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Android And S. Korea

Gary A

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Is it possible that Nokia too wasn't comfortable with Google being in the phone business?

It seems South Korean-based Samsung and LG are being urged to dump Android. The Motley Fool reports that the two companies have been asked by the government of South Korea to ditch Android in favor of joining with a “coalition of other South Korean companies” building their own mobile operating system.

It seems the South Korean government is threatened by Google’s recent purchase of Motorola Mobility, and fears Google will focus their efforts on their internal hardware development operations and leave companies such as Samsung and LG out in the cold.

Edited by Gary A
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I can't see them investing hundreds of millions in their own (probably worse) OS when they can use Android for free. Even if they did, Android is moving so rapidly now that it would be very difficult to catch up.

The Motorola deal has been widely touted as about acquiring patents, so that Google can play the Mutually Assured Destruction game in patent suits.

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I can't see them investing hundreds of millions in their own (probably worse) OS when they can use Android for free. Even if they did, Android is moving so rapidly now that it would be very difficult to catch up.

The Motorola deal has been widely touted as about acquiring patents, so that Google can play the Mutually Assured Destruction game in patent suits.

Not to mention, I've noticed that PC Suite (LG) and PC Studio (Samsung) sucks big time. I've come to the conclusion that the Koreans can not write decent software!

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Maybe it's best if the government stays out of business?

Hard to figure what nitwit came up with this report?

When Google announced the Motorola Mobility intent to purchase, Samsung and LG (and HTC) were up in trading. Further all three companies issued statements saying they welcomed the purchase?

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One of the tech broadcasts I listen to was reporting lately that Samsung was rumored to be interested in buying the rights to WebOS from HP...

The commentary was divided over a) would they really be interested in a different OS for their devices and/or b] interested in the WebOS patents as part of the abovementioned MAD patents game.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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And then of course, there's this bit of troublesome news for Samsung....

Apple vs Samsung: German Court Upholds Preliminary Injunction

25 Aug, 2011 by Raju PPThis has been a sad day in the tech circles, the day when the maverick Steve Jobs resigned as CEO of Apple, has gotten bitter with the German court upholding the preliminary injunction it had put against Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1 earlier this month. This effectively means that the ban on Galaxy tab 10.1 will stay on in Germany.

The judge of Dusseldorf court in Germany upheld Apple's request for preliminary ban of Galaxy Tab's sales in Germany. As we had reported earlier, the court had banned the sales in whole of European Union and later changed it to Germany only. The final judgement is expected to be delivered on September 9th, which is 2 weeks away from now.

Samsung was hopeful of lifting of the preliminary ban as they had some proofs of Apple distorting the images comparing the dimensions of Apple iPad 2 and Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1. But the court disagreed with Samsung's arguments saying the community design rights gave Apple at least a medium range (if not a broad claim) of protection.

This setback has come just a day after Samsung lost a similar case in Netherlands. Though Samsung will be able to sell the Galaxy Tabs in other parts of Europe (except Netherlands & Germany), the inability to overturn the ban should worry the company a lot.


There's a slightly different version of the EU/Germany things in this Dow Jones report below, but it also provides a broader context.

The Galaxy Tab 10.1, which was released earlier this summer and runs on Google Inc.'s (GOOG) Android operating system, is widely considered to be the most promising competitor to Apple's iPad, which has dominated the market since its release last year. Apple claims Samsung copied its products.

In April, Apple sued Samsung in a California court, alleging the South Korean manufacturer infringed on its patents and "slavishly" copied its designs. Legal battles between the Cupertino, Calif., company and Samsung have since circled the globe, with filings in various Asian and European countries, as well as the International Trade Commission.


I wonder if these cases will ever come to Thailand and or ASEAN... the former being SE Asia's "Hub of Copyright Infriengement..." :P

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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