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Going Back To The Uk


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Where will BTB move to then? :) :) :) :)

Easy one. Further North. ;)

Until you address my point that the OP said, that NOBODY could be happy anywhere in Thailand, because he wasn't happy in Phuket, then you are deliberately failing to see the point. My opinion is my opinion, nothing more. The OP didn't say that they were his opinion, he said they were a FACT of life in Phuket. The things on the OP's list DONT affect me or lots of other people on the island, so it defies logic for the OP to say that NOBODY could be happy in Phuket. Quite simply, the OP lied, to make himself feel better about his unhappy life.

Unless you have any answers to this post, or a suggestion anywhere else that can come close to comparing to Phuket, I will leave it there. It would seem some people (who have offered naff all to this thread) are getting bored. Couldn't have that now could we. We need to leave plenty of room as well, one of them will be along to open a thread entiltled 'Where can I buy Marmite' any time now. :whistling:

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P.S. I can see this topic being closed if it's become some sort of grudge match between a few 'select' members.

Why on earth would you threaten to close this thread down? I think NKM talks a lot of bolony, and he feels the same about me I'm sure, but I'll give him credit where it's due, he follows the debate post by post, addressing things mentioned and answering questions asked. Neither of us have been aggresive, and neither of us have wandered off topic. So the only reason you would close it down is because it doesn't interest you ? :annoyed: Look at the front page. No threads except this one over two pages long. No one has much to say around here do they. Why would anyone open a thread, that they're not interested in, just to add an inteligent comment like '+1' or '+2'. If you think it's boring, don't <deleted> open it.

I agree. There has been no aggression, no malice and no abusive language. There has been healthy and passionate debate and banter. I haven't checked forum rules for a long time, but, if this thread has broken any of those rules, I would be surprised.

Also, closing down this thread would cause serious damage to my reputation as being one of the more "abrasive" posters on TV for the purposes of entertainment, in what would otherwise be a fairly quiet forum. :) :) :) :)

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"Extended to 2 to 3 week trips" - that's what's called a holiday. :) :) :) :) :) :)

It would seem I missed some of your posts. So I need to cancel the 'I'll leave it there' statement I made earlier. :whistling:

I never said they were anything other than holidays. You said I hadn't been anywhere. I told you where I'd been, Then you changed it to, they were visa runs and visiting in laws. I told you they were Holidays and road trips lasting 2 to 3 weeks. You made assumptions that were wrong. Not only that, but they weren't relevent to my opinion of Phuket anyway.

Do people normally live in tens of countries before deciding where to settle? Most people I know, live in one, before they settle down.

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Where will BTB move to then? :) :) :) :)

Easy one. Further North. ;)

Until you address my point that the OP said, that NOBODY could be happy anywhere in Thailand, because he wasn't happy in Phuket, then you are deliberately failing to see the point. My opinion is my opinion, nothing more. The OP didn't say that they were his opinion, he said they were a FACT of life in Phuket. The things on the OP's list DONT affect me or lots of other people on the island, so it defies logic for the OP to say that NOBODY could be happy in Phuket. Quite simply, the OP lied, to make himself feel better about his unhappy life.

Unless you have any answers to this post, or a suggestion anywhere else that can come close to comparing to Phuket, I will leave it there. It would seem some people (who have offered naff all to this thread) are getting bored. Couldn't have that now could we. We need to leave plenty of room as well, one of them will be along to open a thread entiltled 'Where can I buy Marmite' any time now. :whistling:

I haven't read the OP for a while, but I will now go and re-read it. If that is what he/she said, of course, I disagree with a comment like that. I do remember my reply to the OP saying, words to the effect, "'There is a place for you in Thaialand, or SE Asia - you just have to find it."

I'm discovering that a few mates who have moved away from Phuket lately, are a lot more happier elsewhere. It could be the change of scenery, or it could be that they like a place better than Phuket. (they are still in Thailand - just not Phuket) All of the places these guys have moved to, I have been to, several times.

Phuket seems to be "evolving" very quickly. It certainly has changed to what it was when I first visited here, years and years ago. A lot of what the OP listed, doesn't effect me, but, as mentioned, I agreed they exist here, to varying degrees. Ten years from now, we don't know what Phuket will be like. For me, the over-development is a concern. If big buildings keep going up at the rate they are, the island will be a sh*tfight.

