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I Made A Profit When I Sold My House Is This Unusual


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I read all the time on here what a bad idea it is to buy a house in Pattaya, consider the following: I bought a nice house close to the sea in a village in Pattaya back in 2001 sold it in 2007 and doubled my money, which I then invested into building a house that came out at double the original cost of the first house, so if you like my profit and the original stake paid for my upgrade.

That and all the rent I would have paid since 2001 to date makes me feel very happy indeed, Say 30k a month for 10 years that's 3.6m Wow!! Plus the house I built is still worth what I built it for so I can always get my money back.

Edited by CatCage
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No, its not unusual. The difference here is that you are bragging about it. The more sensible people don't brag about it and they if they did they most certainly would not highlight the area/location.

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Wow ,you talk about houses renting for B30,000 a month. I rent a lovely 3 bedroom house for B2,500 a month. I guess some people have more _____. Why do farang have this fascination for ostentation? I admit ,I am not a "pattaya" person. I do live in a country called Thailand. Amongst Thais Why do you feel the need to brag about it?I find this disgusting, and it breeds resentment by Thais to farang.

Edited by afarang
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So you sold your house ,which you bought in 2001,for a profit in 2007 just before the economic downturn started.So what is your point,almost everyone could sell real estate for a profit in those years.

Now,you also say that the house you built in 2007 is still worth the same today and you can always get your money back.That's is of course a totally different story and just wishful thinking from your side.Put it on the market at that price and report back after it is sold.I'm not gonne hold my breath till that long.

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So you sold your house ,which you bought in 2001,for a profit in 2007 just before the economic downturn started.So what is your point,almost everyone could sell real estate for a profit in those years.

Now,you also say that the house you built in 2007 is still worth the same today and you can always get your money back.That's is of course a totally different story and just wishful thinking from your side.Put it on the market at that price and report back after it is sold.I'm not gonne hold my breath till that long.

The truth lies in this post above. Mind you he could always sell at a loss...given his previous gain. Why he posted this is a mystery....maybe he just wants us all to feel that warm glow...biggrin.gif


Edited by smokie36
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So you sold your house ,which you bought in 2001,for a profit in 2007 just before the economic downturn started.So what is your point,almost everyone could sell real estate for a profit in those years.

Now,you also say that the house you built in 2007 is still worth the same today and you can always get your money back.That's is of course a totally different story and just wishful thinking from your side.Put it on the market at that price and report back after it is sold.I'm not gonne hold my breath till that long.

The truth lies in this post above. Mind you he could always sell at a loss...given his previous gain. Why he posted this is a mystery....maybe he just wants us all to feel that warm glow...biggrin.gif


The underlying message is clear: You can make money if you invest in real estate in Pattaya (I did not say that, but that is what the posters wants readers to believe). Now, why would a person want to send out that message given that the market is crashing and homes/condos all over (especially homes) can't be sold at what the owners want to sell them for? Huummmmmm. let me guess :)

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I have a friend in the "less desirable" Phitsanulok, who builds a house, lives in it a year, sells, repeats. He typically sells for around 3.5 million and clears about a million baht in profit on each one. During the year he lives there, he is constantly tinkering, landscaping and adding gingerbread to the inside. Most Thais, when they walk in, are swept off their feet by many things foreigners take for granted: Fancy bathrooms and kitchens, walk-in closets. HiSo, baby! He has little trouble selling. He is on his fourth one at this time and has been at it for seven years. Location is important though. He always builds slightly in the country (cheaper land) but within 5 or 6 kilometers of downtown. His scheme will not work if you build out in rice central -- middle of nowhere -- Thais that can afford a house like this don't want to live in the sticks.

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Wow ,you talk about houses renting for B30,000 a month. I rent a lovely 3 bedroom house for B2,500 a month. I guess some people have more _____. Why do farang have this fascination for ostentation? I admit ,I am not a "pattaya" person. I do live in a country called Thailand. Amongst Thais Why do you feel the need to brag about it?I find this disgusting, and it breeds resentment by Thais to farang.

So why do you post in the Pattaya section?

I'll answer it for you; because you like many of the less fortunate farang are envious to the point of jealousy. The Thais are not any more resentful of folks like the OP than they are of folks like yourself who try and brag about how cheap they can live; not as cheap as a Thai but let's guess what type of message that sends to the Thais? Yeah, you will not get the irony.

But do keep posting about how disgusting farangs are, especially in Pattaya, if you cannot live there yourself vicariously will have to do for you.

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Chill pills, guys.

and yes, in 2007 it was easy to sell with profit. in 2008 it started changing, today I believe it is more or less impossible, telling from the many "for sale" signs everywhere.

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"...I rent a lovely 3 bedroom house for B2,500 a month..."

In Pattaya huh...? I doubt it , krap.


Just because you cant do it dont assume that it cant be done I rented a flat 2 balcony's air con: 58 S/M off 3rd road my friend now rent's it price as of a week ago 2,200bt a month including cab,TV. Electric water on top. Must admit not a house but is off 3rd 2nd road side slap bang in the centre of Pattaya. Oh and has it's own car park.
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So you sold your house ,which you bought in 2001,for a profit in 2007 just before the economic downturn started.So what is your point,almost everyone could sell real estate for a profit in those years.

