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Yingluck's CEO Style Keeps Ministers On Their Toes


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Not wanting to cast any doubt on quality of education offered by Kentucky State University, but it is probably similar to some of the less reputable Thai Universities. Cheer-leading, which Yingluck seems to be doing a lot of lately, may even be a option for a minor/major.

Guess they all acquired a taste for fried chicken, cornbread, and BBQ.

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Of course, this could be because she has already gained extensive experience as the chairperson of SC Asset Corporation.

uhh, what experience would that be? She appointed herself as "chairperson" and didn't do anything in the role. When she left the company got rid of the position. Sarah Palin is more qualified then this woman.

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Of course, this could be because she has already gained extensive experience as the chairperson of SC Asset Corporation.

uhh, what experience would that be? She appointed herself as "chairperson" and didn't do anything in the role. When she left the company got rid of the position. Sarah Palin is more qualified then this woman.


thats an insult to Sarah Palin

at least she had some experience at being something other than a spoilt rich kid .......

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Wow! Even though I don't really like her, I must admit I'm starting to halfway admire her.

I don't have much use for ANY Thai politicians, irregardless of party... but anyone who insists that there ministers actually KNOW something about their job BEFORE they speak publically about an issue is big forward step in the usual Thai political process.

Knowing the details about an issue, before you speak about it to the Thai voters... that's a real departure from the usual Thai political practice!

I wonder if Big Brother isn't beginning to get just a little worried that Little Sister isn't just the empty headed female he thought she would be?

We shall have to wait and see, won't we.


Have you met Yinluck.... I have... three times , and take it from me, she is completely empty headed.. in fact.. her head contains something that reminds me of a referees whistle... clone is the right word. She bought her Masters degree from Kentucky University in USA...

Yeah right! I'm sure that you had enough conversation with her to make that determination. Did you meet her in a bar or where?

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Successful business operations expect the senior executives to be prepared and to know the subject at hand. Anyone that has attended "management" meetings knows how tedious they can be when a couple of the entrenched execs just talk in circles or defer to an underling. The PM is making the ministers work and that's a good thing.

The former PM Abhisit never had a job outside of government so he never had real world experience. Government meetings can drag on for hours where nothing gets done. In the successful segments of the private sector, time is treated as a valuable resource and is not wasted on "meetings". This PM doesn't have time to waste on activities that accomplish nothing. This is a good change to see.

You are exactly correct. When I worked as operations manager for an major Airline, it was 1 hour brief, execs take their issues, ie power, maint, catering, flight delays, engineering etc. and are expected to attend the meeting with the correct knowledge or assistant. When I later worked for a semi goverment organisation there was meetings to discuss the review of the meertings being held to disucuss the bullet points of the agenda blah blah blah.... by the time 2 hours were reached they were more interested in the lunch than any productivity what-so-ever.

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The knee-jerk negatives were sadly predictable.dry.gif

It seems to me that TV is just full of seemingly angry farang Thai political "experts" who are hell bent on criticising anything and everything the newly formed Thai government does or does not do.

Why are so many farangs so angry all the time over something that you have zero control over? It's one thing to post your opinion on the wisdom or lack thereof on a govt program or policy but more and more of the posts go well beyond that and get down right nasty, vile and childish.

Recent polls show that 73% of the Thai people are satisfied with Yingluck as THEIR prime minister? I don't know about your home country but i don't think you could get 73% of Americans to agree the sky is blue.

Perhaps a Thai citizen, born and raised in Thailand, who reads and writes fluent Thai and who has seen governments come and go for years just might know a bit more about what THEY want for THEIR country than a farang keyboard warrior?

Yet many post day after day about how dumb, stupid, immoral, uninformed, dishonest, and downright awful the Thai people are for picking the party that they want to run THEIR country? Perhaps some farangs should return to their home country and straighten out all of your voters and politicians and programs and policies before you try and tell the Thais how to run Thailand?

In other words, how about a little respect for the Thai people?

