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Tourist-visa Update

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i posted here awhile ago. i am 19 year old american citizen, wanted to take thai girl to xmas with tourist visa.

we told them that we were engaged, but didnt want to get married. we followed all the steps, went today and she got 10 Year Multiple entry Tourist Visa. if we want to get married in the us, well have to go back and get a new visa.


Edited by kkf123
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i posted here awhile ago. i am 19 year old american citizen, wanted to take thai girl to xmas with tourist visa.

Thank you for your highly informative post. There are a couple of things that are not quite clear to me:

1. Where in the world – in what country – is xmas? Or, seeing that you have a problem with the “Shift” key on your keyboard, is the place perhaps called Xmas?

we told them that we were engaged, but didnt want to get married. 

2. Who are “them”? The consulate of the country in which Xmas is located?

went today and she got 10 Year Multiple entry Tourist Visa.

3. This visa, I assume, permits your Thai girl (note the capital T) to enter the country in which Xmas is located for an unlimited number of times for the next ten years. Is this correct?

if we want to get married in the us

4. What or where is “the us”?

well have to go back and get a new visa.

5. Back where?

Moderator: if all this is about a Thai national getting a tourist visa to travel to Xmas in a country other than Thailand (Christmas Island?), should this thread be moved to the forum “Visas and migration to other countries”?

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I am ashamed by your cynical post.

The OP is hilarious. You ain't.

SALN, you forgot the emoticon for irony, but which one would it be among the three dozens or so to chose from? :o

Anyway, I knew you would approve.

(One of these days I’ll tell tou what I like about you)

Oh, by the way, I wasn't being cynical – I couldn't have been more serious with my questions to kkf123 even if I had tried.

OK, forget xmas for the moment but aren’t you, too, curious to know who “them” are and for what country the OP’s Thai girlfriend got a multiple-entry visa valid for 10 years? I know from ThaiVisa that the Thai wife of a UK citizen gets leave to stay in the UK for an unlimited period, but what country gives a 10-year visa to the Thai fiancée of an American citizen? A rather long probation period for an affiancement, don’t you think?

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i posted here awhile ago. i am 19 year old american citizen, wanted to take thai girl to xmas with tourist visa.

Thank you for your highly informative post. There are a couple of things that are not quite clear to me:

1. Where in the world – in what country – is xmas? Or, seeing that you have a problem with the “Shift” key on your keyboard, is the place perhaps called Xmas?

we told them that we were engaged, but didnt want to get married. 

2. Who are “them”? The consulate of the country in which Xmas is located?

went today and she got 10 Year Multiple entry Tourist Visa.

3. This visa, I assume, permits your Thai girl (note the capital T) to enter the country in which Xmas is located for an unlimited number of times for the next ten years. Is this correct?

if we want to get married in the us

4. What or where is “the us”?

well have to go back and get a new visa.

5. Back where?

Moderator: if all this is about a Thai national getting a tourist visa to travel to Xmas in a country other than Thailand (Christmas Island?), should this thread be moved to the forum “Visas and migration to other countries”?

Read it again , I know everyone understood it . Why be a donkey?

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them = The United States Visa Consulate

the us = The United States

thai girl = Thai Girl

Xmas = Christmas Holiday In the United States

10 year visa = Its multiple entry. She can stay 6 monthes at a time, good for 10 years.

go back = If we want to marry we need to go back to the US visa consulate and apply for a fiance visa. they wanted to make this clear.

process was pretty straight forward. they didnt even want to see our bank statement (unless they just pulled it up on their computer with my SS#).

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them = The United States Visa Consulate

the us = The United States

thai girl = Thai Girl

Xmas = Christmas Holiday In the United States

10 year visa = Its multiple entry. She can stay 6 monthes at a time, good for 10 years.

go back = If we want to marry we need to go back to the US visa consulate and apply for a  fiance visa.  they wanted to make this clear.

process was pretty straight forward.  they didnt even want to see our bank statement (unless they just pulled it up on their computer with my SS#).

Does not sound typical, which is good. Maybe there was a reason it was easy. No way to tell for the reader.

