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Bogus Drugs And Counterfeit Viagra In Thailand


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Bogus Drugs and Counterfeit Viagra in Thailand


BANGKOK: -- Fake drugs are often sold more cheaply, appealing to poor people for whom cost is a huge barrier to the health care they need, and are widely and openly sold in markets in countries such as Thailand — so counterfeit drugs may be mistaken for stolen, and therefore cheap, genuine medicines.

Viagra is the most counterfeited drug in Thailand. In Pattaya it is sold in every street corner and in the sex districts in Bangkok you can find one it very easy. Many have been arrested for smuggling Viagra into the country but some are also probably made locally.

Though Viagra is one of the most common knock-offs, it’s much less worrisome than fake meds to fight malaria, tuberculosis and even HIV. They often contain little or no active ingredient. The result: Sickness, fatalities and a host of drug-resistant viruses.

Imagine this: you are a middle-aged man living in Iowa. Your wife has been cooking you dinners of roast pork and potatoes for all the 15 years of your marriage.

You’re more than a little overweight and your blood pressure is a little high. Suddenly, your firm decides to send you to Bangkok to help a local subsidiary with an important proposal. Off you go, expecting to have a great time. But when your Thai host suggests an evening out on the town to sample the city’s notorious nightlife, you start thinking about Viagra.

Full story, pictures: http://thailand-business-news.com/lifestyle/31159-bogus-drugs-and-counterfeit-viagra-in-thailand

-- thailand-business-news.com 2011-09-02


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Imagine this: you are a middle-aged man living in Iowa. Your wife has been cooking you dinners of roast pork and potatoes for all the 15 years of your marriage.

Imagine this: You are stupid enough to buy medication off a street corner (or any unreputable source) and then are surprised the medication doesn't work.

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Much of the viagra sold at independent drug stores is fake. I strongly recommend that if one has a legit script to fill it at a major drugstore. The knockoffs used to be easier to spot - The monographs were filled with errors. Now they come with the good copy holographs and very similar packaging.

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Imagine this: You still live in Iowa and can't get a stiffy anymore so your wife divorces you because you have NO MEDICARE and can't afford $25.00 USD per pill for the real stuff.

Imagine this: Your wife just hoofed you in the nuts because you can't get a stiffy (being middle aged and all) and now you need some valium but you can't afford it because you have NO MEDICARE

Now imagine this: You from Iowa and middle aged walking through Nana in Bangkok and your embarrassed because you can't get your woody down because the ugliest gal in Thailand makes the hottest gal in Iowa look like a monkey so you don't need viagra OR medicare because if your friend beside you is middle aged (also from Iowa) and needs it he simply reaches out his hand and get 4 x 100mg Kamagras for $3.50 USD

I do agree that anywhere in SEA you need to be careful with "knock off" medicines but hey your a big boy and after all you are middle aged and from Iowa so a feller would think you could make wise decisions.

People USED TO get arrested importing viagra from Cambodia etc. but now it's so cheap here in Thailand I think most of the importing is when people go back to there home countries they bring as much as they can.

PS: To the guy who wrote this article, do NOT quit your day job mate.

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Most of the meds sold in respectable looking pharmacies in Thailand tend to be genuine, although some shops can't resist the higher profits from selling fakes. It is best to avoid pharmacies with sleazy staff near red light districts. I went to a pharmacy off Bangla Road with a pharmacist friend asking for a cream for bruising and the assistant who obviously couldn't understand a word of his request, immediately said, "You want medicine boom boom", and dumped what looked like fake Viagra on the counter. We quickly established that the woman was not a qualified pharmacist and the shop didn't have any on the staff at all but probably has a very profitable business selling fake Viagra to farangs and Tiffy, ya dong and fake morning after pills to bar girls.

Those wanting cheaper ED meds are better off buying generic Kamagra from India. It is so cheap that it is not worth faking it. So much is now smuggled into the UK that government pharmacists have appealed to the Indian manufacturers to send them the precise formulation, so they know what people in the UK are actually taking. Although that seems some kind of official recognition, the Indians have so far declined to reply. :)

Edited by Arkady
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Viagra's patent has already run out in some countries and generics are perfectly legal to manufacture and sell there, and it is set to run out even in the United States next year. I'm sure Pfizer is desperate to spread the idea that generic versions will kill or cripple you. They're about to flood the market even in the US

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The same could be said for the situation in the USA. Worse the USA government is even confiscating real drugs that come from Canada and do therefore deprive poor people of real medicines too. Counterfeiting in Thailand is not a bigger problem than in any other country. Just have a look at the SPAM you'll receive today.

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The premise of the article is okay. The journalism however sux.

Take one blue pill --- within 30 minutes you will have a good clue whether the pill is real or not.

Still at least the Thai government is not stupid enough to pROvide the drug dealers with guns hoping to 'track' them later.

No government would be that stupid OR WOULD THEY????:ph34r:

Edited by Rimmer
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You pocket a pack and later that night head off with your host to the go-go bar.

You pop a little blue pill as you walk in the door and 20 minutes later you’re on your way to cardiac ICU.

Presumably for being kicked in the nuts after whipping on a hard-on in a go-go bar.

Who on earth takes a blue pill when thy are walk in to the go-go bar.

The writer is a clown.

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This kind of article is commissioned in regular intervals by the pharma lobby.

Thanks to the pharma lobby's propaganda, even stuff that is working is labelled "fake".

Makes it often difficult to understand what is meant when people say "fake".

4 types of "fake":

- visual copies of the original, same name (i.e. Viagra), similar package, but inactive (contain only sugar or flour in the best case and some nasty lab trash in the worst case)

- visual copies of the original, same name, but with active ingredients that may work, not work as well, or may be wrongly dosed (potentially dangerous, but I have yet to hear about a fatality due to misdosed sildenafil in one pill)

- products that are differently labeled (so not copies or fakes), with or without active ingredients that may work, not work as well, or may be wrongly dosed

- products with their own brand, professionally manufactured and working as the original. Examples: Kamagra, Cialis, etc.

Kamagra and Cialis are not a fakes, they merely contain the same active ingredient "sildenafil" on which Pfizer has a patent and they don't pay the patent fees.

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Serious issue. Very poorly written. It's just as well he points out that the story was fiction, he had me going.

Couched in concern over medicinal drugs it talks specifically of Viagra, and the photos concentrate on other erectile dysfunction drugs as well.

It reeks of being sponsored by Pfizer.

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