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2000 Dogs Saved In Nakhon Phanom From Dinner Tables


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Dogs saved from dinner tables, but still in danger




The lives of almost 2,000 dogs have been saved just in time, before they were to be transported to a neighbouring country to be cooked and eaten.

But although they have been saved from dog-trader gangs, no one can guarantee they will be safe and survive in their crowded cages while a shortage of food threatens their lives.

Some of the animals were reported dead or injured. The rest are at Nakhon Phanom Animal Quarantine Station.

They looked exhausted after they were moved from the small cages to be put in the station's only big cage. But that cage, which has a maximum capacity of 500 dogs, now has to house 1,800. They have inadequate food and water, as the station does not have the budget to feed such a huge crowd of dogs.

Nakhon Phanom Governor Rerngsak Mahawinijchaimontree said his team cooperated with animal-control staff and police to arrest the gangs on Thursday night.

He said they arrested Montree Thanklang, 45, a Nakhon Phanom resident, and Pan Hai, 30, a Vietnamese, while they were in a truck containing 600 dogs passing through the province's Na Thom district. Four other trucks containing 1,200 dogs were seized while they travelled through Si Songkhram district, where police arrested Noppadon Chaiwangrot, 40, a Sakon Nakhon resident.

Rerngsak said police were told that Noppadon had earlier released 600 other dogs into a forest.

"Police believe all the dogs would have been transferred to a ship waiting in Ban Phaeng district of Nakhon Phanom before going across the Mekong River to be sold in Vietnam, where lots of dogs are ordered to be cooked as famous exotic dishes."

He said police pressed charges against the suspect under the Animal Epidemic Act 1956 that prohibits relocating animals to zones at risk of epidemics without permission.

Previously, the province's authorities raided a place that housed dogs before they were traded in Na Wa district in June.

Reportedly dogs price can bring prices of Bt500-Bt1,000. Most dog traders have been reported from Tha Rae district in Sakon Nakhon. They travel to villages to barter goods, especially plastic buckets - each bucket costs only Bt50-Bt100.

The Animal Guardians Association has urged Rerngsak to seek better ways to help them.

To help the dogs in terms of donations, adoption or providing them shelter, people can contact the governor, the quarantine station or the association.


-- The Nation 2011-08-13

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I don't think they are out of the woods yet.

from OP:

Rerngsak said police were told that Noppadon had earlier released 600 other dogs into a forest.

jokes aside, whether they are out of the woods or into a forest, what can the authorities possibly do with all these dogs?

Not release the rest of them into a forest I hope?

Used to see the dog collection pickups when we lived in Sa Kaeo province, plastic buckets/bowls on top of the cages. It's an endless supply, every week another load of dogs 'taking a holiday'.

Don't have an answer to this one.

They won't euthanise them, the suggestion of adoption won't attract many takers either.

Edited by Atmos
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The dogs lot has apparently not improved too much. Cooking pot or slow, overcrowded starvation, disease, etc, what a choice. Impounding this many dogs is kind of like the fellow who found a skunk in his rat trap. I have him, now what? Guess the authorities enjoyed the chase and capture, a little money for fine, and probably some excess buckets.

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i don't see why it is a bad thing to sell this dogs to Vietnam, here in bangkok, there are thousands of street dogs, this animals in many cases get sick with rabics and can infect another people, in my neighborhood one litle guirl died last month because of that, bisides this animals are extreamly dangereous for the traffic of people and cars on the streets etc, i would like to see the eliminination of all the street-dogs numbers or at least a decreae in the number of it.

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Best dog meat is when the slaughtered beast is under 2 years old and hasn't been "free-ranged" too much so the flesh doesn't get too stringy.

Those old street mutts in the photos would be very tough eating indeed.

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I live in a village where dogs are bartered for a bucket and the trucks come all the time. Until Thailand gets serious about controlling the dog population which appears will be never then the current system of a villager getting a household good in exchange, the exporter making a profit, and protein for dinner seems more optimal than wasting tax money to create a bureaucracy to round them up, euthanize them, and dispose of the remains like other countries do. Legalize the current practice and put in measures to assure transport is safe and humane. And if you think that is a disturbing photo then brace yourself when you see photos of how chickens are raised.

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It must be a slow news day with the Dow levelling out.

The most notorious province for dog eaters is Sakhon Nakhon in the top of isan -laos. Not all that far from dog meat heaven city Hanoi. VN. As much as 8 dollars per kilo in Vietnam.

90 % of the strays in Bangkok have disappeared over the past 10 years.. Not hard to guess where.

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Saw this on Thai TV. The caring gentle labourers rolled or threw the cages off the truck - sickening to watch.

I also have owned both dogs and cows, though currently only a dog. When your neighbor takes a liking to your goods and chattels, your cow might give a shit if it felt the urge. On the other hand, your dog will feel possessive and protective of items in its home area, and a well trained dog will discourage your neighbour from entering your property for possession appropriation - especially if he happens to be Thai.

If I am not at home, you could enter and leave my property unharmed. If you tried to remove anything from the property, the dog will aurally warn you that this is not a good idea, and if you persist, prevent you from leaving with the item by less gentle persuasion. This is a combination of training and natural instinct.

It may be possible to train your cow to do this, but you would probably have more success teaching your pig to whistle. Good luck!

In colder climates, a dog can also be a useful bed warmer. In fact, a particularly cold night is sometimes described as a 3 dog night, the origin of the name of the rock group so I believe.

