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Pain In Abdoman


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About 2 montha ago I developed an irrating pain very low in my abdoman. At the time I had started exercising again and was doing 8 kilometers a day plus a hundred situps and a bit of other things. I thought maybe I was over doing the situps so I quit for the last month.Now the pain has moved up a bit but is still there. Could be something as simple as dehydration? I am a little concerned but wary of thai hospitals where I live. I thought it was just sore muscles at first because of a long lay off with no exercise but now I am starting to get worried a little.

Anybody have any idea what it might be?

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Really to vague a description to venture any guess but this is certainly not due to dehydration. Where is the pain, in the groin area? Which side of the abdomen? What kind of pain is it? If it is due to a muscle injury, laying off for a month may not be enough if you strat the same exercise again. May be a developing hernia or an abdominal muscle strain such as those that some profesional tennis players get sometimes..

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Do I have any idea what it is?

No, and I don't claim to be a doctor.

The only real answer is for you to find a real doctor and have a check-up.

So do that and find out.

Not to be unkind, but it could be any number of things...but I doubt it can be diagnosed by anyone on a internet forum page...and cetainly not treated that way.

So go and find a doctor and have it looked at.


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