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I think I understand what Butterfly is trying to say :o

3 or maybe even 4 times as many people died the other day from that earthquake in Iran than died on 911 and yet it's already of the news, if it happened in LA or San Francisco we wouldn't hear the end of it!

Some lives have more value than others for some people. What about the 10,000 innocent Iraquis who died during this war ? isn't their own 911 much worse ? funny how this little detail is never reminded in the "war on terror" but I guess some lives are more equal than others

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What about the 10,000 innocent Iraquis who died during this war ?

American soldiers are still killing innocent people in Afghanistan too. Who cares ?

I guess some lives are more equal than others

American governement is still killing innocent people in many african countries by manipulating their "governements". Who cares ?

I am not American or a Iraqi invasion supporter, what nationality are you?

It seems to me that you are just a cantankerous malicious angry person.

Butterfly will NOT answer that question. Believe me, I've tried to ask him several times. In fact, in one of his earlier posts in another thread, he remarked to someone that he intentionally does not tell where he's from, so no one has any "ammunition" to use against him in an argument.

And you are right... he is just a cantankerous malicious angry person.

What about the 10,000 innocent Iraquis who died during this war ?

American soldiers are still killing innocent people in Afghanistan too. Who cares ?

Nope. You are 100% incorrect. The U.S. goes to great lengths to NOT kill innocent lives. Serious work and serious money has gone into refining weapons that are meant to target the enemy, not innocent lives. That's not to say there have been mistakes, because there have been. But I know for a fact that what I am saying is true.

Misquoting a line from the hilarious "Joan Crawfords ######" sketch by the lamentably lost to us Derek and Clive: "There are other threads in this Forum, sir.", "Come zis Vay.".

Ahhh , you would be referring to the the Homosexual Afro-Carribbean Domestic Home help in the aforementioned skit, No? aka (Poof.N.Butler)

In that case my riposte would have to be along the lines of......" Deuwel De-Villiers"




I now definitively have to agree with the person they said that you are an idiot. In your case it's no insult, it's a sad, but I hope not definitive, fact.

American governement is still killing innocent people in many african countries by manipulating their "governements". Who cares ?

Incorrect again. You didn't hear about the--what was it?--SEVENTEEN BILLION US DOLLARS the U.S. gave to Africa, to fight AIDS? OK, it may have "only" been 15 billion.. Oh--by the way, how much did your country send?

Yeah, it was $15 BILLION. Read this and this.

Now run along home and do your homework, before you get into something that's over your head, little boy.

I now definitively have to agree with the person they said that you are an idiot. In your case it's no insult, it's a sad, but I hope not definitive, fact.

Oh I see. I disagree with you, so therefore you call me an idiot. A personal attack when you have nothing else to say, right buddy?


On a lighter note , are you taking good care of your/our Avatar , Membrane sir?

She does look good on the extra kilo she put on over the Holiday period.


On a lighter note , are you taking good care of your/our Avatar , Membrane sir?

She does look good on the extra kilo she put on over the Holiday period.


Yes, she's doing fine, Chonabot! You took care of her very well! :D

Her little sister says "Hello" too...


Sorry, I couldn't resist!

What about the 10,000 innocent Iraquis who died during this war ?

American soldiers are still killing innocent people in Afghanistan too. Who cares ?

Nope. You are 100% incorrect. The U.S. goes to great lengths to NOT kill innocent lives. Serious work and serious money has gone into refining weapons that are meant to target the enemy, not innocent lives. That's not to say there have been mistakes, because there have been. But I know for a fact that what I am saying is true.


Facts ? where ? from Fox News ? :D

I am not American or a Iraqi invasion supporter, what nationality are you?

It seems to me that you are just a cantankerous malicious angry person.

No like I said before I am a cynical bitch. Does this make me a bad person ? probably

American governement is still killing innocent people in many african countries by manipulating their "governements". Who cares ?

Incorrect again. You didn't hear about the--what was it?--SEVENTEEN BILLION US DOLLARS the U.S. gave to Africa, to fight AIDS? OK, it may have "only" been 15 billion.. Oh--by the way, how much did your country send?

Yeah, it was $15 BILLION. Read this and this.

Now run along home and do your homework, before you get into something that's over your head, little boy.

hahahahaha !!! What a dodge !!!

So if I am following you correctly, you are saying that because the US government has recently given $15B to Africa it negates ALL the past and invalid the argument that the " American governement is still killing innocent people in many african countries by manipulating their governements" ? are you for real ????

With such a logic I am starting to understand why you keep dodging so many important questions and refuse to engage into specific arguments. Because you have nothing of substance in your replies. There are all made up of diversions, tangents, denials. Good work. Keep going. We can go on forever like this with so much "dishonesty" and "denials"

I don't think you are an idiot btw, I just just think you are ill-informed and need to read a book once in a while, I mean a "real" book you know, not the "Marvel" comics. That would certainly help the debate I think.

In the meantime, I will take a rest from that discussion. It's like trying to argue with a drug addict or a child rapist why what they are doing is wrong. Let their souls get lost in their sins. Who cares ? not me for sure. They will pay for it sooner or later anyhow.


Holy Moly Membrane!

