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Me and a couple of friends have planned to go to Thailand, pattaya for a month, to loosen up and have some fun. Problem is that ive read several "incidental" reports of people being drugged and whatnot. Now, most people would say "keep your head on your shoulders and you will be fine" and i agree 100%, but who wants to walk around on a vacation being paranoid and questioning everyones motives and actions. Sure, being moderately cautious is a healthy habit, but come on.

I completely understand that shit happens and you get robbed if youre not careful, i even got robbed in my home country, but i have read people walking out with permanent damages to brain from OD's, STD's and injected with HIV infected blood. And thats real <deleted> up.

I'd like to know the situation in surrounding countries. How is Philippines or Cambodia? Are they alternatives? How pricey are they in comparison to Thailand in terms of food and booze and how are the girls?

I was really excited about Thailand but the more i read the more i distanced myself from the thought and even if i dont go this time i'll probably visit the place sometime. But right now i just want a god dam_n vacation


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I've lived in Bangkok for over six years and know dozens of other expats. Neither I, nor anyone I've ever met here, has been drugged. I know of two guys who had their wallets stolen, and their stories are pretty much identical--they were blind drunk, went home with a girl they had just met on the street, and woke up in the morning with their wallets missing. In both cases, the girls were considerate enough to leave their cell-phones. The getting drugged thing may have happened to someone at sometime, but it certainly isn't a common problem. I'd wager that Bangkok is among the safest major cities in the world. I've only been to Cambodia once, setting aside brief visa runs, and it is a fair bit dodgier than Thailand (though not terrifying by any means). I hear from others that the violence in the Phillipines (again, while likely exaggerated) is considerably worse than anything you're likely to encounter in Thailand. In my experience, you're far more likely to get grief in Thailand from a drunken tourist than you are from any Thai person. Hope this was helpful. Enjoy your trip, whenever you decide to take the plunge.

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Thailand is a dangerous place . Crossing the road is a nightmare. I wouldn't reconmend anybody coming here now. I live here & see how bad it is getting . Unlike those with rose tinted glass's

The girls in Pattaya are trained by the bar owners to get into your pockets by way of lady drinks ringing bells bar fines (PIMPING) & many other ways.

There is no value here at the moment .Your money won't get you much GBP is down 3rd to the value it used to be add that to the price hikes then it is no longer a cheap holiday.

The other places are much the same although not as intence as Thailand .

Pattaya has a large intake of Thai Mafia ,it also has alot of gangs & yabba heads looking for a quick earner .

There are also ladyboy gangs that opporate pick pocketing on Beachroad mainly. There are many that get drugged but most seem to be asians but there are British that get drugged.

Holiday destinations attract them .

The best value for the British is Britain.

I will not let my family come here to see me I Go there or more often than not pay for a holiday in Euorope for all of them & I meet them there.

The roads alone makes me keep them away & I drive here.

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Thailand is a dangerous place . Crossing the road is a nightmare. I wouldn't reconmend anybody coming here now. I live here & see how bad it is getting . Unlike those with rose tinted glass's

The girls in Pattaya are trained by the bar owners to get into your pockets by way of lady drinks ringing bells bar fines (PIMPING) & many other ways.

There is no value here at the moment .Your money won't get you much GBP is down 3rd to the value it used to be add that to the price hikes then it is no longer a cheap holiday.

The other places are much the same although not as intence as Thailand .

Pattaya has a large intake of Thai Mafia ,it also has alot of gangs & yabba heads looking for a quick earner .

There are also ladyboy gangs that opporate pick pocketing on Beachroad mainly. There are many that get drugged but most seem to be asians but there are British that get drugged.

Holiday destinations attract them .

The best value for the British is Britain.

I will not let my family come here to see me I Go there or more often than not pay for a holiday in Euorope for all of them & I meet them there.

The roads alone makes me keep them away & I drive here.

