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**Appologies for posting twice in different sections and spamming on your messageboard but I am going mad. I have just been quoted a price from a US based company that works out to cover costs and get a minnimum return would mean selling each bottle at £3.50. After the bars over here put their markup on it that would be closer to a fiver. :o Champagne costs less! :D**


I hope you can help I currently run a small company selling speciality drinks across the UK to individuals and bars and I am looking to import the original Thai red bull in the bottles. Unfortunately I am having a nightmare trying to find a official web site and email address for the company if one does actually exist.

If anyone out there can help point me in the right direction I would be very gratefull or if anyone wants to act as an agent or middle man and send the goods on for me then please get in touch. Initially I am only looking to import a couple of cases to test the market and use as free samples to start with so there is probably not a great deal to be made initially however depending on demand that could well change. Anyone that's interested you can contact me directly at [email protected] ideally with some figures.

Many Thanks in advance folks.

Kind Regards


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