At the moment, Phuket "ticks all my boxes" as well, but, I'm a little more skeptical than most. The greed factor from the power bases here may ruin the place. Time will tell. At the moment, I'm happy, but am aware of the negatives that the OP has on his list. Some don't effect me at all, some make me be cautious and some do effect me. Eg. transport - especially after drinking.

Anyway, do you know where I can buy Marmite on the island? :) :) :) :)

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I'm not sure why you are putting Vietnam down for that.

:D You've taken objection to 'Snamos' for telling everyone that Vietnam is <deleted>, when you believe it's nice. :D That's exactly what the OP did, and you've been defending him. :D

Can you not see that what Snamos did, is exactly the same as the OP. Yet because you agree with the OP and Not Snamos, you defend the OP and attack snamos's arguement. :blink:

I know 100% that when I eventually go to Vietnam, I will love the place, so I guess some peope are just wired to enjoy themselves, and some people are wired to dwell on the negative. The only time I'm ever unhappy, is when I've had to be living full time in the UK and working for a living. :bah: Other than that, it's all good. B)

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It has been quite interesting following all the posts on this topic. I should correct myself, my reasons for leaving are my opinions and my feelings. They are not facts and are just the way I see it. I just did not want to live in a country that I feel is morally bankrupt and I no longer want to just live cheaply at the expense of the more unfortunate peoples in this country. But these are facts.

Human trafficking is rampant in Thailand - fact!

Ladyboys and Katoeys and just the general acceptance of sleaze - fact!

Mistreatment of foreign workers - fact!

Mistreatment of political refugees (Burma) - fact!

Prostitution is now generally accepted as a way to earn a living and for some is the only way - fact!


"Because of their many idols, and the total acceptance of fags all through the nation, it should come as no surprise to you to know that Thailand has a reputation for engaging in one of the largest child sex trade operations in Southeast Asia. UNICEF estimates that the number of Thai children involved in prostitution is between 60,000 and 200,000. There is a highly profitable child sex tourism trade, and a Thai group called FACE (Fight Against Child Exploitation) says that 5,000 foreigners come to Thailand each year to have sex with children". - Fact

Anyone living in Thailand just because it is cheaper for them than there own country she really do some soul searching as I did. Your cheap lifestyle is at the expense of others!

"Thailand is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor. Thailand's relative prosperity attracts migrants from neighboring countries who flee conditions of poverty and, in the case of Burma, military repression. Significant illegal migration to Thailand presents traffickers with opportunities to force, coerce, or defraud undocumented migrants into involuntary servitude or sexual exploitation. Women and children are trafficked from Burma, Cambodia, Laos, the People's Republic of China (P.R.C.), Vietnam, Russia, and Uzbekistan for commercial sexual exploitation in Thailand. A number of women and girls from Burma, Cambodia, and Vietnam are trafficked through Thailand's southern border to Malaysia for sexual exploitation. Ethnic minorities such as northern hill tribe peoples who have not received legal residency or citizenship are at high risk for trafficking internally and abroad, including to Bahrain, Australia, South Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Hong Kong, Europe, and the United States. Some Thai men who migrate for low-skilled contract work to Taiwan, South Korea, Israel, the United States, and Gulf states are subjected to conditions of forced labor and debt bondage after arrival. Following voluntary migration to Thailand, men, women, and children, primarily from Burma, are subjected to conditions of forced labor in agricultural work, factories, construction, commercial fisheries and fish processing, domestic work, and begging. Thai laborers working abroad in Taiwan, Malaysia, the United States, and the Middle East often pay large recruitment fees prior to departure, creating debt, which in some cases may be unlawfully exploited to coerce them into conditions of forced labor. Children from Burma, Laos, and Cambodia are trafficked into forced begging and exploitative labor in Thailand. Four key sectors of the Thai economy (fishing, construction, commercial agriculture, and domestic work) rely heavily on undocumented Burmese migrants, including children, as cheap and exploitable laborers."

These are facts!!!

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I'm discovering that a few mates who have moved away from Phuket lately, are a lot more happier elsewhere. It could be the change of scenery, or it could be that they like a place better than Phuket. (they are still in Thailand - just not Phuket) All of the places these guys have moved to, I have been to, several times.

