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France To Let Rioters Govern Themselves

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France to Let Rioters Govern Themselves -- Satire

After seven nights of riots by youth in predominantly-Muslim sections of Paris, French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin (who is a man) announced today that police would pull out of areas where dozens of cars burn each night to “let the freedom-fighting insurgents govern themselves.”

“Just like the United States should not force democracy upon Muslims in Iraq,” said Mr. de Villepin, “we should not impose our own provincial thinking about the so-called ‘rule of law’ on Muslim immigrants who have established a homeland in Paris. We’re withdrawing our occupation forces immediately.”

The Prime Minister, who, when he was Foreign Minister, vigorously opposed the U.S.-led war against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, today enthusiastically endorsed self-determination for “these peaceful religious people in our midst. :o

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France to Let Rioters Govern Themselves -- Satire

After seven nights of riots by youth in predominantly-Muslim sections of Paris, French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin (who is a man) announced today that police would pull out of areas where dozens of cars burn each night to “let the freedom-fighting insurgents govern themselves.”

“Just like the United States should not force democracy upon Muslims in Iraq,” said Mr. de Villepin, “we should not impose our own provincial thinking about the so-called ‘rule of law’ on Muslim immigrants who have established a homeland in Paris. We’re withdrawing our occupation forces immediately.”

The Prime Minister, who, when he was Foreign Minister, vigorously opposed the U.S.-led war against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, today enthusiastically endorsed self-determination for “these peaceful religious people in our midst. :D

I saw this article in another newspaper, with the bit about it beeing the Muslim areas deleted. Oddly enough in the Mid East edition Stars And Stripes (and everyone accuses the US of propaganda). Didnt France also try to enforce a ban on Muslim female students from wearing thier traditional head wrap, only to back down in the end. I hate to use the term "rifle droppers" when refering to the French...but what else can you say. They have absolutely no back bone. France has the largest concentration of Muslims in Europe. This is going to be a real problem (I allready think it is) for France and all of Europe if something isnt done.

Did you hear that the French gov. has raised the terror threat from "Run and Hide" to "Surrender and Colaberate" ?! :o

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Didnt France also try to enforce a ban on Muslim female students from wearing thier traditional head wrap, only to back down in the end.

I don't recall them backing down. Muslim schoolgirls cannot wear a headcovering to school in France.

I have a French Muslim (non-religious, non-practicing) brother-in-law. He came to the US due to the discrimination against Muslims in France. (Unfortunately, he's a pilot, and was applying for his green card just about 9/11. Things were uncomfortable for a while) In France he was unable to get a job, that kind of thing. It reminds me very much of the racial discrimination in the US.

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Lawlessness - hmmmm I think a heavy handed approach would work.

Anyone caught burning buildings, cars ect will be shot on sight. Basically those doing this know police arent going to anything, so a battle of wills. It seems the french per usual cave in to this sort of behaviour. :o

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Didnt France also try to enforce a ban on Muslim female students from wearing thier traditional head wrap, only to back down in the end.

I don't recall them backing down. Muslim schoolgirls cannot wear a headcovering to school in France.

I have a French Muslim (non-religious, non-practicing) brother-in-law. He came to the US due to the discrimination against Muslims in France. (Unfortunately, he's a pilot, and was applying for his green card just about 9/11. Things were uncomfortable for a while) In France he was unable to get a job, that kind of thing. It reminds me very much of the racial discrimination in the US.

I'm sorry to hear that :o

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Lawlessness - hmmmm I think a heavy handed approach would work.

Anyone caught burning buildings, cars ect will be shot on sight. Basically those doing this know police arent going to anything, so a battle of wills. It seems the french per usual cave in to this sort of behaviour. :D

Spot on Maveric!


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