Not only is it polite and may reduce your blood pressure it also happens to be one of the forum rules:

Forum rules :

In using Thai Visa I agree:

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

Thank you for your post.

Cheers, Tom

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The knee-jerk negatives were sadly predictable.dry.gif

It seems to me that TV is just full of seemingly angry farang Thai political "experts" who are hell bent on criticising anything and everything the newly formed Thai government does or does not do.

Why are so many farangs so angry all the time over something that you have zero control over? It's one thing to post your opinion on the wisdom or lack thereof on a govt program or policy but more and more of the posts go well beyond that and get down right nasty, vile and childish.

Recent polls show that 73% of the Thai people are satisfied with Yingluck as THEIR prime minister? I don't know about your home country but i don't think you could get 73% of Americans to agree the sky is blue.

Perhaps a Thai citizen, born and raised in Thailand, who reads and writes fluent Thai and who has seen governments come and go for years just might know a bit more about what THEY want for THEIR country than a farang keyboard warrior?

Yet many post day after day about how dumb, stupid, immoral, uninformed, dishonest, and downright awful the Thai people are for picking the party that they want to run THEIR country? Perhaps some farangs should return to their home country and straighten out all of your voters and politicians and programs and policies before you try and tell the Thais how to run Thailand?

In other words, how about a little respect for the Thai people?

Not only is it polite and may reduce your blood pressure it also happens to be one of the forum rules:

Forum rules :

In using Thai Visa I agree:

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

Not very many Issan Thai peoples who read and write fluently in Thai..... which Thai people are you talking about..? which banana boat did you come off...

Might I respectfully suggest that your post is one for which an apology is appropriate, especially as it is not only offensive to Pomchop and to a group of people having nothing to do with this discussion, but also as Pomchop obviously masters English grammer better than you ??

Just a well-intended suggestion...


Edited by tlansford
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The knee-jerk negatives were sadly predictable.dry.gif

It seems to me that TV is just full of seemingly angry farang Thai political "experts" who are hell bent on criticising anything and everything the newly formed Thai government does or does not do.

Why are so many farangs so angry all the time over something that you have zero control over? It's one thing to post your opinion on the wisdom or lack thereof on a govt program or policy but more and more of the posts go well beyond that and get down right nasty, vile and childish.

Recent polls show that 73% of the Thai people are satisfied with Yingluck as THEIR prime minister? I don't know about your home country but i don't think you could get 73% of Americans to agree the sky is blue.

Perhaps a Thai citizen, born and raised in Thailand, who reads and writes fluent Thai and who has seen governments come and go for years just might know a bit more about what THEY want for THEIR country than a farang keyboard warrior?

Yet many post day after day about how dumb, stupid, immoral, uninformed, dishonest, and downright awful the Thai people are for picking the party that they want to run THEIR country? Perhaps some farangs should return to their home country and straighten out all of your voters and politicians and programs and policies before you try and tell the Thais how to run Thailand?

In other words, how about a little respect for the Thai people?

Not only is it polite and may reduce your blood pressure it also happens to be one of the forum rules:

Forum rules :

In using Thai Visa I agree:

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

Thank you for your post.

Cheers, Tom

Thank you. I hope, maybe against hope, that just a few might find a way to share their opinions on whatever topic without feeling it necessary to denegrate the Thai people. For some reason there seem to be a lot of farangs that just love to try and highlight every negative they can imagine about the country and people that we call home.

"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference"

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Not only is it polite and may reduce your blood pressure it also happens to be one of the forum rules:

Forum rules :

In using Thai Visa I agree:

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

Thank you for your post.

I hope, maybe against hope, that just a few might find a way to share their opinions on whatever topic without feeling it necessary to denegrate the Thai people.

It'd be great if that also applied to not denigrating Thaivisa members as, it too, is a Forum rule... and, actually, it's number 1.

1) To respect fellow members.