Isn't that exactly the same as people who live in Patong, moving to somewhere else on the island. Couldn't that be the change of scenery some people could benefit from? It seems that everybody that comes on here ranting, seems to have that postcode in common. 'LivinLOS' is the most famous example on this forum I can think of. Ten years he moaned and groaned before he finally worked it out, that moving was the only option for him. Where did the OP live, does anybody know? Wouldn't it be funny if it was Patong. :lol:

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, and the total acceptance of fags all through the nation,

Don't think I'll bother reading the rest. :sick:

That is because you insulate yourself from all of this and go through life with blinders on.

I think you mean blinkers, and I'm well aware of the existence of homosexuals thanks. I even spoke to one once. :o

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I'm not sure why you are putting Vietnam down for that.

:D You've taken objection to 'Snamos' for telling everyone that Vietnam is <deleted>, when you believe it's nice. :D That's exactly what the OP did, and you've been defending him. :D

Can you not see that what Snamos did, is exactly the same as the OP. Yet because you agree with the OP and Not Snamos, you defend the OP and attack snamos's arguement. :blink:

I know 100% that when I eventually go to Vietnam, I will love the place, so I guess some peope are just wired to enjoy themselves, and some people are wired to dwell on the negative. The only time I'm ever unhappy, is when I've had to be living full time in the UK and working for a living. :bah: Other than that, it's all good. B)

Never objected to his post, he is entitled to his opinion, just like the OP is, just like you are and just like I am, and everyone else on the planet. I only said I agree that the negatives on the OP's list exist here.

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I'm not sure why you are putting Vietnam down for that.

:D You've taken objection to 'Snamos' for telling everyone that Vietnam is <deleted>, when you believe it's nice. :D That's exactly what the OP did, and you've been defending him. :D

Can you not see that what Snamos did, is exactly the same as the OP. Yet because you agree with the OP and Not Snamos, you defend the OP and attack snamos's arguement. :blink:

I know 100% that when I eventually go to Vietnam, I will love the place, so I guess some peope are just wired to enjoy themselves, and some people are wired to dwell on the negative. The only time I'm ever unhappy, is when I've had to be living full time in the UK and working for a living. :bah: Other than that, it's all good. B)

Never objected to his post, he is entitled to his opinion, just like the OP is, just like you are and just like I am, and everyone else on the planet. I only said I agree that the negatives on the OP's list exist here.

I think you also critisised me for disagreeing with them did you not. As you are disagreeing with Snamos? You pretty much insinuated I was being bias, because I didn't have the same issues as the OP. The famous rose tinted glasses insult.

Basically, my difference of opinion with the OP about Phuket, is the same as yours about Vietnam. If Snamos blamed Vietnam for him not liking it, you would undoubtedly argue the toss. Because you know a different side of Vietnam to him. So you shouldn't have any issues with me arguing the toss with the OP, it's exacty the same.

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It has been quite interesting following all the posts on this topic. I should correct myself, my reasons for leaving are my opinions and my feelings. They are not facts and are just the way I see it. I just did not want to live in a country that I feel is morally bankrupt and I no longer want to just live cheaply at the expense of the more unfortunate peoples in this country. But these are facts.

Human trafficking is rampant in Thailand - fact!

Ladyboys and Katoeys and just the general acceptance of sleaze - fact!

Mistreatment of foreign workers - fact!

Mistreatment of political refugees (Burma) - fact!

Prostitution is now generally accepted as a way to earn a living and for some is the only way - fact!


"Because of their many idols, and the total acceptance of fags all through the nation, it should come as no surprise to you to know that Thailand has a reputation for engaging in one of the largest child sex trade operations in Southeast Asia. UNICEF estimates that the number of Thai children involved in prostitution is between 60,000 and 200,000. There is a highly profitable child sex tourism trade, and a Thai group called FACE (Fight Against Child Exploitation) says that 5,000 foreigners come to Thailand each year to have sex with children". - Fact

Anyone living in Thailand just because it is cheaper for them than there own country she really do some soul searching as I did. Your cheap lifestyle is at the expense of others!

