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Condom Controversy Sparks Criticism In Thai Society


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Special Report: Condom Controversy Part 1


A piece of gossip news has recently spread that a parent of a famous 15-year-old actor encouraged her handsome son to carry condoms for use in case of emergency. This news sparked a criticism in the Thai society on whether the mother is doing the right thing or not. Some support the mother while others are against her idea.

Rattana Bundit University President Assoc Prof Sunee Sinthudecha deemed it inappropriate that the mother teaches her 15-year-old son that way. She elaborated that carrying condoms refers to a thirst for sex. She suggested that the mother should teach her son to take care of himself, learn how to love and know what is appropriate instead although condoms are for prevention.

Assoc Prof Sunee, also known as ‘Achan Mae’, literally meaning mother teacher, stressed that she does not want to offend people who carry condoms but she explained that it is absurd to teach teenagers to carry condoms 24 hours a day while the things that people should carry all the time, in her opinion, were money and identity cards. She said she made such comments because she wanted to remind the society and the way people now think of. She uttered that the Thai society now does not even touch on the cultivation of Thai culture at all. She believed that everything has its own limit while the world is getting smaller because of the information technology.

She elaborated that the word human in Thai language ‘Manut’ is derived from Pali word ‘Manusaya’, a combination of ‘Mana’ which means heart and ‘Usaya’ which means ‘Noble’, and when the two words are combined together ‘Manusaya’ hence means ‘human beings’ or ‘those with noble heart’. She said humans are noble beings compared to other animals, and should, therefore, behave appropriately. She concluded her opinion towards this controversy that sex should come after marriage only.

Continue to Part Two of this special report to see opinions from others supporting the actor’s mother in regard to this condom controversy very soon.


-- NNT 2011-09-03 footer_n.gif

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are we in Thailand here ??????????? :whistling:

What's that supposed to mean? Such discussions are happening in many countries around the world - both developed and developing. If anything, Thailand is at the forefront of forward thinking on safe sex as any visit to a 7/11 or Boots would show you. With the sex industry as it is in Thailand, there could have been a complete disaster with HIV/AIDS infections but this has been kept (mostly) under control thanks to the easy availability of condoms and the education of sex workers.

Sounds like a very forward thinking mother though of course we don't know the full story.

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We are in the midst of an issue that breeds more consequences than solutions. When in the middle of a battle, there is no time to stand around and play paddy fingers with opinions and feelings.

A man is drowning and all most people want to do is stand and watch and describe the water.

Given the circumstances, the mother did the best thing in a heated situation, that appears to show no signs of abating in the near future. That is a realistic approach (save the drowning person); rather than what the idealists would have (get rid of the water) while the man is drowning.

Things aren't the way they used to be, and the generational gap is widening between today's generations of youth, and the stiff necked, stubborn elders, who are so out of touch with the younger generation that most children may as well be renters or worker slaves in their own homes. With their whole lives ahead of them, and the Internet pumping their empty minds full of ideas, all they have to do is look around and ask themselves, "Is this as good as it gets? Do I want to grow up and be like this?", and the rest is clearly understood in the daily media reports and government statistics on youth behavior. (Yeah; I do like As good as it Gets, and that's where the quotes come from.)

Thailand has its hands full for sure on this issue; but for the record, I feel the mom did right by arming her son for battle, in a war that no one, who is responsible, can make a concise decision about winning or losing.

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Actually nothing has changed people have been having sex long before the modern age. Fifty some years ago go into any gas station toilet and there was a condom machine. It has moved into the drug stores now and out of the toilets.

Good on the mom her head isn't in the sand. Pro. Sunee is a idiot if she doesn't understand a 15 year old will have sex at the drop of a hat.

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It seems she does not understand how society has changed, and lacks the preparedness to deal with it. Head in the sand and haughty ideals won't do when teen pregnancies and STDs are rampant.

I know what you're saying, and I agree in principle reagrding today's society. However, I don't think Acham Mae is saying "Don't encourage young teens to carry condoms".

I think she is saying that before you, as a parent, appear to condone sex at a young age by suggesting to carry condoms, try to instil some higher moral values. Once those values are taught, by all means teach the young to be safe.

If that is what she is saying, I applaud her.

Edited by Harcourt
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A reasonable action on the part of the mother. Especially since the average age that Thai girls lose their virginity is 15 and a half. If her son is handsome, rich, and a movie star, I suspect he would not be lacking in girls wanting to jump in bed with him........

Edited by rhiekel
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All the posts above make sense. What does not make sense is the original arguement that the word human means noble heart and...

