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California Senate approves college aid for illegal immigrants


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California Senate approves college aid for illegal immigrants

2011-09-02 01:09:58 GMT+7 (ICT)

LOS ANGELES (BNO NEWS) -- The California state senate has approved a bill which will give college students who are illegal immigrants access to public financial aid, the Los Angeles Times reported on Thursday.

The measure, which passed 22-11 on a party-line vote with Democratic support and Republican opposition on Wednesday, still needs to pass the Assembly. If approved, it will be sent to Governor Jerry Brown for his signature.

Part of a two-bill package known as the California Dream Act, the measure would allow undocumented students to apply for state-funded scholarships and financial aid. To be eligible they must be California high school graduates who attended schools in the state at least three years, and demonstrate financial need and academic merit.

Opponents decried the bill, AB 131, saying the state cannot afford new spending, particularly on illegal immigrants. It is not known how many undocumented students would be eligible for the aid, but a Senate committee analysis estimated the bill's cost at about $40 million.

"It's against the rule of law for benefits to be given out to people here without legal status," Senator Doug La Malfa said in an interview. "People are just insulted. The state is out of money and we are opening a new door here for more funds to be expended."

Senator Ron Calderon, however, told his colleagues the measure is about rewarding good students. "This is about promoting success," he said. The Assembly is expected to vote this week on the bill, according to the L.A. Times.

A federal DREAM act aimed at facilitating citizenship for millions of immigrants who came to the United States as children failed in the U.S. Senate last year. It would have granted to the approximately 2 million illegal immigrants a chance to gain legal status if they attend college or join the U.S. armed forces for a minimum of two years, among other requirements.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-09-02

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I hope it does pass. If there are going to be illegal immigrants in the US, it would nice to have well educated ones.

I think one of the problem is that there are students who are legal and then do unforeseen circumstances may find themselves illegal. Visa's run out, visa's not renewed on time, a change in visa status etc. It would be sad to lose an education over things like that and they do happen. A good friend works for a highly specialized program. Students are sent to the US for a practical portion. The government recently changed the visa rules and for a time all those students were legally not students. This is an advanced training program.

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And just which pot of magic beans contains the money to pay for this??

Same pot they pull all our children & grandchildren futures from.

Makes me wonder if sending the Federal Government the thousands of dollars I did so my wife

could be a legal immigrant/US citizen was money wasted. :rolleyes:

Edited by flying
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And just which pot of magic beans contains the money to pay for this??

The money probably should come from the enforcement agencies that will be given a huge budget and a large staff to make sure that no one gets the money that doesn't meet the eligibility criteria. There will be office space, lots of paper work to process, countless delays for students in need--including the eligible ones.

I am wondering just how many students this would actually involve. Probably not very many, but it will cost a lot of money to find out who they are.

Of course we couldn't divert any of the funds for those $10,000 toilet seats the military bought, could we?

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I resided in California for a quarter century. I'm surprised this bill passed. Note, however, that the assistance is for students who completed 3 years of high school in the US, and who are also brighter than average. Looking at the sunny side, it will assist low income students who are already at least somewhat acclimated to California, in furthering their education. I don't think it's fair to call them 'illegal immigrants' if they've already been getting acclimated and haven't been getting in trouble. For awhile, Arnie Swarzenneger, and before him, Albert Einstein were illegal immigrants, .....should we continue referring to them as such?

If you look closely at Californians, you'll see they come from a wide variety of places. Many well-adjusted and productive people in CA are are recently from Mexico. I'm not sure, but I think already that there are more Latino people in Los Angeles (largest city in the US) than Caucasion. Get with the times.

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Yes it's a way of implementing the Dream Act, which is an EXCELLENT bill, through the back door. It would be a shame for the USA to lose these good potential citizens who are already Americans in culture if not in name. It's so easy to do a right wing knee jerk about issues like this. Bad economy? Blame the foreigners. That's so pathetic. In the real world, this is a win win for everyone concerned.

Edited by Jingthing
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I always wonder which part of "Illegal Immigrants" is so difficult to understand.

