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Can anyone suggest a reliable brand/model of LCD projector? It's for business use only (basically, for powerpoints in front of small groups of around 30 people). It's for work, they want something towards the cheaper end of the spectrum.

If it doesn't weigh a ton, that would also be good.



Hi Crushdepth,

I think most of the projectors will do these days. They can be had now from about 10k baht for the lower resolutions (800x600) to 25/30k baht for the somewhat higer resolutions. These are the cheap ranges. If I would buy a projector I would choose 1 which can display the widescreen format, since most notebooks/desktop screens are now widesreen.

You can check this link for some example prices:

LCD projectors

Of course you can also buy a full HD and /or 3D now, but for powerpoints indeed a cheap projector will do.

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