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I hope you can help I currently run a small company selling speciality drinks across the UK to individuals and bars and I am looking to import the original Thai red bull in the bottles. Unfortunately I am having a nightmare trying to find a official web site and email address for the company if one does actually exist.

If anyone out there can help point me in the right direction I would be very gratefull or if anyone wants to act as an agent or middle man and send the goods on for me then please get in touch. Initially I am only looking to import a couple of cases to test the market and use as free samples to start with so there is probably not a great deal to be made initially however depending on demand that could well change. Anyone that's interested you can contact me directly at [email protected] ideally with some figures.

Many Thanks in advance folks.

Kind Regards


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My www.thaitradedata.com division has already been through this drill for a client.

"Original" Red Bull (Krating Daeng) is produced in small bottles by T.C. Pharmaceutical Industries Co. Ltd. - with a factory in Prachinburi. The key guy there is a gentleman named Chaleo Yoovidhaya.

Outside Thailand, under the name "Red Bull," product in cans is manufactured and distributed worldwide under control of an Austrian businessman named Dietrich Mateschitz.

The distribution agreement between Chaleo and Matechitz prevents the Thai company from bottling Krating Daeng with a label in any language but Thai, or in supporting its distribution outside Thailand.

This restricts serious exports, since most western countries would require labeling in English, or the local language.

You are left with one choice: buying standard Thai Krating Daeng with Thai labels, and shipping it yourself - or hiring a firm such as mine (www.bangkokstaff.com) to do that.

Effectively, the restrictions prevent commercialization of Krating Daeng outside thailand asanything except a very expensive novelty.

You may be interested in: Thai Red Bull and Global Red Bull

That's all I will disclose for free.

Good luck!




[email protected]

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Contrary to popular belief, the UK and European "Red Bull" actually have a higher Caffeine content than the Thai version.

Caffeine is very much regarded by the Thai's as a drug to be watched and controlled - they restrict the Caffeine content in Energy drinks (and Iced Coffee etc) - there is actually a health warning on the side of the thai bottles advising people not to drink more than 2 in one day - as it causes the heart to race and should be avoided by pregnant women - - a rough translation!!

In light of the above - re the lower Caffeine content, I see no reason why consumers would wish to purchase an energy drink that "does less" than one available in their own country!


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u can already get the Thai red bull at many Asian groceries in Australia, as well as Lippo and all the other ones.

When I was in London a year a ago, I could buy Sangsom whiskey and Thai Red bull in Chinatown (Soho isn't it?). Cost about 1 pound per bottle.

A few "funky" bars in Melbourne still have Thai Red Bull available if you wanted it. But to be honest, it was really just a passing fad.

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Thanks for the response folks, I thought there could well be a problem with the two different versions and Dietrich Mateschitz having the rights to the brand over here in the UK.

I still feel there is a definate market over here for the drink and it should sell quite well to private customers with the Thai version having a bit of a cult following over here.

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