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I had such a hassle over this document..

First I sent the money, told the bank it was coming, told them I needed a form (at the time I said it was the 'old' tor tor 3 but it had changed, I wasnt sure of the term) they nodded..

Money arrived.. I went and asked.. Was told no need. I assured them my desire for it counted as a 'need' and I wanted it.

I gave up at the branch came back and contacted bangkok customer service.. They told me it was now a FETF and I could download it from the website.. I was shocked at the linked efficiency of it all.

Of course my online banking etc had a link to a blank form.. But thats irrelevant..

Another try through customer service.. They told me the branch had to give it to me. They said it could be given from the branch any time up to 6 months.

I went to the branch.. They said it had to come from bangkok.. Said they didnt have it..

Then they didnt understand me when I said I had 6 months to get it, and jumped on that immediately saying "yes yes.. you can get it after 6 months"..

Back to calling the customer service.. I got a contact at the service center.. Clued them in.. got a direct line number. They assured me they would tell the staff what must happen.

Back to the branch.. Called customer service.. They resisted speaking to the phone contact so much is was comical.. But finally I got them to speak, they spoke, then within a moment hung up. They told me the forms had already gone to bangkok. They did have it before, but now it was too late (this is days after the transfer) but they would get it.. While this happened another woman in the branch was on her phone, ran to the printer / copier and got a fax printout (laser print not a self erasing thermal) of the form.

They then signed this fax / print.. Made me sign it.. Put a little stamp on it and smiled.. Their mission accomplished.

So afer all of this, I have what appears to be a fax.. I contacted the customer service and asked if this would be 100% legeit, is it fully legal as required.. Could I say send a few million out of Thailand now based on that form, they kept assuring me that it was fine, that was an FETF and that was all thats needed. However they were making that assurance, over the phone, without ever seeing the document they were guaranteeing.. Which undermines your faith somewhat. Emails to the online customer service, with a clear scan, to get something at least in writing I could use, were never answered.

After the run around and miss information to that point. Should I believe them ?? I showed it to a lawyer and they just kinda shugged.. Definitely maybe.. I will need to send in a chunk more cash to build sometime.. And will have the same process again..

This wasnt a small branch out in the boonies BTW, this was a major branch of a major bank in one of Thailands city centers. Everyone in the process spoke passable english and my wife was there for any translation if needed, this wasnt a language thing.

So when others have done this.. How 'formal' was the FETF you gained ??


I had a similar rigmarole at Kasikorn main branch in Pattaya 5 years ago.

They eventually produced a form after me showing them an old TT3 and had me fill it in myself and they stamped it.

My previous TT3 had to come from Head Office in Bangkok though.


So can I assume yours was a form, hand written by them, then stamped ??

Cos thats sort of what mine looks like, if you ignore the fax transmission number on the top of the page.

I have never seen one of these forms only heard of them, I guess I just expected something more formal having been told of the importance.


LivinLos. Love it. Thanks for sharing & glad it wasn't me that went through this. Was it BKK Bank? If it was I would like to send it to someone there as a good case-study of how not to do things - they would be interested to hear about it. Pls advise via PM if your prefer


OK so sorta shoddy too..

I guess I should relax.. Just dont like not having all my ducks in a row on official stuff.

considering my bad handwriting, very shoddy.

But it was accepted at the land office when registering the condo though.


LivinLos. Love it. Thanks for sharing & glad it wasn't me that went through this. Was it BKK Bank? If it was I would like to send it to someone there as a good case-study of how not to do things - they would be interested to hear about it. Pls advise via PM if your prefer

Kasikorn.. Chaing Mai airport plaza..

Lovely people.. Dont get me wrong, all were pleasant.. But they changed the story so often.. That the various statements all started to conflict and the excuses were getting thinner and thinner.

Anyway, its not the worst runaround I have ever had.

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