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Excel Filesize


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I have an Excel file with growing size. I read before that it is possible to delete unnecessary dates, like history which is safed along with the file. I heared it is possible to reduce to the half filesize and there are tools for that.

I googled for that but did not find anything usefull. Anyone here has an idea?

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Unfotunately Excel does not have a 'compact' function like Access does :o

Usually the cause of file bloat is that Excel thinks the data is bigger than

it really is.

Try this on a COPY of your file, just in case disaster strikes.

You know the last column of your data and the last row. The cell at the

bottom right of this range is the last cell of your actual data.

Now do Ctrl - End

That takes you to the cell that Excel thinks is the last cell of your data. If they differ significantly do this:-

In the Name box of your sheet (usually right above column A) type X:65536

where X is the row number immediately below the last row of your actual


Hit Enter. This will select every cell below your last data.

Do Edit - Clear - All. This clears every row below your actual data.

In the same Name box type X:IV where X is the column letter of the column

immediately to the right of the last column of your actual data.

Hit Enter. This will select every cell to the right of your last data.

Do Edit - Clear - All. This clears every column to the right of your actual data.

Save the file.

Close the file.

Open the file.

Repeat for each worksheet.

Worth a shot, as always YMMV.

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I'll try that!

Thanks a lot :D

Unfotunately Excel does not have a 'compact' function like Access does  :o

Usually the cause of file bloat is that Excel thinks the data is bigger than

it really is.

Try this on a COPY of your file, just in case disaster strikes.

You know the last column of your data and the last row. The cell at the

bottom right of this range is the last cell of your actual data.

Now do Ctrl - End

That takes you to the cell that Excel thinks is the last cell of your data. If they differ significantly do this:-

In the Name box of your sheet (usually right above column A) type X:65536

where X is the row number immediately below the last row of your actual


Hit Enter. This will select every cell below your last data.

Do Edit - Clear - All. This clears every row below your actual data.

In the same Name box type X:IV where X is the column letter of the column

immediately to the right of the last column of your actual data.

Hit Enter. This will select every cell to the right of your last data.

Do Edit - Clear - All. This clears every column to the right of your actual data.

Save the file.

Close the file.

Open the file.

Repeat for each worksheet.

Worth a shot, as always YMMV.

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strange it made the filesize from 8.24 MB to 13.2 MB..... :o

so next idea, please hahahaha....

Unfotunately Excel does not have a 'compact' function like Access does  :D

Usually the cause of file bloat is that Excel thinks the data is bigger than

it really is.

Try this on a COPY of your file, just in case disaster strikes.

You know the last column of your data and the last row. The cell at the

bottom right of this range is the last cell of your actual data.

Now do Ctrl - End

That takes you to the cell that Excel thinks is the last cell of your data. If they differ significantly do this:-

In the Name box of your sheet (usually right above column A) type X:65536

where X is the row number immediately below the last row of your actual


Hit Enter. This will select every cell below your last data.

Do Edit - Clear - All. This clears every row below your actual data.

In the same Name box type X:IV where X is the column letter of the column

immediately to the right of the last column of your actual data.

Hit Enter. This will select every cell to the right of your last data.

Do Edit - Clear - All. This clears every column to the right of your actual data.

Save the file.

Close the file.

Open the file.

Repeat for each worksheet.

Worth a shot, as always YMMV.

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Try this:

Sub ReduceFilesize()

' Re-set used range

Dim myLastRow As Long

Dim myLastCol As Long

Dim wks As Worksheet

Dim dummyRng As Range

For Each wks In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets

With wks

myLastRow = 0

myLastCol = 0

Set dummyRng = .UsedRange

On Error Resume Next

myLastRow = _

.Cells.Find("*", after:=.Cells(1), _

LookIn:=xlFormulas, lookat:=xlWhole, _

searchdirection:=xlPrevious, _


myLastCol = _

.Cells.Find("*", after:=.Cells(1), _

LookIn:=xlFormulas, lookat:=xlWhole, _

searchdirection:=xlPrevious, _


On Error GoTo 0

If myLastRow * myLastCol = 0 Then



.Range(.Cells(myLastRow + 1, 1), _

.Cells(.Rows.Count, 1)).EntireRow.Delete

.Range(.Cells(1, myLastCol + 1), _

.Cells(1, .Columns.Count)).EntireColumn.Delete

End If

End With

Next wks

End Sub

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Open your sheet,

then on the top bar menu :

File>save as

select tab delimited, or CSV, or text (depend of the versin of excel)

give a new name (in case of )


Close all


unplug the computer, go to your favorite bar and take a beer (joking)

After reboot, open excell then import data (or just drag and drop the text file you have created in Excell)

you should have a new spreadsheet will only your data (Assuming you are looking only for that).

Another way is to convert it in Acees format, then clean it with Access, and then save the cleaned speadsheet from Access as a Excell file (in that case you will keep the macro)

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