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Leaving Your House Unattended For 2 Months..Danger?


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Hi...For those expats living in Chiang Mai. I'm planning on taking a permanent house rental, probably not in an estate or gated community, in Chaing Mai town area. I may be away for 2 months at a time, from time to time. I'm asking people who have the experience of living in Chaing Mai...is this a reasonably safe thing to do provided the house is locked securely of course. I'd be very grateful for any help in this area.. Mike

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Hi 'mikey88' I was doing the very same thing a bit ago for over 2 years, working abroad fortwo months at a time, then home for a month.

Fact is you could lock your house up as tight as you like, anywhere in the world, if youleave it for two months empty you always run the risk of getting burgled.

My house isin a village, out of the city, I'm lucky, I have a very good Thai friend who kept an eye on the place and organized watering and grass cutting……..things likethat.

I don't know if you're local BIB offers a 'personal' security service, I know it goes against the grain to pay the police to do their job……..But it works, for me anyway. They place a red box outside your property and come once a day, sign a book, look around and leave, cost; 500 Baht a month. I don't think it's the physical action of the police that's the deterrent; it's the 'red box' on the wall that tells all that the police look after this house. I've never had a problem.

Do you have a trustworthy friend, ideally a local Thai? How about a house sitter, you know you could offer your place up for someone living outside CM to stay once or twice a week to show a presence, but you would of course have to trust them.

Good luck!

Edited by metisdead
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We too got burgled, in an out-of-town non-mooban location, when we left it unattended for 6 weeks, they broke in only 2 days before we returned. They damaged doors/windows in 3 places, before finding a weak-enough spot, to get-in without making much noise. And the daily police-check (B1000 per month) failed to notice the wide-open door.

I would advise a house-sitter or resident maid/gardener.

Edited by Ricardo
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We too got burgled, in an out-of-town non-mooban location, when we left it unattended for 6 weeks, they broke in only 2 days before we returned. They damaged doors/windows in 3 places, before finding a weak-enough spot, to get-in without making much noise. And the daily police-check (B1000 per month) failed to notice the wide-open door.

I would advise a house-sitter or resident maid/gardener.

Me too.

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They place a red box outside your property and come once a day, sign a book, look around and leave

Seems like any smart burglar would just look for the the houses with the red boxes... check the book and note what the daily time was for the polices daily stop and schedule accordingly... :whistling:

Edited by sfokevin
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we live in a pretty rough part of the city but have renovated a nice place preferring the convenience of inner city rather than out of town. A neighbor is a cop but they still took his outside cooking stove and gas bottle.We have security bars on all windows ...steel security bars on the outside doors and a roller door in the front entrance to the house.These are of a very attractive pattern. Total cost 18,000 bht We left for several weeks and had no problems . Lucky perhaps but the only way in would be the roof ..(metal)...or breach a block wall. Anyway, I feel safe in leaving it for long periods. Anyone that intent on getting in will...but we feel 18000 money well spent.

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I am a home builder and if anyone truly wants in they will find a way.

Usually it take me just a few minutes.

However saying that, in 8 years traviling to thailand for a month then back to hawaii for 3 months at a time, I have never had a problem here and in Hawaii been broken into 3 or 4 times in the nicer neighborhood.

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Thanks for the advice (even the smart mouth one)...from this small sample it loks like getting broken into could be a real problem in Chaing Mai....ah well so much for the noble thai sentiments... Thanks for all who took time to reply..it is greatly appreciated. Mike

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Hi 'mikey88' I was doing the very same thing a bit ago for over 2 years, working abroad fortwo months at a time, then home for a month.

Fact is you could lock your house up as tight as you like, anywhere in the world, if youleave it for two months empty you always run the risk of getting burgled.

My house isin a village, out of the city, I'm lucky, I have a very good Thai friend who kept an eye on the place and organized watering and grass cutting……..things likethat.

I don't know if you're local BIB offers a 'personal' security service, I know it goes against the grain to pay the police to do their job……..But it works, for me anyway. They place a red box outside your property and come once a day, sign a book, look around and leave, cost; 500 Baht a month. I don't think it's the physical action of the police that's the deterrent; it's the 'red box' on the wall that tells all that the police look after this house. I've never had a problem.

