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Must be a Re Chip Fortuna. Ive never beaten a Jazz,, Fiesta,Yaris or City from the lights if they say No. The Sportiveo/Tuna seems on par with a Vios, that seems to be a bit slower to me.:jap:

a Tuna with 10k baht chips goes 0-100kmh in 10 seconds, loaded with 7 adults, and brakes 100-0kmh in 44 meters. better than most in this topic

50-150kmh it beats all the cars mentioned in this topic, available in TH.

could I buy a bmw 520d touring for same money, I would. but as long as Vigo/Fortuna/ Pajero sells at give awayprices compared to anything else in TH, I can live with people in gyms believe my d is 3-4inches :D

and 2011 Pajero Sport 2,5 is even faster :P

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Except that silly Union Jack flag in the front :whistling: .. They need to get some REAL drivers though, they have a Frenchie a Swiss and a Brit, that's the only draw back to the program but it should illustrate just how good the cars are to have such second rate drivers yet and still win the WTCC Championship :D .. Also dominating so far this year too.

So where are the real drivers going to come from?

Spain, Germany, Russia maybe even Thailand or China? Any one of those has better offerings and that doesn't even factor in a really first rate American driver :D ..

Don't see any winning yanks in F1, the big money and skill. :rolleyes:

That's more about not wanting to succumb to paying the extortion money required to override the bigotry and discrimination of a Eurpoean series that holds no marketing value to the US. F1 is not about talent with a very few exceptions and the sooner you understand that the better off your life will be.. Touring cars however which is/was the topic until you moved the goal posts that's a whole different set of factors even if still money motivated over talent as is ALL motorsports (meaning it's big business and the driver with the most funding and nepotism backing him/her is the one who gets the drive regardless of talent, see Danica Patrick for one good example) a driver can at least afford to get his chance to make his impression in some cases in touring cars but the series in the States offer all the competition required to have a productive career so very little need to buck the same bigotry and discrimination to compete in the WTCC when the State side series are in many ways superior and more affordable not requiring expensive logistical International travel..

Americans don't need to have their ego's stroked like the Euro's do so being the best in a series like F1 or WTCC doesn't appeal to them but when ever a Euro comes to compete in the states it's good competition with give and take not the same in the opposite direction however as the Euros feel too much threat in their own series so keep it to themselves..

I suspect you don't even know names like Bobby Rahal, Johnny O'Connell, Dorsey Schroedor, John Morton, Tommy Kendall, Bill Auberlen, Scott Pruett, Randy Pobst, TC Kline, Peter Cunningham or even Paul Newman when he was in his prime. Any one of these guys has and does take it to any Euros who either come to the states or when they travel to Europe for races like the Lemans 24 hours in which the US has many drivers of note who to their credit have won a real racers race..

BTW since you moved the goal posts so far I'll even play your game and play to your strength & ask you how many Europeans have won the NHRA Championship and compete on a regular basis in that series, arguably the F1 of drag racing world wide..Same same..

What a poor reply :lol:. Yank and other F1 drivers have, after loosing their F1 quality have moved on to NASCAR etc cos it's roundy, roundy and just needs guts, 10 out of 10 for that. F1 is not European, it's a world wide track event, all corners of the planet but where are the yanks ? The money is there.

Drag racing is not every ones cup of tea, in fact it is a very dangerous sport and those with ACTUAL driving ability it will be boring, it's for the die hard's and a sport that anyone can do if they have the guts.. :rolleyes:



What a poor reply :lol:. Yank and other F1 drivers have, after loosing their F1 quality have moved on to NASCAR etc cos it's roundy, roundy and just needs guts, 10 out of 10 for that. F1 is not European, it's a world wide track event, all corners of the planet but where are the yanks ? The money is there.

Drag racing is not every ones cup of tea, in fact it is a very dangerous sport and those with ACTUAL driving ability it will be boring, it's for the die hard's and a sport that anyone can do if they have the guts.. :rolleyes:

As I recall there has only been one simultaneous F1/CART Champion.

Can anyone guess his nationality ;-)


What a poor reply :lol:. Yank and other F1 drivers have, after loosing their F1 quality have moved on to NASCAR etc cos it's roundy, roundy and just needs guts, 10 out of 10 for that. F1 is not European, it's a world wide track event, all corners of the planet but where are the yanks ? The money is there.

