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Craziness About English Soccer?


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I smell a conspiracy here..the Brits invent a word, export it and then blame the yanks for using it...

Yes, and I clearly recall Kenneth Wolstenholme frequently referring to the game as soccer. Not least on the 70s ITV show "Star Soccer".

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Soccer, football. What's the difference? The sport blows.

hmm compared to baseball? NASCAR - you spin me round round baby like record....

Thais like football - so what. Thai Thai premier league is very popular = more supporters than you see at some City matches (not surprisingly)

There are two types of Thai EPL supporters that I have seen. The 40 + taxi driver that like LP from the good old days and the recent ones that got caught up in the former pm's ownership of City but now dont know why they like them anymore.

I have seen the odd Spurs shirt on a Thai here - I asked the guy why - he replied his wife bought it at 90 percent off at some flea market. He only wears it to keep her happy. Again, understandable.

Despite all the Arsenal shops around - you dont see very many of their kits being worn on the locals. I did see one with Vierra on the back though once. It was worn not by a Thai but a HK tourist.

Chelsea kits you see quite a few around - especially when they were winning. I think Samsung gave out 50000 for free once. (I have no other reason as to why there would be so many).

Never seen a Yankee shirt on a Thai = I guess they think that if you are gonna stand around for 3 hours and get paid for it, a security guard outfit looks more powerful.

Edited by bkkjames
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Thais seem to be mad about fopball ...


Quite how/why someone can get excited about people kicking a pig's bladder around a field, and sometimes pay ridiculous amounts of money to go to a 'game', when for considerably less money I can get a cinema ticket and watch a film that cost $£m's to make. Just why people enjoy running the risk of getting half-frozen/drowned, food poisoning and suffer sitting on lousy plastic chairs, is beyond me.


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Quite how/why someone can get excited about people kicking a pig's bladder around a field, and sometimes pay ridiculous amounts of money to go to a 'game', when for considerably less money I can get a cinema ticket and watch a film that cost $£m's to make. Just why people enjoy running the risk of getting half-frozen/drowned, food poisoning and suffer sitting on lousy plastic chairs, is beyond me.

You sound like a right miserable sod.

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Soccer, football. What's the difference? The sport blows.

hmm compared to baseball? NASCAR - you spin me round round baby like record....

Thais like football - so what. Thai Thai premier league is very popular = more supporters than you see at some City matches (not surprisingly)

There are two types of Thai EPL supporters that I have seen. The 40 + taxi driver that like LP from the good old days and the recent ones that got caught up in the former pm's ownership of City but now dont know why they like them anymore.

I have seen the odd Spurs shirt on a Thai here - I asked the guy why - he replied his wife bought it at 90 percent off at some flea market. He only wears it to keep her happy. Again, understandable.

Despite all the Arsenal shops around - you dont see very many of their kits being worn on the locals. I did see one with Vierra on the back though once. It was worn not by a Thai but a HK tourist.

Chelsea kits you see quite a few around - especially when they were winning. I think Samsung gave out 50000 for free once. (I have no other reason as to why there would be so many).

Never seen a Yankee shirt on a Thai = I guess they think that if you are gonna stand around for 3 hours and get paid for it, a security guard outfit looks more powerful.


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I love it. I'm American and don't watch either of the sports. European style football is too boring and I get tired of the players falling down when they're not even touched and then cry like little school girls. Very manly. You hardly ever see it in a womens match. American football is also boring as you only get bits and pieces of the game in between the hundreds of commercials. Play 10 seconds, then a timeout and then the commercials. yeah, real exciting. At least overseas football gets the game on and done in a reasonably good time. Jeesuz, I'm ranting again. Anyway, Handegg. I love it. That's what I'll refer to it now.


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I'll take a moment to explain for the last, and final, time, why soccer is such a world-wide sport when compared to the sports played in the U.S. It's because all you need to play that boring, stupid (silly), pretending to be hurt to get an advantage sport (professionaly, semi-professionaly, or amateur, anyway), is that you don't need any equipment to play. You don't even need shoes.

