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Maid Salry


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I have 2 maids at my house , one take care about cook, wash+ iron. The other take care about garden, clean floor, wash car. I pay them 3,500b/m/each person.

If you wanna find maid(real maid for working) . You can contract www.doe.go.th

You can trust maid from there because it's legal and they have their history kept.

Mostly maid in Bangkok are Burmese or Thai women from isaan area. If you have just one maid , she is not stay with you for long time but if you have 2 , she has friend and can stay with you for long time.

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Good point orchidexpert, I have noticed our staff is much happier when there is more than one around. But, that said, I think it applies more to live-in staff or full-time staff than it would to someone who came in a few hours a day.

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My wife pays our maid 2,500 per month. We have been through about 4 maids in the last 12 months. She can't work out why...

320sqm house, 1 toddler year old child and ME.

I think, if you want a good, long term maid be prepared to pay for her and she will be loyal.

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Tuky, Is she a live-in or part time? part time, a few hours a week ok, but 2500 for a full time maid is peanuts! OK, wages are higher in the south but we pay our staff a starting wage of 6000/mo for an 8:30 am-9:30 pm job (hour and a half off in the afternoon) that is only full on during high season (Dec-Apr). Rest of the year it is easy between full moons. We also pay for their govt insurance and give them paid time off when they need it (min of paid two weeks off a year). I have found that by treating my staff with decency and generosity I get repaid in loyalty and good work.

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Tuky, Is she a live-in or part time? part time, a few hours a week ok, but 2500 for a full time maid is peanuts! OK, wages are higher in the south but we pay our staff a starting wage of 6000/mo for an 8:30 am-9:30 pm job (hour and a half off in the afternoon) that is only full on during high season (Dec-Apr). Rest of the year it is easy between full moons. We also pay for their govt insurance and give them paid time off when they need it (min of paid two weeks off a year). I have found that by treating my staff with decency and generosity I get repaid in loyalty and good work.

Thats makes a long day for 6000 baht a month if I may say so :o . I'm also assuming thats 5 days / week and allow them to have week-end off?. We have friends who paid 5000 baht / month for their maid, but she only work from 8:00am - 6:00 pm. She take her lunch and breaks when she needs to as long as the work gets done. The maid seem to enjoy her job and is very respectful.

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I have 2 maids at my house , one take care about cook, wash+ iron. The other take care about garden, clean floor, wash car. I pay them 3,500b/m/each person.

If you wanna find maid(real maid for working) . You can contract www.doe.go.th

You can trust maid from there because it's legal and they have their history kept.

Mostly maid in Bangkok are Burmese or Thai women from isaan area. If you have just one maid ,  she is not stay with you for long time but if you have 2 , she has friend and can stay with you for long time.

keeNiew Keeniew :D. Thats alot of work for the amount of Money isn't it? :o

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Did you read the whole post? That is for 5 months out of the year. The rest of the time is quite easy for basically 25 days with 5 days of hard work. And to be honest, I put in longer hours than that. Obviously you have never worked in the tourist industry which has high periods and low periods. High periods you work your butt off, low ones you slide. Most other places let their staff go in the low season. We keep ours on, with full pay, even when we don't need them.

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I have 2 maids at my house , one take care about cook, wash+ iron. The other take care about garden, clean floor, wash car. I pay them 3,500b/m/each person.

If you wanna find maid(real maid for working) . You can contract www.doe.go.th

You can trust maid from there because it's legal and they have their history kept.

Mostly maid in Bangkok are Burmese or Thai women from isaan area. If you have just one maid ,  she is not stay with you for long time but if you have 2 , she has friend and can stay with you for long time.

orchidexpert, how many days a week do your 2 maids work? And what sort of hours are they doing per day?

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I have 2 maids at my house , one take care about cook, wash+ iron. The other take care about garden, clean floor, wash car. I pay them 3,500b/m/each person.

If you wanna find maid(real maid for working) . You can contract www.doe.go.th

You can trust maid from there because it's legal and they have their history kept.

Mostly maid in Bangkok are Burmese or Thai women from isaan area. If you have just one maid ,  she is not stay with you for long time but if you have 2 , she has friend and can stay with you for long time.

Sorry, I forgot to ask...are your 2 maids from Myramar or Issan?

