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8 Billion Baht Sought For TAT's 'Miracle Thailand' Campaign


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Thailand. Always Happy Endings.

I have a shop in a big Pattaya shopping mall, and seen the amount of tourist in the last few months dropping like a brick, TAT have it all wrong. We need not just more tourist, but ones that spend, not club together for a bottle and 5 straws from 7

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Miracle Thailand: the place where nobody is too fat, old, ugly or smelly to have sex. Truly a miracle.

I don't know about too smelly :blink:

You must be including having sex with buffaloes or some other creature. In any event 'sex' needs to be clearly defined. Does everybody accept the Clinton interpretation? Or not?

If the Government's figures are accurate then they plan to spend pro rata 800 baht to attract 3 tourists.

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They may have hit the nail on the head... for many single male tourists, a miracle will certainly happen during their visit!!! :whistling:

Yeah.... the land of Smiles when they see your purse.

A load of stares when you dont disgrace

A fear of shame to lose their face

and den of snares for those who wont run their race!

It would be a miracle if it changes!!!!

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Idea for a new T-shirt sloagn to kick off the campaign:

it's a


I survived


with its electrocutions, muggings, tuk tuk drivers,

jet ski operators, drownings, corrupt police, bad drivers,

balcony dives, drink spiking, drugs, angry bar girls, lady boys,

poisonings etc

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One key problem with tourism in Thailand's has been it's complacency compared to it's ever growing number of rivals. It is no longer the most exciting, or the most exotic or the best value for money destination in Asia, just the most sleazy.

The country's reputation abroad has already been blighted and as someone who loves Thailand and the people that's very sad.

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'Miracle' is a very risky word to use in any promo . Farangs dont believe in miracles so who told TAT to use it ?

Not to nit pick but as a Farang I see and believe in miracles everyday and so do a lot of westerners. One just has to believe?

There are no fairies at the bottom of my garden. Quite a few knocking around on Beach Road though, I understand.

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I really have to laugh at their figures for tourism. My wife has a cousin who works for Immigration, although I'm not sure what he does, but his family was here one day and I managed to ask him some questions about how they come up with their figures for tourists. His English is surprisingly good, and here's what he told me.

Everyone getting off a plane in Thailand, who passes through Thai Immigration, even if they are only waiting to board a plane to somewhere else, is counted as a tourist.

Every weekend at the border with Malaysia there are bus loads of people who come to Thailand for a 1 day shopping trip. They are counted as tourists.

Every "border runner", as soon as he comes back into Thailand, is counted as a Tourist.

I can't speak for the rest of the country, but here in Chiang Mai I know of two 5-Star Hotels who have had to close off half their rooms in order to stay open. At one of them they lost all of their Thai Massage girls (6) in one day when they all up and quit. The reason is that a "free massage" is included in the tour package, which is fine, except that the people on the tours never bother to tip the girls, who work for tips and do not have a salary.

I know of two people who had fairly successful booths at the Night Bazaar who had to close due to lack of business.

I see a number of tour bus's that are filled with Asians, but almost never with Westerners. Friends in the tour business say the Asians, mostly Chinese & Korean, are all "packaged" tours, stay only at certain hotels, travel in arranged and managed groups in the mini vans to their destinations, and are extremely cheap.

As mentioned above, there are now countless websites devoted to the scams and ripoffs by Thai on foreigners, not to mention the seemingly increase of deaths, that people are becoming more and more aware of. Those of us who live here do so because we love the country, and the people to some extent, but we also see what Thailand is, and what it COULD be if not for completely misplaced "Thai pride" and a seriously endemic case of "National Stupidity".

TAT can spout all the fictitious numbers they want, and tell the general public anything and will be believed, but the reality is very much the opposite of what they are saying. With all the scams, ripoffs, declining world economy, strong baht, and other contributing factors, Thailand is not the "value for money" they would have people believe.

If the mods will allow it, here's something interesting from the Vietnamese Tourism web site:

nternational visitors to Vietnam in July and 7 months of 2011International visitors to Vietnam in July estimated 460,000 arrivals, increasing by 12.2% over the same period last year. Total international arrivals in 7 months reached 3,425,820 representing a 17.3% growth over the same period of 2010

Their numbers are increasing dramatically, much more so than Thailand's. Why? much better "value for money" for starters, and you don't have all the negatives that Thailand is so well known for.

