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Bangkok Bank Pathetic

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How many of the Thai banks (or any large Thai companies) bother to maintain a visible & ongoing watching brief over relevant discussions in this forum - and respond to those comments? apart from BKK Bank? None, as far as I am aware

They have admitted training issues and indicated that they are addressing them. They have indicated a willingness to hear from and work with individuals who have had a bad experience ...

Sounds pretty fair and reasonable to me

I agree, the fact that it appears that of two BB managers monitor this forum and are ready and willing to follow up and assist anyone with problems is honestly quite remarkable and speaks very highly for this organization.

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I filled in the forms for bualuang ibanking at the same time I opened the account (June this year) got the letter with the first part of the information I needed to set up ibanking, but waited weeks for the email part.

Similar thing happened to me years back in that the email never showed up; not even in my Spam folder. I got the letter but not the email. Called Bangkok Bank, determined the problem was caused by a typo when the bank entered my email address from the application form into their computer system (the bank employee read back the email address to me and then I said, No, there is the typo/problem...change that "E" to an "R"). After some more confirmation of who I said I was, the email address was corrected in their system and later that day I got the email with the additional code I needed to log onto iBanking.

I think mine was probably a typo too

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I will give Bkk Bank one more chance. Following instructions given to me by a small town branch i instructed a Swiss Bank to send me instant cash , on a speeder at extra cost. This they did,and B Bank acknowledged receipt to them in minutes. Then the fun started,it got lost in Cyberspace.It never reached my Branch for 12 Days.I wanted interest on 1 Million, the same as they would charge me for a short term loan. I got compensated eventually. Now if there's a glitch with my Pension, any repeat nonsense, its good night from me. One More Chance.

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I think the service depends on which branch you go to. Also I don't think you can get the online banking with a tourist visa.

When I originally opened my first BBL account in Chiang Mai I only had a tourist visa. I tried to set up online banking through an ATM a couple of times and got no response. I think I was expecting an SMS. I suspected that I needed to go into a branch and show them that I now had a non-o visa in order to be able to get online banking set up. So I went into the branch on Chang Lor Road where I had opened my account and showed them my new passport (it had been renewed) and my non-o visa and filled out a bunch of forms and was told that they would call me in a week. After 2 weeks and no call I went back in and they found all of the forms and looked through them and made some calls and said to come back in a week. Came back in a week and this time they wanted me to fill out the forms again. I didn't see what that would accomplish so I went over to the branch on Chang Puak Road where my wife has a mortgage.

At the Chang Puak branch I got very nice treatment since they know me. First they set up a new account at their branch, did something with the old account to make it a secondary account and then did something with the new account to make it a primary account account. Then they set up the online banking and we made a trip outside to the ATM and back inside to check that the online banking worked and we were done. They filled out the forms and all I had to do was sign them and the whole thing took less than a half hour. It only took that long because we spent half the time just chatting.

Good to see you BBL guys helping people online. I would suggest that the ATM should give you some kind of descriptive error message if you have the wrong kind of account or wrong kind of visa to set up online banking.

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What's a speeder?

I would recommend using a SWIFT transfer. I did one the other day, it took an hour and a half to reach my Bangkok Bank account, which is in a small upcountry branch.

No need to speak to any staff in any small branch or follow any of their instructions.

Just logged in to my UK bank, sent the money and there it was, in my Thai bank 90 minutes later.

Can't get much more instant than that really!

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I think the service depends on which branch you go to. Also I don't think you can get the online banking with a tourist visa.

I agree about the service in the branches, I did however, get online banking with a tourist visa (and a wife!).

I don't really need the staff in the branch to do anything, I use the ATM to draw cash out and everything else is online, phone top up, pay bills, send money to people etc.

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I don't use the London branch. I use my UK bank (Halifax) to send money to my Bangkok Bank account in Thailand, the account was opened at the branch in Chiang Saen up in Chiang Rai province.

Any bank in the world should be able to provide you with internet access and the ability to send money using the SWIFT payment system.

