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A Good Day With A Thai Guy :)


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its ok, I guess you have little experience with recovery equipment anyway, so never mind.

But if you want to continue putting yourself in such situations and expect help to arrive when you get in trouble is a bit much......you do not seem to grasp the point that you should plan such 'adventures' a little better so you can get yourselves out of such predicaments.

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Perhaps you would be kind enough to explain, preferably in some detail, how a hand winch and some ropes would help a disabled man who cannot walk.

/ Priceless

Perhaps you should read again and try to comprehend the post I was replying to.

Priceless indeed.

I'll be glad to, if you would kindly indicate which post you were replying to. It was obviously not the OP.

/ Priceless

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1) Giving presents is quite different than giving cash.

2) Maintaining reciprocal relationship with a neighbor over a period of time is quite different from paying cash a stranger for their help in an emergency.

3) I'd be careful about assuming you can make such broad judgments about Thai people (irrespective of social standing, specific circumstance or other nuance) based on the actions of this one Thai woman in this one instance.

Cash offers are nasty.....you pay hookers, you dont give them chocolate cake.

You should come by my bar when one of the girls has her birthday party, plenty of chocolate to go around Chocolate in the bar (you shouldn't judge Thais by your own culture) :D

Back on topic.

I asked my Thai colleagues at work about this (no not the bar girls), and here is what they agreed on:

If a thai person offers you help because they can see that you are in a thigh spot, they will do so because they are hen jai or good hearted. They will neither expect a reward nor be offended if one is offered, even if it's money.

This is only my colleagues, regular working people with an average income, opinion and doesn't cover every Thai in Thailand.

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Sorry Dag, but you are full of 'it' :lol:

If you say so.

Don't expect too much sympathy next time you get 'stuck' out in the jungle cos you ran off half cocked with no plan or equipment again and expect that ...oh well...if I get stuck again someone will come along to help me.

Let me put it this way.....what if you got bogged down out in this remote area, you sitting in your truck in the mud patch and someone comes along with a hilft jack and a shovel, they proceed to dig you out and place logs and rocks under your wheel....but the jack slips and falls on them, pinning them under your car, maybe bleeding to death.....what you going to do then because you went out without thinking and unprepared ??

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Perhaps you would be kind enough to explain, preferably in some detail, how a hand winch and some ropes would help a disabled man who cannot walk.

/ Priceless

Perhaps you should read again and try to comprehend the post I was replying to.

Priceless indeed.

I'll be glad to, if you would kindly indicate which post you were replying to. It was obviously not the OP.

/ Priceless

Sure...give me your hand and I will lead you through the rest of your life as well.

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Perhaps you would be kind enough to explain, preferably in some detail, how a hand winch and some ropes would help a disabled man who cannot walk.

/ Priceless

Perhaps you should read again and try to comprehend the post I was replying to.

Priceless indeed.

I'll be glad to, if you would kindly indicate which post you were replying to. It was obviously not the OP.

/ Priceless

Sure...give me your hand and I will lead you through the rest of your life as well.

It is considered good "netiquette" to indicate which post you are replying to on a forum, unless it is the OP. Otherwise the reply frequently tends to become incomprehensible, as in this case.

And no thank you, I have managed running my life for a good many years without outside help.

/ Priceless

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Thats nice.....you can have your netiquite or whatever it is....I prefer common sense and if one post follows the other....then it is usually replying to the one above unless you include quotes cos it is up higher or you do the ^^ thingy......try it sometime...not as difficult as it looks.

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Thats nice.....you can have your netiquite or whatever it is....I prefer common sense and if one post follows the other....then it is usually replying to the one above unless you include quotes cos it is up higher or you do the ^^ thingy......try it sometime...not as difficult as it looks.

Why don't you people give it a rest and put this thread to bed. Your boring the rest of us to tears with this my pecker is bigger than your pecker bullshiit.

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Thats nice.....you can have your netiquite or whatever it is....I prefer common sense and if one post follows the other....then it is usually replying to the one above unless you include quotes cos it is up higher or you do the ^^ thingy......try it sometime...not as difficult as it looks.

I am afraid that you have not quite grasped the concept of "thread". A thread usually consists of an original post ("OP") and comments/replies to that. If you want to reply to another post within a thread, the kind and thoughtful administrators of the forum have supplied a "Reply" button in every post, except the OP. In other words, a post is normally NOT a reply to the immediately previous post.