"Miracle Thailand". ??

It would be a miracle if they got rid of the tuk--tuk and taxi mafia.

It would be a miracle if they cleaned up and regulated the jet ski operators.

It would be a miracle if you could actually get off a plane and not be hounded by 50 touts.

It would be a miracle if you could find a taxi at the airport that actually used their meter, and took you to the hotel you booked and not tell you it "burned down last night" and take you to another where they get a commission for bringing you.

It would be a miracle if you could walk down the streets of Pattaya & Phuket with your family without having porn shoved in your face, including kiddie porn.

It would be a miracle if something happened and you went to the police and they actually did something about it.

The list is endless.

Bottom line, despite all their slogans and advertising, Thailand is NOT tourist friendly anymore they way they once were. Greed and corruption have taken over where short term profits and a "quick buck" far outweigh the long term picture. Where foreigners, especially Western, European and Australians are viewed as "cash cows" to be fleeced in every way possible.

Sad, because there really is a lot to offer to visitors to this country. Unfortunately, the Thai don't have a clue as to the right ways to go about it.

Edited by Just1Voice
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Idea for a new T-shirt sloagn to kick off the campaign:

it's a


I survived


with its electrocutions, muggings, tuk tuk drivers,

jet ski operators, drownings, corrupt police, bad drivers,

balcony dives, drink spiking, drugs, angry bar girls, lady boys,

poisonings etc

I WANT THAT T-SHIRT!!!!! :lol:

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'Miracle' is a very risky word to use in any promo . Farangs dont believe in miracles so who told TAT to use it ?

Since when do Thai's care about the correct Meaning or Usage of English words.. They are Thai.. they create their own Definitions.

Examples :

Miracle - Something that actually works despite our Best efforts to screw it up by our Lack of Planning.

Mansion - A Run-down lo-So Condo/Apartment Building, not a Rich Person's Large Home.

"Amazing" being Positive and never Negative

"Serious" being only Negative and never Positive or Neutral

"Democracy" means Unelected politicians can create laws, and Freedom and Equality are not required.

"Hub" = Thailand, which is the Center of Everything.

"Coming Soon".. maybe in the Next Decade or Never!

"Customer Service" Not in Thai Vocabulary

"Suvarnabhumi" ????? Oh.. You mean Suwannapoom!!!


Add your Own...



I love u to much = buy me a drink, pay my costs and send me money when you´ve come back to u´r country

I´d never do such a thing = Just wait and see

My salary = What i could separate from the other one

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I imagine the new rules by the Ministry to force any seeker of a Tourist Visa to have paid hotel reservations for the duration of the Visa, is the first step towards increasing the number of tourist. A plan for sure.

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2 trillion divided by 30 million is 66 baht

So an average tourist will spend 66 baht? LOL

sure.... as long as you examined the small print

66 baht per day based on a typical stay of 1,000 days.... LOL

see this link for a visual image of 1 trillion USD in $100 notes - then imagine it is 1 trillion baht also in 100 baht notes - Miracle Thailand!!!!

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Idea for a new T-shirt sloagn to kick off the campaign:

it's a


I survived


with its electrocutions, muggings, tuk tuk drivers,

jet ski operators, drownings, corrupt police, bad drivers,

balcony dives, drink spiking, drugs, angry bar girls, lady boys,

poisonings etc

I WANT THAT T-SHIRT!!!!! :lol:

Of course if you made it look cool young Thais will wear them too....... even if they have no idea what it says!

Edited by kraplung
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Thailand is value-for-money, compared with Vietnam or Cambodia or Laos ? It takes a 'Miracle Thailand' to turn expensive into value-for-money ! <_<

Totally disagree. Thailand has become overpriced, full of cheats. No longer value for money!

You seem to have missed the 'question-mark' at the end of my first sentence. I was questioning whether Thailand is value-for-money, compared to some neighbouring-countries, as claimed by the TAT. I believe a miracle would be required, to make it so, and in fact agree with you, that it isn't. :jap:

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Thailand is value-for-money, compared with Vietnam or Cambodia or Laos ? It takes a 'Miracle Thailand' to turn expensive into value-for-money ! <_<

Totally disagree. Thailand has become overpriced, full of cheats. No longer value for money!

