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Anyone that doesn't buy Apple is crazy....I have had all the other crap for years.

Apple Mac is like a breath of fresh air...no virus, user friendly and compatible to all my old windows stuff.

Why would you buy anything else.

That's easy - the price.

Another reason - not everyone wants to learn a new system after years on another.

A 2 year old could work it out...its very user friendly.

Not if you've been using another system for 15 years.

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Anyone that doesn't buy Apple is crazy....I have had all the other crap for years.

Apple Mac is like a breath of fresh air...no virus, user friendly and compatible to all my old windows stuff.

Why would you buy anything else.

Perhaps one clue is the the P R I C E above. How much did your beloved Apple cost? Perhaps you also missed that they are made by the same manufacturers are the Windows laptops. So you are paying a lot of money for a name and software.

I paid about 2500 US Dollars....but is it really that much when its something I use for work and home daily....I have had it for a year already with no problems and it still impresses me daily.

As I cant see me needing an upgrade for a long while yet I think its worth paying the extra for quality.

Other use their Windows machines at work and home daily. I have never paid over US$500 for a Windows machine. Have two machines that are nearly four years old now and in daily use. No issues at all. You are really paying a lot for some software. I can buy five machines for the price of your one. If I use them for three years and then upgrade to another for the same price, I'm likely to exceed the specification of your MAC by my second machine. By the time I have reached my fifth machine, your APPLE will be an antique if it still existed.

Nothing wrong with choice. I would use an Apple Mac if someone bought one for me, though wouldn't use my own money on one.

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