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15 Baht For A Cold Towel...


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I don't get it. Reading here I only see criticisms of the Thai way. You don't seem to realize that things like this actually are what make Thailand what it is; the place we have chosen to live or visit on holiday. Here there aren't laws and regulations for everything; and the ones there are aren't enforced very strictly. This gives you the wonderful freedom to use your head and be responsible for yourself instead of having others packing you into cotton balls and deciding what's best for you.

I surely feel sorry for the young man's family and friends because of this tragic accident. However Thailand is what it is and accident like this occur here. Before going here on holiday, or to live here, you should be aware of that, and make up your mind whether you are willing to run the risks that goes with it or not. People ought to be responsible for themselves instead of always just blaming things on others.

I have worked and lived most of my life in 3rdworld countries, been in the midst of civil wars, terrorist attacks, mob rule, and similar stuff. Yet I'm still alive, have never been hurt, badly cheated, or otherwise burned my fingers severely. I surely had my share of bad experiences, but when that happened I only blamed myself for my lack of forethought, not the place or the people I had chosen to be amongst. Once I had a close friend killed by a dentist in Bangladesh. Who's really to blame? The poorly educated dentist who gave my friend an overdose of anaesthesia or my highly educated friend who was stupid enough to go to a dentist in Bangladesh? If you are a smoker and catch lungcancer can you then blame the tobacco industry?

If you want babysitter mentality with laws and regulations for everything try out a place like Denmark or Singapore instead of Thailand. I'm sure you're going to love it :bah: .

This post was made on another thread recently and it should be pinned to the front page of every Thai based forum. Very good post. :jap:

You people make me laugh. You come to Phuket/Thailand because it's different and BETTER than where you were before. You then spend all day every day, moaning about things that cost 15 baht, and things that are done slightly differently to the crap hole countries you left. :sick: You people will never be happy. Pathetic. It's because things are done differently here that we like it so much, you can't have it both ways. STOP MOANING FOR 5 MINUTES, <deleted>.

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I think if I asked for a special towel, I would usually expect to be charged especially in a tourist area. Tip - you can always visit the toilet to find a sink with soap and water and clean yourself even better.

these particular type of towels come with compliments the second most fat falang asses touch the bar stools or chairs. sawasdee kapjap.gif

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I don't get it. Reading here I only see criticisms of the Thai way. You don't seem to realize that things like this actually are what make Thailand what it is; the place we have chosen to live or visit on holiday. Here there aren't laws and regulations for everything; and the ones there are aren't enforced very strictly. This gives you the wonderful freedom to use your head and be responsible for yourself instead of having others packing you into cotton balls and deciding what's best for you.

I surely feel sorry for the young man's family and friends because of this tragic accident. However Thailand is what it is and accident like this occur here. Before going here on holiday, or to live here, you should be aware of that, and make up your mind whether you are willing to run the risks that goes with it or not. People ought to be responsible for themselves instead of always just blaming things on others.

I have worked and lived most of my life in 3rdworld countries, been in the midst of civil wars, terrorist attacks, mob rule, and similar stuff. Yet I'm still alive, have never been hurt, badly cheated, or otherwise burned my fingers severely. I surely had my share of bad experiences, but when that happened I only blamed myself for my lack of forethought, not the place or the people I had chosen to be amongst. Once I had a close friend killed by a dentist in Bangladesh. Who's really to blame? The poorly educated dentist who gave my friend an overdose of anaesthesia or my highly educated friend who was stupid enough to go to a dentist in Bangladesh? If you are a smoker and catch lungcancer can you then blame the tobacco industry?

If you want babysitter mentality with laws and regulations for everything try out a place like Denmark or Singapore instead of Thailand. I'm sure you're going to love it :bah: .

This post was made on another thread recently and it should be pinned to the front page of every Thai based forum. Very good post. :jap:

You people make me laugh. You come to Phuket/Thailand because it's different and BETTER than where you were before. You then spend all day every day, moaning about things that cost 15 baht, and things that are done slightly differently to the crap hole countries you left. :sick: You people will never be happy. Pathetic. It's because things are done differently here that we like it so much, you can't have it both ways. STOP MOANING FOR 5 MINUTES, <deleted>.

Awesome post...