You seem to have missed the 'question-mark' at the end of my first sentence. I was questioning whether Thailand is value-for-money, compared to some neighbouring-countries, as claimed by the TAT. I believe a miracle would be required, to make it so, and in fact agree with you, that it isn't. :jap:

My mistake Ricardo. Glad we agree

Just back from a trip to Siem reap Cambodia. 4th this year and not the last. Now there is value for money!

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Are you all ( who post replies here ) live in Thailand ? I is amazing to see how much hatered most of you have to this place or yuo just like to troll . Don't you want this campain to be a success ?

It is not that we don't want it to be a success... We just want Thailand to be the Best it can be.

We are tired about the constant misuse of the English language, like it doesn't have an international impact on Thailand's reputation.

Outside Thailand, Thailand is laughed at because they use the language improperly... The government should hire the Best, not the cheapest, to check that they have made no errors. It shows a total lack of respect for the Foreigners that they are trying to attract, and leaves them with a very bad impression of uneducated Thais.

And if Thais have no respect for Foreigners, then Foreigners wonder why they should respect Thais & Thailand!


Frommy experience Thai have much respect for someone who respect them - I find manyof the comments in this thread and I many threads on Thavisa almost of a racistapproach . Thais have their own way of doing and thinking and western peoplethink that have better way ( some of them ) why ?

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It just doesn't work. Leave it as Amazing and then take actions to live up to it. Spectacular would work better than Miracle. The "up to you" option would work but it requires them to be honest re the choices...

Sex tourism

Beautiful scenery

Lovely beaches (?)

Fantastic food


blah blah blah

Whatever you want, you'll find it all here - Thailand; up to you!

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Are you all ( who post replies here ) live in Thailand ? I is amazing to see how much hatered most of you have to this place or yuo just like to troll . Don't you want this campain to be a success ?

It´s not about wanting the campain to be a success or not. It´s about chosing where and how to spend that money more wisely. For example clean up all the filth and do something about the idiotic taxi-mafia. Why not try to make visitors come more than one time and tell family and friends also to come. Many who come here nowadays dont come back because of the constant ripoffs. Step 1: Make it a good place to visit BEFORE trying to lure hordes of people here who will not come back.

A very GOOD comment about WHAT is wrong and where money could be better spent:

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It just doesn't work. Leave it as Amazing and then take actions to live up to it. Spectacular would work better than Miracle. The "up to you" option would work but it requires them to be honest re the choices...

Sex tourism

Beautiful scenery

Lovely beaches (?)

Fantastic food


blah blah blah

Whatever you want, you'll find it all here - Thailand; up to you!

Even TAT has resigned to the fact that it is not "amazing" anymore. It would be a miracle if Thailand were to be amazing again...

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Are you all ( who post replies here ) live in Thailand ? I is amazing to see how much hatered most of you have to this place or yuo just like to troll . Don't you want this campain to be a success ?

Actually... judging by your MULTIPLE {I counted 13 errors!} grammatical errors, spelling errors, and punctuation errors... {just 'guessing' here} I'd guess you are a Thai?

Please allow me to explain... in the Western culture... our sense of humor is most often very dry {sounds serious but isn't, really... and you have to really THINK to understand the sometimes-hidden humor) and critical-sounding... We're really just having fun pointing out what we see as the many ridiculous natures of this campaign... and, what to us, are the absurd realities of living in this country of yours. If you can't imagine just how different our two cultures are... reading about us "venting" and having a bit of fun with this news story... should really give you some insight into how we think differently.

Trust me, we "rip apart" the MANY absurdities that exist in OUR home countries, too! It's WHAT WE DO! It's linked to our extensive training in 'analytical thinking', a 'dry' sense of humor, and a basic "irreverence" for the "establishment's standard course of BS (think strawberry!) that is fed to the masses, expecting these same masses (to be SO incredibly stupid as) to accept, believe, and support these GRAND AMOUNTS of BS... with any genuine respect, belief or reverence.

Beyond all this... we DO actually LOVE Thailand {most of us!} and genuinely DO LOVE Thai people {most of them!}, but this type of BS news story was just too juicy a prospect for having a good time poking fun at things, people, organisations, and behavior that, frankly, needs to be poked fun at...

Understand? We don't hate Thailand!