Sounds like you want to keep the place all to yourself! :lol:

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I've lived in Bangkok for over six years and know dozens of other expats. Neither I, nor anyone I've ever met here, has been drugged. I know of two guys who had their wallets stolen, and their stories are pretty much identical--they were blind drunk, went home with a girl they had just met on the street, and woke up in the morning with their wallets missing. In both cases, the girls were considerate enough to leave their cell-phones. The getting drugged thing may have happened to someone at sometime, but it certainly isn't a common problem. I'd wager that Bangkok is among the safest major cities in the world. I've only been to Cambodia once, setting aside brief visa runs, and it is a fair bit dodgier than Thailand (though not terrifying by any means). I hear from others that the violence in the Phillipines (again, while likely exaggerated) is considerably worse than anything you're likely to encounter in Thailand. In my experience, you're far more likely to get grief in Thailand from a drunken tourist than you are from any Thai person. Hope this was helpful. Enjoy your trip, whenever you decide to take the plunge.

Thanks for the constructive reply. I am aware that most of these stories are exaggerated and i am also fully aware of how statistics work. I mean people who are exposed to these kinds of misfortunes are the one who write about it to warn others, people who have a good time often dont bother telling about their fantastic trips. So if you compare the bad stories to how many people actually go there you soon realize that its not even a decimal fraction of people who actually visit Thailand. Even if its "many"

But you also have to consider that you and your friends may have been lucky, i mean these stuff do happen after all.

But i have to add that i have spoken to several older "Thailand veterans" and every single on of them says that Thailand is not what it used to be and that Thais get greedier and trickier every passing year. Robberies and scams increase and so do other misfortunes.

I am still set on going there, a vacation is better than none at all. But i'd like to hear more about other substitutes. What you stated about Philippines is interesting as ive read quite the opposite.

You can find trouble any place in the world if you look for

If you read my post thoroughly you would see that i am fully aware of that

There is no point in checking pattaya news as the more extreme shit happens only on occasion whilst others(robberies and drugged) dont even get reported as cops dont seem to give a shit about farangs, from what ive read.

I'd really like someones objective opinion as haters are always going to say the opposite of the lovers

Beano, are you denying that these things actually do happen?

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You asked for opinions and thats what you've been given. Been living in BKK for over 2 years and used to come for holidays every year for about 8 years and would visit Pattaya every time as well as an Island somewhere.

Now I love a beer and have been quite drunk in Pattaya and BKK many times and never had any real problem with the ladies or any scam artist.

You will get the attempted bill rip off's, some you'll notice others you won't , just chalk it up to experience and don't go back to that bar.

I find the girls generally ok, sure they will try it on but it's not as if they put a knife to your throat demanding your money ( most times anyway :rolleyes: ) the negotiations are part of the fun.

I don't have rose tinted glasses about the place but just think if you look after yourself and take sensible precautions as you would on any holiday in a foreign place you will be fine

Come and enjoy, plenty of others have and survived :rolleyes:

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Everywhere in this entire world is the same. There are good and bad.

Common precaution and knowledge applied. If you were to travel, and yet being too paranoid, just stay at home.

From your question, I assumed that you will be visiting Thailand to eat booze & girls...... you stands the high chance meeting those bad incidents.

Thailand ids a beautiful and one of the best place in SEA to visit. And of course some "touristy" provinces have a lot of unpleasant stories from tourists . And you heard of hookers that apply sleep-inducing drugs on their nipples and robbed their "customers"....

It's all luck mate, and mind you, Thailand is not only food booze and ladies................... there are so many attractions beside these!!! So skip the ladies, come here to eat, drink, sigh seeing and enjoy Thailand!!!!

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Thailand is a dangerous place . Crossing the road is a nightmare. I wouldn't reconmend anybody coming here now. I live here & see how bad it is getting . Unlike those with rose tinted glass's

The girls in Pattaya are trained by the bar owners to get into your pockets by way of lady drinks ringing bells bar fines (PIMPING) & many other ways.

There is no value here at the moment .Your money won't get you much GBP is down 3rd to the value it used to be add that to the price hikes then it is no longer a cheap holiday.

The other places are much the same although not as intence as Thailand .

Pattaya has a large intake of Thai Mafia ,it also has alot of gangs & yabba heads looking for a quick earner .

There are also ladyboy gangs that opporate pick pocketing on Beachroad mainly. There are many that get drugged but most seem to be asians but there are British that get drugged.