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I don't get it. Reading here I only see criticisms of the Thai way. You don't seem to realize that things like this actually are what make Thailand what it is; the place we have chosen to live or visit on holiday. Here there aren't laws and regulations for everything; and the ones there are aren't enforced very strictly. This gives you the wonderful freedom to use your head and be responsible for yourself instead of having others packing you into cotton balls and deciding what's best for you.

I surely feel sorry for the young man's family and friends because of this tragic accident. However Thailand is what it is and accident like this occur here. Before going here on holiday, or to live here, you should be aware of that, and make up your mind whether you are willing to run the risks that goes with it or not. People ought to be responsible for themselves instead of always just blaming things on others.

I have worked and lived most of my life in 3rdworld countries, been in the midst of civil wars, terrorist attacks, mob rule, and similar stuff. Yet I'm still alive, have never been hurt, badly cheated, or otherwise burned my fingers severely. I surely had my share of bad experiences, but when that happened I only blamed myself for my lack of forethought, not the place or the people I had chosen to be amongst. Once I had a close friend killed by a dentist in Bangladesh. Who's really to blame? The poorly educated dentist who gave my friend an overdose of anaesthesia or my highly educated friend who was stupid enough to go to a dentist in Bangladesh? If you are a smoker and catch lungcancer can you then blame the tobacco industry?

If you want babysitter mentality with laws and regulations for everything try out a place like Denmark or Singapore instead of Thailand. I'm sure you're going to love it :bah: .

This post was made on another thread recently and it should be pinned to the front page of every Thai based forum. Very good post. :jap:

You people make me laugh. You come to Phuket/Thailand because it's different and BETTER than where you were before. You then spend all day every day, moaning about things that cost 15 baht, and things that are done slightly differently to the crap hole countries you left. :sick: You people will never be happy. Pathetic. It's because things are done differently here that we like it so much, you can't have it both ways. STOP MOANING FOR 5 MINUTES, <deleted>.

A great post by someone with such vast experience of living here as only 62 posts would suggest. I have taken onboard your post and have organised a busy day for myself tomorrow.

I will get up early and catch a tuk-tuk to the beach, where I will go for a jet-ski ride. After that, I will go to a timeshare presentation and sign myself up.

I will then catch an airport limo because I have to do a visa run and leave the country. I have no idea why, I just have to.

I will come back early evening where I will catch another tuk-tuk to Bangla Road, where I'm sure, I will meet a sexy young Thai lady who is infactuated with me and thinks I'm handsome and a good man. I will buy her, and all the staff, many drinks. I will also ring the bell for my new foreign friends in the bar. I will then pay 500 baht bar fine so we can go and have some dinner at a place where when they see a foreigner walk in, they bring out a different menu with higher prices.

She will tell me that her family has a sick buffalo and I will be happy to pay for the medicine for the buffalo. After dinner, I will ring my boss and resign from my work. I will then ring famly back home and instruct them to sell my house, contents and car and I will buy a house in Thailand, which sits on land I will never ever own. We will then catch a tuk-tuk home together which will be double the cost of the tuk-tuk charge to come into Bangla Rd because it's night time.

I have such a positive feeling about Phuket, Thailand and the Thai people after reading your post. I don't know why people are complaining about a 15 baht wet towel when they could be worse off like those who have come here and lost their life savings. :) :) :) :)

Edited by NamKangMan
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A great post by someone with such vast experience of living here as only 62 posts would suggest. I have taken onboard your post and have organised a busy day for myself tomorrow.

I will get up early and catch a tuk-tuk to the beach, where I will go for a jet-ski ride. After that, I will go to a timeshare presentation and sign myself up.

I will then catch an airport limo because I have to do a visa run and leave the country. I have no idea why, I just have to.

I will come back early evening where I will catch another tuk-tuk to Bangla Road, where I'm sure, I will meet a sexy young Thai lady who is infactuated with me and thinks I'm handsome and a good man. I will buy her, and all the staff, many drinks. I will also ring the bell for my new foreign friends in the bar. I will then pay 500 baht bar fine so we can go and have some dinner at a place where when they see a foreigner walk in, they bring out a different menu with higher prices.

She will tell me that her family has a sick buffalo and I will be happy to pay for the medicine for the buffalo. After dinner, I will ring my boss and resign from my work. I will then ring famly back home and instruct them to sell my house, contents and car and I will buy a house in Thailand, which sits on land I will never ever own.

