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Compulsive Possessive Thai Girlfriend


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A lot of these guys probably have had missing or incomplete relationships with their mothers. For the women, it's a pretty good bet that a missing or sub par father figure in the past plays a role in producing this type of behavior.


Quite a stretch from an ex-GF stalking you to having an oedipus complex. Your comment speaks more about you than the OP.

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just replace her with a crazier girlfriend and let the new girl friend handle the problem...when you break up with this one, get an even crazier one to deal with that one and so on

unfortunately like a Ponzi scheme, the end will not be pretty but at least you will have a good run

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A lot of these guys probably have had missing or incomplete relationships with their mothers. For the women, it's a pretty good bet that a missing or sub par father figure in the past plays a role in producing this type of behavior.


Quite a stretch from an ex-GF stalking you to having an oedipus complex. Your comment speaks more about you than the OP.

Not a stretch at all and nothing to do with oedipal complexes. 'Missing or incomplete relationship with their mothers' as in coming from non-nuclear families, broken homes, not calling or visiting one's parents enough, or perhaps just abandoning one's parents 'back home' to live in Thailand. Allowing oneself to become victims of stalking, taking 'orders' from the wife or girlfriend, not being the head of one's household as the alpha male (that could be being submissive to the wife/girlfriend or even the inlaws), etc. IMO often arise from such situations. It applies to locals and foreigners alike, although the latter are much more noticeable ...and often amusingly so... we've all seen the variations of the automatic teller machine "get money me" negotiation scenes around town, it's often pretty clear who is in charge, and more often than not, it's not the account holder.


Edited by Heng
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Eaasy to rid. just tell her you have no money, money all gone, have to give to your mother for hospital back home, and need loan from her..can even add that you are sad and no thai woman will go with you because of no money, she should run away fast and problem solved

There are growing ghettos of foreigners (and locals) that show that the above theory often doesn't play out that way. When you have a (in this case possessive) significant other with virtually no skills whatsoever, it doesn't matter that you have no assets because even a broke foreigner (or local) can still be a work or field horse. It's the 'anyone to take care of me, as long as it's not me doing the work' school of 'thinking' that pervades the thinking of a lot of folks with a low or non-existent work ethic.

Not the easiest thing to do in many circumstances but the only thing that really works that I have seen is moving across town or to another city entirely... although I've seen guys that do that... a lot of times they just rinse and repeat and end up in the exact situation they were in before, only with a different postal code.


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just replace her with a crazier girlfriend and let the new girl friend handle the problem...when you break up with this one, get an even crazier one to deal with that one and so on

unfortunately like a Ponzi scheme, the end will not be pretty but at least you will have a good run

That's one of the joys of living here in Thailand. It's so easy to find crazy women!

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Eaasy to rid. just tell her you have no money, money all gone, have to give to your mother for hospital back home, and need loan from her..can even add that you are sad and no thai woman will go with you because of no money, she should run away fast and problem solved

There are growing ghettos of foreigners (and locals) that show that the above theory often doesn't play out that way. When you have a (in this case possessive) significant other with virtually no skills whatsoever, it doesn't matter that you have no assets because even a broke foreigner (or local) can still be a work or field horse. It's the 'anyone to take care of me, as long as it's not me doing the work' school of 'thinking' that pervades the thinking of a lot of folks with a low or non-existent work ethic.

Not the easiest thing to do in many circumstances but the only thing that really works that I have seen is moving across town or to another city entirely... although I've seen guys that do that... a lot of times they just rinse and repeat and end up in the exact situation they were in before, only with a different postal code.


Your so right on that point Heng. Not a lot different to the women in the west who often seem to move from one violent relationship to another.

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Possessiveness is the result of self-abandonment. Self-abandonment often creates deep feelings of insecurity. When a person is possessive, it is because they want their partner to fill up the emptiness and take away the feelings of insecurity that come from self-abandonment.

If You Are Possessive...

If you are possessive, do you believe it is your partner's responsibility to make you feel loved and secure? This is a huge false belief, and here's why: Even if your partner spends all his or her time with you, never looks at another person and is very loving to you, you will still feel insecure and empty inside if you:

  • Ignore your feelings
  • Judge yourself
  • Turn to addictions to self-medicate

Make others responsible for your feelin

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Isn't it a good thing to have a compulsive possessive girlfriend? Obviously, she needs you more than you need her. You can make her do your every bidding.

Like many had said, do a disappearing act without telling her unless she has already hired a PI to follow you.

Edited by AngelofDeath
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Generally people put up with bad behavior from partners as it fulfills some need within themselves. i.e. battered women feel they deserve punishment.

Men who allow women to intimidate them in stalking behavior I think may well enjoy an ego boost from the attention , no matter how manic it is.

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