I have traveled internationally for nearly 40 years and never even considered entering a country illegally. I always knew if I entered illegally and got caught by the authorities I would be sent to jail until I could get released. I would never have expected any country that I entered illegally to be responsible for my education, welfare or anything else.

Of course, I am also not a fervent supporter or likely voter for the Democratic Party.

The Dream Act is merely an entitlement in order for the Democrats to obtain more votes from the Hispanic block.

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Need more people like Sheriff Joe in Az involved in these decisions. He would probably ask the border patrol to station a couple men at the registrars office to verify illegal status and then put them on a bus back to the border with a baloney sandwich.

Not sure who will finish first in the apparent quest of several countries, to show how what started as rational lawmaking, can sink below what some might call the certifiable stupid line.

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My source about Rick Perry, right wing republican TEXAS governor and his version of a TEXAS Dream Act. Please stop demonizing this specific subset of immigrants as it would be a loss for America to lose them after already having invested so much in them.

For Rick Perry: As an American anomaly — a hard-money populist, the opposite of William Jennings Bryan — you fault the Federal Reserve for the promiscuous printing of money. It has indeed essentially promised a fourth and fifth year of very low interest rates. But someone or something must control the money supply. Should the Fed be independent? Of what? Is it not a creature of Congress, which could set the money supply? But would not Congress constantly dictate low interest rates? Would you solve the problems inherent in fiat money by returning to the gold standard?

In Texas, you supported a state version of the Dream Act, giving in-state university tuition discounts to illegal immigrants who graduate from Texas high schools, saying it would be unfair “to punish these young Texans for their parents’ actions.” By what logic is this right for Texas but wrong for the nation?

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Rick Perry, leading REPUBLICAN candidate for president, did almost the exact same thing for the dream act qualified if there was a dream act, illegal alien students in TEXAS.

Next ...

Your point being?????

Here is a recent case of somebody that over stayed a visa...and he had a good reason. This seems to happen around the world, except for the good old US of A.

You claim I am 'demonizing' a specific 'subset of immigrants'. In this you are totally wrong.

I am 'demonizing' (again your choice of words) ILLEGAL immigrants. The US has a process for entry into the country. Let them use that process and enter legally. You will never hear me 'demonize' any of them.

You can condone breaking the laws of the US if you wish. I choose not to do so.

Over and out.

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Not every illegal immigrant, especially children have CHOSEN to break the law; someone in the family may have.

Sometime ago, there was a story about an 80+ year old who became a US citizen. He never knew he wasn't a citizen. His family had moved from Canada when he was a very young child. His parents became citizens, but he never knew he wasn't. Somewhere, somehow in the bureaucracy it was discovered. Fortunately, he wasn't deported. He promptly set about getting citizenship.

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Not every illegal immigrant, especially children have CHOSEN to break the law; someone in the family may have.

Sometime ago, there was a story about an 80+ year old who became a US citizen. He never knew he wasn't a citizen. His family had moved from Canada when he was a very young child. His parents became citizens, but he never knew he wasn't. Somewhere, somehow in the bureaucracy it was discovered. Fortunately, he wasn't deported. He promptly set about getting citizenship.

Good for him. How many more cases like that can you cite? I expect his case would be considered an exceptional situation.

I have absolutely no objection to anybody coming to America legally and securing citizenship. One of my best friends wives just got her US citizenship and I was pleased for both of them. Needless to say, she entered the country legally and has performed admirably.

My ancestors emigrated from Ireland in the 1800's so I come from immigrant stock as well. My ancestors came legally and through Ellis Island however.

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Not every illegal immigrant, especially children have CHOSEN to break the law; someone in the family may have.

Sometime ago, there was a story about an 80+ year old who became a US citizen. He never knew he wasn't a citizen. His family had moved from Canada when he was a very young child. His parents became citizens, but he never knew he wasn't. Somewhere, somehow in the bureaucracy it was discovered. Fortunately, he wasn't deported. He promptly set about getting citizenship.

Well that is difficult to believe that the man was not aware. You can't do shit in the USA as an adult without a social security number. To get one you would need to be 'legal'. So I don't believe he didn't know, unless by 'some time ago', you mean 1850 wink.gif

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Your point being?????