"She said humans are noble beings compared to other animals, and should, therefore, behave appropriately"

I cannot see what this has to do with condoms. The discussion more appropriate to the comment would be " are humans noble or are they not?" Its idiotic to give someone a name and then expect them to live up to it.................on the other hand a boy running the restaurant opposite our house was given the name lipstick at birth. He became a ladyboy..

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It seems she does not understand how society has changed, and lacks the preparedness to deal with it. Head in the sand and haughty ideals won't do when teen pregnancies and STDs are rampant.

I know what you're saying, and I agree in principle reagrding today's society. However, I don't think Acham Mae is saying "Don't encourage young teens to carry condoms".

I think she is saying that before you, as a parent, appear to condone sex at a young age by suggesting to carry condoms, try to instil some higher moral values. Once those values are taught, by all means teach the young to be safe.

If that is what she is saying, I applaud her.

Perhaps the mother did have that conversation with the boy aswell as ensuring his protection.

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These are typical comments from so called "respected" people in Thailand - who live in a dream world - where two teenagers in love blush just because their hands touch for a brief moment - the male then courts the female forever - and if the parents come to an "understanding" they marry and live happily ever after!

And then there is the real world.... where young people drink, take drugs, have sex - often unprotected - resulting not only in the spread of diseases like Aids- but also unwanted pregnancies and often dangerous abortions.

Of course this is a world the Thai high-so and defenders of the cultural heritage do not want to see. They pretend this reality does not exist.

Prostitution - allthough it exists in every country - is a national shame for these people - and all prostitutes who soil their dream world should be jailed or best vanish in concentration camps.

I wonder how many Thai women go into their marriage as a virgin, "obey" their husband, clean and cook and bring up the children - a bit outdated isn't it?

Of course in a perfect world people would find each other and live happily ever after - in Thailand very often "ever after" takes of course only as long as it takes for the husband to find a younger, sexier "Mia-Noi" once he gets bored with his wife.

The Achan's comment - "while the things that people should carry all the time, in her opinion, were money and identity cards" - should ring well in the ears of teenagers who come from poor families who fight a daily fight to survive - they can only dream of always carrying money in their pockets!

The so called educated Thai middle and upper class are ignorant - living in a fantasy world of their own.

I think the mother of the teenager acted very responsible teaching him to keep a condom handy - for his own and a potential partner's protection.

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Let the mother do what she think is best for her children. Let other mothers who disagree do what they think is right. What is right for one is not necessary right for another. What's the problem? Maybe lack of tolerance would be a better topic for a discussion?

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It seems she does not understand how society has changed, and lacks the preparedness to deal with it. Head in the sand and haughty ideals won't do when teen pregnancies and STDs are rampant.

I know what you're saying, and I agree in principle reagrding today's society. However, I don't think Acham Mae is saying "Don't encourage young teens to carry condoms".

I think she is saying that before you, as a parent, appear to condone sex at a young age by suggesting to carry condoms, try to instil some higher moral values. Once those values are taught, by all means teach the young to be safe.

If that is what she is saying, I applaud her.

That is not how I read it, she said no condoms but ID card and money, silly old bat.

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Special Report: Condom Controversy Part 2

A mother of a famous 15-year-old star recently was reported to suggest her actor son to always carry condoms in case of emergency. In the previous part of this special report, a notable woman academic criticised the idea strongly. On the other hand, this second part will present another opinion supporting the actor’s mother.

Asked if teenagers should carry condoms, Mr Mechai Viravaidya, a famous activist encouraging people to carry and use condoms, asked the public which option will be safer: having sex with or without using condoms. He said failure to carry and use condoms might lead to infections of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS.

Mr Mechai, also founder and chairperson of a foundation in his own name, shot another rhetorical question if teenagers will be more interested to have sexual intercourses when they carry condoms. He explained that teenagers are in the age of discovery as they want to try new things but he uttered that it does not mean that they will have immediate sexual urges when they walk pass convenience stores where condoms are sold.

The condom campaigner expressed his opinion that the importance of this issue is not with the mother of the young idol suggesting her son to carry condoms. He pointed out that he is a human being and all human beings are created to have sexual interest by nature; therefore, he said a more crucial point of discussion here should be how to have sex safely.

As for the mother of the young actor, Mr Mechai said he wants to compliment her to be such a smart mother and she should be nominated the best modern mother on the National Mother’s Day. He explained that teenagers in average have their first sexual experience when they are about 15-16 years old; thereby, parents should teach their children well.