"Thailand is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor. Thailand's relative prosperity attracts migrants from neighboring countries who flee conditions of poverty and, in the case of Burma, military repression. Significant illegal migration to Thailand presents traffickers with opportunities to force, coerce, or defraud undocumented migrants into involuntary servitude or sexual exploitation. Women and children are trafficked from Burma, Cambodia, Laos, the People's Republic of China (P.R.C.), Vietnam, Russia, and Uzbekistan for commercial sexual exploitation in Thailand. A number of women and girls from Burma, Cambodia, and Vietnam are trafficked through Thailand's southern border to Malaysia for sexual exploitation. Ethnic minorities such as northern hill tribe peoples who have not received legal residency or citizenship are at high risk for trafficking internally and abroad, including to Bahrain, Australia, South Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Hong Kong, Europe, and the United States. Some Thai men who migrate for low-skilled contract work to Taiwan, South Korea, Israel, the United States, and Gulf states are subjected to conditions of forced labor and debt bondage after arrival. Following voluntary migration to Thailand, men, women, and children, primarily from Burma, are subjected to conditions of forced labor in agricultural work, factories, construction, commercial fisheries and fish processing, domestic work, and begging. Thai laborers working abroad in Taiwan, Malaysia, the United States, and the Middle East often pay large recruitment fees prior to departure, creating debt, which in some cases may be unlawfully exploited to coerce them into conditions of forced labor. Children from Burma, Laos, and Cambodia are trafficked into forced begging and exploitative labor in Thailand. Four key sectors of the Thai economy (fishing, construction, commercial agriculture, and domestic work) rely heavily on undocumented Burmese migrants, including children, as cheap and exploitable laborers."

These are facts!!!

Pretty heavy post. Are you saying there are no underage prostitues from the former Soviet Union in the UK? Are you saying the Eastern Europeans are not exploited for cheap labour in the UK? Are you saying that MI6 are not involved in Black Operations, around the planet, to try to destabalise Governments and recruit "sources?"

You talk about pollution. Is it not a fact BP, a Britsh company, caused the oil spill of millions of litres of oil off the coast of America. What about the colonising of India, Sri Lanka etc etc for cheap labour and produce. What about the Opium wars in Chinese which lead to the lease on Hong Kong. What about the hunting down and shooting of Aborigines in Australia. The list is endless. Seriously, the UK Government are no Angels.

This is a bit off topic now.

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I lived in Packlok, Thalang. Drug dealer central!!!

I lived up there for a year. Never had any problems. Only severe, mind numbing boredom. :(

Obviously you like living in Thailand and Phuket. There is nothing wrong with that, to each there own and I liked it too for the first couple of years, but it really started to get to me after a while. And I was unhappy there for last few years and I finally had enough. Like I said before, SE Asia is not for everyone and certainly not for me. If you can close your eyes to all the sadness and misery, good luck to you! I no longer could.

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I lived in Packlok, Thalang. Drug dealer central!!!

I lived up there for a year. Never had any problems. Only severe, mind numbing boredom. :(

Obviously you like living in Thailand and Phuket. There is nothing wrong with that, to each there own and I liked it too for the first couple of years, but it really started to get to me after a while. And I was unhappy there for last few years and I finally had enough. Like I said before, SE Asia is not for everyone and certainly not for me. If you can close your eyes to all the sadness and misery, good luck to you! I no longer could.

It seems to me as you just simply weren't cut out for the place, for what ever reason. This whole, 'couldn't deal with the sadness and missery' nonsence, is a huge smoke screen if you ask me. It's you legitimising and excusing the fact that you simply don't want to live here any more. It's playing the blame game again, you've just simply raised the anti with this newest post.

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I think you also critisised me for disagreeing with them did you not. As you are disagreeing with Snamos? You pretty much insinuated I was being bias, because I didn't have the same issues as the OP. The famous rose tinted glasses insult.

Basically, my difference of opinion with the OP about Phuket, is the same as yours about Vietnam. If Snamos blamed Vietnam for him not liking it, you would undoubtedly argue the toss. Because you know a different side of Vietnam to him. So you shouldn't have any issues with me arguing the toss with the OP, it's exacty the same.

