"No group has claimed responsibility for the attack but the suspect is reported by local media to have had links with right-wing extremists." - BBC News I don't think this is your demographic anyway. This would point to this being the actions of the exact opposite given the location, local racial groups, etc.

Further reports coming in through Sky News and Press Association are starting to show this as a single man acting alone! It will certainly be embarrassing for everybody who immediately blamed Al Qaeda. This is where our Western governments want us, agreeing with ANY territorial gains in the Middle East as a "purge" against "terrorism". Makes me sick.

Well it's terrorism by any definition. But what a <deleted> coward shooting innocent, unarmed children camping on an island, they should cut this guys nads off and force feed them to him so he chokes :annoyed: ..

Edit: On second thought his nads are obviously too small for him to choke on anyways..

Up to you to be this upset, but I don't want people thinking that I would condone your suggested punishment. I am only upset to have such unrelated (bar the hijacked word "terrorism") vitriol including a quote from my post.

:unsure::blink::huh: I give people more credit for their own mind and ability to think and judge accordingly then you I guess.

Edited by WarpSpeed
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My deepest condolences to the victims and their families. Looks like young europeans from wealthy countries have become tired of the European tolerant liberalism. What kind of life they have? Cannot say this, cannot say that, watching each other, snitching, a necessity to tolerate things you do not like, praising gay parades, democracy is the only right teaching on Earth, religion is an opium for the people which should be abolished. Look now what they get. A lack of moral values. Each person decides for themselves, what is right and what is wrong. This Norwegian man took his own decision - to kill people. His was taught by the tolerant society that he is absolutely free to choose his own moral. And he has made his decision.

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I am speechless, when all I can give is condolences to all the people of Norway and to the wonderful Norwegian friends I have made in Thailand.

They preach the superiority of the "White Race" (especially the Nordic "race") and feel the Nazis in Germany were betrayed by the English and the Americans during WW2.

What a sad story. I don't get the plot. So the English and American betrayed the German Nazis?

Let them rest in peace, a speedy recovery for the injured ones..

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Guys, English only please.

I've deleted the comment in Norwegian, as this is against forum rules.

I'm always left speechless by all the violence that occurs around us in places near and far

Can only wish family, friends of those affected find the strength to cope.

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The killer doesn't seem to be a neo nazi. He praises conservative sionism, and argues against nazism as well as communism and islamism. He is, however, a christian mason, and anti-islamistic conservative nationalist.

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What is it with Europeans, guns and mass shooting? These are becoming a monthly event. And why do Europeans love to target children? Is it because children are the future of humanity?

No, but there is no risk that children have guns and might shoot back. The police said that the shooter faces 21 years in jail. And with the legal system there, he might be out after 10. For good behaviour inside. Provided he is not found insane and cannot be put in jail but in a psychological institution. Where a doctor may find him sane after a couple of years and release him. Wether he then has to serve the jail sentence, I don't know. A few years ago, this was not the case and he would be free. Maybe they have changed the law.

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The killer doesn't seem to be a neo nazi. He praises conservative sionism, and argues against nazism as well as communism and islamism. He is, however, a christian mason, and anti-islamistic conservative nationalist.

you are right, after reading his posts on www.document.no he seem to be criticizing just about everyone and everything. Also preaching that the Norwegian church should abandon protestantism and become catholics.

So what we seem to have here is a Christian fundamentalist gone completely mad.

Most people in Norway are as myself not religious and probably would not care if the church are catholic or what ever.

Best would be if all people could just abandon their childish and hate full believes. Religion belongs in the history books of the middle ages.

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My wife couldn't understand why they didn't just shoot him.

When I told her he was facing only 21 years she was astounded.

Hard to explain the bullshit of left wing liberal democracy to her.

I'm sure he will be sentenced to 21 years "forvaring" which in reality means life in prison as it can be extended

indefinitely if court find him to still be a danger to society.

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My wife couldn't understand why they didn't just shoot him.

When I told her he was facing only 21 years she was astounded.

Hard to explain the bullshit of left wing liberal democracy to her.

Yep he doesn't deserve a trial or the people paying for his trial or supporting him for the rest of his life either, simply do street justice in this case it seems pretty clear given the circumstances..

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My wife couldn't understand why they didn't just shoot him.

When I told her he was facing only 21 years she was astounded.

Hard to explain the bullshit of left wing liberal democracy to her.

Yep he doesn't deserve a trial or the people paying for his trial or supporting him for the rest of his life either, simply do street justice in this case it seems pretty clear given the circumstances..

Everyone accused of a crime deserves a trial. That's the way civilised societies work.

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What is it with Europeans, guns and mass shooting? These are becoming a monthly event. And why do Europeans love to target children? Is it because children are the future of humanity?

No, but there is no risk that children have guns and might shoot back. The police said that the shooter faces 21 years in jail. And with the legal system there, he might be out after 10. For good behaviour inside. Provided he is not found insane and cannot be put in jail but in a psychological institution. Where a doctor may find him sane after a couple of years and release him. Wether he then has to serve the jail sentence, I don't know. A few years ago, this was not the case and he would be free. Maybe they have changed the law.

First of all, CTM's comment is nothing less than flaming/trolling. No time for this now.

The sentencing and how long one is locked up, is more complicated as it seems.

He can sit until he dies of old age. Even after his initial sentence is finished.

As some other members here also state the Norwegian word "forvaring" means he is in "custody"/"take care of" by the state.

With so many victims (and families), I would be surprised if not at least one person is waiting for him the day he is released.

If ever released.

We all know it is not allowed to do so, but sometimes one just has to.

In the meantime, My God what a tragedy.

I wish I could speak better English to word it.

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My wife couldn't understand why they didn't just shoot him.

When I told her he was facing only 21 years she was astounded.

Hard to explain the bullshit of left wing liberal democracy to her.

Yep he doesn't deserve a trial or the people paying for his trial or supporting him for the rest of his life either, simply do street justice in this case it seems pretty clear given the circumstances..

Everyone accused of a crime deserves a trial. That's the way civilised societies work.

Letting this asshol_e have a trial is the very basic thing that setts us apart from him.

We can't let people like this drag us down to their level.

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