You initiate all the payments yourself, no need to speak to any staff.

I have my Thai bank as a 'payee' in my UK account, all I do is type in the amount, one click and it's on its way!

I had to chase up one transfer, but it was the UK bank that messed it up, they reimbursed me all the additional charges I incurred due to their mistake, within 2 days.

If your pension is paid into a Swiss bank, that bank should be able to give you internet access. Either that, or could your pension be paid directly to your Thai bank?

Edited by bifftastic
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Two hours ago it was "Press 2" and there was no English menu, I suggest there are/were problems with their automated telephone system I had 2 attempts and it never connected to any English.

Anyway I went to a Bangkok Bank branch and asked about opening a credit card account, with my work permit and passport in hand , furthermore my salary is paid into my savings Bangkok Bank account. After the bank employee had a conversation with someone in the office, smart suit etc,(maybe Branch manager) I was told I cannot open. On asking why I just had a smile and no answer, So Bangkok Bank are about to lose a customer.

If you have a history with Bangkok Bank there is no problem getting a secured credit card. I'm retired, with no job or work permit, they just about forced me to sign-up. No annual fee, No monthly interest charged, automatic monthly balance deducted from your account. Handy to have here in Thailand.

Just out of interest - why get a secured credit card (which requires at least the limit in cash deposit before use I believe) when Be1st gives a Visa debit card which does exactly the same? Not saying there isn't a reason to have both, I just don't see it.

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Bif,they told me they only paid into a Bank based in England,not direct to Bk Bank here. As I understand it to must go to BKB London then here,then to a Province Branch.?. Why they cant send direct to my BKK Branch seeems stupid.

State pension or private?

I have read on these pages that a state pension can be transferred directly to a Thai bank account.

Edit: Private companies may not want to bother with the additional adminsistration and costs. I pay an insurance in UK and they will not accept money from overseas, only from a UK bank.

Edited by PattayaParent
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Bif,they told me they only paid into a Bank based in England,not direct to Bk Bank here. As I understand it to must go to BKB London then here,then to a Province Branch.?. Why they cant send direct to my BKK Branch seeems stupid.

State pension or private?

I have read on these pages that a state pension can be transferred directly to a Thai bank account.

Edit: Private companies may not want to bother with the additional adminsistration and costs. I pay an insurance in UK and they will not accept money from overseas, only from a UK bank.

Private ones no prob Swiss Company,they are golden, direct to provinceial branch .

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Bif,they told me they only paid into a Bank based in England,not direct to Bk Bank here. As I understand it to must go to BKB London then here,then to a Province Branch.?. Why they cant send direct to my BKK Branch seeems stupid.

My UK pension is paid directly into my Thai Bangkok Bank account, never a problem.

Bangkok bank have been my only bank for well over a decade, 99% of the time it has run like clockwork, the only real problem I had was setting up internet banking and finding out how to use my Bangkok Bank Visa debit card to pay Air Asia. I complained on this forum re the paying Air Asia and someone, not sure who, from the Bank contacted me and guided me through and no further problems with that. My other big problem was setting up an internet account, I know I am a dummy when it comes to this sort of thing but for the life of me I could not set it up, many visits to Thapae Rd branch here in Chiang Mai and also to the Doi Saket branch where they spent endless time explaining how to do it but would not actually do it for me, took me weeks to sort it out. Finally I made twenty, yes 20, attempts at calling both these branches without them picking up the phone, I was so infuriated that I went to the Doi Saket branch and asked is this your number, when they said yes I said well why don't you answer it then, I just got a sheepish grin back. Perhaps Daveroc would like to try a call to these two branches and then report back on his findings.

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Bif,they told me they only paid into a Bank based in England,not direct to Bk Bank here. As I understand it to must go to BKB London then here,then to a Province Branch.?. Why they cant send direct to my BKK Branch seeems stupid.

My UK pension is paid directly into my Thai Bangkok Bank account, never a problem.