However, LJW's post immediately preceding yours said: "One final point to all of those people who think I should not drive alone or whatever... It would be no different if i could walk. Still stuck, and no way to change that if I could walk... The only hassle for me was that I couldn't help him with his ropes"

Would you please explain what use a hand winch and rope (that you recommend) would be to a man who cannot walk. Or else, you can admit that you posted without first reading (and/or thinking).

/ Priceless

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I read your op, but then the replies turned out to be about if you should or should not give money to the man who gave you a helping hand (like the threads about Do You Tip in Thailand). However, I can't understand why you tried to cross the river. Prove something to yourself? I would not have done it, plain stupid if you ask me.

About 10 more kilos, and another river crossing, but this one did not have any tire tracks, and on the left was a huge, well built motorcycle crossing. There was a guy crossing it on his bike and I waited to ask him if I could cross there in my truck... He said, "Sure, no problem", so since I am someone who likes trusting people :ermm: , I went across with no worries (well a little bit)... When I came back a couple of hours later, I crossed and promptly got stuck in the middle of the river! Then it started raining, and i thought about the river rising and what would happen to me since I can not walk.
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Or in my example, how could a winch and rope help if I wasn't disabled. There was nothing in the area to attach anything to. My point is there was nothing I could do but wait for help. Good legs would not have helped me in the least.

ere ya go......memorise this very important self help video for recovery methods when alone......tis about at the 4.40 minute mark...

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Thats nice.....you can have your netiquite or whatever it is....I prefer common sense and if one post follows the other....then it is usually replying to the one above unless you include quotes cos it is up higher or you do the ^^ thingy......try it sometime...not as difficult as it looks.

I am afraid that you have not quite grasped the concept of "thread". A thread usually consists of an original post ("OP") and comments/replies to that. If you want to reply to another post within a thread, the kind and thoughtful administrators of the forum have supplied a "Reply" button in every post, except the OP. In other words, a post is normally NOT a reply to the immediately previous post.

However, LJW's post immediately preceding yours said: "One final point to all of those people who think I should not drive alone or whatever... It would be no different if i could walk. Still stuck, and no way to change that if I could walk... The only hassle for me was that I couldn't help him with his ropes"

Would you please explain what use a hand winch and rope (that you recommend) would be to a man who cannot walk. Or else, you can admit that you posted without first reading (and/or thinking).

/ Priceless

here you go.....see, I can do it....but I prefer not to accumulate a shitload of wasted copy space in a post when I am replying to the very preceding post.....common sense and all that if you not clear on it....also most people can read in a line and make sense of it without a quote in the post ...if it follows on....not all by the looks of it though.

Now that you have the 2 posts together...do you still really want me to explain it to you...or would you prefer to sit and concentrate and read it again and again until you get it.....if you still dont get it....well I think it will take more patience than I have to explain it to you.

Good luck....check back in when ready...

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This thread reminds me that a couple of nights ago an 'able-bodied' woman drowned in her car in the NY State floods several hours after dialling 911. I've never met LJW but people without the use of their legs often have a powerful upper body for obvious reasons; maybe he's a strong swimmer. Personally I even drive around puddles, never mind rivers, because I'm never sure what's underneath. I'm rather glad LJW survived because this forum would be much less interesting without him. I just hope this happened before he fitted his new car seats (in his other active thread).

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LJW has his own swimming pool which he taunts us poor folks with at every opportunity. I would guess that he is a good swimmer. :D

Nope, after my second stroke 5 years ago, I somehow forgot how to swim. Since then I walk :) around and jump :) around for 2 hours everyday. Seriously, it was the best decision I made in my life to make a pool at my rented house. I lost a lot of weight (150 Kilos) and added at least 10 years to my life B)

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It seems to me the retired expat community could use a good set of cb radios.

Seriously, could you imagine the airwaves at any given second? It'd be like a cross city party without leaving your home. :lol:

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It seems to me the retired expat community could use a good set of cb radios.

Seriously, could you imagine the airwaves at any given second? It'd be like a cross city party without leaving your home. :lol:

I believe cb radios are still illegal in Thailand B)

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Really? I never knew that....

What they don't know won't hurt them though :whistling:

You can just imagine the looks on their faces when they start picking up a bunch of crazy farangs talking back and forth to each other.:D

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Really? I never knew that....

What they don't know won't hurt them though :whistling:

You can just imagine the looks on their faces when they start picking up a bunch of crazy farangs talking back and forth to each other.:D

Yep, that's the look..

:D Yipee! free farang money!

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