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How Do I Find The Mobile Number For My I Fox 3G Sim?

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Might be a stupid question but i bought and I fox 3G Dongle as I cant get internet where I am and came with a free SIM and a bit of credit. I have been told i can top it up at 7/11 with an i-kool voucher (just like topping up the true mobile i have by popping the sim into a phone) however ive been to 7/11 twice now to get the credit voucher to top up and they keep asking me the mobile number for the Sim and it didn't come on the packaging when i bought it so i dont know what it is/where i can find it

How can i find the mobile number associated to the SIM so i can get it topped back up?

Any help what so ever would be greatly appreciated!



I'm surprised the number wasn't on the surrounding card that the SIM was punched out of. If it's not on there, the number is often printed on the SIM itself.


take the SIM out, put it in your 'phone, dial the number of the person next to you and it will show up on their 'phone.

This may work, assumes you have "voice" services associated with the SIM, not always the case with some data only SIMs, and balance remaining.

*99# send (with the SIM in a handset) often (provider and handset dependent: works with True) returns the MSISDN from the network, response: MSISDN: 668nNNNYYYY, where the current telephone number associated with that SIM is 08nNNNYYYY. There is no telephone number stored on the SIM unless the service provider put it in the SIM directory.

Or you may have to go to an iKool counter where they will be able to determine the number associated with your SIM.


Try *888*, the pin number on the voucher and then the # key.

I'm out of 3G range at the moment, so I can't really play with mine to figure out what it is. You can call the call center, give them the sim's serial number, and maybe they can top up your account.


put the sim into the cell phone and call to another number. there is no I Fox mobile provider, they probably have a contract with TOT to provide 3G service (just like imobile).


put the sim into the cell phone and call to another number. there is no I Fox mobile provider, they probably have a contract with TOT to provide 3G service (just like imobile).

Yes, in this case the aircard is from iFox and it came with a free SIM from iKool (An MVNO for TOT's 2100 Mhz 3G network here in metro-Bangkok). iFox and iKool seem to have a symbiotic relationship.




This is not unusual here. A significant number of USB Aircards come packaged with free SIMs. I purchased a D-Link DWM-156 (1,690 baht) and it cam with an iMobile (another of TOT's MVNO's) 3GX SIM with 1 GB of free data. In this case the SIM was in original iMobile packaging so had instructions, the telephone number etc.

This can be a good deal, figure value of ~ 200 baht minimum.

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