Bangkok bank have been my only bank for well over a decade, 99% of the time it has run like clockwork, the only real problem I had was setting up internet banking and finding out how to use my Bangkok Bank Visa debit card to pay Air Asia. I complained on this forum re the paying Air Asia and someone, not sure who, from the Bank contacted me and guided me through and no further problems with that. My other big problem was setting up an internet account, I know I am a dummy when it comes to this sort of thing but for the life of me I could not set it up, many visits to Thapae Rd branch here in Chiang Mai and also to the Doi Saket branch where they spent endless time explaining how to do it but would not actually do it for me, took me weeks to sort it out. Finally I made twenty, yes 20, attempts at calling both these branches without them picking up the phone, I was so infuriated that I went to the Doi Saket branch and asked is this your number, when they said yes I said well why don't you answer it then, I just got a sheepish grin back. Perhaps Daveroc would like to try a call to these two branches and then report back on his findings.

There you Go, they told me wrong. Cheers.

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Bif,they told me they only paid into a Bank based in England,not direct to Bk Bank here. As I understand it to must go to BKB London then here,then to a Province Branch.?. Why they cant send direct to my BKK Branch seeems stupid.

My UK pension is paid directly into my Thai Bangkok Bank account, never a problem.

Bangkok bank have been my only bank for well over a decade, 99% of the time it has run like clockwork, the only real problem I had was setting up internet banking and finding out how to use my Bangkok Bank Visa debit card to pay Air Asia. I complained on this forum re the paying Air Asia and someone, not sure who, from the Bank contacted me and guided me through and no further problems with that. My other big problem was setting up an internet account, I know I am a dummy when it comes to this sort of thing but for the life of me I could not set it up, many visits to Thapae Rd branch here in Chiang Mai and also to the Doi Saket branch where they spent endless time explaining how to do it but would not actually do it for me, took me weeks to sort it out. Finally I made twenty, yes 20, attempts at calling both these branches without them picking up the phone, I was so infuriated that I went to the Doi Saket branch and asked is this your number, when they said yes I said well why don't you answer it then, I just got a sheepish grin back. Perhaps Daveroc would like to try a call to these two branches and then report back on his findings.

There you Go, they told me wrong. Cheers.

I hope you can get this sorted out. It seems as though you're caught up in a very long winded process of getting your money!

Whatever bank account your pension is sent to, that bank should allow you to make SWIFT transfers, yourself, online. When you have that facility, you can send the money directly to your Bangkok Bank account, irrespective of where the account is based.

If you can get your pension sent directly to your Thai account, then so much the better. There is absolutely no reason at all why this can not be done. Just give whoever it is that sends your pension, your account details, which would include;

Account number and SWIFT number, which is, for Bangkok Bank BKKBTHBK

See here for further information http://www.bangkokbank.com/bangkok%20bank/personal%20banking/transfering%20funds/pages/faqs%20for%20funds%20transfer.aspx

Hope this helps,


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Bif,they told me they only paid into a Bank based in England,not direct to Bk Bank here. As I understand it to must go to BKB London then here,then to a Province Branch.?. Why they cant send direct to my BKK Branch seeems stupid.

My UK pension is paid directly into my Thai Bangkok Bank account, never a problem.

Bangkok bank have been my only bank for well over a decade, 99% of the time it has run like clockwork, the only real problem I had was setting up internet banking and finding out how to use my Bangkok Bank Visa debit card to pay Air Asia. I complained on this forum re the paying Air Asia and someone, not sure who, from the Bank contacted me and guided me through and no further problems with that. My other big problem was setting up an internet account, I know I am a dummy when it comes to this sort of thing but for the life of me I could not set it up, many visits to Thapae Rd branch here in Chiang Mai and also to the Doi Saket branch where they spent endless time explaining how to do it but would not actually do it for me, took me weeks to sort it out. Finally I made twenty, yes 20, attempts at calling both these branches without them picking up the phone, I was so infuriated that I went to the Doi Saket branch and asked is this your number, when they said yes I said well why don't you answer it then, I just got a sheepish grin back. Perhaps Daveroc would like to try a call to these two branches and then report back on his findings.