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Migrant workers 'exploited'

Study: Burmese maids get treated like 'slaves'


Immigrant workers, mostly Burmese women working as maids, are being exploited by their Thai bosses who treat them like slaves, researchers said. Sureeporn Panpueng, who headed a research team on immigrant workers employed as maids in Thailand, said more than two million Burmese immigrants had flooded into Thailand over the past few years to seek jobs. About 100,000 took up job as maids.

The team conducted a study in Chiang Mai and Tak's Mae Sot district where 133 Burmese immigrants aged over 30 and another 528 Burmese workers less than 30 years old were interviewed.

The study, which was presented at a seminar held by Mahidol University's Population and Social Research Institute, found that most Burmese immigrants had been exploited by their bosses.

Most worked more than eight hours a day and had no holidays. Some workers had only had two days off in the last two years. They received much lower wages compared to Thais in the same profession while some were given a monthly salary of less than 1,000 baht.

The study revealed the plight of one ethnic Shan woman who was hired to take care of children. She had been promised a monthly salary of 500 baht but had received nothing in four years.

Some maids received lower wages than the rates they deserved.

The study found that the rights of Burmese maids were systematically violated by their employers. Some had been physically, sexually and psychologically abused by their male bosses.

On welfare benefits, some employers paid little attention to the plight of their maids when they fell ill. They were offered no medical welfare or other benefits.

The study also found that several maids working in Chiang Mai and Mae Sot received no holidays. Their wages would be deducted for any off-days.

Sriprapa Phetmeesri, director of Mahidol University's Office of Human Rights Studies and Social Development, said that the rights of maids depended on their employers.

The study found that Burmese maids working in Thailand earned between 700-4,000 baht a month. Only 2.4% got over 3,000 baht. Most maids, particularly those employed in Chiang Mai and Mae Sot, were given only 1,000 baht a month. She said many employers paid little attention to labour protection laws.

''Over 80% of maids interviewed worked nine to 16 hours a day. They do all types of house chores and are treated like slaves without holidays,'' said Ms Sriprapa.

The research found that registered and non-registered immigrant maids faced the same plight. Employers mostly seized their work permits.

''They're 'invisible' in Thai society. This is the main problem as people don't know they exist. So they are abused and not protected by the labour laws,'' she said.


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Our workers get 5-5.5K/month and generally work 5-6 days a week, not full days on saturdays then. (My wifes family themselfs, being owners, work 7 full days of the week.)

Are perhaps looking for a maid in the near future and the salary would be in the range of 5K if I remember my wifes words correctly.

Edited by TAWP
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sbk, she is live in...

and an um illbird (cow jai mai?)

We are one of those that sunbelt pointed out in his article.

But how to convince the higher authority as lop so aptley points out that we should go legal and we will end up with a better result?

oh well TiT

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Did you read the whole post? That is for 5 months out of the year. The rest of the time is quite easy for basically 25 days with 5 days of hard work. And to be honest, I put in longer hours than that. Obviously you have never worked in the tourist industry which has high periods and low periods. High periods you work your butt off, low ones you slide.  Most other places let their staff go in the low season. We keep ours on, with full pay, even when we don't need them.

So for 5 months out of the year you work her 13 hours / day and pay her the same as the rest of the year. that's a good thing? The wage after a 13/day, 7 days/week is only 1500 baht/week? thats 37 US dollars. :D . Why don't you increase her wage as you demands more out of her :o

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Again, you did not read the entire post. 6000 is the starting wage. Our cook earns far more than that. Plus paid time off during the year plus insurance plus meals plus tips plus help with medical bills. We are not in the US so US wages are not applicable here. Our staff makes a very good wage for Thailand. I'll tell her you think she should get paid less when she works less and more when she works more. I am sure that will thrill her no end when she has bills to pay and can't make it because it is a slow season. Get off your high horse ozone, you don't know what you are talking about.

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Again, you did not read the entire post. 6000 is the starting wage. Our cook earns far more than that. Plus paid time off during the year plus insurance plus meals plus tips plus help with medical bills.  We are not in the US so US wages are not applicable here. Our staff makes a very good wage for Thailand. I'll tell her you think she should get paid less when she works less and more when she works more. I am sure that will thrill her no end when she has bills to pay and can't make it because it is a slow season. Get off your high horse ozone, you don't know what you are talking about.

"So for 5 months out of the year you work her 13 hours / day and pay her the same as the rest of the year"

To most people this staement would mean that you should pay her for working more than usual. How did you assume I said you need to pay her less?

