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Shipping Personal Effects Back To The Uk From Thailand

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Looking to ship some personal goods back to the UK. My items are things like a couple of mountain bikes, a few PC's and peripherals. a few garden machines, petrol strimmer, Honda 5 HP engine, nothing too big.

Prpbably be a part load for a 20' container nothing more, a TV and a large fridge freezer and washing machine, a couple of water pumps etc. No beds no furniture, a few tools and the like.

More utility than home comforts. Anyone know if they still charge by weight or by Cubic Metre etc? and what would be any obstacle of clearing UK customs on pre owned goods that I intend to use as my own (and have been my own for years)

I really need a company that can come and simply pack the whole lot into cases and ship the entire lot to the UK by sea as I assume it is going to be the cheapest method.

Then anyone can recommend a good supplier of really heavy sledgehammers, that I can use to just nip around and simply smash to smithereens anything I cannot pack up and ship? (I would use petrol or similar, but you cannot set fire to concrete water tanks and the like, they simply do not catch fire, and I really would hate to think after all these years of buying and building that I actually was able to leave these bastards anything slightly salvageable, it truly would give me sleepless nights.

The thought of a years contract on the phone and ADSL with TOT only brings smiles to my face.



Havnt you got any worthy mates ( Falangs) living in LOS who would be glad to take a some items of you ???

As you can gets lots of things in Car boot sales for next to nothing nowa days rolleyes.gif

Ps...You haven't got a nice cooker to sell by any chance whistling.gif


Dont even bother do what you have to do!!! its not worth the trouble or any more expence, you have invested to much already.. :rolleyes:


"I really need a company that can come and simply pack the whole lot into cases and ship the entire lot to the UK by sea as I assume it is going to be the cheapest method."

It's a pity the OP followed this interesting query with some obviously bitter comments which suggest he's leaving Thailand in unhappy circumstances. It would be nice if someone could come up with the requisite info, which might be of value to others as well.


I used this company.


They were by far the cheapest, but only shipped from Thailand to Uk port. In the next few days I have to arrange getting them through the port and to my home. I'm not sure how difficult and expensive that will be, but will hopefully work out cheaper than other options.

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