There you Go, they told me wrong. Cheers.

I hope you can get this sorted out. It seems as though you're caught up in a very long winded process of getting your money!

Whatever bank account your pension is sent to, that bank should allow you to make SWIFT transfers, yourself, online. When you have that facility, you can send the money directly to your Bangkok Bank account, irrespective of where the account is based.

If you can get your pension sent directly to your Thai account, then so much the better. There is absolutely no reason at all why this can not be done. Just give whoever it is that sends your pension, your account details, which would include;

Account number and SWIFT number, which is, for Bangkok Bank BKKBTHBK

See here for further information http://www.bangkokbank.com/bangkok%20bank/personal%20banking/transfering%20funds/pages/faqs%20for%20funds%20transfer.aspx

Hope this helps,


I think the problem here is the Bangkok bank processes this in Bangkok and then charges a local transfer fee of 500 baht to send it to the branch. Maybe our very helpfull bank friends can confirm this or not.

It is great the help they give.

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I suppose there would be a central receiving location of some sort that funds with the SWIFT code for Bangkok Bank arrives to. I don't know the inner workings of such things.

However, all my transfers are charged by the receiving bank, at their stated rates, which is between 200 and 500 baht (there's a percentage figure, which I've forgotten but those are the min/max figures).

I believe that is the case wherever your account is held. I've been charged 'inter-provincial' charges (20 baht) for transfers between my Bangkok Bank account to another Bangkok Bank account in another province, and 25 baht for a transfer to a SCB account. This was after the funds arrived in my BB account and I transferred from there.

If you use the BB London branch, there is no charge (for me anyway) to send to them from my UK bank, they then charge either £15 for sending Thai baht and £20 for sending sterling.

So far, I've found the direct SWIFT transfer from my UK bank to my Thai bank to be the cheapest and quickest method.

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Bif,they told me they only paid into a Bank based in England,not direct to Bk Bank here. As I understand it to must go to BKB London then here,then to a Province Branch.?. Why they cant send direct to my BKK Branch seeems stupid.

My Brit Gov service pension is paid into Citi Bank London and then over to Citi Bank, Bangkok and then they send it over to Bangkok Bank.

I have spoke to BBK international funds dept about this and they queried why Citi Bank do not pay it directly to BBK?.

Contacted pension administrator (UK), and they just said "that's the way it is" mad.gif

Its worked well for the last two years, get my Thai beer chits in the local BBK branch, from Pen day its about two working days and sometimes longer with weekends & Thai PH's for the dosh to get here.


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Yeh, it seems like a cut for everyone. Why the Pension Folks cant send MY Money exactly where i say is beyond me. I followed my customers instructions all my life. That's how i made the money i paid it in.. As for BKK Bank,if they had an English Speaking Section with no Dummies who cant speak the Kings Thai, yet alone English there would be Ques a mile long outside. Everytime we get a good one upcountry they get promoted, and the Managers Daughter takes over.:D

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My Brit Gov service pension is paid into Citi Bank London and then over to Citi Bank, Bangkok and then they send it over to Bangkok Bank.

I have spoke to BBK international funds dept about this and they queried why Citi Bank do not pay it directly to BBK?.

Contacted pension administrator (UK), and they just said "that's the way it is"

Its worked well for the last two years, get my Thai beer chits in the local BBK branch, from Pen day its about two working days and sometimes longer with weekends & Thai PH's for the dosh to get here.

My UK Civil Service pension is paid by Capita directly into my Thai bank, usually, on the due date, the down side is that whilst I pay no charges they buy Baht in the UK and then transfer the Baht, and that costs me about 1 - 1.5 Baht in the Pound.