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It must be a slow news day with the Dow levelling out.

The most notorious province for dog eaters is Sakhon Nakhon in the top of isan -laos. Not all that far from dog meat heaven city Hanoi. VN. As much as 8 dollars per kilo in Vietnam.

90 % of the strays in Bangkok have disappeared over the past 10 years.. Not hard to guess where.

90%? Are you suggesting that 10 years ago, the dog population of Bangkok was larger than human?

I understand the Buddhist logic behind not controlling dog populations properly here, but in all honesty, stray dogs are a blight on a community. I have learnt to not let it get to me, but it really would be a pleasure to not worry about getting bitten or stepping in poop in front of my house?

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I live in a village where dogs are bartered for a bucket and the trucks come all the time. Until Thailand gets serious about controlling the dog population which appears will be never then the current system of a villager getting a household good in exchange, the exporter making a profit, and protein for dinner seems more optimal than wasting tax money to create a bureaucracy to round them up, euthanize them, and dispose of the remains like other countries do. Legalize the current practice and put in measures to assure transport is safe and humane. And if you think that is a disturbing photo then brace yourself when you see photos of how chickens are raised.

Very sad picture, but I must agree with Canopy.

We humans are at the top of the food chain and every country has different customs. Really who are we to judge. If some group of people have been eating dog for centuries then that is the way it is. Personally, I find it disgusting that people eat veal and the chicken industry is a nightmare. But we are at the top of the food chain.

When forced between choosing between the rounding up and eating of dogs versus the current street dog situation, as a dog lover, I say eat them. :jap:

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So what's the real difference between a dog and a cow - apart from the endearing expression? and that's a real question...

I have owned both cows and dogs and have no problem in seeing the difference. But I guess it is a personal thing.

dogs bark-cows moo, we milk cows, take dogs for walks, my dogs a guard, can't get oxtail soup from a dog, difficult to have your pet cow laid in front of the fire asleep.

The collection of dogs by these armole pick-ups is digusting. they even will steel a pet from near a home, enticing it with tit bits. I live an hour away from Sakorn Nakon- again the police and authorities do nothing-the dog meat is sold there openly in markets.

I have 7 dogs it's very hard work to give them a home, but we manage JUST they are fantastic-loving-and I get so much pleasure with rescuing them. I get worried they will outlive me, do wonder what will happen to them after i've gone, but better this than them in cages like the photo.

If a society enjoys dog meat, traditional food, suppose it is no different to us eating spring lamb, the difference HERE is most Thai treat a dog like dirt, get the lovely toy puppy for the stamping screaming kid, then feed it rice and fish bones and run free style until it's SOLD for a bowl.

If you want dog to eat and it's a table treat--then care for its well being until its put down humanely for the SHOP

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Far more to the point is how the dogs are treated. If they are treated humanely (and, if possible, bred for the pot).... and it's a big IF.... I would rather see them end on the table than suffer disease and starvation on the streets. There will be no end to this problem until euthanasia becomes accepted in Thailand (which doesn't seem likely; Buddhists prefer to see the dogs suffer).

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I too live about an hour away from Sakorn and these scumbags come round and night in pickup trucks and steal peoples pets. One of the guys was telling me he heard them the night before and his dog went missing, when I asked him why he didn't go out and stop them he said they carry guns.

Its not the whole dog meat thing that bothers me, I have eaten it myself from China, but it is the theft of someones pet I can't stand.

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I too live about an hour away from Sakorn and these scumbags come round and night in pickup trucks and steal peoples pets. One of the guys was telling me he heard them the night before and his dog went missing, when I asked him why he didn't go out and stop them he said they carry guns.

Its not the whole dog meat thing that bothers me, I have eaten it myself from China, but it is the theft of someones pet I can't stand.

Unless dogs are farmed for the pot, as in Korea, dog meat can carry very dangerous diseases.

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So what's the real difference between a dog and a cow - apart from the endearing expression? and that's a real question...

I don't know .

I like to have my dogs sleeping at the side of my bed.

I'm not so sure I will enjoy a cow so much

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We see no difference between pig eating and dog eating. The degree of objection lies in the methods of rearing, transport and slaughter rather than in the choice of species.

The popularity of dog eating is currently increasing at a huge rate - it is evolving rapidly from its traditions as a cottage industry. Now it is no longer a case of a few peasant farmers breeding a bitch once a year and taking the grown puppies to the market for a little extra pocket money. Huge dog farms are being set up using modern scientific factory farming methods.

So what can we do to stop this?


Thailand and Cambodia do not seem to be on these guys radar yet. Although the name of this website says one thing the content is less then comforting.

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i don't see why it is a bad thing to sell this dogs to Vietnam, here in bangkok, there are thousands of street dogs, this animals in many cases get sick with rabics and can infect another people, in my neighborhood one litle guirl died last month because of that, bisides this animals are extreamly dangereous for the traffic of people and cars on the streets etc, i would like to see the eliminination of all the street-dogs numbers or at least a decreae in the number of it.

So in your mind serving up animals with parasites and infectious diseases is appropriate?

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So what's the real difference between a dog and a cow - apart from the endearing expression? and that's a real question...

I don't know .

I like to have my dogs sleeping at the side of my bed.

I'm not so sure I will enjoy a cow so much

think about it, you wake up, open your eyes and there they are.... 4 pairs of tits looking right at you.

you cant get that with a dog. plus think of the extra milk. sweet. :P:D:wacko:

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