Holiday destinations attract them .

The best value for the British is Britain.

I will not let my family come here to see me I Go there or more often than not pay for a holiday in Euorope for all of them & I meet them there.

The roads alone makes me keep them away & I drive here.

If it is that bad why are you living there?

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Thailand is a dangerous place . Crossing the road is a nightmare. I wouldn't reconmend anybody coming here now. I live here & see how bad it is getting . Unlike those with rose tinted glass's

The girls in Pattaya are trained by the bar owners to get into your pockets by way of lady drinks ringing bells bar fines (PIMPING) & many other ways.

There is no value here at the moment .Your money won't get you much GBP is down 3rd to the value it used to be add that to the price hikes then it is no longer a cheap holiday.

The other places are much the same although not as intence as Thailand .

Pattaya has a large intake of Thai Mafia ,it also has alot of gangs & yabba heads looking for a quick earner .

There are also ladyboy gangs that opporate pick pocketing on Beachroad mainly. There are many that get drugged but most seem to be asians but there are British that get drugged.

Holiday destinations attract them .

The best value for the British is Britain.

I will not let my family come here to see me I Go there or more often than not pay for a holiday in Euorope for all of them & I meet them there.

The roads alone makes me keep them away & I drive here.

Sounds like you want to keep the place all to yourself! :lol:

Nah, he just don't want his family to know what dump Pattaya is and that he actually lives there. :D

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Ive lived in Bangkok for 12 years and find it very safe. Far safer than Sydney or Melbourne back in OZ. The British pound buys much less than it used to so you will find drinking and whoring expensive here in LOS.

If youve never visited LOS before then the girls will sense it immediately and come at you like hienas. The key in Thailand is not to drink too much otherwise you will get into trouble.

Thais and local foreigners will be watching you if youre drunk.Dont swim in the beach at Pattaya unless you enjoy eye and ear infections.

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I've lived in Bangkok for over six years and know dozens of other expats. Neither I, nor anyone I've ever met here, has been drugged. I know of two guys who had their wallets stolen, and their stories are pretty much identical--they were blind drunk, went home with a girl they had just met on the street, and woke up in the morning with their wallets missing. In both cases, the girls were considerate enough to leave their cell-phones. The getting drugged thing may have happened to someone at sometime, but it certainly isn't a common problem. I'd wager that Bangkok is among the safest major cities in the world. I've only been to Cambodia once, setting aside brief visa runs, and it is a fair bit dodgier than Thailand (though not terrifying by any means). I hear from others that the violence in the Phillipines (again, while likely exaggerated) is considerably worse than anything you're likely to encounter in Thailand. In my experience, you're far more likely to get grief in Thailand from a drunken tourist than you are from any Thai person. Hope this was helpful. Enjoy your trip, whenever you decide to take the plunge.

Thanks for the constructive reply. I am aware that most of these stories are exaggerated and i am also fully aware of how statistics work. I mean people who are exposed to these kinds of misfortunes are the one who write about it to warn others, people who have a good time often dont bother telling about their fantastic trips. So if you compare the bad stories to how many people actually go there you soon realize that its not even a decimal fraction of people who actually visit Thailand. Even if its "many"

But you also have to consider that you and your friends may have been lucky, i mean these stuff do happen after all.

But i have to add that i have spoken to several older "Thailand veterans" and every single on of them says that Thailand is not what it used to be and that Thais get greedier and trickier every passing year. Robberies and scams increase and so do other misfortunes.

I am still set on going there, a vacation is better than none at all. But i'd like to hear more about other substitutes. What you stated about Philippines is interesting as ive read quite the opposite.

You can find trouble any place in the world if you look for

If you read my post thoroughly you would see that i am fully aware of that

There is no point in checking pattaya news as the more extreme shit happens only on occasion whilst others(robberies and drugged) dont even get reported as cops dont seem to give a shit about farangs, from what ive read.

I'd really like someones objective opinion as haters are always going to say the opposite of the lovers

Beano, are you denying that these things actually do happen?