What 'Ianguygill' helpfully suggested to me, or at least he got someone from London to make contact, was that my pension provider pays the pension directly to Bangkok Bank in London who will in turn arrange for it to be credited to you local account. Bangkok Bank account. Bangkok Bank in London with either send Baht or GBP, the later is slightly more expensive so it all depends how much your pension is as to whether this option is cost effective. I am assuming that Citi will also buy the Baht in the UK.


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However, all my transfers are charged by the receiving bank, at their stated rates, which is between 200 and 500 baht (there's a percentage figure, which I've forgotten but those are the min/max figures).

.25%, with the min/max figures you have quoted, I think all banks charge the same, my bank, Kasikorn, certainly does.

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Yeh, it seems like a cut for everyone. Why the Pension Folks cant send MY Money exactly where i say is beyond me.

It's a requirement of their contract with The Cabinet Office, as is their requirement that Baht is purchased in the UK, but, like you, their reasoning escapes me.

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Can not speak to UK specifics but for the US the issue with direct payment of pension is possible fraud and return of money sent in error/after death. In US banks block and return funds to government on death of pensioner but there is no provision for this check if money is sent to overseas accounts. In the US Bangkok Bank is authorized to receive funds as an agreement seems to have been made on return of funds - they are the only Thai bank authorized to do this to my knowledge. They protect themselves by only allowing deposit in a non ATM account that requires the pensioner withdraw funds in person.

For SWIFT transfer not all banks allow internet access (for fraud reasons). Some will require personal appearance; fax with passwords or other proof; phone calls recorded and passwords; signed letters. You need to arrange/know your banks ability and change banks if required.

In US there is a cheaper alternative to SWIFT which is the domestic ACH system as Bangkok Bank is part of that so transfers can be made at domestic rates (often free) with only the intermediate bank and receiving bank charge additional. Believe UK also has such a system?

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Someone asked what a Speeder Was. Well you Paid about 25, Pounds and it hit your Bank here in minutes. I haven't moved money for 7 Years from my Swiss Pension Fund so i don't know if its still the same. Also their service offered to send at their discretion within a 2 Month time-frame as soon as they considered the Baht was as high as it would go. So refreshing, just one Fax and i understood clearly. As for the U.K. Pension Folks, most helpful, perfectly clear , its the Banks they don't like much.

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In US there is a cheaper alternative to SWIFT which is the domestic ACH system as Bangkok Bank is part of that so transfers can be made at domestic rates (often free) with only the intermediate bank and receiving bank charge additional. Believe UK also has such a system?

Yes, it's called BACS, I pay all my bills that way ( I get paid every four weeks so Direct Debits can catch me out sometimes!), same deal as SWIFT really but it's for transfers within the UK, usually funds arrive in the payee's account either immediately, or within two hours. And it's free.

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Someone asked what a Speeder Was. Well you Paid about 25, Pounds and it hit your Bank here in minutes. I haven't moved money for 7 Years from my Swiss Pension Fund so i don't know if its still the same. Also their service offered to send at their discretion within a 2 Month time-frame as soon as they considered the Baht was as high as it would go. So refreshing, just one Fax and i understood clearly. As for the U.K. Pension Folks, most helpful, perfectly clear , its the Banks they don't like much.

Thanks for that, it was me that asked about a 'speeder'.

I like the sound of the 2 month time frame thing, if you've got money waiting to be transferred that is. Mine gets spent too quickly for that! :lol:

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I just dialed our Short Code of 1333

It asked me to enter 2 for English. I did so. It spoke to me in English asking me to select if I want to pay bills... etc.

Please try again. I checked to make sure there had not been a change which messed things up

Yes, I've never had a problem using the automated phone service in English. Also get mobile phone messages sent to me re: deposits and they are always sent in English.

I have no vested interest in Bangkok Bank, but have been using them for going on 15 years virtually trouble-free in all regards.

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My two cents, I had a BBK account for 6 years tried to set up internet banking but never received the required post, after 6 months and countless tries I gave up. Went to SCB and got internet banking on the spot, went to K-Bank and opened a new account, got internet banking on the spot, went back to BBK and closed the account, best thing I ever did!

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