Now,you also say that the house you built in 2007 is still worth the same today and you can always get your money back.That's is of course a totally different story and just wishful thinking from your side.Put it on the market at that price and report back after it is sold.I'm not gonne hold my breath till that long.

The truth lies in this post above. Mind you he could always sell at a loss...given his previous gain. Why he posted this is a mystery....maybe he just wants us all to feel that warm glow...biggrin.gif


The underlying message is clear: You can make money if you invest in real estate in Pattaya (I did not say that, but that is what the posters wants readers to believe). Now, why would a person want to send out that message given that the market is crashing and homes/condos all over (especially homes) can't be sold at what the owners want to sell them for? Huummmmmm. let me guess :)

Not all of the "all is well" messages on Pattaya real estate are motivated by self interest. Many are simply based on ignorance (aka stupidity) and a lack of understanding of the Pattaya housing market and its unique characteristics (and probably a lack of any real understanding of housing markets generally). One poster in another thread, I am sure with good intentions but not much sense, has said it is a "global problem", just wait, the housing market in Pattaya will correct in time and all will be well. Unless you are in pre-school now, I expect that you will be dead before that happens,and even that may be wishful thinking. The ignorant can and will wallow in delusion (and it probably makes them feel better). It is a pity, however, that they try to convince others of this fallacy.

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"...I rent a lovely 3 bedroom house for B2,500 a month..."

In Pattaya huh...? I doubt it , krap.


why doubt it? :huh: lovely homes are available at bargain rents such as... this one

YES that is the 3 bedroom 2 porta pottie version with covered balcony and beach side living. Don't be fooled though they aren't all this nice for 2500.:blink:

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"...I rent a lovely 3 bedroom house for B2,500 a month..."

In Pattaya huh...? I doubt it , krap.


Just because you cant do it dont assume that it cant be done I rented a flat 2 balcony's air con: 58 S/M off 3rd road my friend now rent's it price as of a week ago 2,200bt a month including cab,TV. Electric water on top. Must admit not a house but is off 3rd 2nd road side slap bang in the centre of Pattaya. Oh and has it's own car park.

3rd Road, also known as the ghetto!! No thanks....


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"...I rent a lovely 3 bedroom house for B2,500 a month..."

In Pattaya huh...? I doubt it , krap.


Just because you cant do it dont assume that it cant be done I rented a flat 2 balcony's air con: 58 S/M off 3rd road my friend now rent's it price as of a week ago 2,200bt a month including cab,TV. Electric water on top. Must admit not a house but is off 3rd 2nd road side slap bang in the centre of Pattaya. Oh and has it's own car park.

3rd Road, also known as the ghetto!! No thanks....


So all of 3rd rd is THE Ghetto A. Pray tell me what part of the 4/5km of it is that. It's a main rd with shop's bar's restaurant's ect for Buddha sake, like cent rd also 2rd. By your reasoning seem's all of Pattaya is one. If you dont know what your talking about may I suggest that you dont make anymore post's. Or at least make them factual. Maybe give your idea's as to why it is one so we can all be brought up to date. Just a thought do you know what a ghetto is???
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HA HA HA HA HA, this post sounds like something out of one of those Pattaya real estate magazines... and the post was written my a "newbie" - DUH :wacko:

Gosh and you are so much more experienced, you and your vast year of experience.

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Buying property anywhere in the world you got to have a business head. 99% of foreign business's here fail simply because they haven't got a business head, never had never will.

Your Cyril from Scunthorope worked all his lfe on the railways comes here after selling his 2 up 2 down with some cash in his pocket will lose the lot be it from property or business.

That's the way it is, some people have got it.....some ain't.

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HA HA HA HA HA, this post sounds like something out of one of those Pattaya real estate magazines... and the post was written my a "newbie" - DUH :wacko:

Gosh and you are so much more experienced, you and your vast year of experience.


I have lived /worked here for 7 years to know how the real estate market is in general terms. Yes, there are a few exceptions where people have made profit, especially if ones condo faces the sea. It doesn't take an "old timer" to notice the housing/ condo climate here in Pattaya.

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Chill pills guys! Otherwise I'll show you the TV ghetto...B)

Yep sorry about that Raro. Anyway what's the TV Ghetto sound's interesting not kinky is it. Alway's ready to try something different.

it's the place where we stash away the naughty boys...the sin bin, so to say...cool.gif

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HA HA HA HA HA, this post sounds like something out of one of those Pattaya real estate magazines... and the post was written my a "newbie" - DUH :wacko:

Gosh and you are so much more experienced, you and your vast year of experience.


I have lived /worked here for 7 years to know how the real estate market is in general terms. Yes, there are a few exceptions where people have made profit, especially if ones condo faces the sea. It doesn't take an "old timer" to notice the housing/ condo climate here in Pattaya.

So the guy being a "newbie" doesn't matter then.

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