Phillipnes is more expensive. No place is what is was, look at the UK? Who would go there with all those riots? That is not everywhere in the UK though is it. Thailand is fine so long as you watch what you are doing and be aware that Thais live for today, dont care if you dont come back tomorrow, so be sure you know exactly what you are paying for. There is a common thai phrase " you did not understand" Make sure you do as much as can. Keep out of the bright lights, if you can and be aware that the bar girls will tell you want to hear, but they are there to make money and not everything may be what it seems. Be aware of what is going around you. Now I suspect that applies to lots of places in the world does it not? So come and enjoy yourself.

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If you just use a smidgeon of common sense then you'll be fine. You're more likely to have trouble with a stupid farang than a Thai. One word of advice I would give is DO NOT rent a jetski (and possibly a motorbike)

Get yer arse over here, and you'll probably have a very time. The Philippines is ok, but the chances of falling victim to an opportunistic crime (i.e. pickpokcet, street mugging etc) is a lot greater than Thailand. The country itself

is also very shabby, as is the general infrastructure. Cambodia's not bad too, but there's a lot more to do in Thailand, and the Thai hotels win hands down.

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Kalbo has it!

It's all down to pure common sense.

Apply the same levels of common sense you do at home and you have already massively reduced your chances of getting into bother.

You'd be surprised how many people check in their common sense at Heathrow (or wherever) and forget to reclaim at Suwannaphum.

If something doesn't seem right to you, then it probably isn't.

To avoid getting scammed is easy too. If it's too good to be true then it's not true.

Just being here shows you're looking at the potential pitfalls already.

As newcomers, once you get to Pattaya no doubt you'll be cornered by a few SAS veterans and they'll fill you in with all you need to know....whistling.gif

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From what I hear Cambo is good value for money & not particularly dangerous. I live in Bangkok & I am very secure & confident going about my lawful business. I don't use alcohol so I guess that's a plus.

Cambo is like what Thailand was 10 or 15 years ago.

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From what I hear Cambo is good value for money & not particularly dangerous. I live in Bangkok & I am very secure & confident going about my lawful business. I don't use alcohol so I guess that's a plus.

Cambo is like what Thailand was 10 or 15 years ago.

If that's what you've heard then you have been misinformed.:whistling:

Thailand never was what Cambodia is today or was in the past.

Just my 2 cents after living over 25 years in Thailand with occasional visits to Cambodia.

Yermanee :jap:

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Surprisingly, I agree with other posters here.

I don't much like Pattaya...over priced and a s--thole compared to other places in Thailand...but Pattaya is what the tourists all hear about. So that's where they all go first.

Anyhow, for every story you hear about something like that happening there are probably a hundred happy tourists who loved Pattaya.

So, as you say, just use your common sense. Also, if you think you're going to spend...let's just say $100 that night...don't carry more than that around with you. Most hotels have a safe to store any "extra" money, airline tickets, jewelry, etc. i haven't heard any stories of anyone getting drunk and waking up to find his "valuables" being stolen from a hotel safe while they were sleeping off a drunk.

In short, just be careful and keep your head working. Not the one down below your waist, the one above your shoulders.

Chances are you will be fine.


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Thanks for the replies, puts my mind at ease.

Most hotels have a safe to store any "extra" money, airline tickets, jewelry, etc. i haven't heard any stories of anyone getting drunk and waking up to find his "valuables" being stolen from a hotel safe while they were sleeping off a drunk.

Was actually planning on renting a condo for a month. Incase that happens, are there any safe boxes to rent and how safe are they?

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I say that if you go to Thailand you'll probably have the time of your life. Just be aware and use your common sense like most other people are advising.

I have never heard of anyone getting drugged whilst in Thailand however there is a possibility of it happening anywhere in the world.

I would say, don't get so blindingly drunk that you wake up the next morning with no memory of the night before, no wallet and less dignity. It does unfortunately happen and criminals will take advantage of this. However if you're wise and keep your head on your shoulders you'll be fine. :)

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Things here are not the same as the west in many ways so be prepared "not to apply your ways" here and think they work the same. Find what you think is a zebra crossing or a traffic light controlled crossing and watch what happens, you will soon realize that YOU do not have the right of way! Watch and learn! Now get yourself over here and enjoy the way of life.