Drag racing is not every ones cup of tea, in fact it is a very dangerous sport and those with ACTUAL driving ability it will be boring, it's for the die hard's and a sport that anyone can do if they have the guts.. :rolleyes:

Fixing your shit quote tags again and losing half the quotes!!

Well another standard answer devoid of any sense or knowledge from T/A it's become quite the norm with you, no real intelligible response just a dismissive one because the point is beyond you. There's just no debating with your fluent skills on all forms of nothing so I'll just leave you to your brew after this final point :burp: ..

Just because you dismiss the facts makes them no less true..Your point about NASCAR just reinforces my point, just like soccer (or tootsie ball as you'd prefer to term it) their are plenty of other more popular competing sports to be supported and with far more notoriety domestically for a fraction of the cost versus ROI. So why would any company, pour literally billions into being the headline sponsor of a sport which provides a fraction of the return, I know your British and business is not your strong suit but lets be real. Even you can understand that's a money losing proposition just to prop your nads up and say you are an F1 sponsor?? Nope American companies didn't get to be the worlds best by making decisions like that..

Bottom line just like your politics we have no interest in we have no interest in playing in your highfalutin, cheese and cracker, snobbish, pretentious sport and that's what galls the Euro's the most.. Back in the day when talent was more coveted then budget you can bring with there were many competitive Americans and that is also why Bernie coveted having Danica Patrick, a mid-level (at best) American driver come to the sport, it wasn't about talent or competition it was strictly about her being his tool to garner more marketing capital from his business model because it would bring in fans and fans are the customer base of his business no other reason..

F1 is European and now Asian/Middle eastern there's not even a race in the States and that to is due to not buckling under to the corrupt biased extortion of F1 and Czar Bernie Eccelstoner..JFYI your last statement about drag racing is applicable to F1 and Americans who BTW are primarily of European decent making all of your argument specious at best..

[Walking away shaking my head thinking what a simpleton and recognizing that some people just never will get it...]


Americans don't need to have their ego's stroked like the Euro's do so being the best in a series like F1 or WTCC doesn't appeal to them ...


Just sayin'

Thank you for unintentionally proving my point there MRO. Not a single modern day driver amongst that lot but as I stated in my previous post which was being composed while you were posting obviously that doesn't apply to modern day and at that time it was more about competition and talent and not ego and money..


What a poor reply :lol:. Yank and other F1 drivers have, after loosing their F1 quality have moved on to NASCAR etc cos it's roundy, roundy and just needs guts, 10 out of 10 for that. F1 is not European, it's a world wide track event, all corners of the planet but where are the yanks ? The money is there.

Drag racing is not every ones cup of tea, in fact it is a very dangerous sport and those with ACTUAL driving ability it will be boring, it's for the die hard's and a sport that anyone can do if they have the guts.. :rolleyes:

Fixing your shit quote tags again and losing half the quotes!!

Well another standard answer devoid of any sense or knowledge from T/A it's become quite the norm with you, no real intelligible response just a dismissive one because the point is beyond you. There's just no debating with your fluent skills on all forms of nothing so I'll just leave you to your brew after this final point :burp: ..

Just because you dismiss the facts makes them no less true..Your point about NASCAR just reinforces my point, just like soccer (or tootsie ball as you'd prefer to term it) their are plenty of other more popular competing sports to be supported and with far more notoriety domestically for a fraction of the cost versus ROI. So why would any company, pour literally billions into being the headline sponsor of a sport which provides a fraction of the return, I know your British and business is not your strong suit but lets be real. Even you can understand that's a money losing proposition just to prop your nads up and say you are an F1 sponsor?? Nope American companies didn't get to be the worlds best by making decisions like that..

Bottom line just like your politics we have no interest in we have no interest in playing in your highfalutin, cheese and cracker, snobbish, pretentious sport and that's what galls the Euro's the most.. Back in the day when talent was more coveted then budget you can bring with there were many competitive Americans and that is also why Bernie coveted having Danica Patrick, a mid-level (at best) American driver come to the sport, it wasn't about talent or competition it was strictly about her being his tool to garner more marketing capital from his business model because it would bring in fans and fans are the customer base of his business no other reason..