My point being dream act ideals aren't republican or democrat, they're AMERICAN.

The point being in a country with a 14 Trillion debt (25 Trillion by 2016), and a Californian state that is on the verge of going into administration on account that it is bankrupt, then a "Dream Act' that proposes the senseless squandering of finances on University education for illegal immigrants is pure folly. Particularly when many Californians remortgage their homes to finance their children through Uni and now in the very difficult economic times subsequently find themselves facing foreclosure. The land of the free and the home of the brave has become the land of the police state and the home of the barking.

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Where does wealth come from? Educated, skilled population that is qualified for work where there is work. How does that happen? EDUCATION. Hard times are no excuse for killing the future.

Couldn't agree more, so give the money to Californian families who are legal.

Clearly , by the way, you haven't been watching the jobs data the last few months, there are no jobs. Successive US administrations of both flavours have killed the future, and the only way out for the US will be a fundamental and profound change to the economic system. If you think its bad now wait for next year. The cuts we have just witnessed by Congress are absolute bolleux and do not even cover the interest on 14 Trillion dollars next year, and then there is the additional interest going on top. The major holder of debt for US Dollars is ....The Federal Reserve. It is an unconstitutional organization, it is private, nothing to do with the Government and ensures that almost every direct tax dollar from US citizens is paid each year just to cover the interest on 'loans' to the US from the Fed. Until a President gets rid of the Fed and tells them to go screw themselves as they aren't getting their money back then the US and it's citizens are up shit creek without a paddle.

Whilst i applaud your liberal view Jingthing, I am afraid everything in life is about timing and a bankrupt state giving 40 million a year to illegals is lunacy and only done to garner favour with the Latino/Hispanic legals come voting time (which is when??? ....oh next year, what a coincidence). It is crap and at this moment in time when California is imposing austerity measures, the tax paying citizens deserve a whole lot more bang for their buck than giving illegals money for higher education. Let the illegals families get a loan on their homes to cover higher education for their kids like every other tax paying family in California. Simple really.

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I hope it does pass. If there are going to be illegal immigrants in the US, it would nice to have well educated ones.

I think one of the problem is that there are students who are legal and then do unforeseen circumstances may find themselves illegal. Visa's run out, visa's not renewed on time, a change in visa status etc. It would be sad to lose an education over things like that and they do happen. A good friend works for a highly specialized program. Students are sent to the US for a practical portion. The government recently changed the visa rules and for a time all those students were legally not students. This is an advanced training program.

A similar thing happened in the UK. High grade Grad students were offered college places or employment visas and were encouraged to up sticks and move here permanently. They were paying all of their own expenses. A year after they arrived the government changed the rules and expected them all to move back home again at their own expense.

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Where does wealth come from? Educated, skilled population that is qualified for work where there is work. How does that happen? EDUCATION. Hard times are no excuse for killing the future.

Education in general is a good thing, though when times are hard you have to look at measures which will provide a return quickly. It takes years to educate someone and thereafter only certain jobs make a positive contribution. The killing the future as you put it has already happened with future generations saddled with a mountain of unpaid debt cynically hidden from view with financial slight of hand, they should despise those did this to them and rightly so I'm sorry to say.

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this is a tad off topic but it does have relevance when discussing the benefits being provided to illegal immigrants and/or undocumented workers (i.e. Illegal Immigrants).


Undocumented workers got billions from IRS in tax credits, audit finds

By Lisa Rein

The Internal Revenue Service allowed undocumented workers to collect $4.2 billion in refundable tax credits last year, a new audit says, almost quadruple the sum five years ago.

Although undocumented workers are not eligible for federal benefits, the report released Thursday by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration concludes that federal law is ambiguous on whether these workers qualify for a tax break based on earned income called the additional child tax credit.

Taxpayers can claim this credit to reduce what they owe in taxes, often getting refunds from the government. The vagueness of federal law may have contributed to the $4.2 billion in credits, the report said.

The IRS said it lacks the authority to disallow the claims.

Entire article here... http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/federal-eye/post/undocumented-workers-got-billions-from-irs-in-tax-credits-audit-finds/2011/03/23/gIQAhtaKvJ_blog.html?hpid=z3

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