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My girlfriend has used a Skype account for several years, it works great for video chat but she now wants some Credit loaded on it so she can make phone calls.

I have transferred cash to her Paypal account but when she tries to purchase Skype credit she is told that she needs a credit card attached to her account. She does not even have a bank account!

As I understand it this might be related to terrorism or tax.

Has anybody else found a way around this problem, am I missing something, or is there another way to purchase Skype credit in Bangkok?



Yes you can do it through Skype

I am not sure of the exact procedure, but I have done it

Basically you define a "business account" for yourself (you do not need to have a business) then you can attach other skype accounts to that business account and set up what the money you transfer can be uiiused for (i,.e. which countries to call)

I hope that is enough info to get you started searching the Skype forums.

I have set up accounts for family and friends like this and transfer money to them as required.

You just attach their existing skype account and when she becomes your ex you can detach that account from your business but she can keep her skype address as before


You can use a Thai Bank debit card. I use Bangkok Bank's B1st card. You can link it to PayPal (Thailand) or directly purchase Skype credit with it.

If you are in the UK, you can purchase a Skype voucher and send her the PIN number to redeem it.


Perhaps you could sign her/ or yourself up for one of those disposable credit cards, or foreign exchange cards, like Travelex or FairFX. You could give her the card, but you top it up from your debit card account using a username and password.

They can be used just like a credit card, or for drawing money from an ATM. I have both a Euro one, and a Sterling one.


ask somebody in your homecountry to buy a paysafecard or ucash card.

These are prepaid card avaidable from 10 euro ,actually it's a code/number that you will get,whit that you can put credit in your skype....

and pokerstars accounts...whistling.gif


Thanks, there are a lot of good ideas there.

A bit more info first, my Girlfriend (Fiance actually) is a Filipina, and we are both in Bangkok at the moment on one of our regular holiday trips.

The Skype problem is similar to an earlier issue when she wanted a computer game for her laptop, I sent her a Paypal "Gift" so she could buy and download a legitimate copy for herself, the purchase needed to be made and downloaded on her laptop, but Paypal would not allow the purchase without an attached credit card.

Effectively she was blocked from paying for a legitimate copy, her only option seemed to be a pirate copy from friends.


"Treat the account as your own and pay for it yourself"

I tried that one first, but a credit card can only be attached to one Skype account. In any case I want her to be financially independant.


"Define a "business account" for yourself"

I need to investigate that one, sounds complex, why is my Girlfriend denied the ability to pay herself!


"Thai Bank debit card or Purchase a Skype voucher"

I have no Thai bank account, the skype voucher sounds good, can I purchase them in BKK?


"Sign her up for Travelex or FairFX"

Great idea, I have FairFX and have considered that in the past for ATM withdrawals.


"Paysafecard or ucash card"

Thanks, not heard of those, I need to google a bit, I assume thay are like disposable FairFX?

I think I need to buy a Thai sim card for her, and next week a Malaysian sim card, what a pain in the ass.


>She does not even have a bank account!

>I think I need to buy a Thai sim card for her, and next week a Malaysian sim card, what a pain in the ass.

I think you are going to be roped into buying everything for her besides phone credit - good luck!


Thanks, there are a lot of good ideas there.

A bit more info first, my Girlfriend (Fiance actually) is a Filipina, and we are both in Bangkok at the moment on one of our regular holiday trips.

The Skype problem is similar to an earlier issue when she wanted a computer game for her laptop, I sent her a Paypal "Gift" so she could buy and download a legitimate copy for herself, the purchase needed to be made and downloaded on her laptop, but Paypal would not allow the purchase without an attached credit card.

Effectively she was blocked from paying for a legitimate copy, her only option seemed to be a pirate copy from friends.


"Treat the account as your own and pay for it yourself"

I tried that one first, but a credit card can only be attached to one Skype account. In any case I want her to be financially independant.


"Define a "business account" for yourself"

I need to investigate that one, sounds complex, why is my Girlfriend denied the ability to pay herself!


"Thai Bank debit card or Purchase a Skype voucher"

I have no Thai bank account, the skype voucher sounds good, can I purchase them in BKK?


"Sign her up for Travelex or FairFX"

Great idea, I have FairFX and have considered that in the past for ATM withdrawals.


"Paysafecard or ucash card"

Thanks, not heard of those, I need to google a bit, I assume thay are like disposable FairFX?

I think I need to buy a Thai sim card for her, and next week a Malaysian sim card, what a pain in the ass.

This is the link youo need to look at http://www.skype.com/intl/en/business/skype-manager/

I have been down the same path before tryig to set up Skype accounts for members of my dfailiiy while working away from home

You can only have one skype account per credit card or paypal account which makes life difficultI and setting up a second payPal account with out a credit card is difficult too.

have not tried one time credit cards.

With the Skype manager ir is really very easy, and only 10 minutes to set up on line. Watch the videos on the link.

The beauty is that once set up you can add as many other skype accounts as you like and keep them all topped up.

Good luck


This is the link you need to look at http://www.skype.com/intl/en/business/skype-manager/

I have been down the same path before trying to set up Skype accounts for members of my family while working away from home

You can only have one skype account per credit card or paypal account which makes life difficultI and setting up a second payPal account with out a credit card is difficult too.

have not tried one time credit cards.

With the Skype manager it is really very easy, and only 10 minutes to set up on line. Watch the videos on the link.

The beauty is that once set up you can add as many other skype accounts as you like and keep them all topped up.

Good luck

Thanks, that looks like a good solution.

It is just irritating that people without credit cards seem to be shut out of things like this. It is fiscal apartheid.




As I said before, the Skype voucher is available in the UK, not Thailand.

If you are in Bangkok you can also use the 'Bank Transfer' method. You make a payment to USBC in Bangkok. and it is transferred to Skype. There are bank fees involved and it takes a few days.

This link provides various methods of buy Skype credit in different countries:


Your girlfriend will have to get a bank account to use PayPal. PayPal is supported by banks in many countries. If I recall, to setup links to a bank in that country, I'm pretty sure you need to be using an IP address from that country.

What is her and your country of residence?


As I said before, the Skype voucher is available in the UK, not Thailand.

If you are in Bangkok you can also use the 'Bank Transfer' method. You make a payment to USBC in Bangkok. and it is transferred to Skype. There are bank fees involved and it takes a few days.

This link provides various methods of buy Skype credit in different countries:


Your girlfriend will have to get a bank account to use PayPal. PayPal is supported by banks in many countries. If I recall, to setup links to a bank in that country, I'm pretty sure you need to be using an IP address from that country.

What is her and your country of residence?

Hi BB1950.

I gave up and got her a Thai sim for her phone instead, I will get her a Malaysian one when we hit KL.

What should have been simple, her buying Skype credit using the balance on her Paypal account turned out to be impossible.

I rather suspect that it is due to the taxation of internet services, where the purchase tax charged is based upon the residential address of the credit card holder.

If you have a UK address you will be charged European VAT at the 15% Luxembourg rate even if you purchase the Skype credit in Thailand, and use it in Cambodia, similar reasoning will apply for the USA purchase tax.

So because of the greed of tax authorities, my Filippina girlfriend is treated as a pariah and cannot purchase Skype credit (or other online services) without a credit card.

I must investigate the Skype manager as suggested by Thaimite, though seemingly the "free trial" ends today, and I have no idea what it costs after then. I have had enough skype for the moment.

Anybody know an alternative to skype? I have had enough of the idiots.

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