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Swedish Slashers Confess To Phuket Police


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If they write a book about this, its title will be "A Tale of 3 Idiots" !

Idiot #1 dobs in his ex-mates, goes into hiding, and then puts his new location on facebook

Idiot #2 rents a room opposite using his own passport. Within minutes BIB knows their prime suspect.

Idiot #3 rents a room, then disposes of his knife and blood-soaked shirt by throwing them in the swimming pool.

My dog is smarter than this lot.

to me it seemed like they watched too much of tv crime series so that all their moves were copied from the tv sets. no wonder that the police got them in a blink of the eyes cause it all there in the police investigation manual

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Yes swedes in a scam my god why would they bother - nickel and dime scams in Thailand they liable to pocket a whole 3000 Baht lol = what dickheads i thought swedes had more brains ? - gee things must be tough in Sweden to have to race to Thailand kill for ''ice scream money '' what a joke lol lol - but of course expected look at there ages!! that tells all !!! they are from the ''crap generation'' -born in last 30 years ? - they'd need a circuit diagram to tie up a shoelace! so really if your to let the brain dead in--------------- well))))))))) -your going to get this type of thing !

These two would be that dumb, they'd think ''eggs benadict'' is an Italian gangster lol lol !

"Tommy was in the group we arrested [in February], but we didn't catch Johan.

Tommy ?

Johan ?

Why are the police on first name terms with the killers ??

It is a normal Thai/Asian thing when they refer to any farang it is normally Mr Steve, Mr George etc, They very rarely call you Mr Jones , Mr Smith.

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If they write a book about this, its title will be "A Tale of 3 Idiots" !

Idiot #1 dobs in his ex-mates, goes into hiding, and then puts his new location on facebook

Idiot #2 rents a room opposite using his own passport. Within minutes BIB knows their prime suspect.

Idiot #3 rents a room, then disposes of his knife and blood-soaked shirt by throwing them in the swimming pool.

My dog is smarter than this lot.

to me it seemed like they watched too much of tv crime series so that all their moves were copied from the tv sets. no wonder that the police got them in a blink of the eyes cause it all there in the police investigation manual

Idiot #1 dobs in his ex-mates, goes into hiding, and then puts his new location on facebook

trouble was , they never really kept quite what they where doing, and flashing there cash far to much, it would not have been difficult to track them down,

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If they write a book about this, its title will be "A Tale of 3 Idiots" !

Idiot #1 dobs in his ex-mates, goes into hiding, and then puts his new location on facebook

Idiot #2 rents a room opposite using his own passport. Within minutes BIB knows their prime suspect.

Idiot #3 rents a room, then disposes of his knife and blood-soaked shirt by throwing them in the swimming pool.

My dog is smarter than this lot.

Yup, these guys are dumber than a box of rocks.

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YOUR DEAD RIGHT MICK we having a giggle about it here - its like something out of ''forest gump '' although i dont think gump was that dumb !! lol

like a take out of the ''comedy company'' toss knife in the pool they must think thai cops are dumb / blind and deft - i mean they not dick tracies - but not totally dumb !

bloody thailand whats wrong with the place why you got murders scam corrupt happing there daily ( don't they realise its put people off going there derr))))) --you know i mean fugg how hard is it ? just to relax in total safety forget all the scam & crap ! ) its sad but start getting reports daily murders scam christ knows what well its going to have a long term effect the govvy there must be totally blind eh!

all killing each other over 1000 baht i mean who would bother ???? so pedantic rediculous!

If they write a book about this, its title will be "A Tale of 3 Idiots" !

Idiot #1 dobs in his ex-mates, goes into hiding, and then puts his new location on facebook

Idiot #2 rents a room opposite using his own passport. Within minutes BIB knows their prime suspect.

Idiot #3 rents a room, then disposes of his knife and blood-soaked shirt by throwing them in the swimming pool.

