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Translation Needed!


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I am looking at getting at tatoo of the quote below in thai, i would be very grateful if a thai speaker could translate into thai writing as i do not trust internet word translators.

'He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. '

any help would be very appreciated !


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Google translation is accurate enough, it conveys the meaning. You could be pedantic about this but at the end of the day the message would be the same. You could post this with the translation in the Thai language section where this will probably be moved when I post the following:


Personally I would go for "Who dares wins" a lot less painful. :rolleyes:

Edited by roamer
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Google translate will give you a literal translation of each of the words in the sentence you want.

However, that doesn't mean that it actually means something in the Thai language!

Consider if it was done the other way around;

Take, for example;

ช้างตายทั้งตัว เอาใบบัวมาปิด(ไม่มิด)

You cannot hide a whole dead elephant behind a lotus leaf

Which would, possibly, be the equivalent of 'what is done by night appears by day'

If you saw a Thai person with the English words 'You cannot hide a whole dead elephant behind a lotus leaf' tattooed on their body....what would you think?

I think you should think long and hard before having what makes sense in English, translated literally into Thai and then inked on your body.

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Go with a51mas's suggestion. (ไม่กล้าก็ไม่ก้าว) thumbsup.gif

The line posted by Roamer (ผู้ที่ไม่ได้เป็นความกล้าหาญพอที่จะใช้ความเสี่ยงที่จะประสบความสำเร็จอะไรในชีวิต) says, "A person who is not courage* enough to use risk to succeed at anything in life". There's Google Translate for you. blink.gif

*That's not a typo--it actually says ความกล้าหาญ, "courage", rather than กล้า/กล้าหาญ, "courageous".

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