Ask yourself... Do you 'respect' key? Do you LIKE 'strawberry' behavior? (farangs.... "key" is sh*t, "strawberry" is BS)

Ah... we don't either... but we really aren't trained, culturally, to just "go along" with strawberry BS, and just stay silent, without feeling it our duty and obligation, as responsible beings... to respond. Our response, veiled in our humor, is our venting; our read on reality, our ability to really see the grand degree of HUMOR within the AMAZING press release.

Relax... suh-bai, suh-bai.... don't take all this 'serious'... not meant 'serious'

And finally.... YES.... YOU IS AMAZING!!! hahaha... WE IS ALL AMAZING!!! IT'S WHY we continue to live in AMAZING Thailand. Given all it's faults and shortcomings (and speaking from my own personal point of view) it's STILL better living HERE than it would be living in our home country.

STILL! We complain! It's our nature, it's in our blood, it's "what we do"; we're not so inclined to all line up together in a neat line... and say "Yes sir, that's fine, sir, can I have some more, sir?"

Sometimes you just have to admit... even being a Thai... that KEY is... at the end of the day... just KEY. Chai or Mai-Chai?????

Oh, and yeah... we really don't give a flying &lt;deleted&gt; whether this (so-called) "campain" (as you called it!) sinks or swims, couldn't care less, really, but it's amusing to poke fun at!!! lol

Let us have our simple pleasures, without being so.... {what? xenophobic?} to call us "hateful", in the process. The hatred you feel, may be within yourself...

Edited by Pawpcorn
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Are you all ( who post replies here ) live in Thailand ? I is amazing to see how much hatered most of you have to this place or yuo just like to troll . Don't you want this campain to be a success ?

It is not that we don't want it to be a success... We just want Thailand to be the Best it can be.

We are tired about the constant misuse of the English language, like it doesn't have an international impact on Thailand's reputation.

Outside Thailand, Thailand is laughed at because they use the language improperly... The government should hire the Best, not the cheapest, to check that they have made no errors. It shows a total lack of respect for the Foreigners that they are trying to attract, and leaves them with a very bad impression of uneducated Thais.

And if Thais have no respect for Foreigners, then Foreigners wonder why they should respect Thais & Thailand!


Frommy experience Thai have much respect for someone who respect them - I find manyof the comments in this thread and I many threads on Thavisa almost of a racistapproach . Thais have their own way of doing and thinking and western peoplethink that have better way ( some of them ) why ?

Yes Thais do.... and the same applies in the Reverse.... The use of "Bad" English by the government (or a business advertiser) in a situation directed to attract native speakers of English is a sign of disrespect to them. You get what you give.

To say that "Thais have their own way" and to blame the Culture of Thais and Thailand, is no excuse. If it is "Thai Style" to disrespect Foreigners, then there is something wrong with "Thai Style"! There is a right way and a wrong way... and when a problem exists in a culture, it is time for that culture to evolve. Unfortunately it usually takes a stranger to show when something is wrong, as when you are too close, sometimes a problem is not recognized.

To accuse posters on ThaiVisa of racism is also just a defensive reaction and again a misuse of the English word. We choose to live here among Thai people. Racists look to separate themselves from those they consider to be a lower life form... Like a Hi-So separates himself from a Lo-So.... We live here because we love Asian culture and people. If we didn't we would not stay here. We don't call people with a darker skin than us "Black".

But living here, and loving this place, we are sad to see it present itself to the world in such a xenophobic laughable way. All we would like is for Thais and Thailand to remember that they are a part of a bigger world... Not the center of it!


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Personally I find it offensive that a Buddhist country is claiming that their country is a miracle. I thought that a miracle is an act of God (or at least many Christians will feel that an act of God is the definition of a miracle). My God somehow blessed Thailand above other countries such that it deserve the tag "miracle"? Was it not just a month or so ago that the omniscient culture minister here declared that foreigners who got tattoos of any Buddhist image on certain areas of their body (below the waste) were to be fined. For a country so sensitive to their own religion and expecting the same of visitors, how can they be so insensitive to other cultures religions?

Get real. (Miracle) is not a religion period! More of a belief. Bashing Thailand for using a word? Come on Businessman how can you be so insensitive to a universal belief that does not belong to any country or religion period.jap.gif

Actually... if you check out Wikipedia's take on the word...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle you will see the majority of references to the word are, in fact, related to religions...


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