When I was a kid growing up, it was difficult to play U.S. sports because we didn't have money. We played basketball with peach-baskets after we removed the bottoms. We used broomsticks as bats. However, when it came to organized sports, we had to beg, borrow, or steal to have enough money to buy the needed equipment. We, fortunately, had enough resources to, sometimes, buy accessorys.

This is not a statement of grandiosity, but it does help explain why it's so much easier to get a couple friends and run around trying to kick whatever with your feet.

As far as Thailand goes. The most incredible athletes I've ever seen are their volleyball players. They do a 360, and kick the ball over the net with their feet. I still can't believe it.

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I'll take a moment to explain for the last, and final, time, why soccer is such a world-wide sport when compared to the sports played in the U.S. It's because all you need to play that boring, stupid (silly), pretending to be hurt to get an advantage sport (professionaly, semi-professionaly, or amateur, anyway), is that you don't need any equipment to play. You don't even need shoes.

When I was a kid growing up, it was difficult to play U.S. sports because we didn't have money. We played basketball with peach-baskets after we removed the bottoms. We used broomsticks as bats. However, when it came to organized sports, we had to beg, borrow, or steal to have enough money to buy the needed equipment. We, fortunately, had enough resources to, sometimes, buy accessorys.

This is not a statement of grandiosity, but it does help explain why it's so much easier to get a couple friends and run around trying to kick whatever with your feet.

As far as Thailand goes. The most incredible athletes I've ever seen are their volleyball players. They do a 360, and kick the ball over the net with their feet. I still can't believe it.

Sepak takraw (I think it means 'foot ball')


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I'll take a moment to explain for the last, and final, time, why soccer is such a world-wide sport when compared to the sports played in the U.S. It's because all you need to play that boring, stupid (silly), pretending to be hurt to get an advantage sport (professionaly, semi-professionaly, or amateur, anyway), is that you don't need any equipment to play. You don't even need shoes.

When I was a kid growing up, it was difficult to play U.S. sports because we didn't have money. We played basketball with peach-baskets after we removed the bottoms. We used broomsticks as bats. However, when it came to organized sports, we had to beg, borrow, or steal to have enough money to buy the needed equipment. We, fortunately, had enough resources to, sometimes, buy accessorys.

This is not a statement of grandiosity, but it does help explain why it's so much easier to get a couple friends and run around trying to kick whatever with your feet.

As far as Thailand goes. The most incredible athletes I've ever seen are their volleyball players. They do a 360, and kick the ball over the net with their feet. I still can't believe it.

Simple game to play. Simple game to understand. Difficult game to be good at unless you are very lucky. Also a very entertaining game to watch, even if the Americans haven't caught onto it.

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Thais seem to be mad about fopball ...


Quite how/why someone can get excited about people kicking a pig's bladder around a field, and sometimes pay ridiculous amounts of money to go to a 'game', when for considerably less money I can get a cinema ticket and watch a film that cost $£m's to make. Just why people enjoy running the risk of getting half-frozen/drowned, food poisoning and suffer sitting on lousy plastic chairs, is beyond me.

I would understand is if you support a team if you are from that city. as for me I am from Hamburg so I support my team regardless how well they play> hpwever the Thais have no real connections to any teams regardless and they are not supporting their own Thai Premier League teams as much. Eventhoug the Thai teams need as much support as they can get.

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I hear there was a riot in N. London yesterday. Maybe they thought they were at a succer game.


I want to sincerely apologize for that remark. I didn't realize, at the time, the seriousness of what's going on in London.

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"Sepak takraw (I think it means 'foot ball')."

Don't you just know it.

In lieu of research I spent two minutes on wikipedia


By the 1940s, the net version of the game had spread throughout Southeast Asia, and formal rules were introduced. This sport became officially known as 'sepak takraw'. "Sepak" is the Malay word for kick and "takraw" is the Thai word for a woven ball, therefore sepak takraw quite literally means to kick ball. The choosing of this name for the sport was essentially a compromise between Malaysia and Thailand, the two powerhouse countries of the sport


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