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Anyone Use True (Satellite) Online Ultra High Speed Connection? 50Mbit?

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Please note that download speed has nothing to do with latency/ping time. Whether you got a 1Mb or 100Mb (or 50Mb) connection the time it takes internet electrons to travel back and forth to a server is approximately the same excluding minor differences caused by DNS routing. Until some one figures out how to make electrons go-faster-than-the-speed-of- light, latency/ping time won't change very much between today's technology and future technology....about the only thing today's technology can possibly improve on is how long it takes to get the internet electrons through all the amplifiers/relays/repeaters between you and the server/web site some where in the world.

I'm been on True Ultraspeed Cable 20Mb/2Mb here in Bangkok for almost two months now and it's latency/ping time to the States/Euro/etc., is basically the same as the TOT 6Mb ADSL package I was on before. For example to the States I would get a ping time in the 250 to 350ms ballpark...about the same to Europe. As you've probably read in numerous ThaiVisa posts, using many of the various speedtest programs, like Speedtest.net will give bogus/false (unrealistic) download and ping times due to hidden cache servers in Thailand fooling the speed test program into giving ping times and download speeds to the other side of the world equal to servers right here in Bangkok. The Microsoft Online and DSLReports speed test programs will give you real world ping times and download speeds to international sites. On my True 20Mb/2Mb plan I do get get 20Mb speed to "in-Thailand" sites the majority of the time, and to international sites in the 2 to 9Mb range depending on time of day/night, with 4 to 5Mb probably being the most seen speed. These speeds are based on speed test programs that are not fooled by in-Thailand hidden cache servers. But if I was to got by/accept Speedtest.net results, I'm getting pretty much 15 to 20Mb speeds to all locations on Earth with a ping time of around 15ms (obviously bogus results skewed by hidden cache servers).

If using a Download Manager to download files from farangland I can sometimes get up to 20Mb download speed, but remember Download Managers breaks files up into multiple streams versus the single type streaming that browsing/emailing uses.

Now, don't get me wrong, hidden cache servers are a good thing especially when that farangland site you look at all the time like maybe CNN, YouTube, etc., has their data cached on the server...this definitely speeds things up. But for those farangland sites which are not cached on a server here in Thailand/southeast asia somewhere, then those bits/bytes need to travel from halfway around the world which means a ping time in the 250-350ms ballpark and download speeds which are much lower

Unless you have a need for 50Mb speed because you are connecting to some "in-Thailand" high speed server for a special purpose, I wouldn't waste your money on anything faster than 20Mb...choose the 7, 10, or 20Mb packages. I've been very pleased with my 20Mb package...up time has been 100%...handles streaming video with no pausing, etc. Your experience may vary.

Edit: It just hit me from looking at your post again, you are not talking about UltraSpeed "Cable" internet but a "Satellite" package. Guess I need to read slower. I'm too lazy to delete above, so I'll just say I expect ping times would be worst than ADSL or Cable internet since you have the extra distance of going up and down between you, the satellite, and the ground station before your internet electrons are directed onto the same copper/fiber circuits used by ADSL/Cable packages.


This can't be satellite internet. Don't mix things with Cable internet please.

It is impossible to give these speeds via satellite without a very heavy FUP / FAP policy.


I would guess it's not satellite either; but VDSL. I think it just a modified promotion of their VDSL UltraSpeed, expect with a much lower upload speed that what they previously advertised for VDSL which had a upload speed of 20Mb with the 50Mb download speed. True now lumps together VDSL with their ADSL plans and calls them xDSL. And for their Cable plans they sometimes refer to them as DOCSIS.

See this TrueOnline Web Link for the promotions they advertise on their web site; however, but, they do have other promotions/plans not advertised on their web site that apparently you can only find out about through separate promotion fliers, at True Shops, graffiti on the wall, etc.

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