He was more on about the Vietnamese people. The OP's list, which I agreed exists here, was more about collusion, organised crime, lack of farang rights at Thai Law etc etc. Things that were systematic here in Thailand. I haven't re-read it yet, I will tomorrow. However, the easiest example is the tuk-tuks. I'm sure most would agree, they are stopping any form of proper public transport here on the island. That's a negative that exists here and I'm sure most would agree. They don't effect me because I don't use them. I have a bike, or, being in Patong, I can walk, but, the problem does exist here. Will I move to Pattaya where they have the great baht bus system, no - but wouldn't it be great to have a similar system here. Also, it would probably save many lives. I can't see it happening and so, I see it as a negative for Phuket, even though it doesn't effect me.

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Anyway, I have now decided I'm moving. Yep, I'm going to live in Bang Tao. Me and Bang Tao Boy are going to be neighbours. I shall be able to share in the Bang Tao utopia with him. :) :)

I wonder what will happen to Bang Tao when everybody moves there, because it's so good? How will the locals handle riff raff like me moving there? Will it become like the dreaded Patong? Where will BTB move to then? :) :) :) :)

Another one that needs to be told....sarcasm is the lowest form of wit

And the one who tells the sarcastic poster that, has the weakest of replies. :) :) :) :)

My replies are short and sweet and to the point, you still havent answered BTB's question, where is the alternative to Phuket? You are being smacked here by BTB you should give up, your only support is from F1 fanatic, the same person (i cant work out if its a guy or girl) has stated in a previous post that they "dont have time for any thai women that go out with falang men". That must make for interesting dinner dates if you are in fact friends outside of Thai visa

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Jeeez, why don't you two get a room........or, continue doing it by PM.


Still no answer to the question then Shot? Still nothing of any value to say? Your last two posts have been smilies and '+1'. Not the greatest of contributers are you. :(

:rolleyes::blink::huh: What question?:D:blink::unsure::blink::bah::shock1:

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Anyway, I have now decided I'm moving. Yep, I'm going to live in Bang Tao. Me and Bang Tao Boy are going to be neighbours. I shall be able to share in the Bang Tao utopia with him. :) :)

I wonder what will happen to Bang Tao when everybody moves there, because it's so good? How will the locals handle riff raff like me moving there? Will it become like the dreaded Patong? Where will BTB move to then? :) :) :) :)

Another one that needs to be told....sarcasm is the lowest form of wit

And the one who tells the sarcastic poster that, has the weakest of replies. :) :) :)

My replies are short and sweet and to the point, you still havent answered BTB's question, where is the alternative to Phuket? You are being smacked here by BTB you should give up, your only support is from F1 fanatic, the same person (i cant work out if its a guy or girl) has stated in a previous post that they "dont have time for any thai women that go out with falang men". That must make for interesting dinner dates if you are in fact friends outside of Thai visa

You don't get it, do you. It's not about being "smacked" or "supported" on this forum. It's about how everyone sees things differently and everyone is entitled to post about how they see those things.

BTB has "a lot of boxes he needs ticked." He needs certain "boxes" that I don't. Eg. education in an International School. Phuket currently ticks all of his boxes. I don't have a problem with that. I gave an example of an older friend who could no longer ride his motorbike due to loss of balance. He moved to Pattaya to regain his freedom of movement through the better transport up there - the baht bus system. He recognised Phuket wasn't able to "tick his transport box" so he moved. I'm the same. If/when the day comes that Phuket doesn't tick all my boxes, I will most likely move on. At the moment, I'm happy here, BUT, I am aware of the entrenched and systematic issues the island has.

As mentioned, if all the International Schoosl shut down on Phuket tomorrow, BTB would be forced to evaluate his happiness here, to that of the education of his kid/s. He may well have to move because Phuket no longer ticks the "education for kids" box.

In fact, BTB probably already has a "Plan B" for IF the day comes where Phuket doesn't tick all the important boxes. Anyway, to answer your question, Pattaya ticks all the boxes, but it's no place to bring up kids and the beach in terrible, although, there are nice beaches and Koh Samet not far away. Chiang Mai would tick most boxes, except it does not have a beach, although, I have spoken to guys that are considering moving to Chiang Mai and holidaying for a week every month in Phuket since Airasia started the new Chiang Mai - Phuket - Chiang Mai route which is very cheap. Bangkok would tick the boxes, but, who wants to live in a big city like that. Away from Thailand, Bali ticks all the boxes. I also have a friend considering Vientienne - Loas because his wife is from Issan (just across Friendship Bridge) but no beach there. Options are limited if the beach is important to you.

