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Wordpress Experts Please Help


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Hi I prefer to post here then join a wordpress forum.. etc.

But if someone would be so kind as to answer my questions as I hired someone to help me with this but I think they are wrong

1. I want to install the RSS feed option and thought it was automatic but my webmaster is telling me to go to feedburn and register

2. I want to install something that will automaticall tranlsate the content of a link. My content is already in the correct language but I am linking to outside sites and would like it to go through google translate first or similar. Is this possible?

3. Stats.. what is the best way to get stats? Google Anaylitcs? I am pissed off at them with all this migration BS that leaves me clueless.

4. and a 404 page.. she is telling me I have to go do all kinds of stuff but I Thouht it was a function enabled in WP


Edited by MisterMan
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1) Do you mean you want to output an RSS; so users can go to URL to see a list of your posts in RSS format? Is so just go to http://www.yoursite.com/feed/ as Wordpress has a built-in RSS output at that URL.

Or do you mean you want to show stories from someone else' RSS? If so just go to Wordpress Admin -> Appearance -> Widgets and add the "RSS" widget, enter the URL to the source RSS

2) Just install a widget like this one: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/google-translator/

3) Google analytics is good for stats just install a plugin like this in order to add analytics to your wordpress: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/

4) Wordpress has a "Not Found" page built-in, but i'm unclear what you are trying to do with this?

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I think Dave has pretty much covered your issues.

I would just add that the advantage of using Feedburner is that firstly it provides statistics i.e. how many people have subscribed to your feed etc. It also allows you to add adverts (Adsense) to your feeds, I think the jury is still out on whether this is an effective revenue generator. As it's free it makes sense to use it.

As for a 404 page, that mainly depends on your theme, some themes do some don't, if it doesn't you can easily add one by copying the default 404 page and modifying it your requirements.

Google Analytics is probably your best choice although it's takes some time to learn, if you are using Adsense then it's a must.

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