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50,000 Baht New Car Tax?


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.......and thinking about buying a new car. I'm in Udon Thani and the GF just told me something about a 50,000 baht 'new car' tax law/fee that was just passed. Is this correct? If it is a new law has it gone into effect yet? Also, does it apply to just Farang or Thai as well? I did a search and didn't get much results. Thanks for any input.

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No, nothing lost in translation.....her English is around 80-90%. And today I rented a car and mentioned this to the owners of the car rental place. They told me the 50,000 baht figure was correct but they were not sure when the law would take affect but they were reasonably sure the law had passed.

D_amn...50000 baht a heck of a tax :o

I'm back in Thailand now maybe for good and looking to buy a Fortuner or Honda CRV I think....but still in the shopping mode.


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As far as I know it's just a proposal. Read about it here

Just hope that it doesn't go through. I think it's not a good idea. I'd rather see Tax on petrol used to pay for road development. That way those using big cars that damage the roads most would have to pay the most.

Anyway if it does happen the government will have a lot of money to spend of the roads... and if the do spend it all on road development we should get a lot of nice roads. So it won't be all bad.

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Perhaps we could all take a time out here and review. Believe that there was a misunderstanding and we now have World War III.

OE posted that it is not law yet.

Thetyen posts perhaps something lost in translation.

LDB posts in reply to Thetyen that GF speaks good English and what she said was indeed 50k.

OE takes above reply to be to his post that it is not law yet, rather than to Thetyen, and becomes offended.

LDB becomes offended.

Both sides launch weapons of mass destruction.


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I've heard about this crack pot idea, doubt it'll come into effect though!!

I'm an officer of Thai gov. Do I don't know about this??

If we plan to do not mean we will do it right now.

We look at the effect to car company, customer..etc.

Because we have transporation maga-projects and try to ask for people to use that transit-systems.

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I've heard about this crack pot idea, doubt it'll come into effect though!!

I'm an officer of Thai gov. Do I don't know about this??

If we plan to do not mean we will do it right now.

We look at the effect to car company, customer..etc.

Because we have transporation maga-projects and try to ask for people to use that transit-systems.


Instead of only a tax on purchase, look at a combination with a tax on usage (for Bangkok), similar to the Singapore ERP system.

I hate Singapore for a lot of things, but this ERP is great to regulate the road usage.

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I've heard about this crack pot idea, doubt it'll come into effect though!!

I'm an officer of Thai gov. Do I don't know about this??

If we plan to do not mean we will do it right now.

We look at the effect to car company, customer..etc.

Because we have transporation maga-projects and try to ask for people to use that transit-systems.

Excellent. It's good to here that the governments focus is on mass transit-systems. Which is exactly why this "plan" is so confusing.

In my view this "plan" should never have gotten to the point where the Transport Minister was presenting it to the PM. Surely it should have been seen as flawed and not allowed to progress beyond the "I've got a crazy idea, why don't we make billions of baht more from car sales" stage.

As someone who works for the government you will be aware that such "planning", preparing presentations, arranging meetings etc., costs money. This should have been killed very early! I should not have read about this plan at all. It's an embarrassment to the Thai government.

The amazing thing is that there are many countries working on energy saving programs, trying to develop systems to reduce the demand for cars, and promote the use of mass transit systems and cleaner alternatives. Why not take a look at what these countries are already doing.

If this does go through it will not effect car sales in the way that the government should be wanting to. It will simply encourage people to stretch that little bit further, to buy as big a car as they can. Think about it.

If the focus of the government is to encourage the use of alternative transport systems, to take the burden off the road networks, then why should the 35 billion baht (the rough amount that this plan would bring in per year based on the estimated 700,000 car sales projected for 2006) be spent on road networks?

Edited by pal78
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I'm an officer of Thai gov.

Because we have transporation maga-projects and try to ask for people to use that transit-systems.

Sorry, but there goes your credibility right down the drain.

We don't have mega-projects, Thaksin does.

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OE posted that it is not law yet.

Thetyen posts perhaps something lost in translation.

LDB posts in reply to Thetyen that GF speaks good English and what she said was indeed 50k.

OE takes above reply to be to his post that it is not law yet, rather than to Thetyen, and becomes offended.

LDB becomes offended.

Both sides launch weapons of mass destruction.

So it's all my fault then :o

Ahh well, I needed a holiday anyway

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OE posted that it is not law yet.

Thetyen posts perhaps something lost in translation.

LDB posts in reply to Thetyen that GF speaks good English and what she said was indeed 50k.

OE takes above reply to be to his post that it is not law yet, rather than to Thetyen, and becomes offended.

LDB becomes offended.

Both sides launch weapons of mass destruction.

So it's all my fault then :o

Ahh well, I needed a holiday anyway

Well that was not the meaning I intended but if you were in the taxi and the accident was due to the taxi taking you to your destination I have heard some say it would thus have been your fault. So if we apply that logic I guess so. :D


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Wauw, seems the moderators are all on holiday!! One poster here should have been banned like.... forever... already...

Enjoy your holidays moderators! :D


Could always try using the "Report" button if there is questionable content that you feel a moderator should look at :o

Can we all keep a civil tongue in our heads, i feel there is a little too much flameing going on in this thread and i will be issuing warnings accordingly.

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Several posts deleted - I take out my rubbish at the end of the day :D and I don't like leaving rubbish lying around the forum either.

I have never seen a thread go so ballistic so quickly before. Unbelievable! Chill out people (person?). We all know who. :o

As Wolfie said, PLEASE use the "Report" button - we can't read all topics all the time - and we don't expect wars to erupt in the housing forum!! :D

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.......and thinking about buying a new car.  I'm in Udon Thani and the GF just told me something about a 50,000 baht 'new car' tax law/fee that was just passed.  Is this correct?  If it is a new law has it gone into effect yet?  Also, does it apply to just Farang or Thai as well?  I did a search and didn't get much results.  Thanks for any input.

Sorry I lost my cool. In the future I will not reply to someone when they attack me. If a certain person had taken the time to READ & UNDERSTAND my post perhaps they would not have attacked me on a personal level. Please note that I said "Is this correct?" in the original posting. I simply asked for some input on a subject that came up and I was attacked for doing so. Sad. :o

The good news is my question was answered. :D Thanks.

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