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them = The United States Visa Consulate

the us = The United States

thai girl = Thai Girl

Xmas = Christmas Holiday In the United States

10 year visa = Its multiple entry. She can stay 6 monthes at a time, good for 10 years.

go back = If we want to marry we need to go back to the US visa consulate and apply for a  fiance visa.  they wanted to make this clear.

Thank you, Jim, for your kindness.

Having learnt English as a foreign language my brain is in the habit of understanding what the eyes read. While over the years I have gradually learnt to read between the lines I still find it difficult and sometimes impossible, as in this case, to understand a text when there is too much missing between the lines. And the OP’s message having been in the wrong forum, as now has become evident, didn’t help matters either.

//P.S. Oops, it’s kkf123 I need to thank, not Jim. Thank you, kkf123, and all the best to you!

Edited by maestro
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With these replies, TV takes another step into irrelevance.

As no-one has yet formally welcomed you, please allow me to make a humble attempt:


I beg you to accept, dear Bangkok Hound, my expression of a cordial welcome to ThaiVisa.com, which you have joined with your first, most memorable and insightful post. May you find this forum at all times enjoyable and in conformity with your views on relevance, and may the forum be the richer for your presence.

<singing> For he’s a jolly good fellow… :D

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To Maestro:

I would like to praise your written english.

It's excellent, considering that you were too stupid to understand the original post.

Your compliment is accepted most humbly.



"It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don't say it." _ Sam Leveson

Edited by maestro
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Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm sure a lot of people would like to know more details concerning the OP's success in getting a visa for his girlfriend, but why would he waste time with that now?

I do believe my post was just as memorable and insightful as yours. I've learned a lot from the visa forums here on TV. I normally don't feel the need to reply to posts on forums where my input doesn't add some substance the discussion. So this was an exception rather than the rule.

I really would like to hear back from the OP.

With these replies, TV takes another step into irrelevance.

As no-one has yet formally welcomed you, please allow me to make a humble attempt:


I beg you to accept, dear Bangkok Hound, my expression of a cordial welcome to ThaiVisa.com, which you have joined with your first, most memorable and insightful post. May you find this forum at all times enjoyable and in conformity with your views on relevance, and may the forum be the richer for your presence.

<singing> For he’s a jolly good fellow… :D

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maestro, tut tut tut you forgot to put a capital X in front of xmas. See how ridicules you sound?

Actually, I was merely quoting faithfully from the original post – or wasn’t I?



“It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don't say it.” _ Sam Leveson

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maestro, tut tut tut you forgot to put a capital X in front of xmas. See how ridicules you sound?

Actually, I was merely quoting faithfully from the original post – or wasn’t I?



“It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don't say it.” _ Sam Leveson

No you wasn't :o


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Thanks for sharing your experience, could you post exactly what paperwork you took with you to the embassy in order to help those of us in a similar situation? 

From reading this and other posts:

We know he 19 or maybe 20, he isn’t too sure;

We know in last tax year he earned between 149k and 319kUSD yet he lives in a 7kTHB/mth BKK apt;

We know he has a basic grasp of English and yet between him and his fiance he manages to smooth talk consulate into issuing a 10-year multi entry visa when best she could hope for is single entry.

We know he wants to marry a Thai girl for the sole purpose (he hopes) of obtaining a long term visa.

Does that describe your situation, Andy? I doubt it.

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Thanks for sharing your experience, could you post exactly what paperwork you took with you to the embassy in order to help those of us in a similar situation?  Everyone else I know who has applied for a tourist visa has had nothing but bad things to report, including couples who were already married!

i dont know why it was so easy for us. i have alot of money in my bank account. they didnt want to see bank statements, but i assume they pulled it up using my SS#.

she interviewed in english and is very presentable (she competed in Mrs. Thai Teen) and has a very good vocab from university study.

((you might joke at this, but judging from most of the people in the room, id imagine it goes a long way. i am also very good looking and rich, so they don't have to worry about her trying to leave me when we get to the US. her father is also wealthy, but not a minister or anything like that. he owns a few shop houses on silom.))


just wanted to let people know that its not hard like everyone makes it out to be.