Get off my high horse? You are the one who is taking advantage of these people, not me! :D .

Beginning to think i'm leaving a note for Cathy Lee Gifford :D

By the way, the post is about the Maid on staff "at home" not at your work place so she get no tips, now does she? :o

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People should not think about wages in USD or any other currency than Baht and compare it to the average wages for Thailand, not any other country...as other posters have noted, if the maid or whoever is upset by the wage they will either

A) Not take the job.

:o Quit quickly when they find something better.

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Again, you did not read the entire post. 6000 is the starting wage. Our cook earns far more than that. Plus paid time off during the year plus insurance plus meals plus tips plus help with medical bills.  We are not in the US so US wages are not applicable here. Our staff makes a very good wage for Thailand. I'll tell her you think she should get paid less when she works less and more when she works more. I am sure that will thrill her no end when she has bills to pay and can't make it because it is a slow season. Get off your high horse ozone, you don't know what you are talking about.

"So for 5 months out of the year you work her 13 hours / day and pay her the same as the rest of the year"

To most people this staement would mean that you should pay her for working more than usual. How did you assume I said you need to pay her less?

Get off my high horse? You are the one who is taking advantage of these people, not me! :D .

Beginning to think i'm leaving a note for Cathy Lee Gifford :D

By the way, the post is about the Maid on staff "at home" not at your work place so she get no tips, now does she? :o

You obviously know nothing about the working life of the average Thai person in Thailand since you don't even live in Thailand. I won't discuss this with you any longer since you don't have any idea what you are talking about.

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People should not think about wages in USD or any other currency than Baht and compare it to the average wages for Thailand, not any other country...as other posters have noted, if the maid or whoever is upset by the wage they will either

A) Not take the job.

:o Quit quickly when they find something better.

If you read it correctly, you'll noticed I have a problems with sbk forcing them to work 13hr days for 5 months without any compensation. Most of the employee he keeps talking about are his employee at work not at home. I'm talking about the "maid" at his house who gets no compensation for the extras hours she puts it. The maid at his house is the subjext matter not his work

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I don't have a maid. Our staff does not do any personal work for us. I was just trying to point out what wages could be. Live in is usually a lower wage than one who doesn't since all room and board is provided for. A fair wage for a full time maid in Bangkok would be around 5000 a month. Outside in the provinces it is probably lower. Most live in maids would start at around 6:30 am and finish up after dinner.

Most do not get paid days off, health insurance or bonuses.

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Again, you did not read the entire post. 6000 is the starting wage. Our cook earns far more than that. Plus paid time off during the year plus insurance plus meals plus tips plus help with medical bills.  We are not in the US so US wages are not applicable here. Our staff makes a very good wage for Thailand. I'll tell her you think she should get paid less when she works less and more when she works more. I am sure that will thrill her no end when she has bills to pay and can't make it because it is a slow season. Get off your high horse ozone, you don't know what you are talking about.

"So for 5 months out of the year you work her 13 hours / day and pay her the same as the rest of the year"

To most people this staement would mean that you should pay her for working more than usual. How did you assume I said you need to pay her less?

Get off my high horse? You are the one who is taking advantage of these people, not me! :D .

Beginning to think i'm leaving a note for Cathy Lee Gifford :D

By the way, the post is about the Maid on staff "at home" not at your work place so she get no tips, now does she? :o

You obviously know nothing about the working life of the average Thai person in Thailand since you don't even live in Thailand. I won't discuss this with you any longer since you don't have any idea what you are talking about.

Sorry truth hurts.

For my credentials. I lived in Chiangmai, Lampang, Bangkok & have a condominium Suratthani for better than 15 years while employing for a us firm. I can speak, read, write Thai, what about you?. I know the Thai people likethe back of my hands. I be willing to bet that these folks do not call you their friends when they leave work. Wonder why?

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How about you get off your high horse?

What's next, expect anyone to pay their maid 50K+ THB because that is the social welfare-level in my homecountry?!

I see that you are employed for a US-firm, meaning you most likely aren't even getting local salary-level. Can I have your salary too?

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We pay ours live in 6k per month with 2 days off.

She starts around 6am, works all day, does everything except cook, but will cook simple stuff for kids. Two kids to take care of and even the garden and 4 monkey's, a parrot and several dozen fish.

She has been with us for 2 years or so and enjoys her days off

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