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The knee-jerk negatives were sadly predictable.dry.gif

It seems to me that TV is just full of seemingly angry farang Thai political "experts" who are hell bent on criticising anything and everything the newly formed Thai government does or does not do.

Why are so many farangs so angry all the time over something that you have zero control over? It's one thing to post your opinion on the wisdom or lack thereof on a govt program or policy but more and more of the posts go well beyond that and get down right nasty, vile and childish.

Recent polls show that 73% of the Thai people are satisfied with Yingluck as THEIR prime minister? I don't know about your home country but i don't think you could get 73% of Americans to agree the sky is blue.

Perhaps a Thai citizen, born and raised in Thailand, who reads and writes fluent Thai and who has seen governments come and go for years just might know a bit more about what THEY want for THEIR country than a farang keyboard warrior?

Yet many post day after day about how dumb, stupid, immoral, uninformed, dishonest, and downright awful the Thai people are for picking the party that they want to run THEIR country? Perhaps some farangs should return to their home country and straighten out all of your voters and politicians and programs and policies before you try and tell the Thais how to run Thailand?

In other words, how about a little respect for the Thai people?

Not only is it polite and may reduce your blood pressure it also happens to be one of the forum rules:

Forum rules :

In using Thai Visa I agree:

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

Good post. The surprising thing is WHY the totally negative hateful posters would choose to stay in such a terrible country. Why DON'T they go back home?

What did you say about polls back in 2009 and 2010 said over 60% of the people were satisfied with the government performance and 70% thought democracy was working in Thailand?

Did that stop you from making statements about an unelected government that had no support of the Thai people?


Thailand National Survey 2010

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you seem to want the the right to voice YOUR opinion, but if someone else says something YOU don't agree with, then THEY are bad or wrong. Censorship? That's what you want. Only speak if it shows the good side...Hmmm...that sounds familiar in Thailand. Well there are 2 sides...if you don't like to read someones "negative" opinion. , then don't read it....You have the right to ignore it. I don't think people here are trying to tell Thais how to run their country....These people live here...so local issues affect them...it's natural....so they are just saying what they feel...no harm done.

BTW...there are quite a few Thais who can't read or write Thai. That's a fact. Not all Thais can read or write.

The knee-jerk negatives were sadly predictable.dry.gif

It seems to me that TV is just full of seemingly angry farang Thai political "experts" who are hell bent on criticising anything and everything the newly formed Thai government does or does not do.

Why are so many farangs so angry all the time over something that you have zero control over? It's one thing to post your opinion on the wisdom or lack thereof on a govt program or policy but more and more of the posts go well beyond that and get down right nasty, vile and childish.

Recent polls show that 73% of the Thai people are satisfied with Yingluck as THEIR prime minister? I don't know about your home country but i don't think you could get 73% of Americans to agree the sky is blue.

Perhaps a Thai citizen, born and raised in Thailand, who reads and writes fluent Thai and who has seen governments come and go for years just might know a bit more about what THEY want for THEIR country than a farang keyboard warrior?

Yet many post day after day about how dumb, stupid, immoral, uninformed, dishonest, and downright awful the Thai people are for picking the party that they want to run THEIR country? Perhaps some farangs should return to their home country and straighten out all of your voters and politicians and programs and policies before you try and tell the Thais how to run Thailand?

In other words, how about a little respect for the Thai people?

Not only is it polite and may reduce your blood pressure it also happens to be one of the forum rules:

Forum rules :

In using Thai Visa I agree:

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

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i don't think that the opinion of others, no matter what the number of those others is, should be reason to change the way i think.

well, that seems pretty clear already


Well i'm glad that is clear.

Am i to take it then that you are different from i? - that your opinion is formed not on strength of reasoning, but rather on what other people think? Because that is what you seem to imply.

And by the way, i'm not talking about not accepting the will of the people. Thai people voted the way that they did, and this must be respected. It is possible however to respect something, but to disagree with it. Perhaps this is a concept you struggle with?