I have such a positive feeling about Phuket, Thailand and the Thai people after reading your post. I don't know why people are complaining about a 15 baht wet towel when they could be worse off like those who have come here lost their life savings. :) :) :) :)

you forgot a trip to the gold shop, and sin sot payments

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I think if I asked for a special towel, I would usually expect to be charged especially in a tourist area. Tip - you can always visit the toilet to find a sink with soap and water and clean yourself even better.

They are not "special towels." You get them complimentary (for free) at 99% of the small beer bars, where you will most likely drink a lot less than 2000 baht worth of alcohol. That's what this post is about. You would think a restaurant serving meals for two people, at a value of 2000 baht, would also have the wet towels as complimentary.

The OP has been a member of TV for years. He/she can obviously afford living here. For me, and I'm sure the OP is the same, it's not about the 15 baht, it's about "percieved deception" and the restaurant's gullibility in thinking farang will just pay the bill and never question it because of the "all farang have big money" attitude.

I expect to see more and more of these little things come in in the future as margins get tighter. It doesn't mean you are "cheap charlie" or a whinger to comment on them, just surprised at what was free last week, is now 15 baht, and what was 15 baht last year, is now 30 baht this year.

Edited by NamKangMan
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it's about "percieved deception"

That's just it. Percieved. It's your interpretation of it that's the problem. How can you possibly call something deception that was as clear as day on the bill. If that is something that upsets you then it is because you as a person are easily upset, and will struggle to stop moaning no matter how long you live here. :(

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People have said they would be happy if the costs were worked in to the cost of the meal. That means people like me who don't want them, or am more than capable of walking to the rest rooms to clean up, will pay for them regardless. That would be a better example of being ripped off if you ask me. Having to pay for things you didn't want or have, because some people who are too lazy to leave the table to clean up, and too tight to pay for the towels they have used.

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People have said they would be happy if the costs were worked in to the cost of the meal. That means people like me who don't want them, or am more than capable of walking to the rest rooms to clean up, will pay for them regardless. That would be a better example of being ripped off if you ask me. Having to pay for things you didn't want or have, because some people who are too lazy to leave the table to clean up, and too tight to pay for the towels they have used.

No look who is moaning. Maybe you should read your own post again. I have more respect for people get the wet towel, question why they are/used to be free and are now 15 baht than someone like yourself whinging that it's added to your bill, through the food expense, when you can get up and wash your hands in the bathroom. Do you actually think the soap, water and electricity for the bathroom are not part of overall business costs, and therefore addd to the price of your meal anyway????

You must be having a boring night, because you're clutching at straws now. :D I didn't say it would bother me in the slightest if they worked it in to the bill and I didn't use any towels, I simply gave it as an example of what could easily be considered as more people being fleeced than are in the way the OP described it. I would guess more people don't ask for wet towels than do, so logically less people will be being fleeced if only the people who do are charged. :)

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I think if I asked for a special towel, I would usually expect to be charged especially in a tourist area. Tip - you can always visit the toilet to find a sink with soap and water and clean yourself even better.

They are not "special towels." You get them complimentary (for free) at 99% of the small beer bars, where you will most likely drink a lot less than 2000 baht worth of alcohol. That's what this post is about. You would think a restaurant serving meals for two people, at a value of 2000 baht, would also have the wet towels as complimentary.

The OP has been a member of TV for years. He/she can obviously afford living here. For me, and I'm sure the OP is the same, it's not about the 15 baht, it's about "percieved deception" and the restaurant's gullibility in thinking farang will just pay the bill and never question it because of the "all farang have big money" attitude.

I expect to see more and more of these little things come in in the future as margins get tighter. It doesn't mean you are "cheap charlie" or a whinger to comment on them, just surprised at what was free last week, is now 15 baht, and what was 15 baht last year, is now 30 baht this year.

Thanks for your support.

To explain a bit more about my surprise for the 15Baht towel:

I have background in F&B business all my life and many years in Thailand as a supplier for food products to most of all hotels and many restaurants here in Phuket.

You go to any 3* hotel on the island and you get offered a cold towel when arriving your table and get another one when leaving/check bill, even having only a coffee.

In many hotels you will get such a towel when waiting for someone.

That's why my surprise :jap:

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Even more posts removed where one member baits another and results in 2 members bickering with each other. Really nothing much of value being added to this original topic. Time to close.

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