My dog is smarter than this lot.

to me it seemed like they watched too much of tv crime series so that all their moves were copied from the tv sets. no wonder that the police got them in a blink of the eyes cause it all there in the police investigation manual

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Isn't it amazing at how they can solve this case involving foreigners so quickly? With so many involving politicians never getting solved?

Spare me the conspiracy theories! They admitted guilt so case solved. If you feel persecuted as a foreigner then go home!

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So "Around 12 Thai men" turns into 2 farang.

Smells fishy to me.....

I'm surprised that soo many of you have jumped onto the bandwagon of instantly condemning them, even though the details are soo inconsistent with yesterdays article.

Take into account how quickly the police found and tracked them down, in comparison to similar cases, and I'm thinking there's definitely something fishy going on

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How many Swedes died in a day?

Amazing reporting within less than 24h.....

Yesterday's news:

Neighbors told rescue workers at the scene that a gang of about 12 Thai men were waiting to ambush the Swede when he returned by motorcycle to his home at The Lantern family pool villa complex off Thepkrasattri Rd at about 8pm last night.

Today's news:

2 Swedes killed him and confessed

No Thai involved.. Only bad Farangs?

And what r u trying to imply here Mr? if u feel that ppl in his country are no good then pls. feel free to move

Yeah right? 12 Thai guys discreetly hanging out on a street corner waiting to ambush and kill a ferrang? Sounds plausible? Or 2 ferrang stab a ferrang in the neck and admit guilt. Sounds plausible!

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You would admit guilt too if you had no other favorable options....

Isn't it amazing at how they can solve this case involving foreigners so quickly? With so many involving politicians never getting solved?

Spare me the conspiracy theories! They admitted guilt so case solved. If you feel persecuted as a foreigner then go home!

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Professionals they are, check in a hotel with a blood-soaked T-shirt and throw the knife in the swimming pool. Of course they asked each other how did they find us?

And they were scamming people by phone, are they smart enough to do that?

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So "Around 12 Thai men" turns into 2 farang.

Smells fishy to me.....

I'm surprised that soo many of you have jumped onto the bandwagon of instantly condemning them, even though the details are soo inconsistent with yesterdays article.

Take into account how quickly the police found and tracked them down, in comparison to similar cases, and I'm thinking there's definitely something fishy going on

They've pleaded guilty! And one of them has pleaded guilty to stabbing the man in the neck. Where's the fish and what's the big deal, they wouldn't plead guilty in if they weren't unless they're just a couple of attention seekers but that's highly unlikely!

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You would admit guilt too if you had no other favorable options....

Isn't it amazing at how they can solve this case involving foreigners so quickly? With so many involving politicians never getting solved?

Spare me the conspiracy theories! They admitted guilt so case solved. If you feel persecuted as a foreigner then go home!

Are you mad? You might admit guilt for something you hadn't done but I never would. You don't know me so don't make stupid assumptions!

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I find the possible Russian connection interesting. The scam these fellows were involved in appears to be the same scam that I have seen other Russians run in America. Having had to deal with such gangs back in the States I would think that these young fellows are just the mid to low level members of a much larger Russian run organization operating here in Thailand.

Members of these types of Russian organized crime do not easily give confessions unless they are ordered to by their higher ups so as to end investigations and to keep the police off the upper management of the organization. If I were a Thai cop I would be looking for the connection to who is really pulling the strings, find out who is paying for the suspect’s attorneys, who is paying their bond (if there is any), who is coming to visit them.

There are other signs the Thai police should look for such as tattoos, do any of these fellows have similar tattoos which would indicate an organized Russian crime family?

In summary, it is possible that these fellows were ordered to punish the victim and if they got caught they followed the standing order to admit they did it and to deny any affiliation with the crime family that they are members of. In the end these fellows will be compensated by their bosses or they will be terminated as being too great of a risk.

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You would admit guilt too if you had no other favorable options....

Isn't it amazing at how they can solve this case involving foreigners so quickly? With so many involving politicians never getting solved?

