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What is the latest with 3BB and TOT with regard to access to web sites that are hosted outside of Thailand.

3BB Premier 5M/1M 2500b + VAT seems to be the only one by their own admission for use with the WWW out side of Thailand.

Small to medium sized businesses looking to increase efficiency in use.The use of foreign You can use the computer 3-4 machines simultaneously.

3BB 20M/4 20mb download and / 4mb Upload 2990

Users in countries such as the use of the - Email, Chat, Search, News, or surf the web.

Users active in moderate to Download or Upload a large file to see the HD and VDO Live Streaming.

Users Active in the medium can be used with computers, 3-4 machines simultaneously.

I know from actually being involved with a problem with 3BB in Char Am, that with their non Premier packages it was impossible to even look at news pages on BBC, all they could say was up grade to Premier. IS this still the case with these idiots at 3BB? So my ONLY option is Priemier

Re TOT Plans, http://www.tot.co.th...s/broadband.pdf

Are they also making it impossible for uses not on high end packages? I do not think so. Please comment. Is TOT allowing torrents?

Thanks folks rolleyes.gif


Since I have 3BB Premier, I have to say my internet just works. The way it should.

It's a bit of a bummer that it's slower for torrents than a 9MB line that costs half. But on the other hand, for day to day use, Premier is the way to go. No slowdowns in the evening etc. Just works.


I use TOT 9Mb. I can download from Usenet at %75 of the speed advertised that is 750kb/s and with some trick, I can download at %100 speed which is 1.04 Mb/s from usenet.

However, don't expect miracles especially at primetime (after 20:00). Still, I can get 1.04 mb/s speed with downloads but regular web surfing is slower in weekends and after 20.00.


Since I have 3BB Premier, I have to say my internet just works. The way it should.

It's a bit of a bummer that it's slower for torrents than a 9MB line that costs half. But on the other hand, for day to day use, Premier is the way to go. No slowdowns in the evening etc. Just works.

Should work for almost USD 100 per month too.


Well, 3BB Premier is for the internet and the other are for the Planet Thailand internal intranet. With 3BB, only premier works for the WWW.

Well, what about with TOT and access to the internet, out side of the Thai Intranet.


Can some one with TOT or 3BB do a test on this site please and tell me your results and what plan you are on.

Thanks heaps.


My goodness, someone asking for speedtest results from a speedtest program that is "not fooled" by in-Thailand cache servers. Good deal.

I'm not on TOT (use to be) or 3BB, but hopefully some TOT/3BB customers will give you some results; results which will probably be s.....l......o.......w, since the MicroSoftOnline tester is not fooled by local cache servers....but some speedtest programs like Speedtest.net can many times give you download speeds and ping results like the server is just across the soi even through it's on the other side of the world (i.e., give bogus results).

I'm on a True Cable 20Mb/2Mb plan and got a MicroSoftOnline result of 4.45Mb Down, 1.44Mb Up, Ping 202ms at 10:15am today. But that is one of my "not often seen/better results" using the MicroSoftOnline speedtest to their North America server (in L.A. I think) for above link. It's not uncommon for me to see results down around 1Mb download (or lower) depending on the time of day/night using MicroSoftOnline.

I use to be on a TOT 6Mb/512Kb ADSL plan and would get around a 400-600Kb download speed on most days to above MicroSoftOnline server in North America. On a good day I might get around 1Mb. Other speed test programs would say I'm getting around 1.5 to 2Mb to U.S. sites. The MicroSoftOnline speedtest program seems to tell it like it is....and a person might not like the results. But with that being said, take "all" speedtest results with a BIG grain of salt.

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