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Not only is it polite and may reduce your blood pressure it also happens to be one of the forum rules:

Forum rules :

In using Thai Visa I agree:

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

Thank you for your post.

I hope, maybe against hope, that just a few might find a way to share their opinions on whatever topic without feeling it necessary to denegrate the Thai people.

It'd be great if that also applied to not denigrating Thaivisa members as, it too, is a Forum rule... and, actually, it's number 1.

1) To respect fellow members.


In the real world "respect" is generally earnt, not granted by a "rule".

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Successful business operations expect the senior executives to be prepared and to know the subject at hand. Anyone that has attended "management" meetings knows how tedious they can be when a couple of the entrenched execs just talk in circles or defer to an underling. The PM is making the ministers work and that's a good thing.

The former PM Abhisit never had a job outside of government so he never had real world experience. Government meetings can drag on for hours where nothing gets done. In the successful segments of the private sector, time is treated as a valuable resource and is not wasted on "meetings". This PM doesn't have time to waste on activities that accomplish nothing. This is a good change to see.

That's probably the best possible spin you could put on it. What seems clear to me is that she has no idea herself about any of the agenda items and would look a fool if she tried to discuss them in any meaningfull way. She's opted to let her ministers look the fool as they are easily reshuffled out. Even in a top down organization like PTP, word would get out of her vacuousness.

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i don't think that the opinion of others, no matter what the number of those others is, should be reason to change the way i think.

well, that seems pretty clear already


Well i'm glad that is clear.

Am i to take it then that you are different from i? - that your opinion is formed not on strength of reasoning, but rather on what other people think? Because that is what you seem to imply.

And by the way, i'm not talking about not accepting the will of the people. Thai people voted the way that they did, and this must be respected. It is possible however to respect something, but to disagree with it. Perhaps this is a concept you struggle with?

no, no, no, rixalex, I'm just joking with you a little bit. It is pretty clear that you have your positions based on your own beliefs and thinking, and not based the opinion of others... and in that way, your original comments made me chuckle.

And like you, I do the same. I usually don't agree with your position, but that is a different matter. :)

And just as a side-note, Pomchop's comment on yielding to the opinion of the Thai people seemed like a rhetorical tool to me rather than a statement / suggestion that his opinions change with changes in the prevailing winds...

Have a good day ! Tom

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The knee-jerk negatives were sadly predictable.dry.gif

Get used to it. It's a canker that comes with the candy.

This article is interesting. It dismisses and ignores the implications behind the woman complaining about not having time to go to the bathroom.

It twists into ridicule a PM who walks out of meetings, when in fact it could take a positive turn and explain that the PM has hired competent subordinates to handle lesser issues, and that she knows how to delegate. DELEGATE. That is the sign of any successful manager. To surround ones self with competent subordinates to handle lesser affairs, when there are bigger fish to fry.

That is all we are describing here. Management style. And this style is proven effective; regardless of the summary dismissal of the implied complainers quoted in the article. It tells me between he lines that she is on the right path to problem solving and arriving at solutions. Personnel who do not know their job should not be in that position. It seems like a lot of people were caught flat footed, and don't like being on their toes. Reminds me of my ex-staff that I had to sack for the same reason; resistance (by unending ridiculous excuse after excuse) to a solid work ethic, and knowing your job duties and responsibilities, and to be able to report with accuracy any question asked regarding those items.

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Full marks to Yingluck, Thailand needs much more of this style of management.....in all aspects of Government offices.

You seem to give out full marks so easily. The other occasion in which you gave full marks was for the tablet PCs, even before there have been any details of its implementation. As you are a teacher, do you give out full marks to your own students even before they've completed a test or assignment?

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To surround ones self with competent subordinates to handle lesser affairs, when there are bigger fish to fry.

But do you think her subordinates are all competent and highly qualified for their position?

I trust that her subordinates are competent to the measure of her satisfaction. I never introduced the idea of being highly qualified, I think.

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