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also the staff was very polite. when it was our turn, a few of the people came to the window from inside and told us hello and that we made a good couple and good luck and really just alot of nice compliments. one of the guys even asked us if we were going to visit chicago and gave us the phone number of his cousin incase we had any problems or anything. truely nice people.


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I really would like to hear back from the OP.

Well, hearing from him, we are, and it is better than the funnies in the daily paper.

Enjoy it while it lasts!



“The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.” _ Tom Clancy

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i posted here awhile ago. i am 19 year old american citizen, wanted to take thai girl to xmas with tourist visa.

Thank you for your highly informative post. There are a couple of things that are not quite clear to me:

1. Where in the world – in what country – is xmas? Or, seeing that you have a problem with the “Shift” key on your keyboard, is the place perhaps called Xmas?

we told them that we were engaged, but didnt want to get married. 

2. Who are “them”? The consulate of the country in which Xmas is located?

went today and she got 10 Year Multiple entry Tourist Visa.

3. This visa, I assume, permits your Thai girl (note the capital T) to enter the country in which Xmas is located for an unlimited number of times for the next ten years. Is this correct?

if we want to get married in the us

4. What or where is “the us”?

well have to go back and get a new visa.

5. Back where?

Moderator: if all this is about a Thai national getting a tourist visa to travel to Xmas in a country other than Thailand (Christmas Island?), should this thread be moved to the forum “Visas and migration to other countries”?

Maestro (maestro of logic and grammar or what?)

gwon sonthiin what difference does it make if a small or big t (T) is used for a person's nationality when spelling? no-one (notice the hyphen) will starve or die if we spell wrong.

As for your other detaillistic (notice my own invented word) attitude as to other semantic peculiarities (such as "who is them?"), well i understood quite well who he meant..so yopu are obviously incapable of interpreting using your own brain - instead you need a perfect syntax to follow the gist (Maybe you are a computer program?) try using intuition instead of letting grammatical laws chain you to a "Tunnel Vision syndrome". As for "Xmas" or, X-Mas" well if you were english (i mean English) you would know that Xmas is a common phrase used to mean Christmas. Even my thai (Thai) wife knows that and she can't even speak english and has never been to england (English and England)...the reason non robot minded people like me and the person you replied to with your quotes do not use Capital letters is that it is more work to keep pressing the shift button every time you have to use a capital letter..so we just don't bother! Why do you care about such trival Bovine Faeces?


Oh now i know why..you are swiss (notice the small letter). I have just left Shitzerland after one year working because i was bored of people like you with such a stupid line of thought Ban Nork Ja Thaay farmers with expensive watches haha.

Edited by spencerdharmagrafix
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We know in last tax year he earned between 149k and 319kUSD yet he lives in a 7kTHB/mth BKK apt;

6K/month (not trying to pick nits :o )

We’ve had today’s instalment of this fairy tale, now I am on tenterhooks waiting for tomorrow’s.



“The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.” _ Tom Clancy

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To Maestro:

I would like to praise your written english.

It's excellent, considering that you were too stupid to understand the original post.

Your compliment is accepted most humbly.



"It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don't say it." _ Sam Leveson

its so simple to be stupid just think of something that has nothing to do with the original post and Say It (note the capital S and I)

shame you dont follow the advice of the motto on your profile! stupid iz u!

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Thanks for sharing your experience, could you post exactly what paperwork you took with you to the embassy in order to help those of us in a similar situation? 

From reading this and other posts:

We know he 19 or maybe 20, he isn’t too sure;

We know in last tax year he earned between 149k and 319kUSD yet he lives in a 7kTHB/mth BKK apt;

We know he has a basic grasp of English and yet between him and his fiance he manages to smooth talk consulate into issuing a 10-year multi entry visa when best she could hope for is single entry.

We know he wants to marry a Thai girl for the sole purpose (he hopes) of obtaining a long term visa.

Does that describe your situation, Andy? I doubt it.

on his wage he doesn't need the risks of a Thai wife to get a long term visa...just enter the country with 10 million baht (tax declared) and you get permanent residence forever!

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