Do not apologise for brightening the page with such lusciousness. Can I see her other sister?

:D Now thats what I call putting the world to rights!

Chanabot??? What planet are you from?:o

On a more serious note, is there such a thing as an innocent life?

American governement is still killing innocent people in many african countries by manipulating their "governements". Who cares ?

Incorrect again. You didn't hear about the--what was it?--SEVENTEEN BILLION US DOLLARS the U.S. gave to Africa, to fight AIDS? OK, it may have "only" been 15 billion.. Oh--by the way, how much did your country send?

Yeah, it was $15 BILLION. Read this and this.

Now run along home and do your homework, before you get into something that's over your head, little boy.

hahahahaha !!! What a dodge !!!

So if I am following you correctly, you are saying that because the US government has recently given $15B to Africa it negates ALL the past and invalid the argument that the " American governement is still killing innocent people in many african countries by manipulating their governements" ? are you for real ????

With such a logic I am starting to understand why you keep dodging so many important questions and refuse to engage into specific arguments. Because you have nothing of substance in your replies. There are all made up of diversions, tangents, denials. Good work. Keep going. We can go on forever like this with so much "dishonesty" and "denials"

I don't think you are an idiot btw, I just just think you are ill-informed and need to read a book once in a while, I mean a "real" book you know, not the "Marvel" comics. That would certainly help the debate I think.

In the meantime, I will take a rest from that discussion. It's like trying to argue with a drug addict or a child rapist why what they are doing is wrong. Let their souls get lost in their sins. Who cares ? not me for sure. They will pay for it sooner or later anyhow.


?? Is this the "new and improved" more politically correct Butterfly??

What? A dodge? You've given me NOTHING TO DODGE. My poor misguided friend.. LOOK AT THE WEBSITE LINKS I PASTED IN... I gave you hard, factual evidence of the U.S.' clear intent to help the people of Africa, to the tune of $15 billion dollars and you have given NOTHING, no further explanation, no evidence at all of what you are talking about.

Do you really understand how to present your case? Do you really understand what logic and reasoning is? It seems all you really know how to do is throw around insults like "it's like talking to a drug addict or a child rapist"...

Pitiful.. absolutely pitiful...

Hey BUTTERFLY--stop with all the FUNNY PICTURES and CARTOONS, get real and show some VERIFIABLE HARD EVIDENCE OF WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO ARGUE ABOUT. Until you learn how to communicate, what's the point of even trying with you?

When will you learn?


Hi Membrane

I love Walt Disney, Steven Spielberg, Georges Lucas, Thomas Edison... and so many american people (Bill Clinton, Michael Moore and Jeronimo too).

I'm using Microsoft software, wearing Levi's jean and Nike shoes, listen music through JBL speakers...

I had a girl friend from New York, one of my best friend is a baskett ball player from Detroit...

I'm often wondering by NASA...

... and so much more I forget just now.

I just cannot agree people for who one dollar (or ten bahts) is more precious than one life, even animal life. In that way, you're right : it's totaly vain to argue with me, because I will never change my mind.


HaBahtCecil must have truly angered you Chanabot.

To tell someone to "Cock Off!" is a terrible thing.

Perhaps the world would be a safer place if we all took the time to tell our enemies to Cock Off, rather than killing them from a long distance.

I join with you in your chant at this mysterious fellow.

COCK OFF! Mr HaBaht!

There. Everybody happy.

On a lighter note, has anyone tried the new Zippo?


I love Pink Floyd,

It might come as news to them that they are now US citiens.

It might also come as news to you that Jeronimo was not much of a fan of the US army either.

When you wear your Nike and Levi's give some thought to the people who actually make them and nope they are not in the sweat shops of Detroit or New York but in this part of the world.

Any idea of the working conditions in Cambodia?


Thank you Maerim

Sorry for my big mystake about Pink Floyd. Because of that very interesting forum I didn't sleep those two last nights...

I have been in Indonesia, about one year ago, where I was visiting different factories and have to say that Nike was the best I have seen about taking care about employees. But you are right again : I know very little about this subject.


Well it's great to come back to this "forum" after 12 hours and see that it is exactly as F__ed up as before. Where are our high-minded administrators now? :o

Butterfly is already back to calling names -although not quite so blatantly. Where is admin now? :D

Another illiterate poster (He may be literate in his own language, but certainly not in English, which happens to be the language we are supposed to be communicating in here) calls Membrane an "idiot"? Where is admin now? B)

I called someone stupid, who is much more deserving of the title than Membrane, and it was instantly deleted.

Membrane is, by far, the most intelligent person on this board. He is the only person who is actually trying to debate in an intelligent, logical way, including me. When I see that admin is letting the America-baiters call names and present a bunch of unsubstantiated, politically correct rumors as "evidence", the first thing that I am going to do is lower myself to their level. Why should I bother being polite or checking my facts? No one else is (excepting Membrane) -damm sure!

The truth is that if this upcoming "Political Forum" were run properly, no insults, proof required for wild claims, etc.,etc., Membrane would pratically be the only one with anything left to say.

To get a quotation in a nice box,

Don't like boxes, have they got any other shapes I could use?

Use :o hearts :D

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