Following this news, the Ministries of Public Health and Education as well as related sectors should use this little phenomenon as their opportunity to call for social recognition on the use of condom at early age. Cultural values should be adapted to the modern world, and the related ministries should join hands in making sure that sex is no longer a taboo but is taught in classrooms properly.


-- NNT 2011-09-03 footer_n.gif

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Let the mother do what she think is best for her children. Let other mothers who disagree do what they think is right. What is right for one is not necessary right for another. What's the problem? Maybe lack of tolerance would be a better topic for a discussion?

Ok - but I have a problem with the "live and let live: attitude - this isn't "tolerance" this is ignoring a serious situation.

" Let other mothers who disagree do what they think is right." - certainly not if their advice leads to the spread of disease and unwanted pregnancies. So many times the action or inaction of one person has ramifications way beyond their own personal sphere.

Edited by cowslip
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are we in Thailand here ??????????? :whistling:

What's that supposed to mean? Such discussions are happening in many countries around the world - both developed and developing. If anything, Thailand is at the forefront of forward thinking on safe sex as any visit to a 7/11 or Boots would show you. With the sex industry as it is in Thailand, there could have been a complete disaster with HIV/AIDS infections but this has been kept (mostly) under control thanks to the easy availability of condoms and the education of sex workers.

Sounds like a very forward thinking mother though of course we don't know the full story.

the problem is that only sex workers have been educated about safe sex and the rate of HIV and STD is far more important amongst the "genpop" Housewives and teenagers than amongst sex workers .... the very big problem is the basic thai hubby who goes to the very local brothel where he will refuse any condom then will spread any infection he caught to his wife and mistresses ( mistresses who are often uni students btw).

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Nah, on no account should a mother teach her son about sex. That is for his uncle to do. Explain about women, explain about condoms, explain about short time v long time. haw haw haw. The hypocrisy in Thai society! Every time I have business dealings Thai business people talk about their second wives, hookers and gentlemen's clubs. It seems that Buddhist societies are even more two faced than xian.

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What a crock.... This "teacher" urges her students to carry money and ID cards, both of which are tools of their oppression, but to abandon condoms, which enable them to express their joy in physical love, free from concern about unwanted pregnancy or disease. Way to go, Ajarn!

Edited by Honkytowner
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are we in Thailand here ??????????? :whistling:

What's that supposed to mean? Such discussions are happening in many countries around the world - both developed and developing. If anything, Thailand is at the forefront of forward thinking on safe sex as any visit to a 7/11 or Boots would show you. With the sex industry as it is in Thailand, there could have been a complete disaster with HIV/AIDS infections but this has been kept (mostly) under control thanks to the easy availability of condoms and the education of sex workers.

Sounds like a very forward thinking mother though of course we don't know the full story.

You say "there could have been a complete disaster with HIV/AIDS infections but this has been kept (mostly) under control thanks to the easy availability of condoms and the education of sex workers"

I'm no expert like you but could you make your false statement here hard with real numbers please?

The numbers I'm reading from the World Health Organization are very different and alarming.

Condoms are sold in 7/11 because the foreigners (not the Thai) are buying them because they're mostly well informed and aware, there's also a very nice profit margin as the condoms are sold with 600% margin on it.

I have yet to meet the first Thai that's asking me to use a condom!



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Nah, on no account should a mother teach her son about sex. That is for his uncle to do. Explain about women, explain about condoms, explain about short time v long time. haw haw haw. The hypocrisy in Thai society! Every time I have business dealings Thai business people talk about their second wives, hookers and gentlemen's clubs. It seems that Buddhist societies are even more two faced than xian.

:jap: Absolutely!

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How can a woman so clueless about kids be in charge of a University???

There is not a 15 year old on the planet that doesn't 'Thirst For Sex.' It's how, when and why, they deal with their raging hormones that is MORE important, than the false premise of perfectly controlled children who live idealized lives.

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This is soooo Thailand. on one hand we have this mother doing exactly as she should do,, namely take care of the kids in this nation. By giving them means to show some responsibility towards the girls here.

Than we have these other idiots that will continue what is still going on in this country. The boy-dominans where it is pure fashion to go "about it" without ever using any condoms. And than when the pregnancy is a fact. the guy will without any doubt run back to his family, they will protect him, and the sociaty will rule that it is the girl that should kept her legs krossed. She will as usual be left alone and the guys family will ever never take any whatsoever responsibility for the child in question.

So why should Thailand change, why change a perfectly perfect system, where it is always the girls that shall take and carry the burdons here. And the boys can without any thoughts just ran around and doing nothing, more than just leaning on the girls.....

When will they ever change here in Thailand.....

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