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Lizard In Bottom Of Washing Machine

Daffy D

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We have a washing machine, one of those twin tub top loading types, outside at the back of the house.

We also have a family of lizards living in all the junk around the back of the house. They are a friendly bunch you can go right up and almost touch them and we quite like having them around.

A few days ago we found a baby lizard in the bottom of the washing machine, we tend to keep the top open to stop it getting musty, and I had a devil of a job chasing it round and round trying to pick it up, not by the tail, without hurting it.

Eventually it got so exhausted that I did manage get it out but it's tail fell of anyway. No problem I guess it will grow a new one, but now there is another one in the bottom of the machine and I don't really want to stress it out like the last one.

Any ideas how to get it out with tail intact?

I have put a length of wood into the machine long enough for the lizard to crawl up and get out I just hope it has the sense to do that.

If the piece of wood strategy fails any suggestions apart from turning the whole machine upside down and letting it fall out. :D


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Maybe put something down there he can crawl onto that could be lifted out?

I'd recommend getting a screen made that would fit over top so you could keep it aired out without letting any visitors in.

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Easy peesey.

Buy one of those fishnets that are used for scooping fish out of aquariums and fishponds.

They are great for this sort of thing with the minimum of stress for the animal and very cheap from most supermarkets and pet supply stores.

Over time I have used these nets to rescue birds (feathered kind) that have accidentally flown into the house, lizards trapped in a hole in our garden and even a chicken when my dog caught one once.

Only need to cover the lizard with the net, when the lizard runs inside it, just turn the net over with a slight twist and lift it out.



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Another easy way is to simply drop a piece of cloth like a t-shirt over it. Then gently push the cloth into a loose ball and lift it out. As long as you do not squeeze the "ball" tightly, the lizard should come out with the cloth. Be prepared to do the same thing on a frequent schedule unless you rig up some screen or other cover that allows air to circulate but not insects or lizards.

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I have a single tub top loader washing machine. A few months ago I was removing the clothing to hang up to dry and lifting the last article, a polo shirt, out of the tub uncovered a snake. I have no idea how it got in there but it was certainly very clean. I shudder to think that it was in the laundry basket that we keep in the bedroom and it was tipped into the tub with all the clothes. Thankfully the reptile was quite docile so I used two lengths of wood to fashion a makeshift pair of tongs, lifted it out into a handy cardboard box and released it in a mini forest about a mile away. I have no idea whether it was venomous or not, but I wasn't going to take any chances.

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Good news the piece of wood leaning into the machine seems to have worked as the little fella was gone this morning.

Thanks for all the suggestions, lots of variations to keep in mind for similar situations in the future. Always good to get other ideas.

The snake in the laundry sounds a bit scary :w00t:


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Good news the piece of wood leaning into the machine seems to have worked as the little fella was gone this morning.

Thanks for all the suggestions, lots of variations to keep in mind for similar situations in the future. Always good to get other ideas.

The snake in the laundry sounds a bit scary :w00t:


He's probably gone into the mechanism. You'll need to dismantle your washing machine.

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He's probably gone into the mechanism. You'll need to dismantle your washing machine.

Oh! I hope not :unsure:

The Misses has done a load of washing so if he didn't climb out he is a very clean little lizard starting a new life inside the mechanics of the machine :D

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