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When you submit the online visa application to VFS for a UK spouse visa, is it OK to fill in the form based on the answers you expect to be correct at the time of your physical appointment ?

I'm planning to fly to Thailand, meet my girlfriend, register the marriage and submit the visa application all in the same week. She's going to submit the online application in advance and book the appointment.

I'm also assuming that we will be able to get an appointment on the day we want... I tried to look at how likely this is but you must fill in several pages of personal details to get close to seeing what is available.


What kind of spouse visa are you applying for? Settlement or a visit?

I'm not 100% sure what you mean when you say 'the answers you expect to be correct' but I'm assuming you mean the fact that you aren't married but will be by then?

I don't know if that will be ok, maybe others will be able to help with that one.

As for the appointment, there's no guarantee that the day you want will be available, they might be fully booked on that day.

The appointment booking system only shows slots for a week in advance, having said that, when I booked one for my wife, there was availability on every day.

If you can, book one as soon as the on-line application is submitted, and give yourself some leeway in getting all the marriage registration done. Things have a way of taking longer than you planned for in Thailand!

If you can't make the original appointment, for whatever reason, you can cancel it and book another one.

You could wait until you are actually married before submitting the application on-line, it only takes a few seconds, but that would reduce the amount of days available for the appointment.

Just a reminder, you won't be able to go in with her for the appointment, it's her application not yours. They won't let you in the VFS offices.

Maybe your time scale is a bit tight? You're girlfriend might have to submit the documents the following week, you'll only find out when you come to book the appointment.

Good luck with it all :)



We will be applying for a settlement visa.

I'm not 100% sure what you mean when you say 'the answers you expect to be correct'

I mean, we will be married, the date that we last saw each other will be the day of the appointment, etc. At the time of the online submission, none of that will have happened yet.

As for the appointment, there's no guarantee that the day you want will be available, they might be fully booked on that day.

That was why I was trying to take a look to see what the situation with availability was.

My schedule for doing the visa application and everything else is tight, that's why I'm trying to answer as many of these questions as possible before I go. I realise that things may take longer, I have some extra days set aside for contingency.

Thanks for your help.


You don't have to be in Thailand when the application is submitted, and, as bifftastic says, it will make no difference if you are as you have no part in the application process, and you will not be interviewed. My thoughts are that you get married, then complete the application, etc. Bear in mind that the application form contains a declaration, that your girlfriend will have to agree to when submitting the form, that everything she has said is true. The visa officer would be well within his rights to refuse the application on the grounds that false statements were made when applying. I don't quite know what to liken it to, but it seems a bit like driving a car a week before you take the test, and when you get stopped by the police you tell them that you expect to pass your test next week. What you are proposing that your girlfriend should do is to make a false statement. She could be banned from applying if the visa officer took the matter to its extreme.


Yes, indeed, it definitely wouldn't be allright to say your married when you're not!

If none of it will have happened yet, then you can't say it's happened in the application, because it would be a lie!

The date on your marriage certificate would be after the date of submission!

Your application would be refused and your wife could be banned from applying again, possibly for ten years!

You have to get married first and then submit the application.

Get married, get all the translations done, get the supporting evidence folder sorted out, make sure you've included everything you need, double check it all, twice, then check the on-line application,submit it and book the appointment.

You don't need to be there for the appointment, your wife will just hand over the documents and have her biometrics taken. Then you wait for the decision.

The fact that you don't have much time in Thailand means you need to concentrate on getting all the evidence right, not focusing on the submission of the application or the appointment, that's the very last step, and the easiest, which your wife will have to do alone.

Do it right, and do it in the right order.

Don't worry about her going to the VFS building alone, my wife went there a couple of weeks ago and I warned her about the agency sharks hanging around, but there weren't any. She just went in, got the bank order downstairs, took the lift up to the VFS office, the guy on the door checked her appointment number and she went in, handed over the documents, had her photo/fingerprints taken, paid them, got a receipt and left.

Nothing to worry about :)

Good luck,



Hey guys, chill out. No one was talking about lying on the application form.

In my mind, I saw the online application as a "preview" of the application form that you will submit at VFS. Only the physical application would be the real application (otherwise there would be no need to ask for the form again).

I was thinking that for some questions, it would be

Are you married? : Yes.

When were you married ? : (Date in the future)

Most reasonable people would see that it hasn't happened yet rather than a lie. Besides they probably want the "preview" so they can start checking out the background to the British partner, which is going to take longer. Checking marriage certificates would wait until they can see the original copy.

Anyway, this is all academic, it can't be done this way. Thanks for confirming this, I will do it the proper way.


Don't worry about her going to the VFS building alone, my wife went there a couple of weeks ago and I warned her about the agency sharks hanging around, but there weren't any. She just went in, got the bank order downstairs, took the lift up to the VFS office, the guy on the door checked her appointment number and she went in, handed over the documents, had her photo/fingerprints taken, paid them, got a receipt and left.

Hi bifftastic,

Sorry to push in on the conversation, but I wasnt aware you could get the bank order in the same building as the VFS office!!!

My Mrs is going there on Monday and I was wondering about where to get the bank order. Thanks


My Mrs is going there on Monday and I was wondering about where to get the bank order. Thanks

Yes, there are banks on the ground floor of Regent House.

Have to agree with Biff about the agents that lurk in and around the building, many people get caught out by them.



"In my mind, I saw the online application as a "preview" of the application form that you will submit at VFS. Only the physical application would be the real application (otherwise there would be no need to ask for the form again). "

I wouldn't say thats true. If it wasn't important and was only a "preview" I very much doubt they would convert the entire system over to online applications. The reason for the "real" form is because they need to have a signed copy


Don't worry about her going to the VFS building alone, my wife went there a couple of weeks ago and I warned her about the agency sharks hanging around, but there weren't any. She just went in, got the bank order downstairs, took the lift up to the VFS office, the guy on the door checked her appointment number and she went in, handed over the documents, had her photo/fingerprints taken, paid them, got a receipt and left.

Hi bifftastic,

Sorry to push in on the conversation, but I wasnt aware you could get the bank order in the same building as the VFS office!!!

My Mrs is going there on Monday and I was wondering about where to get the bank order. Thanks

Yes mate, it's by the front door on the right hand side. One less thing to worry about :)


Hey guys, chill out. No one was talking about lying on the application form.

In my mind, I saw the online application as a "preview" of the application form that you will submit at VFS. Only the physical application would be the real application (otherwise there would be no need to ask for the form again).

I was thinking that for some questions, it would be

Are you married? : Yes.

When were you married ? : (Date in the future)

Most reasonable people would see that it hasn't happened yet rather than a lie. Besides they probably want the "preview" so they can start checking out the background to the British partner, which is going to take longer. Checking marriage certificates would wait until they can see the original copy.

Anyway, this is all academic, it can't be done this way. Thanks for confirming this, I will do it the proper way.

I understand what you're saying, however,

Are you married? : Yes. When were you married ? : (Date in the future) means that the answer to the first question isn't true! Which makes it... a lie! :)

It's not a 'preview' it's the actual application, your wife needs to print a copy of it and sign it, declaring that everything included in it, is true.

I just don't want your application to be refused.


Good luck with it all,



My Mrs is going there on Monday and I was wondering about where to get the bank order. Thanks

Yes, there are banks on the ground floor of Regent House.

Have to agree with Biff about the agents that lurk in and around the building, many people get caught out by them.

There weren't any :)

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