F1 is European and now Asian/Middle eastern there's not even a race in the States and that to is due to not buckling under to the corrupt biased extortion of F1 and Czar Bernie Eccelstoner..JFYI your last statement about drag racing is applicable to F1 and Americans who BTW are primarily of European decent making all of your argument specious at best..

[Walking away shaking my head thinking what a simpleton and recognizing that some people just never will get it...]

After reading your wee rant l still don't understand why quality yank drivers are not in F1.

FORGET politics, a real driver isn't interested in politics, he wants to race, earn money and have his/her name in lights. There is no yank at this time in the EYE of a F1 team owner, IS THERE. :rolleyes: OR are you saying yanks are not interested in the NO.1 worldwide motorsport. ?

In years gone by yes, slower cars eh. :)

You can write all the abuse at me you like, water of a ducks back, but you have not answered my question. :huh:

I salute U.S.A. Phil Hill, 1950, World F1 Champ.


Thick as a box of rocks....No, you have answered none of my originally posted questions all of which were prior to any of yours...

You didn't read my post or you would have comprehended it's not about politics it's about economics and European bias against American drivers just like what you're demonstrating so skillfully with your ill informed biased comments...End of...


Thick as a box of rocks....No, you have answered none of my originally posted questions all of which were prior to any of yours...

You didn't read my post or you would have comprehended it's not about politics it's about economics and European bias against American drivers just like what you're demonstrating so skillfully with your ill informed biased comments...End of...

No not end of. What happens to the top F1 drivers that are past their sale by date but still want to race? Many go to the USA and do stuff there and WIN. YES/NO.

There are NO yank drivers up to F1 standards. If there were, they would be making a lot of money. F1 is watched by the planet, 90% of the race minded no the names Prost, Senna. Mansell. etc. I know you don't like the English or Europeans for that matter but look at the statistics. Most USA racing is USA racing, why is that, why is American Football called World, never understood that, but then if they think like you, blinkered, well, nuff said eh. :rolleyes:


Ken Block didnt just do Round n Rounds, he made Rally Cars dance ,entertaining driver for me anyway.Cant see why Yanks need to bother with Euro Stuff.there enough varied M.Sport. for every taste there. NASCAR atmosphere was fantastic tracksideI, loved my time there, and the People, but then i never met a Grumpy Warpy.Calm Down Chaps.:D


American Racing, Grand Am , AMLS ,in top classes most competetive cars driven by non americans(not all), Indycar the weekends Mid Ohio race 20 of 27 drivers non american ,2011 Indy 500 '100 year anniversary' winner non american(but must say american going to win by a long way...........until he trashed it at 499.75 miles!) .Corvette Racing a manufacturer factory team running an American icon, 75% drivers non american . America does have a few talented drivers but in the BIG PICTURE it's a very small percentage last truly international driver i suppose was Mario Andretti who could hack it in F1 etc, the last F1 offering is now driving start and park cars in Nascar which sums it up nicely .

This has been a Kartman reality check posting.


Ken Block didnt just do Round n Rounds, he made Rally Cars dance ,entertaining driver for me anyway.Cant see why Yanks need to bother with Euro Stuff.there enough varied M.Sport. for every taste there. NASCAR atmosphere was fantastic tracksideI, loved my time there, and the People, but then i never met a Grumpy Warpy.Calm Down Chaps.:D

As a Brit l did the Daytona 500, it was great, fantastic day and the people and camaraderie towards me was the nuts, fond memory. . :)


American Racing, Grand Am , AMLS ,in top classes most competetive cars driven by non americans(not all), Indycar the weekends Mid Ohio race 20 of 27 drivers non american ,2011 Indy 500 '100 year anniversary' winner non american(but must say american going to win by a long way...........until he trashed it at 499.75 miles!) .Corvette Racing a manufacturer factory team running an American icon, 75% drivers non american . America does have a few talented drivers but in the BIG PICTURE it's a very small percentage last truly international driver i suppose was Mario Andretti who could hack it in F1 etc, the last F1 offering is now driving start and park cars in Nascar which sums it up nicely .

This has been a Kartman reality check posting.

Even Andretti was Italian (I think).