Do you have a trustworthy friend, ideally a local Thai? How about a house sitter, you know you could offer your place up for someone living outside CM to stay once or twice a week to show a presence, but you would of course have to trust them.

Good luck

Good advice :)

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This is also a potential problem for me, as I will not be in Chiang Mai full time.

To what extent does living on a mooban help?

If you have security guards, makes it more likely in my experience, not less likely. Thais I know don't trust security guards one little bit ...........

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To give me a greater sense of security I installed a nice alarm system (There are great and inexpensive models at the electronic store just to the left of the entrance to the Icon computer mall on the North moat outer road) It has motion sensors and door & window sensors and a bunch of remotes - I assume that this would be a nice first defense to scare the intruder away... I also bought a medium sized safe where I put all my electronics, computers and small items when I leave for any over night trips (I had this bolted to the floor in the walkin closet)

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They place a red box outside your property and come once a day, sign a book, look around and leave

Seems like any smart burglar would just look for the the houses with the red boxes... check the book and note what the daily time was for the polices daily stop and schedule accordingly... :whistling:

Fair comment 'sfokvin'……….However, two thing; first….As stated, it's not the physical presence of the police, but the fact that the police look after the house, (as denoted by a 'red box') Now I can see how this may not work to well in a city, but in a Thai village, it works very well, (every bugger knows everyone else's business) And the police know who all the 'tea leafs' are in the area……And they want to retain your business. The other thing is; you do realize this box doesn't just go up when the property is empty? I'm not trying to advocate that this is a fool proof way of securing your property……….For a fool proof way to keep the Mongols from your goodies; lay a lazy W Patton of HE L1A2 AP land mines under each window and a liberal scattering of 'clamor' frag mines, (trip set) around each door way……Job done!

Edited by metisdead
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Chiang Mai is a small place, people talk and gossip and the word soon gets around that someone is away and the property is empty.

My family and I never leave our home empty, not even for one day, let alone for several weeks.

Even if a home is secured like Fort Knox, if someone is determined to break in, they will do it. This applies anywhere in the world.

If you leave your property over a period, you do so at your own risk.

So what you do next, has to be at your own judgment and descretion. No one can advise you on this, it`s all down to using common sense.

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There is a good chance if you being robbed by the very people who have look after your house. I've know many here who had that happen and later on caught the person with their property.

It really is a risk any way you do it.

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Looks like we'll have to go for an apartment then!

It's a bit strange having to think of this sort of problem. Here on Gozo people leave there cars and houses unlocked and there is rarely a problem. I've even walked down the road in the village and seen keys hanging out of doors!!

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I used to leave 6 months at a time, and never had a problem at www.banwangtan.com. I was known in the moobaan, so I think people were looking after it, as well as mooban security, whose motorcycle taxi service had received my business. I avoid expensive electronics. My 6000 thb Sony from Siam TV worked great and was glad to sell it with the house.

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Hi, i have been living in Chiang Mai for the past 8 months, i recently started an export company based on the internet, if you need me to look after your house, while you're away, i would be happy to.

Nearly all my time is taken up on my laptop and with the rainy season upon us, I see little reason to venture out, so it could be a perfect scenario? what you think, im 50 years old and born in the UK.


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Were in land & house moo baan on canal road and while we didn't leave our house unattended I think it would be perfectly safe to do so. There's cameras and security guard patrols. But the main thing is you can't just drive in here as the security at the gate checks all cars. If you came in over the fence you'd likely arouse suspicion - you'd be on camera and taking a big risk that nobody is watching. The walll is pretty high so even if you got in, and avoided the cameras and patrols (and many, many neighbors) it would not be easy to get big stuff out again.

All in all there's much softer targets in Chiang Mai. This moo baan is safe. Our neighbors are from Bangkok and away most of the year; never had a break in there.

I have been to many cheap apartments in the city too and the one thing that stands out is that almost all of them have really tight security. Keycard is needed to get inside and often there's also security guards. And thats in places that cost 2000 baht / month...

Chiang Mai is a very safe place, but active security is needed. I have heard from many people living in the city that their house / apartment got broken into. Every one of them without active security though.

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