Spare me the conspiracy theories! They admitted guilt so case solved. If you feel persecuted as a foreigner then go home!

Are you mad? You might admit guilt for something you hadn't done but I never would. You don't know me so don't make stupid assumptions!

It isn't uncommon for people to admit to crimes they didn't commit, for any number of reasons.

Not saying this is one of them though.

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Yes swedes in a scam my god why would they bother - nickel and dime scams in Thailand they liable to pocket a whole 3000 Baht lol = what dickheads i thought swedes had more brains ? - gee things must be tough in Sweden to have to race to Thailand kill for ''ice scream money '' what a joke lol lol - but of course expected look at there ages!! that tells all !!! they are from the ''crap generation'' -born in last 30 years ? - they'd need a circuit diagram to tie up a shoelace! so really if your to let the brain dead in--------------- well))))))))) -your going to get this type of thing !

These two would be that dumb, they'd think ''eggs benadict'' is an Italian gangster lol lol !

Well, if you have a luxury villa when you are only 25 years old the scams paid a bit more than money to buy an ice cream (remember, the stabbed Swede was in on this scam in the first place):

"Swedish expat stabbed to death at luxury villa in Phuket"

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I guess this proves the old addage: "Nobody likes a grass"

So it was nothing to do with a love triangle, purely murder because he reported thier criminal activity. A complete waiste of life for purely acting like any decent citizen. I hope these two get life in a dirty cockroach/rat infested prison.

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Although they carry Swedish passports all of them (it is fairly easy to get citizenship in Sweden) they look more Russian to me from the Picture.

Considering the murdered guy was Russian from Birth one could speculate about where their real connections lay.

The guys above is Swedish, nothing else. Maxim was Russian born but Swedish by naturalization.

Stop speculating, you are making a fool of yourself.

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So you have 2 giant sized Anglo Saxon Swedes covered in blood stealing motorcycles and running around a small town checking into a hotel, where there aren't many farangs to begin with.

Not too bright these fellows, can you imagine how the Thai guy felt when 2 farangs stole his mocyc from him? He was probably like "<deleted>"???, but in Thai. :lol:

Edited by KRS1
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So it was nothing to do with a love triangle, purely murder because he reported thier criminal activity. A complete waiste of life for purely acting like any decent citizen. I hope these two get life in a dirty cockroach/rat infested prison.

I don't think ramming a knife into someones neck is going to stand up very well as an "accident" in court????

You may be surprised. I remember two cases in Chiang Mai, maybe about 5 years ago. Case 1 a farang woman shot and killed her estranged farang husband for not coming up with child support, I believe she walked out of jail in under 5 years. In another case two farangs got drunk together and one shot the other in the face, killing him of course. I don't remember how much time he served but I think it was also less than 5 years. I remember thinking at the time that if you want to kill someone better make sure it's another farang and make sure you do in it Thailand preferably while you're drunk. Light sentences for extraordinary crimes occur all over the world, not that locking people up for life in sh*t holes achieves any sort of rehabilitation.

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Good job by the BIB. If only they were this diligent more than 10% of the time there would be a lot less unsolved crimes.

Just couldn't miss a chance to bash could you.

Yes at every opportunity they come out from under their stone dont they

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I find the possible Russian connection interesting. The scam these fellows were involved in appears to be the same scam that I have seen other Russians run in America. Having had to deal with such gangs back in the States I would think that these young fellows are just the mid to low level members of a much larger Russian run organization operating here in Thailand.

No, they were not.

Please avoid speculating about things you have no clue about.

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"course , the really interesting thing here is how they (evidently) so easily got out of that jam in pattaya"

That is indeed the real question. So many times people don't serve time or get the sentance required. They can also pay a bribe to get free.

I've lost count of the number of cases that never receive any follow up until they are arrested again for another crime or go missing(flee) whilst out on bail.

Corruption allows arrest to be a mere inconvenience soooo many times in Thailand and never a truer word spoken

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