I remember once upon a time I opened a thread about buying a Chevy Cruze. I can't seem to Find it. Can anyone point me in the right Direction? :D


I remember once upon a time I opened a thread about buying a Chevy Cruze. I can't seem to Find it. Can anyone point me in the right Direction? :D

Good reading and FUN though eh. :lol: A laugh a day helps you work rest and play. :D


Every men in my gym with a fortuner has shown proudly their little 3-4inchers.


As big as that ? I only bought a Fortuner because I have a 2 incher.


American Racing, Grand Am , AMLS ,in top classes most competetive cars driven by non americans(not all), Indycar the weekends Mid Ohio race 20 of 27 drivers non american ,2011 Indy 500 '100 year anniversary' winner non american(but must say american going to win by a long way...........until he trashed it at 499.75 miles!) .Corvette Racing a manufacturer factory team running an American icon, 75% drivers non american . America does have a few talented drivers but in the BIG PICTURE it's a very small percentage last truly international driver i suppose was Mario Andretti who could hack it in F1 etc, the last F1 offering is now driving start and park cars in Nascar which sums it up nicely .

This has been a Kartman reality check posting.

More like usual kartman fantasy posting, must have taken you quite some time to dig up those fantasy statistics based on specific times in history to suit your point but not relative historically.. Still making my point though that American teams and programs are more willing to provide rides for International drivers based on talent where as the converse is not true for Euro teams as there are plenty of first rate American drivers to choose from but nationalistic thinking prevails not only with teams but with sponsors.. Thanks once again for making my point...

JFYI to all those who supposedly know so well. What constitutes an "American"?? The only true Americans are native indians which is why I said T/A's argument was specious at best and now the usual Keystone cops have joined in and added their own style of simplicity to the conversation and follow on his line of thinking and take the bait hook line and sinker....


American Racing, Grand Am , AMLS ,in top classes most competetive cars driven by non americans(not all), Indycar the weekends Mid Ohio race 20 of 27 drivers non american ,2011 Indy 500 '100 year anniversary' winner non american(but must say american going to win by a long way...........until he trashed it at 499.75 miles!) .Corvette Racing a manufacturer factory team running an American icon, 75% drivers non american . America does have a few talented drivers but in the BIG PICTURE it's a very small percentage last truly international driver i suppose was Mario Andretti who could hack it in F1 etc, the last F1 offering is now driving start and park cars in Nascar which sums it up nicely .

This has been a Kartman reality check posting.

More like usual kartman fantasy posting, must have taken you quite some time to dig up those fantasy statistics based on specific times in history to suit your point but not relative historically.. Still making my point though that American teams and programs are more willing to provide rides for International drivers based on talent where as the converse is not true for Euro teams as there are plenty of first rate American drivers to choose from but nationalistic thinking prevails not only with teams but with sponsors.. Thanks once again for making my point...

JFYI to all those who supposedly know so well. What constitutes an "American"?? The only true Americans are native indians which is why I said T/A's argument was specious at best and now the usual Keystone cops have joined in and added their own style of simplicity to the conversation and follow on his line of thinking and take the bait hook line and sinker....

What a load of <deleted> and a VERY weak get out to your ridiculous yank theory. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO a simple google and see where USA guys have cracked it OUTSIDE the USA.

The USA are involved in virtually all sports around the world, especially the ones that pay well, BUT, in F1 a yank CANNOT say l will have a go at that, he must be found, yes, be found to have something special. Millions of $ will not be spent on a ''perhaps'', the real deal or nothing, YANKS have not been involved in the greatest motor sport of all for ages cos there is no one. I WISH there was, but there isn't.

Get off your high Yank horse and appreciate that it doesn't matter where you come from that respect will be given from any part of the planet. ME, Senna. Gosh he isn't a Brit. :D

My posts are NOT against Americans, far from it. But Warpy has made a statement which is crap. I hope USA readers will agree that real driving race quality will come from any corner of the globe.


Hot News. Obama has signed to Drive with Hamilton..Cruze has turned to Snooze. I want to know why its so long for Tom to get one. Showrooms are littered with this Dream Machine,Salespersons are dragging the poor of their Scooters to sell them one,even offering a good P.X on CBRs.:D


I remember once upon a time I opened a thread about buying a Chevy Cruze. I can't seem to Find it. Can anyone point me in the right Direction? :D

I can see why you started the thread, the Cruze looks awesome. I only looked at one at a department store and I was impressed by the interior and how solid the build-quality looked. Certainly makes my wife's Aveo look like the tin-pot it is, big step up for Chevy.