Of course, a lot depends on wealth. BTB could live on his own little island, if he could afford a fulltime, live-in, highly qualified western teacher. The nature of Thailand, and SE Asia in general, is that, if you are very wealthy, you can get all your boxes ticked wherever you are. :)


Have you got a "Plan B" IF sh*t ever hits the fan in Phuket and/or Thailand? Eg. let's say, hypothetically, crazy things like the International Schools shut down, or they don't allow farang teachers to teach in Thailand anymore, or they don't give long term visas to farang anymore, or you have to show you have $10,000,000 in the bank for a retirement visa etc etc

I would suggest your next best alternative would be Bali. I think it would tick all of your boxes. Have you ever been there?

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I lived in Packlok, Thalang. Drug dealer central!!!

I lived up there for a year. Never had any problems. Only severe, mind numbing boredom. :(

Obviously you like living in Thailand and Phuket. There is nothing wrong with that, to each there own and I liked it too for the first couple of years, but it really started to get to me after a while. And I was unhappy there for last few years and I finally had enough. Like I said before, SE Asia is not for everyone and certainly not for me. If you can close your eyes to all the sadness and misery, good luck to you! I no longer could.

It seems to me as you just simply weren't cut out for the place, for what ever reason. This whole, 'couldn't deal with the sadness and missery' nonsence, is a huge smoke screen if you ask me. It's you legitimising and excusing the fact that you simply don't want to live here any more. It's playing the blame game again, you've just simply raised the anti with this newest post.

This is exactly what he said in his first post....its not for him...i agree with some of the things he said but not all,....the same as i do for you....these are onlly ..OPINIONS.. at the end of the day its up to him,its his life,i hope he find happiness..

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This is exactly what he said in his first post....its not for him...i agree with some of the things he said but not all,....the same as i do for you....these are onlly ..OPINIONS.. at the end of the day its up to him,its his life,i hope he find happiness..

Totally agree, it is just opinions.

The problem though is some people think their opinion is the one and only way to see things.

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My replies are short and sweet and to the point, you still havent answered BTB's question, where is the alternative to Phuket? You are being smacked here by BTB you should give up, your only support is from F1 fanatic, the same person (i cant work out if its a guy or girl) has stated in a previous post that they "dont have time for any thai women that go out with falang men". That must make for interesting dinner dates if you are in fact friends outside of Thai visa

I agreed with the post I quoted in my reply - nothing more, nothing less.

You are in a minority as most posters who have been on the forum for a couple of years know I am female.

And no, I have no idea who NKM is and I'm sure he doesn't know me either.

Anyway, few people who have lived on Phuket for a few years will disagree that it has problems for a farang... However, some of us find a way to live with those 'problems' and still enjoy living here. There are others that realise it is not somewhere they wish to live and decide to move elsewhere.

I can understand both points of view.

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I agreed with the post I quoted in my reply - nothing more, nothing less.

You are in a minority as most posters who have been on the forum for a couple of years know I am female.

And no, I have no idea who NKM is and I'm sure he doesn't know me either.

Anyway, few people who have lived on Phuket for a few years will disagree that it has problems for a farang... However, some of us find a way to live with those 'problems' and still enjoy living here. There are others that realise it is not somewhere they wish to live and decide to move elsewhere.

I can understand both points of view.

Pretty good post.................for a Schumacher fan.

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I agreed with the post I quoted in my reply - nothing more, nothing less.

You are in a minority as most posters who have been on the forum for a couple of years know I am female.

And no, I have no idea who NKM is and I'm sure he doesn't know me either.

Anyway, few people who have lived on Phuket for a few years will disagree that it has problems for a farang... However, some of us find a way to live with those 'problems' and still enjoy living here. There are others that realise it is not somewhere they wish to live and decide to move elsewhere.

I can understand both points of view.

Pretty good post.................for a Schumacher fan.

One of those things - I heard he was a dog lover and that was it!

The incredible performances he 'pulled out' was the icing on the cake.

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