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50 teens arrested for violating Philadelphia's curfew


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The difficulty with status-related curfews, is enforcement. In most larger cities that had them, they went unenforced. They also clogged up the juvenile justice system.

I'm not arguing the right or wrong of curfews, just the practicality.

My personal experience was that they tended to be effective, but that was a small town. The police officer (there was only one), knew who we were. If he spotted us and couldn't catch us, he just went to our house and asked if we were home. Of course, our parents protested because we were in bed--or so they thought. The old sneak out of the window trick.

Talk about feeling like your nuts were caught in a vice grip, you had the police and your parents against you.

If so much as a hub cap was missing from a car the next day, we were back to the police for interrogation.

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In regard to Scott's post/experience, I can concur and add that the Highway police were not prone to chase some of our modified vehicles, as they would also show up at your home the next day and you would arrive home to find it chained and locked. The small towns and counties in the central US is still a lot that way as per info from family. We grew up knowing that mischief/curfew violation was tolerated to a degree, but destruction of others property would bring the wrath of family, officials. neighbors, etc down on you.

They rolled up the streets by 2100 in most small towns, with the exception of the beer joint and we did not dare venture in there without our father/granddad/uncle accompanying us. Curfew seemed to be a stick to hold over those delinquents/school dropouts, who were headed for military enlistment or jail time eventually (they sometimes had a choice)

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