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Thailand is a dangerous place . Crossing the road is a nightmare. I wouldn't reconmend anybody coming here now. I live here & see how bad it is getting . Unlike those with rose tinted glass's

The girls in Pattaya are trained by the bar owners to get into your pockets by way of lady drinks ringing bells bar fines (PIMPING) & many other ways.

There is no value here at the moment .Your money won't get you much GBP is down 3rd to the value it used to be add that to the price hikes then it is no longer a cheap holiday.

The other places are much the same although not as intence as Thailand .

Pattaya has a large intake of Thai Mafia ,it also has alot of gangs & yabba heads looking for a quick earner .

There are also ladyboy gangs that opporate pick pocketing on Beachroad mainly. There are many that get drugged but most seem to be asians but there are British that get drugged.

Holiday destinations attract them .

The best value for the British is Britain.

I will not let my family come here to see me I Go there or more often than not pay for a holiday in Euorope for all of them & I meet them there.

The roads alone makes me keep them away & I drive here.

But Mr Happy is still here.Why is that.?.Perhaps New Yorkers should leave because of Harlem.

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Just one incident in nearly 20 years, with about 8 years in total time.

Left bottle booze unattended in Kitten Club Pattaya a place where I was unknown (kitten club that is)in 2000

Woke up on beach next day with thick head-only lost about 400 baht and cheap gold chain. Reason I only lost 400 was that I've never taken a wallet out with me-its totally pointless.

Edited by Chivas
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Just one incident in nearly 20 years, with about 8 years in total time.

Left bottle booze unattended in Kitten Club Pattaya a place where I was unknown (kitten club that is)in 2000

Woke up on beach next day with thick head-only lost about 400 baht and cheap gold chain. Reason I only lost 400 was that I've never taken a wallet out with me-its totally pointless.


Yes I remember that night - at the time I couldn't understand why you just walked off as we were heading to Bubbles

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Just one incident in nearly 20 years, with about 8 years in total time.

Left bottle booze unattended in Kitten Club Pattaya a place where I was unknown (kitten club that is)in 2000

Woke up on beach next day with thick head-only lost about 400 baht and cheap gold chain. Reason I only lost 400 was that I've never taken a wallet out with me-its totally pointless.


Yes I remember that night. Didn't understand why you walked off in a daze as we were heading to Bubbles in Soi Pattayaland 1, having just bougt a round. Funny next night when you said when you woke up you thought you were in Koh Samet !! But what about the crazy girl with the knife in Best Friend Bar and your intolerance for B52's ?

See you

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Just one incident in nearly 20 years, with about 8 years in total time.

Left bottle booze unattended in Kitten Club Pattaya a place where I was unknown (kitten club that is)in 2000

Woke up on beach next day with thick head-only lost about 400 baht and cheap gold chain. Reason I only lost 400 was that I've never taken a wallet out with me-its totally pointless.


Yes I remember that night. Didn't understand why you walked off in a daze as we were heading to Bubbles in Soi Pattayaland 1, having just bougt a round. Funny next night when you said when you woke up you thought you were in Koh Samet !! But what about the crazy girl with the knife in Best Friend Bar and your intolerance for B52's ?

See you

Indeed Mr Fras.....

Actually the intolerance for B52's still stands along with that Jagermeister crap that Cocktail used to get me to drink !!

Yes that Toto girl was annoyed (or worse..) that I told her I was going Hong Kong rather than hurting her feelings by giving her a red card-was only trying to be nice !!!

Cant really think of too many incidents over the years (I cant include the fruitcake from Soi 8 in this-totally mad)

Cant even think of any problems with Girls in room either apart one in 1994 from Toy bar Soi 2 and that was minor.

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I have been to Pattaya a many times (too much?)

There are lots of dangers there, getting drugged being the least I guess (never got drugged)

Getting stricken by blind love for a BG is high risk, you will loose millions to provide her and her extended family a real house to live in, a car, gold to wear on their fingers and neck, money to feed the drunk etc etc.

No, I am not joking, many here on TV will confirm the stories.

Have a good trip :whistling:

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