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Hdmi Converter


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OK, so I've just moved into my new condo which is fantastic. Only problem is, I wanted to hook up my laptop to the TV but can't work out how to do it.

My laptop has HDMI out and DVi out sockets but my TV only has either Auxiliary inputs (I'm not sure what they're called - it's the yellow (video), white and red(audio) round things with one pin in the middle) or it has Composite inputs which I believe is some form of High Def input - they're green blue and red with the letters Y, Ps and Pr next to them respectively.

So - is it possible to buy a lead or a converter which will hook my laptop up to my TV? If so, can I buy one in Chiang Mai? If so, where? And what exactly am I asking for?

PS - I'm not too bothered about an audio signal - I can use separate speakers that if I have to.

Ta :)

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Just to confirm, does the TV connection look like this?


If so, the conversion from HDMI will result in a significant loss in quality if the initial quality is any good.

You could get one of these..... but at $250 you may as well go out and get a HD TV.

What you're asking for is one of these:


but they're only of use if you have a video card that will support HDMI to RCA. I don't think this is all too common as its a digital to analogue conversion, the opposite way around is far more common.

I'm no expert on this, and I think you'd get a better, more reliable response by posting the above with details of your laptop video card.

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Thanks for the responses

My video card is a nVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 485M

miltonbently - thanks. I'll give them a go

naboo - The first picture is the same as the inputs to my TV apart from the s-video socket (It has the Comp and the AV2 inputs as shown in the picture) - and your right, there's not much point spending $250 on a converter when I was looking at HDTV's today for under 10000 Baht.

If all else fails is there anywhere to buy second hand HDTV's in Chiang Mai? I don't really watch TV all that much so can quite justify forking out on a brand new one.

Ta :)

Edited by xandreu
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While on the subject of HDMI has anyone seem a multi plug in socket, where one outgoing hdmi wire goes to the TV and then there are 3 input ports for your various devices, you can then move a switch on the top to which ever device you wish to use. I have used them before with the AV input and outputs and those are available in many retail outlets but I have never seen an HDMI version.


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Op- you're trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. It can be done, but there will be significant loss of quality, and finances. A Hd tv can be bought, which will give you Hd quality for about the same money.

Second hand can be bought on the classifieds, but be warned, a lot of people ask way too much for their second hand gear... Technology moves fast, and prices drop accordingly. Imho you should buy new. The price will be negligible vs s/h. And u get a guarantee!

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While on the subject of HDMI has anyone seem a multi plug in socket, where one outgoing hdmi wire goes to the TV and then there are 3 input ports for your various devices, you can then move a switch on the top to which ever device you wish to use. I have used them before with the AV input and outputs and those are available in many retail outlets but I have never seen an HDMI version.

There is one also on Shop4Thai but not cheap as it has to have analog to HDMI (digital) converter inside. Analog to analog types will be cheap as the conversion mechanisms are much simpler.

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Maybe it's cheaper to convert the laptop's VGA out to standard def TV? In any case there will be lots of hassle, bad quality, etc, not really worth it you will probably be better off watching your pr0n on the laptop screen, or a cheap 3,000 baht external display...

PS: The electronics shop outside Icon square (N/W corner of the moat, outside) will probably have this. They have all sorts of electronics, particularly anything having to do with cables, TVs, or audio.

Edited by nikster
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Maybe it's cheaper to convert the laptop's VGA out to standard def TV?

I was just thinking that. VGA to component converters should be fairly easy to find, and will likely be cheaper than HDMI to Component too. I am guessing the picture quality will not differ all that much. Plus you have a completely analogue connection and consequently won't have to worry about any DRM protection problems, which could arise with HDMI.

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Maybe it's cheaper to convert the laptop's VGA out to standard def TV?

I was just thinking that. VGA to component converters should be fairly easy to find, and will likely be cheaper than HDMI to Component too. I am guessing the picture quality will not differ all that much. Plus you have a completely analogue connection and consequently won't have to worry about any DRM protection problems, which could arise with HDMI.

drm with a hdmi? For what the op wants this is a pointless post. You guess the pic won't suffer.... Guess again...

Drm should not be any problem as long as you are using legitimate sources of FREE content.

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Maybe it's cheaper to convert the laptop's VGA out to standard def TV?

I was just thinking that. VGA to component converters should be fairly easy to find, and will likely be cheaper than HDMI to Component too. I am guessing the picture quality will not differ all that much. Plus you have a completely analogue connection and consequently won't have to worry about any DRM protection problems, which could arise with HDMI.

drm with a hdmi? For what the op wants this is a pointless post. You guess the pic won't suffer.... Guess again...

Drm should not be any problem as long as you are using legitimate sources of FREE content.

Is your point that HDMI does not include DRM? If so, you are mistaken, including DRM was one of the main reasons for developing the HDMI format. Many people make their own digital backups of drm protected material. In some jurisdictions it is illegal to make your own backups, in others it is legal - same thing with downloading for personal viewing, which is legal in the Netherlands, for example. The OP did not specify whether he does or not, but if he does, that point is relevant.

HDMI is a digital format whereas Component is analogue. I admit I do not know whether an HDMI to component would produce better, worse or equal results than a VGA to component but digital to analogue ought to require more processing being done in the adapter. Have you made a side-by-side comparison with different adapters since you seem to be so sure of the degradation caused by a VGA to component adapter? Some people just want to watch their stuff and don't care that much about picture quality. The OP appears not to want to spend too much money for this project which is why an adapter might still be a good idea. Google suggests some VGA to component adapters can be had for as little as 4 USD.

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I read a bit deeper -

THIS CABLE WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO CONNECT YOUR COMPUTER'S DVI PORT TO THE COMPONENT INPUT ON YOUR HDTV unless your video card supports component out function through it's DVI port (please confirm with your video cards documentation before purchasing. Some require adapter, not this cable). ***

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THIS CABLE WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO CONNECT YOUR COMPUTER'S DVI PORT TO THE COMPONENT INPUT ON YOUR HDTV unless your video card supports component out function through it's DVI port (please confirm with your video cards documentation before purchasing. Some require adapter, not this cable). ***


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