Out of interest, does the Cruze come with the same 10 standard air bags as in the US? What interested me was whether buying the range-topping diesel would purely be a decision for fuel economy but the Chevy salesman couldn't answer whether there were plans to release the Cruse Eco model which gets 42 mpg.


I remember once upon a time I opened a thread about buying a Chevy Cruze. I can't seem to Find it. Can anyone point me in the right Direction? :D

I can see why you started the thread, the Cruze looks awesome. I only looked at one at a department store and I was impressed by the interior and how solid the build-quality looked. Certainly makes my wife's Aveo look like the tin-pot it is, big step up for Chevy.

Out of interest, does the Cruze come with the same 10 standard air bags as in the US? What interested me was whether buying the range-topping diesel would purely be a decision for fuel economy but the Chevy salesman couldn't answer whether there were plans to release the Cruse Eco model which gets 42 mpg.

They don't come with standard 10 airbags like back home.

My LS comes with 1 for the driver. The Top LTZ comes with all the rest of them. My wife sits so far back, an airbag for her would be useless. ESP and traction control are more important to me. Cars like the City, March, Brio, Jazz, Vios are death traps. If you've ever tried to avoid something or slam your breaks on a wet road in one of those cars you know what I'm talking about.

I wanted the diesel also, but out of my budget.


Not sure it they will release the Eco model here, but the next generation Cruze will get better fuel economy overall. Here we don't get the 1.4 turbo charged. We get a common 1.6l that takes E20. Then the 1.8l ecotec found in the entry model in the US and the 2.0 diesel in the LTZ.


Hot News. Obama has signed to Drive with Hamilton..Cruze has turned to Snooze. I want to know why its so long for Tom to get one. Showrooms are littered with this Dream Machine,Salespersons are dragging the poor of their Scooters to sell them one,even offering a good P.X on CBRs.:D

If you don't know why I haven't picked up mine yet, then you haven't been reading what I posted.

It has been at the dealer for 1 1/2 weeks.

Removing cloth to install leather is no joke. It is a lot of work. Here is an example


FFW to the end



Getting Cold Feet, realised they are destined to be a Taxi perhaps. No jokeing but i dont see the Great Looks, its like the rest,or is it just me. Congratulations on your quick wedding, it was your girlfriend when you opened the blog.:D


Getting Cold Feet, realised they are destined to be a Taxi perhaps. No jokeing but i dont see the Great Looks, its like the rest,or is it just me. Congratulations on your quick wedding, it was your girlfriend when you opened the blog.:D

NO idea what you just said.


You said My G.F in early posts.Clear enough for you.As for Taxis,google round a bit, there are some good offers on fleet sales. .There's a good website for Cruze Fans, you will find it worthwhile.chevycruze.com. Don't bite at the comments here its just good fun over a Cup of Tea.Im still at boiling point with the Noisy Accord comment from that MRO Chap.:redcard2: .Never known it take so long to re cover a ride though..


You said My G.F in early posts.Clear enough for you.

No. I never said I had a girlfriend. You should read more carefully.

As for Taxis,google round a bit, there are some good offers on fleet sales. .There's a good website for Cruze Fans, you will find it worthwhile.chevycruze.com. Don't bite at the comments here its just good fun over a Cup of Tea.Im still at boiling point with the Noisy Accord comment from that MRO Chap.:redcard2: .Never known it take so long to re cover a ride though..

An Accord is out of my budget anyway, so I never considered it. The cars I can afford in the same category are the Altis, Civic, Lancer EX, Mazda 3, Focus and Cruze. Out of those, the Cruze wins for me. The Altis is a Taxi, The Civic is garbage, the Lancer EX is ugly inside, it has an outdated look (for my taste), the Mazda 3 felt cramped and uncomfortable and full of cheap plastic inside (although it looks nice and sporty). I don't want to get inside my car and see this hunk of thin plastic staring at me


the Focus' seats dig into my back but has a better interior than the Mazda IMO, and the Cruze was perfect for me, so i decided on the Cruze. As simple as that.


The Lancer EX suffers from the 90's interior thing I hate, better than the Civic 80's interior though.


No standard big HID either. Not for me.

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